Idan Hefetz a859882b47 Template version 3 - short format
Added version 3 syntax and content validation and a new loader,
with unitests.

Story: 2004871
Task: 29130
Change-Id: Ia6935b561b4123e99e35f46d6a2a07267edd92ea
2019-01-28 14:00:52 +00:00

192 lines
5.9 KiB

# Copyright 2017 - Nokia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
from collections import namedtuple
from sympy.logic.boolalg import And
from sympy.logic.boolalg import Not
from sympy.logic.boolalg import Or
from sympy.logic.boolalg import to_dnf as sympy_to_dnf
from sympy import Symbol
ConditionVar = namedtuple('ConditionVar', ['symbol_name', 'positive'])
class SymbolResolver(object):
def is_relationship(self, symbol):
def get_relationship_source_id(self, relationship):
def get_relationship_target_id(self, relationship):
def get_entity_id(self, entity):
def get_condition_common_targets(condition,
"""Return the targets that are common to all clauses of the condition.
Common targets include:
* And condition - any vertex that is part of the condition can
be a target
* Not condition - no vertex that is part of the condition can
be a target
* Or condition - vertices that appear in any "positive" part (i.e. one
that doesn't have a 'not' in front of it) of the
Or condition
A complete description of all options can be found in Vitrage
'external-actions' spec.
The condition format:
[[and_var1, and_var2, ...], or_list_2, ...]
:return: A set of vertices that are common to all clauses of the condition
clauses_targets = []
for clause in condition:
clause_targets = set()
for term in clause:
if term.positive:
symbol = definitions_index.get(term.symbol_name)
if symbol and symbol_resolver.is_relationship(symbol):
elif symbol:
return set.intersection(*clauses_targets)
def is_condition_include_positive_clause(condition):
"""Check if a condition is positive
A positive condition has at least one part that is not 'not'
Positive conditions:
host and not host_contains_instance
Negative conditions:
not host_contains_instance
not host_contains_instance or not alarm_on_host
The condition format:
[[and_var1, and_var2, ...], or_list_2, ...]
:return: True if the condition is positive
is_positive = False
for clause in condition:
for term in clause:
if term.positive:
is_positive = True
return is_positive
def parse_condition(condition_str):
"""Parse condition string into an object
The condition string will be converted here into DNF (Disjunctive
Normal Form), e.g., (X and Y) or (X and Z) or (X and V and not W)
... where X, Y, Z, V, W are either entities or relationships
more details:
The condition variable lists is then extracted from the DNF object.
It is a list of lists. Each inner list represents an AND expression
compound condition variables. The outer list presents the OR
[[and_var1, and_var2, ...], or_list_2, ...]
:param condition_str: the string as it written in the template
:return: condition_vars_lists
condition_dnf = convert_to_dnf_format(condition_str)
if isinstance(condition_dnf, Or):
return extract_or_condition(condition_dnf)
if isinstance(condition_dnf, And):
return [extract_and_condition(condition_dnf)]
if isinstance(condition_dnf, Not):
return [(extract_not_condition_var(condition_dnf))]
if isinstance(condition_dnf, Symbol):
return [[(extract_condition_var(condition_dnf, True))]]
def convert_to_dnf_format(condition_str):
condition_str = condition_str.replace(' and ', '&')
condition_str = condition_str.replace(' AND ', '&')
condition_str = condition_str.replace(' or ', '|')
condition_str = condition_str.replace(' OR ', '|')
condition_str = condition_str.replace(' not ', '~')
condition_str = condition_str.replace(' NOT ', '~')
condition_str = condition_str.replace('not ', '~')
condition_str = condition_str.replace('NOT ', '~')
return sympy_to_dnf(condition_str)
def extract_or_condition(or_condition):
vars_ = []
for var in or_condition.args:
if isinstance(var, And):
is_symbol = isinstance(var, Symbol)
vars_.append([extract_condition_var(var, is_symbol)])
return vars_
def extract_and_condition(and_condition):
return [extract_condition_var(arg, isinstance(arg, Symbol))
for arg in and_condition.args]
def extract_not_condition_var(not_condition):
return [extract_condition_var(arg, False)
for arg in not_condition.args]
def extract_condition_var(symbol, positive):
if isinstance(symbol, Not):
return extract_not_condition_var(symbol)[0]
return ConditionVar(, positive)