diff --git a/priorities/victoria-priorities.rst b/priorities/victoria-priorities.rst
index 8af5f3d..16dd934 100644
--- a/priorities/victoria-priorities.rst
+++ b/priorities/victoria-priorities.rst
@@ -11,9 +11,14 @@ List of priorities the Watcher drivers team is prioritizing in Victoria.
 | `Rollback Mechanism`_                          | `su zhengwei`_         |
+| `Kubernetes helm charts and docker images`_    | `Corne Lukken`_        |
+| `the community-wide goals`_                    |  `Li Canwei`_          |
 .. _su zhengwei: https://launchpad.net/~sue.sam
+.. _Corne Lukken: https://launchpad.net/~dantalion
+.. _Li Canwei: https://launchpad.net/~li-canwei2
 Rollback Mechanism
@@ -24,3 +29,13 @@ after one audit.
 For host maintenance, it will migrate all instances from the maintaining host
 to others. Aften the host maintenance and active again, there is no mechanism
 to migrate the instances automatically back to the maintaining host.
+Kubernetes helm charts and docker images
+Blueprint to track all activities related to being able to deploy Watcher
+on K8s using helm charts. Also requires that the appropriate docker images
+are created and uploaded to a registry.
+the community-wide goals