metadata: id: first_deduced_alarm_ever_nagios definitions: entities: - entity: category: ALARM name: Uptime template_id: alarm_1 - entity: category: RESOURCE type: nova.instance template_id: instance - entity: category: RESOURCE type: template_id: host - entity: category: ALARM name: another_nagios_alarm template_id: alarm_2 relationships: - relationship: source: alarm_1 target: host relationship_type: on template_id : alarm_on_host - relationship: source: alarm_2 target: instance relationship_type: on template_id : alarm_on_instance - relationship: source: host target: instance relationship_type: contains template_id: host_contains_instance scenarios: - scenario: condition: alarm_on_host and host_contains_instance actions: - action: action_type: raise_alarm action_target: target: instance properties: alarm_name: another_nagios_alarm severity: warning - scenario: condition: alarm_on_host and alarm_on_instance and host_contains_instance actions: - action: action_type: add_causal_relationship action_target: source: alarm_1 target: alarm_2