matbu d6858a3315 Provide a way to run non-Ansible Validation
This patch allow the user to provide non-ansible Validation
to run on the hosts.
The Python or bash script given by the user are still run with Ansible
to take benefits of the feature offer by Ansible (running tasks via ssh
on remote hosts).

The python or bash script provided via the CLI is dumped into a generic
playbook and run with Ansible via the script builtin module.

the CLI looks like:
validation run --validation \
    --validation-dir /home/stack/validations \
    --type python --limit compute --inventory /home/stack/myhost.yaml

Change-Id: I5eb4b62d30aab823de0a361128d0bff767be69aa
2021-06-02 10:29:19 +02:00

703 lines
29 KiB

# Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import os
import json
import tempfile
import yaml
from validations_libs.ansible import Ansible as v_ansible
from import Group
from validations_libs.validation_logs import ValidationLogs, ValidationLog
from validations_libs import constants
from validations_libs import utils as v_utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".validation_actions")
class ValidationActions(object):
"""An object for encapsulating the Validation Actions
This class allows the possibility to execute the following actions:
- List the available validations
- Show detailed information about one validation
- Show the available parameters for one or multiple validations
- Show the list of the validation groups
- Run one or multiple validations, by name(s) or by group(s)
- Show the history of the validations executions
def __init__(self, validation_path=None, group=None):
self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".ValidationActions")
self.validation_path = (validation_path if validation_path
def list_validations(self, group=None):
"""Get a list of the available validations
This is used to print table from python ``Tuple`` with ``PrettyTable``.
.. code:: text
| ID | Name | Groups |
| validation1 | Name of the validation1 | ['group1'] |
| validation2 | Name of the validation2 | ['group1', 'group2'] |
| validation3 | Name of the validation3 | ['group4] |
:return: The list of the available validations
:rtype: `tuple`
>>> path = "/foo/bar"
>>> action = ValidationActions(validation_path=path)
>>> results = action.list_validations()
>>> print(results)
(('ID', 'Name', 'Groups'),
[('validation1', 'Name of the validation1', ['group1']),
('validation2', 'Name of the validation2', ['group1', 'group2'])])
self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".list_validations")
validations = v_utils.parse_all_validations_on_disk(
self.validation_path, group)
return_values = []
column_name = ('ID', 'Name', 'Groups')
for val in validations:
return_values.append((val.get('id'), val.get('name'),
return (column_name, return_values)
def show_validations(self, validation,
"""Display detailed information about a Validation
:param validation: The name of the validation
:type validation: `string`
:param log_path: The absolute path of the validations logs
:type log_path: `string`
:return: The detailed information for a validation
:rtype: `dict`
>>> path = "/foo/bar"
>>> validation = 'foo'
>>> action = ValidationActions(validation_path=path)
>>> results = action.show_validations(validation=validation)
>>> print(results)
'Description': 'Description of the foo validation',
'Groups': ['group1', 'group2'],
'ID': 'foo',
'Last execution date': None,
'Name': 'Name of the validation foo',
'Number of execution': 'Total: 0, Passed: 0, Failed: 0',
'Parameters': {'foo1': bar1}
self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".show_validations")
# Get validation data:
vlog = ValidationLogs(log_path)
data = v_utils.get_validations_data(validation, self.validation_path)
if not data:
msg = "Validation {} not found in the path: {}".format(
raise RuntimeError(msg)
logfiles = vlog.get_logfile_content_by_validation(validation)
data_format = vlog.get_validations_stats(logfiles)
return data
def _skip_hosts(self, skip_list, playbook, limit_hosts=None):
"""Check Ansible Hosts and return an updated limit_hosts
:param skip_list: The list of the validation to skip
:type validation_name: ``dict``
:param playbook: The name of the playbook
:type base_dir: ``string``
:param limit_hosts: Limit the execution to the hosts.
:type limit_hosts: ``string``
:return the limit hosts according the skip_list or None if the
validation should be skipped on ALL hosts.
limit_hosts = 'cloud1,cloud2'
skip_list = {'xyz': {'hosts': 'cloud1',
'reason': None,
'lp': None}
>>> _skip_hosts(skip_list, playbook, limit_hosts='cloud1,cloud2')
hosts = skip_list[playbook].get('hosts')
if hosts == 'ALL' or hosts is None:
return None
_hosts = ['!{}'.format(hosts)]
if limit_hosts:
# check if skipped hosts is already in limit host
_hosts.extend([limit for limit in limit_hosts.split(',')
if hosts not in limit])
return ','.join(_hosts)
def _skip_playbook(self, skip_list, playbook, limit_hosts=None):
"""Check if playbook is in the ski plist
:param skip_list: The list of the validation to skip
:type validation_name: ``dict``
:param playbook: The name of the playbook
:type base_dir: ``string``
:param limit_hosts: Limit the execution to the hosts.
:type limit_hosts: ``string``
:return a tuple of playbook and hosts
skip_list = {'xyz': {'hosts': 'cloud1',
'reason': None,
'lp': None}
If playbook not in skip list:
>>> _skip_playbook(skip_list, 'foo', None)
('foo', None)
If playbook in the skip list, but with restriction only on
host cloud1:
>>> _skip_playbook(skip_list, 'xyz', None)
('xyz', '!cloud1')
If playbook in the skip list, and should be skip on ALL hosts:
skip_list = {'xyz': {'hosts': 'ALL',
'reason': None,
'lp': None}
>>> _skip_playbook(skip_list, 'xyz', None)
(None, None)
if skip_list:
if playbook in skip_list.keys():
_hosts = self._skip_hosts(skip_list, playbook,
if _hosts:
return playbook, _hosts
return None, _hosts
return playbook, limit_hosts
def _retrieve_latest_results(self, logs, history_limit):
"""Retrieve the most recent validation results.
Previously retrieved logs are sorted in ascending order,
with the last time the file was modified serving as a key.
Finally we take the last `n` logs, where `n` == `history_limit`
and return them while discarding the time information.
history_limit = min(history_limit, len(logs))
logs = sorted(
[(os.stat(path).st_mtime, path) for path in logs],
key=lambda path: path[0])
return [path[1] for path in logs[-history_limit:]]
def run_validations(self, validation_name=None, inventory='localhost',
group=None, extra_vars=None, validations_dir=None,
extra_env_vars=None, ansible_cfg=None, quiet=True,
workdir=None, limit_hosts=None, run_async=False,
log_path=None, python_interpreter=None,
ssh_user=None, validation_type='ansible'):
"""Run one or multiple validations by name(s) or by group(s)
:param validation_name: A list of validation names
:type validation_name: ``list``
:param inventory: Either proper inventory file, or a comma-separated
list. (Defaults to ``localhost``)
:type inventory: ``string``
:param group: A list of group names
:type group: ``list``
:param extra_vars: Set additional variables as a Dict or the absolute
path of a JSON or YAML file type.
:type extra_vars: Either a Dict or the absolute path of JSON or YAML
:param validations_dir: The absolute path of the validations playbooks
:type validations_dir: ``string``
:param extra_env_vars: Set additional ansible variables using an
extravar dictionary.
:type extra_env_vars: ``dict``
:param ansible_cfg: Path to an ansible configuration file. One will be
generated in the artifact path if this option is
:type ansible_cfg: ``string``
:param quiet: Disable all output (Defaults to ``True``)
:type quiet: ``Boolean``
:param workdir: Location of the working directory
:type workdir: ``string``
:param limit_hosts: Limit the execution to the hosts.
:type limit_hosts: ``string``
:param run_async: Enable the Ansible asynchronous mode
(Defaults to ``False``)
:type run_async: ``boolean``
:param base_dir: The absolute path of the validations base directory
(Defaults to
:type base_dir: ``string``
:param log_path: The absolute path of the validations logs directory
:type log_path: ``string``
:param python_interpreter: Path to the Python interpreter to be
used for module execution on remote targets,
or an automatic discovery mode (``auto``,
``auto_silent`` or the default one
:type python_interpreter: ``string``
:param callback_whitelist: Comma separated list of callback plugins.
Custom output_callback is also whitelisted.
(Defaults to ``None``)
:type callback_whitelist: ``list`` or ``string``
:param output_callback: The Callback plugin to use.
(Defaults to 'validation_stdout')
:type output_callback: ``string``
:param skip_list: List of validations to skip during the Run form as
{'xyz': {'hosts': 'ALL', 'reason': None, 'lp': None}
(Defaults to 'None')
:type skip_list: ``dict``
:return: A list of dictionary containing the informations of the
validations executions (Validations, Duration, Host_Group,
Status, Status_by_Host, UUID and Unreachable_Hosts)
:rtype: ``list``
:param ssh_user: Ssh user for Ansible remote connection
:type ssh_user: ``string``
:param validation_type: Type of Validation to run, it could be
Ansible playbook, Python or bash script.
:type validation_type: ``string``
>>> path = "/u/s/a"
>>> validation_name = ['foo', 'bar']
>>> actions = ValidationActions(validation_path=path)
>>> results = actions.run_validations(inventory='localhost',
>>> print(results)
[{'Duration': '0:00:02.285',
'Host_Group': 'all',
'Status': 'PASSED',
'Status_by_Host': 'localhost,PASSED',
'UUID': '62d4d54c-7cce-4f38-9091-292cf49268d7',
'Unreachable_Hosts': '',
'Validations': 'foo'},
{'Duration': '0:00:02.237',
'Host_Group': 'all',
'Status': 'PASSED',
'Status_by_Host': 'localhost,PASSED',
'UUID': '04e6165c-7c33-4881-bac7-73ff3f909c24',
'Unreachable_Hosts': '',
'Validations': 'bar'}]
self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".run_validations")
playbooks = []
validations_dir = (validations_dir if validations_dir
else self.validation_path)
if group:
self.log.debug('Getting the validations list by group')
validations = v_utils.parse_all_validations_on_disk(
validations_dir, group)
for val in validations:
playbooks.append(val.get('id') + '.yaml')
except Exception as e:
elif validation_name:
validation_name = v_utils.convert_data(validation_name)
playbooks = v_utils.get_validations_playbook(validations_dir,
if not playbooks or len(validation_name) != len(playbooks):
p = []
for play in playbooks:
unknown_validation = list(set(validation_name) - set(p))
msg = "Validation {} not found in {}.".format(
unknown_validation, validations_dir)
raise RuntimeError(msg)
raise RuntimeError("No validations found")
self.log.debug('Running the validations with Ansible')
results = []
for playbook in playbooks:
# Check if playbook should be skipped and on which hosts
play_name = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(playbook)[0])
_play, _hosts = self._skip_playbook(skip_list,
if _play:
# Handle non-ansible Validation type:
filename = None
if validation_type != 'ansible':
if limit_hosts:
for play in constants.GENERIC_PLAYBOOK:
play.update({'hosts': _hosts})
for tasks in play['tasks']:
tasks.update({'name': os.path.basename(_play)})
tasks.update({'script': playbook})
_, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(
with open(filename, 'w') as tmp_play:
except OSError:
msg = "Unable to write temporary playbook in /tmp."
raise OSError(msg)
playbook = filename
msg = "No valid hosts provided"
raise RuntimeError(msg)
validation_uuid, artifacts_dir = v_utils.create_artifacts_dir(
dir_path=log_path, prefix=os.path.basename(_play))
run_ansible = v_ansible(validation_uuid)
_playbook, _rc, _status =
results.append({'playbook': _play,
'rc_code': _rc,
'status': _status,
'validations': _playbook.split('.')[0],
'UUID': validation_uuid,
# clean /tmp if non Ansible validation
if filename:
self.log.debug('Skipping Validations: {}'.format(playbook))
if run_async:
return results
# Return log results
uuid = [id['UUID'] for id in results]
vlog = ValidationLogs()
return vlog.get_results(uuid)
def group_information(self, groups):
"""Get Information about Validation Groups
This is used to print table from python ``Tuple`` with ``PrettyTable``.
.. code:: text
| Groups | Description | Number of Validations |
| group1 | Description of group1 | 3 |
| group2 | Description of group2 | 12 |
| group3 | Description of group3 | 1 |
:param groups: The absolute path of the groups.yaml file
:type groups: ``string``
:return: The list of the available groups with their description and
the numbers of validation belonging to them.
:rtype: ``tuple``
>>> groups = "/foo/bar/groups.yaml"
>>> actions = ValidationActions(constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR)
>>> group_info = actions.group_information(groups)
>>> print(group_info)
(('Groups', 'Desciption', 'Number of Validations'),
[('group1', 'Description of group1', 3),
('group2', 'Description of group2', 12),
('group3', 'Description of group3', 1)])
val_gp = Group(groups)
group = val_gp.get_formated_group
group_info = []
# Get validations number by groups
for gp in group:
validations = v_utils.parse_all_validations_on_disk(
self.validation_path, gp[0])
group_info.append((gp[0], gp[1], len(validations)))
column_name = ("Groups", "Description", "Number of Validations")
return (column_name, group_info)
def show_validations_parameters(self, validation=None, group=None,
output_format='json', download_file=None):
Return Validations Parameters for one or several validations by their
names or their groups.
:param validation: List of validation name(s)
:type validation: `list`
:param group: List of validation group(s)
:type group: `list`
:param output_format: Output format (Supported format are JSON or YAML)
:type output_format: `string`
:param download_file: Path of a file in which the parameters will be
:type download_file: `string`
:return: A JSON or a YAML dump (By default, JSON).
if `download_file` is used, a file containing only the
parameters will be created in the file system.
>>> validation = ['check-cpu', 'check-ram']
>>> group = None
>>> output_format = 'json'
>>> show_validations_parameters(validation, group, output_format)
"check-cpu": {
"parameters": {
"minimal_cpu_count": 8
"check-ram": {
"parameters": {
"minimal_ram_gb": 24
if not validation:
validation = []
if not group:
group = []
supported_format = ['json', 'yaml']
if output_format not in supported_format:
raise RuntimeError("{} output format not supported".format(output_format))
validations = v_utils.get_validations_playbook(
self.validation_path, validation, group)
params = v_utils.get_validations_parameters(validations, validation,
if download_file:
params_only = {}
with open(download_file, 'w') as f:
for val_name in params.keys():
if output_format == 'json':
return params
def show_history(self, validation_ids=None, extension='json',
"""Return validation executions history
:param validation_ids: The validation ids
:type validation_ids: a list of strings
:param extension: The log file extension (Defaults to ``json``)
:type extension: ``string``
:param log_path: The absolute path of the validations logs directory
:type log_path: ``string``
:param history_limit: The number of most recent history logs
to be displayed.
:type history_limit: ``int``
:return: Returns the information about the validation executions
:rtype: ``tuple``
>>> actions = ValidationActions(constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR)
>>> print(actions.show_history())
(('UUID', 'Validations', 'Status', 'Execution at', 'Duration'),
>>> actions = ValidationActions(constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR)
>>> print(actions.show_history(validation_ids=['foo']))
(('UUID', 'Validations', 'Status', 'Execution at', 'Duration'),
vlogs = ValidationLogs(log_path)
if validation_ids:
if not isinstance(validation_ids, list):
validation_ids = [validation_ids]
logs = []
for validation_id in validation_ids:
logs = vlogs.get_all_logfiles(extension)
if history_limit and history_limit < len(logs):
logs = self._retrieve_latest_results(logs, history_limit)
values = []
column_name = ('UUID', 'Validations',
'Status', 'Execution at',
for log in logs:
vlog = ValidationLog(logfile=log)
if vlog.is_valid_format():
for play in vlog.get_plays:
values.append((play['id'], play['validation_id'],
return (column_name, values)
def get_status(self, validation_id=None, uuid=None, status='FAILED',
"""Return validations execution details by status
:param validation_id: The validation id
:type validation_id: ``string``
:param uuid: The UUID of the execution
:type uuid: ``string``
:param status: The status of the execution (Defaults to FAILED)
:type status: ``string``
:param log_path: The absolute path of the validations logs directory
:type log_path: ``string``
:return: A list of validations execution with details and by status
:rtype: ``tuple``
>>> actions = ValidationActions(validation_path='/foo/bar')
>>> status = actions.get_status(validation_id='foo'))
>>> print(status)
(['name', 'host', 'status', 'task_data'],
[('Check if debug mode is disabled.',
{'_ansible_no_log': False,
'action': 'fail',
'changed': False,
'failed': True,
'msg': 'Debug mode is not disabled.'}),
('Check if debug mode is disabled.',
{'_ansible_no_log': False,
'action': 'fail',
'changed': False,
'failed': True,
'msg': 'Debug mode is not disabled.'}),
('Check if debug mode is disabled.',
{'_ansible_no_log': False,
'action': 'fail',
'changed': False,
'failed': True,
'msg': 'Debug mode is not disabled.'})])
vlogs = ValidationLogs(log_path)
if validation_id:
logs = vlogs.get_logfile_by_validation(validation_id)
elif uuid:
logs = vlogs.get_logfile_by_uuid(uuid)
raise RuntimeError("You need to provide a validation_id or a uuid")
values = []
column_name = ['name', 'host', 'status', 'task_data']
for log in logs:
vlog = ValidationLog(logfile=log)
if vlog.is_valid_format():
for task in vlog.get_tasks_data:
if task['status'] == status:
for host in task['hosts']:
values.append((task['name'], host, task['status'],
return (column_name, values)