diff --git a/doc/source/image_src/plantuml/class_diagram_goal_from_strategy.txt b/doc/source/image_src/plantuml/class_diagram_goal_from_strategy.txt
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/image_src/plantuml/class_diagram_goal_from_strategy.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+class "Base Strategy" {
+  String goal_id
+  String goal_display_name
+  String strategy_id
+  String strategy_display_name
+  Solution execute()
+class "Energy Base Strategy" {
+  String goal_id="REDUCE_ENERGY"
+  String goal_display_name="Reduce Energy"
+class "IO Base Strategy" {
+  String goal_id="REDUCE_DISK_IO"
+  String goal_display_name="Reduce Disk IO"
+class "Network Bandwidth Base Strategy" {
+  String goal_display_name="Reduce Network Bandwidth"
+class "Energy Strategy A" {
+  String strategy_id="ENERGY_STRATEGY_A"
+  String strategy_display_name="Energy Strategy A"
+class "Energy Strategy B" {
+  String strategy_id="ENERGY_STRATEGY_B"
+  String strategy_display_name="Energy Strategy B"
+"Base Strategy" <|-- "IO Base Strategy"
+"Base Strategy" <|-- "Energy Base Strategy"
+"Base Strategy" <|-- "Network Bandwidth Base Strategy"
+"Energy Base Strategy" <|-- "Energy Strategy A"
+"Energy Base Strategy" <|-- "Energy Strategy B"
+"Base Strategy" ..> Solution : generates
diff --git a/doc/source/images/class_diagram_goal_from_strategy.png b/doc/source/images/class_diagram_goal_from_strategy.png
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Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/source/images/class_diagram_goal_from_strategy.png differ
diff --git a/specs/mitaka/approved/get-goal-from-strategy.rst b/specs/mitaka/approved/get-goal-from-strategy.rst
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/specs/mitaka/approved/get-goal-from-strategy.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
+ License.
+ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode
+The achieved goal should be returned by each strategy
+Problem description
+Today, there is no way to know what `Goal`_ is achieved by a given
+`Strategy`_. The mapping between goal and strategies is done in the Watcher
+Beyond that, there is no way to know that several strategies achieve the same
+optimization goal.
+There should be a way to return the list of available goals depending on which
+strategies have been deployed on the node where the `Watcher Decision Engine`_
+is running.
+Use Cases
+As an `Administrator`_
+I want to be able to get the list of available optimization goals
+So that I can select one `Goal`_ and use it in my `Audit Template`_
+As an `Administrator`_
+I want to be able to install new strategies and get an updated list of
+available goals
+So that I am sure that the returned list of goals is aligned with the deployed
+As an `Administrator`_
+I want to be notified when the `Goal`_ of an `Audit Template`_ is not any more
+So that I know that I have to update or delete this `Audit Template`_
+As an `Administrator`_
+I want to be able to get the translated name of each `Goal`_
+So that I can understand what kind of optimization(s) it provides
+As an `Administrator`_
+I want to be able to get the list of available strategies for a given `Goal`_
+So that I can select a specific strategy for my `Audit Template`_
+Project Priority
+Not relevant because Watcher is not in the big tent so far.
+Proposed change
+Each `Strategy`_ should be able to return the `Goal`_ it achieves.
+All strategies related to the same `Goal`_ should derive from the same parent
+class and return the same `Goal`_ properties.
+Below you will find a class diagram showing a hierarchy of Strategies for
+several goals:
+.. image:: ../../../doc/source/images/class_diagram_goal_from_strategy.png
+   :width: 140%
+In the future, it will also enable Watcher strategies to provide other common
+attributes and methods for a given goal (input parameters, efficacy indicators,
+Keep the current system which reads the mapping between goals and strategies
+from the Watcher configuration file.
+Data model impact
+The list of available goals should be stored in the `Watcher database`_.
+Therefore a new table should be created in the database for this.
+For each goal, the list of available strategies should also be stored in the
+`Watcher database`_. A new table should be created in the database for this.
+REST API impact
+There will be an impact on every REST resource URLs that starts with
+**/v1/goals/** and that uses the type **Goal**:
+* GET /v1/goals
+* GET /v1/goals/(goal_uuid)
+* GET /v1/goals/detail
+The type **Goal** will contain two attributes:
+* The unique goal id.
+* The display name of the goal: i.e. the translated name of the `Goal`_ in the
+  language of the `Administrator`_.
+Here is a sample of the new JSON payload for a list of 2 goals, the first goal
+having only one strategy and the second goal having 2 available strategies:
+  {
+      "goals": [
+          {
+              "goal_id": "REDUCE_ENERGY",
+              "goal_display_name": "Reduce Energy Consumption",
+              "strategies": [
+                  {
+                    "strategy_id": "POWERING_DOWN",
+                    "strategy_display_name": "Powering down unused compute
+                    nodes",
+                  }
+              ]
+          },
+          {
+              "goal_id": "SERVERS_CONSOLIDATION",
+              "goal_display_name": "Reduce the number of compute nodes needed
+              to support current projects workloads"
+              "strategies": [
+                  {
+                    "strategy_id": "FFD",
+                    "strategy_display_name": "First-Fit Decreasing",
+                  },
+                  {
+                    "strategy_id": "BFD",
+                    "strategy_display_name": "Best-Fit Decreasing",
+                  }
+              ]
+          }
+      ]
+  }
+Security impact
+Notifications impact
+Other end user impact
+**python-watcherclient** should be able to return all goal attributes when
+requesting the list of goals and to return the list of available strategies
+when requesting the detail of a given goal.
+It should also be possible to browse the list of available goals in **Horizon**
+when the admin is creating a new `Audit Template`_. When the admin has selected
+a given goal, he/she should be able to see the list of available strategies for
+this goal and select the preferred `Strategy`_.
+Performance Impact
+Other deployer impact
+Now the association between a `Goal`_ and a `Strategy`_ should no more be
+configured in the main Watcher configuration file.
+Developer impact
+Primary assignee:
+  vincent-francoise
+Work Items
+Here is the list of foreseen work items:
+* Remove the previous `Goal`_ listing and mapping mechanism which was read from
+  the Watcher configuration file. The following Python files should be
+  impacted:
+  - ``/devstack/local.conf.controller``
+  - ``/watcher/decision_engine/strategy/selection/default.py``
+  - | ``/watcher/tests/decision_engine/strategy/selector/``
+    | ``test_strategy_selector.py``
+  - ``/watcher/tests/api/v1/test_goals.py``
+  - ``/watcher/tests/api/v1/test_audit_templates.py``
+  - ``/watcher/api/controllers/v1/goal.py``
+  - ``/watcher/api/controllers/v1/audit_template.py``
+  - ``/watcher/opts.py``
+  - ``/etc/watcher/watcher.conf.sample``
+* In the ``BaseStrategy`` class, the following attributes should be added:
+  - The unique goal id.
+  - The display name containing the name of the goal translated in the language
+    of the `Administrator`_.
+  - The unique strategy id.
+  - The display name containing the name of the `Strategy`_ translated in the
+    language of the `Administrator`_.
+* For each **XYZ** `Goal`_, there should be a base `Strategy`_ class, named
+  **XYZBaseStrategy**, containing the goal attribute values indicating what
+  goal id and display name all child strategies achieve.
+* Update all existing strategies with this new way of handling goals. Create a
+  base strategy class for each common optimization `Goal`_.
+* add a new **Goal** object in **/watcher/db/sqlalchemy/models.py** for the
+  storage of goals in the `Watcher database`_.
+* add a new **goal.py** class in the **/watcher/objects/** package to handle
+  CRUD operations on goal objects in the database.
+* when the `Watcher Decision Engine`_ service is started, Watcher should browse
+  the list of available strategies, get their `Goal`_ attributes and create a
+  new entry in the `Watcher database`_ for each new goal id. After that, the
+  `Watcher Decision Engine`_ should be able to check whether all audit
+  templates in the `Watcher database`_ contain an existing goal. If not, an
+  error should be traced in the logs. During this phase, the
+  `Watcher Decision Engine`_ should also create a record in the database for
+  each new `Strategy`_ id and associate this record to the `Goal`_ object it
+  achieves. Note that this very same model would then be used by other
+  blueprints such as `blueprint optimization-threshold`_ to expose the input
+  parameters of each `Strategy`_.
+* update the Watcher devstack plugin setup to adapt it (remove the auto
+  **[watcher_goals]** config setup).
+* Update unit tests in the `Watcher Decision Engine`_
+* Update Tempest test to run a strategy
+* Add some Tempest tests to get the list of available goals and for each
+  `Goal`_ the list of available strategies
+Documentation Impact
+* Update the page named "*Build a new optimization strategy*" explaining that
+  when a new goal is added, a new base strategy class should be created.
+* Update the page named "*Configuring Watcher*", removing the "*Goals mapping
+  configuration*" section.
+* Update the page named "*Watcher User Guide*", providing CLI examples showing
+  how to get the list of goals and how to get the list of available strategies
+  for a given `Goal`_.
+IRC discussions:
+* http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/watcher/2016/watcher.2016-01-20-14.00.log.html
+* http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/watcher/2016/watcher.2016-02-17-14.00.log.html
+* http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/watcher/2016/watcher.2016-03-16-14.00.log.html
+.. _Administrator: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#administrator
+.. _Goal: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#goal
+.. _Audit Template: http://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#audit-template
+.. _Strategy: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html#strategy
+.. _Watcher Decision Engine: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/architecture.html#watcher-decision-engine
+.. _Watcher database: https://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/architecture.html#watcher-database
+.. _blueprint optimization-threshold: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/optimization-threshold