
101 lines
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# Copyright 2016 - Nokia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
from oslo_log import log
from vitrage.api_handler.apis.base import ALARM_QUERY
from vitrage.api_handler.apis.base import ALARMS_ALL_QUERY
from vitrage.api_handler.apis.base import EntityGraphApisBase
from vitrage.common.constants import EntityCategory
from vitrage.common.constants import VertexProperties as VProps
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class AlarmApis(EntityGraphApisBase):
def __init__(self, entity_graph, conf):
self.entity_graph = entity_graph
self.conf = conf
def get_alarms(self, ctx, vitrage_id, all_tenants):
LOG.debug("AlarmApis get_alarms - vitrage_id: %s, all_tenants=%s",
str(vitrage_id), all_tenants)
project_id = ctx.get(self.TENANT_PROPERTY, None)
is_admin_project = ctx.get(self.IS_ADMIN_PROJECT_PROPERTY, False)
if not vitrage_id or vitrage_id == 'all':
if all_tenants:
alarms = self.entity_graph.get_vertices(
alarms = self._get_alarms(project_id, is_admin_project)
alarms += self._get_alarms_via_resource(project_id,
alarms = set(alarms)
alarms = self.entity_graph.neighbors(
vertex_attr_filter={VProps.CATEGORY: EntityCategory.ALARM,
VProps.IS_DELETED: False})
return json.dumps({'alarms': [ for v in alarms]})
def _get_alarms(self, project_id, is_admin_project):
"""Finds all the alarms with project_id
Finds all the alarms which has the project_id. In case the tenant is
admin then project_id can also be None.
:type project_id: string
:type is_admin_project: boolean
:rtype: list
alarm_query = self._get_query_with_project(EntityCategory.ALARM,
alarms = self.entity_graph.get_vertices(query_dict=alarm_query)
return self._filter_alarms(alarms, project_id)
def _get_alarms_via_resource(self, project_id, is_admin_project):
"""Finds all the alarms with project_id on their resource
Finds all the resource which has project_id and return all the alarms
on those resources project_id. In case the tenant is admin then
project_id can also be None.
:type project_id: string
:type is_admin_project: boolean
:rtype: list
resource_query = self._get_query_with_project(EntityCategory.RESOURCE,
alarms = []
resources = self.entity_graph.get_vertices(query_dict=resource_query)
for resource in resources:
new_alarms = \
resource.vertex_id, vertex_attr_filter=ALARM_QUERY)
alarms = alarms + new_alarms
return alarms