Update to 12.2.13

Change-Id: Ie35ede414b46e28b0377d55ecdd4662ba964d8bf
This commit is contained in:
Radomir Dopieralski 2020-01-21 15:38:57 +01:00
parent 1fdc054d69
commit ed6da70d3e
11 changed files with 673 additions and 464 deletions

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
include README.txt
recursive-include xstatic/pkg/angular_fileupload *
recursive-include xstatic *
global-exclude *.pyc
global-exclude *.pyo
global-exclude *.orig
global-exclude *.rej

setup.cfg Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
name = XStatic-Angular-FileUpload
description = Angular-FileUpload 12.2.13 (XStatic packaging standard)
description-file = README.rst
maintainer = Radomir Dopieralski
maintainer-email = openstack@sheep.art.pl
home-page = https://github.com/danialfarid/angular-file-upload
keywords = angular_fileupload xstatic
license = (same as Angular-FileUpload)
zip_safe = False
namespace_packages =
packages =
universal = True

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
from xstatic.pkg import angular_fileupload as xs
# The README.txt file should be written in reST so that PyPI can use
# it to generate your project's PyPI page.
long_description = open('README.txt').read()
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
@ -19,9 +18,8 @@ setup(
namespace_packages=['xstatic', 'xstatic.pkg', ],
namespace_packages=['xstatic', 'xstatic.pkg'],
install_requires=[], # nothing! :)
# if you like, you MAY use the 'XStatic' package.

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ NAME = __name__.split('.')[-1] # package name (e.g. 'foo' or 'foo_bar')
# please use a all-lowercase valid python
# package name
VERSION = '12.0.4' # version of the packaged files, please use the upstream
VERSION = '12.2.13' # version of the packaged files, please use the upstream
# version number
BUILD = '0' # our package build number, so we can release new builds
# with fixes for xstatic stuff.
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ CLASSIFIERS = []
KEYWORDS = '%s xstatic' % NAME
# XStatic-* package maintainer:
MAINTAINER = 'Rob Cresswell'
MAINTAINER_EMAIL = 'robert.cresswell@outlook.com'
MAINTAINER = 'Radomir Dopieralski'
MAINTAINER_EMAIL = 'openstack@sheep.art.pl'
# this refers to the project homepage of the stuff we packaged:
HOMEPAGE = 'https://github.com/danialfarid/angular-file-upload'

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/*! 12.0.4 */
/*! 12.2.13 */
/*! FileAPI 2.0.7 - BSD | git://github.com/mailru/FileAPI.git
* FileAPI a set of javascript tools for working with files. Multiupload, drag'n'drop and chunked file upload. Images: crop, resize and auto orientation by EXIF.

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
* AngularJS file upload directives and services. Supoorts: file upload/drop/paste, resume, cancel/abort,
* AngularJS file upload directives and services. Supports: file upload/drop/paste, resume, cancel/abort,
* progress, resize, thumbnail, preview, validation and CORS
* FileAPI Flash shim for old browsers not supporting FormData
* @author Danial <danial.farid@gmail.com>
* @version 12.0.4
* @version 12.2.13
(function () {
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ if (!window.FileReader) {
* AngularJS file upload directives and services. Supoorts: file upload/drop/paste, resume, cancel/abort,
* progress, resize, thumbnail, preview, validation and CORS
* @author Danial <danial.farid@gmail.com>
* @version 12.0.4
* @version 12.2.13
if (window.XMLHttpRequest && !(window.FileAPI && FileAPI.shouldLoad)) {
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ if (window.XMLHttpRequest && !(window.FileAPI && FileAPI.shouldLoad)) {
var ngFileUpload = angular.module('ngFileUpload', []);
ngFileUpload.version = '12.0.4';
ngFileUpload.version = '12.2.13';
ngFileUpload.service('UploadBase', ['$http', '$q', '$timeout', function ($http, $q, $timeout) {
var upload = this;
@ -512,10 +512,12 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadBase', ['$http', '$q', '$timeout', function ($http,
function uploadWithAngular() {
$http(config).then(function (r) {
if (resumeSupported && config._chunkSize && !config._finished && config._file) {
var fileSize = config._file && config._file.size || 0;
loaded: config._end,
total: config._file && config._file.size,
config: config, type: 'progress'
loaded: Math.min(config._end, fileSize),
total: fileSize,
config: config,
type: 'progress'
upload.upload(config, true);
@ -554,6 +556,9 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadBase', ['$http', '$q', '$timeout', function ($http,
} else if (config.resumeSize) {
config.resumeSize().then(function (size) {
config._start = size;
if (config._chunkSize) {
config._end = config._start + config._chunkSize;
}, function (e) {
throw e;
@ -607,9 +612,11 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadBase', ['$http', '$q', '$timeout', function ($http,
promise['finally'](function () {
if (promise['finally'] && promise['finally'] instanceof Function) {
promise['finally'](function () {
return promise;
@ -793,9 +800,11 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadBase', ['$http', '$q', '$timeout', function ($http,
var arrayBufferView = new Uint8Array(resp.data);
var type = resp.headers('content-type') || 'image/WebP';
var blob = new window.Blob([arrayBufferView], {type: type});
var matches = url.match(/.*\/(.+?)(\?.*)?$/);
if (matches.length > 1) {
blob.name = matches[1];
//var split = type.split('[/;]');
//blob.name = url.substring(0, 150).replace(/\W+/g, '') + '.' + (split.length > 1 ? split[1] : 'jpg');
}, function (e) {
@ -843,7 +852,7 @@ ngFileUpload.service('Upload', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', '$q', 'UploadE
upload.shouldUpdateOn = function (type, attr, scope) {
var modelOptions = upload.attrGetter('ngModelOptions', attr, scope);
var modelOptions = upload.attrGetter('ngfModelOptions', attr, scope);
if (modelOptions && modelOptions.updateOn) {
return modelOptions.updateOn.split(' ').indexOf(type) > -1;
@ -893,13 +902,13 @@ ngFileUpload.service('Upload', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', '$q', 'UploadE
return $q.all(promises);
function resize(files, attr, scope) {
function resizeFile(files, attr, scope, ngModel) {
var resizeVal = upload.attrGetter('ngfResize', attr, scope);
if (!resizeVal || !upload.isResizeSupported() || !files.length) return upload.emptyPromise();
if (resizeVal instanceof Function) {
var defer = $q.defer();
resizeVal(files).then(function (p) {
resizeWithParams(p, files, attr, scope).then(function (r) {
return resizeVal(files).then(function (p) {
resizeWithParams(p, files, attr, scope, ngModel).then(function (r) {
}, function (e) {
@ -908,27 +917,30 @@ ngFileUpload.service('Upload', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', '$q', 'UploadE
} else {
return resizeWithParams(resizeVal, files, attr, scope);
return resizeWithParams(resizeVal, files, attr, scope, ngModel);
function resizeWithParams(param, files, attr, scope) {
function resizeWithParams(params, files, attr, scope, ngModel) {
var promises = [upload.emptyPromise()];
function handleFile(f, i) {
if (f.type.indexOf('image') === 0) {
if (param.pattern && !upload.validatePattern(f, param.pattern)) return;
var promise = upload.resize(f, param.width, param.height, param.quality,
param.type, param.ratio, param.centerCrop, function (width, height) {
return upload.attrGetter('ngfResizeIf', attr, scope,
{$width: width, $height: height, $file: f});
}, param.restoreExif !== false);
if (params.pattern && !upload.validatePattern(f, params.pattern)) return;
params.resizeIf = function (width, height) {
return upload.attrGetter('ngfResizeIf', attr, scope,
{$width: width, $height: height, $file: f});
var promise = upload.resize(f, params);
promise.then(function (resizedFile) {
files.splice(i, 1, resizedFile);
}, function (e) {
f.$error = 'resize';
(f.$errorMessages = (f.$errorMessages || {})).resize = true;
f.$errorParam = (e ? (e.message ? e.message : e) + ': ' : '') + (f && f.name);
ngModel.$ngfValidations.push({name: 'resize', valid: false});
upload.applyModelValidation(ngModel, files);
@ -1015,18 +1027,6 @@ ngFileUpload.service('Upload', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', '$q', 'UploadE
return angular.isArray(v) ? v : [v];
function separateInvalids() {
valids = [];
invalids = [];
angular.forEach(allNewFiles, function (file) {
if (file.$error) {
} else {
function resizeAndUpdate() {
function updateModel() {
$timeout(function () {
@ -1036,17 +1036,30 @@ ngFileUpload.service('Upload', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', '$q', 'UploadE
}, options && options.debounce ? options.debounce.change || options.debounce : 0);
resize(validateAfterResize ? allNewFiles : valids, attr, scope).then(function () {
var resizingFiles = validateAfterResize ? allNewFiles : valids;
resizeFile(resizingFiles, attr, scope, ngModel).then(function () {
if (validateAfterResize) {
upload.validate(allNewFiles, prevValidFiles.length, ngModel, attr, scope).then(function () {
upload.validate(allNewFiles, keep ? prevValidFiles.length : 0, ngModel, attr, scope)
.then(function (validationResult) {
valids = validationResult.validsFiles;
invalids = validationResult.invalidsFiles;
} else {
}, function (e) {
throw 'Could not resize files ' + e;
}, function () {
for (var i = 0; i < resizingFiles.length; i++) {
var f = resizingFiles[i];
if (f.$error === 'resize') {
var index = valids.indexOf(f);
if (index > -1) {
valids.splice(index, 1);
@ -1076,13 +1089,15 @@ ngFileUpload.service('Upload', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', '$q', 'UploadE
var validateAfterResize = upload.attrGetter('ngfValidateAfterResize', attr, scope);
var options = upload.attrGetter('ngModelOptions', attr, scope);
upload.validate(allNewFiles, prevValidFiles.length, ngModel, attr, scope).then(function () {
var options = upload.attrGetter('ngfModelOptions', attr, scope);
upload.validate(allNewFiles, keep ? prevValidFiles.length : 0, ngModel, attr, scope)
.then(function (validationResult) {
if (noDelay) {
update(allNewFiles, [], files, dupFiles, isSingleModel);
} else {
if ((!options || !options.allowInvalid) && !validateAfterResize) {
valids = validationResult.validFiles;
invalids = validationResult.invalidFiles;
} else {
valids = allNewFiles;
@ -1119,7 +1134,7 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
/** @namespace attr.ngfSelect */
/** @namespace attr.ngfChange */
/** @namespace attr.ngModel */
/** @namespace attr.ngModelOptions */
/** @namespace attr.ngfModelOptions */
/** @namespace attr.ngfMultiple */
/** @namespace attr.ngfCapture */
/** @namespace attr.ngfValidate */
@ -1139,6 +1154,8 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
function changeFn(evt) {
if (upload.shouldUpdateOn('change', attr, scope)) {
var fileList = evt.__files_ || (evt.target && evt.target.files), files = [];
/* Handle duplicate call in IE11 */
if (!fileList) return;
for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
@ -1150,31 +1167,39 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
upload.registerModelChangeValidator(ngModel, attr, scope);
var unwatches = [];
unwatches.push(scope.$watch(attrGetter('ngfMultiple'), function () {
fileElem.attr('multiple', attrGetter('ngfMultiple', scope));
unwatches.push(scope.$watch(attrGetter('ngfCapture'), function () {
fileElem.attr('capture', attrGetter('ngfCapture', scope));
unwatches.push(scope.$watch(attrGetter('ngfAccept'), function () {
fileElem.attr('accept', attrGetter('ngfAccept', scope));
attr.$observe('accept', function () {
if (attrGetter('ngfMultiple')) {
unwatches.push(scope.$watch(attrGetter('ngfMultiple'), function () {
fileElem.attr('multiple', attrGetter('ngfMultiple', scope));
if (attrGetter('ngfCapture')) {
unwatches.push(scope.$watch(attrGetter('ngfCapture'), function () {
fileElem.attr('capture', attrGetter('ngfCapture', scope));
if (attrGetter('ngfAccept')) {
unwatches.push(scope.$watch(attrGetter('ngfAccept'), function () {
fileElem.attr('accept', attrGetter('ngfAccept', scope));
unwatches.push(attr.$observe('accept', function () {
fileElem.attr('accept', attrGetter('accept'));
unwatches.push(function () {
if (attr.$$observers) delete attr.$$observers.accept;
function bindAttrToFileInput(fileElem) {
if (elem !== fileElem) {
for (var i = 0; i < elem[0].attributes.length; i++) {
var attribute = elem[0].attributes[i];
if (attribute.name !== 'type' && attribute.name !== 'class' && attribute.name !== 'style') {
if (attribute.value == null || attribute.value === '') {
if (attribute.name === 'required') attribute.value = 'required';
if (attribute.name === 'multiple') attribute.value = 'multiple';
fileElem.attr(attribute.name, attribute.name === 'id' ? 'ngf-' + attribute.value : attribute.value);
function bindAttrToFileInput(fileElem, label) {
function updateId(val) {
fileElem.attr('id', 'ngf-' + val);
label.attr('id', 'ngf-label-' + val);
for (var i = 0; i < elem[0].attributes.length; i++) {
var attribute = elem[0].attributes[i];
if (attribute.name !== 'type' && attribute.name !== 'class' && attribute.name !== 'style') {
if (attribute.name === 'id') {
unwatches.push(attr.$observe('id', updateId));
} else {
fileElem.attr(attribute.name, (!attribute.value && (attribute.name === 'required' ||
attribute.name === 'multiple')) ? attribute.name : attribute.value);
@ -1187,12 +1212,12 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
var fileElem = angular.element('<input type="file">');
var label = angular.element('<label>upload</label>');
label.css('visibility', 'hidden').css('position', 'absolute').css('overflow', 'hidden')
.css('width', '0px').css('height', '0px').css('border', 'none')
.css('margin', '0px').css('padding', '0px').attr('tabindex', '-1');
bindAttrToFileInput(fileElem, label);
generatedElems.push({el: elem, ref: label});
@ -1200,13 +1225,12 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
return fileElem;
var initialTouchStartY = 0;
function clickHandler(evt) {
if (elem.attr('disabled')) return false;
if (attrGetter('ngfSelectDisabled', scope)) return;
var r = handleTouch(evt);
var r = detectSwipe(evt);
// prevent the click if it is a swipe
if (r != null) return r;
@ -1218,7 +1242,8 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
fileElem.bind('change', changeFn);
} catch(e){/*ignore*/}
} catch (e) {/*ignore*/
if (isDelayedClickSupported(navigator.userAgent)) {
setTimeout(function () {
@ -1231,19 +1256,30 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
return false;
function handleTouch(evt) {
var touches = evt.changedTouches || (evt.originalEvent && evt.originalEvent.changedTouches);
if (evt.type === 'touchstart') {
initialTouchStartY = touches ? touches[0].clientY : 0;
return true; // don't block event default
} else {
// prevent scroll from triggering event
if (evt.type === 'touchend') {
var currentLocation = touches ? touches[0].clientY : 0;
if (Math.abs(currentLocation - initialTouchStartY) > 20) return false;
var initialTouchStartY = 0;
var initialTouchStartX = 0;
function detectSwipe(evt) {
var touches = evt.changedTouches || (evt.originalEvent && evt.originalEvent.changedTouches);
if (touches) {
if (evt.type === 'touchstart') {
initialTouchStartX = touches[0].clientX;
initialTouchStartY = touches[0].clientY;
return true; // don't block event default
} else {
// prevent scroll from triggering event
if (evt.type === 'touchend') {
var currentX = touches[0].clientX;
var currentY = touches[0].clientY;
if ((Math.abs(currentX - initialTouchStartX) > 20) ||
(Math.abs(currentY - initialTouchStartY) > 20)) {
return false;
return true;
@ -1474,14 +1510,19 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
var size = resizeParams;
if (directiveName === 'ngfThumbnail') {
if (!size) {
size = {width: elem[0].clientWidth, height: elem[0].clientHeight};
size = {
width: elem[0].naturalWidth || elem[0].clientWidth,
height: elem[0].naturalHeight || elem[0].clientHeight
if (size.width === 0 && window.getComputedStyle) {
var style = getComputedStyle(elem[0]);
size = {
width: parseInt(style.width.slice(0, -2)),
height: parseInt(style.height.slice(0, -2))
if (style.width && style.width.indexOf('px') > -1 && style.height && style.height.indexOf('px') > -1) {
size = {
width: parseInt(style.width.slice(0, -2)),
height: parseInt(style.height.slice(0, -2))
@ -1496,7 +1537,11 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
if (file && file.type && file.type.search(getTagType(elem[0])) === 0 &&
(!isBackground || file.type.indexOf('image') === 0)) {
if (size && Upload.isResizeSupported()) {
Upload.resize(file, size.width, size.height, size.quality).then(
size.resizeIf = function (width, height) {
return Upload.attrGetter('ngfResizeIf', attr, scope,
{$width: width, $height: height, $file: file});
Upload.resize(file, size).then(
function (f) {
}, function (e) {
@ -1558,8 +1603,8 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
ngFileUpload.config(['$compileProvider', function ($compileProvider) {
if ($compileProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist) $compileProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist(/^\s*(https?|ftp|mailto|tel|local|file|data|blob):/);
if ($compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist) $compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(/^\s*(https?|ftp|mailto|tel|local|file|data|blob):/);
if ($compileProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist) $compileProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist(/^\s*(https?|ftp|mailto|tel|webcal|local|file|data|blob):/);
if ($compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist) $compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(/^\s*(https?|ftp|mailto|tel|webcal|local|file|data|blob):/);
ngFileUpload.filter('ngfDataUrl', ['UploadDataUrl', '$sce', function (UploadDataUrl, $sce) {
@ -1651,13 +1696,15 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
if (ngModel) {
ngModel.$formatters.push(function (files) {
if (ngModel.$dirty) {
var filesArray = files;
if (files && !angular.isArray(files)) {
files = [files];
filesArray = [files];
upload.validate(files, 0, ngModel, attr, scope).then(function () {
upload.applyModelValidation(ngModel, files);
upload.validate(filesArray, 0, ngModel, attr, scope).then(function () {
upload.applyModelValidation(ngModel, filesArray);
return files;
@ -1707,11 +1754,15 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
return upload.attrGetter(name, attr, scope, params);
var ignoredErrors = (upload.attrGetter('ngfIgnoreInvalid', attr, scope) || '').split(' ');
var runAllValidation = upload.attrGetter('ngfRunAllValidations', attr, scope);
if (files == null || files.length === 0) {
return upload.emptyPromise(ngModel);
return upload.emptyPromise({'validFiles': files, 'invalidFiles': []});
files = files.length === undefined ? [files] : files.slice(0);
var invalidFiles = [];
function validateSync(name, validationName, fn) {
if (files) {
@ -1722,11 +1773,20 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
var val = upload.getValidationAttr(attr, scope, name, validationName, file);
if (val != null) {
if (!fn(file, val, i)) {
file.$error = name;
(file.$errorMessages = (file.$errorMessages || {}))[name] = true;
file.$errorParam = val;
files.splice(i, 1);
valid = false;
if (ignoredErrors.indexOf(name) === -1) {
file.$error = name;
(file.$errorMessages = (file.$errorMessages || {}))[name] = true;
file.$errorParam = val;
if (invalidFiles.indexOf(file) === -1) {
if (!runAllValidation) {
files.splice(i, 1);
valid = false;
} else {
files.splice(i, 1);
@ -1737,9 +1797,6 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
validateSync('maxFiles', null, function (file, val, i) {
return prevLength + i < val;
validateSync('pattern', null, upload.validatePattern);
validateSync('minSize', 'size.min', function (file, val) {
return file.size + 0.1 >= upload.translateScalars(val);
@ -1762,44 +1819,58 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
if (!files.length) {
return upload.emptyPromise(ngModel, ngModel.$ngfValidations);
return upload.emptyPromise({'validFiles': [], 'invalidFiles': invalidFiles});
function validateAsync(name, validationName, type, asyncFn, fn) {
function resolveResult(defer, file, val) {
function resolveInternal(fn) {
if (fn()) {
if (ignoredErrors.indexOf(name) === -1) {
file.$error = name;
(file.$errorMessages = (file.$errorMessages || {}))[name] = true;
file.$errorParam = val;
if (invalidFiles.indexOf(file) === -1) {
if (!runAllValidation) {
var i = files.indexOf(file);
if (i > -1) files.splice(i, 1);
} else {
var j = files.indexOf(file);
if (j > -1) files.splice(j, 1);
} else {
if (val != null) {
asyncFn(file, val).then(function (d) {
if (!fn(d, val)) {
file.$error = name;
(file.$errorMessages = (file.$errorMessages || {}))[name] = true;
file.$errorParam = val;
} else {
resolveInternal(function () {
return !fn(d, val);
}, function () {
if (attrGetter('ngfValidateForce', {$file: file})) {
file.$error = name;
(file.$errorMessages = (file.$errorMessages || {}))[name] = true;
file.$errorParam = val;
} else {
resolveInternal(function () {
return attrGetter('ngfValidateForce', {$file: file});
} else {
var promises = [upload.emptyPromise()];
var promises = [upload.emptyPromise(true)];
if (files) {
files = files.length === undefined ? [files] : files;
angular.forEach(files, function (file) {
var defer = $q.defer();
if (type && (file.type == null || file.type.search(type) !== 0)) {
if (name === 'dimensions' && upload.attrGetter('ngfDimensions', attr) != null) {
@ -1807,96 +1878,120 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
resolveResult(defer, file,
attrGetter('ngfDimensions', {$file: file, $width: d.width, $height: d.height}));
}, function () {
} else if (name === 'duration' && upload.attrGetter('ngfDuration', attr) != null) {
upload.mediaDuration(file).then(function (d) {
resolveResult(defer, file,
attrGetter('ngfDuration', {$file: file, $duration: d}));
}, function () {
} else {
resolveResult(defer, file,
upload.getValidationAttr(attr, scope, name, validationName, file));
return $q.all(promises).then(function () {
ngModel.$ngfValidations.push({name: name, valid: true});
}, function () {
ngModel.$ngfValidations.push({name: name, valid: false});
var deffer = $q.defer();
$q.all(promises).then(function (values) {
var isValid = true;
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if (!values[i]) {
isValid = false;
ngModel.$ngfValidations.push({name: name, valid: isValid});
return deffer.promise;
var deffer = $q.defer();
var promises = [];
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('maxHeight', 'height.max', /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('maxHeight', 'height.max', /image/,
this.imageDimensions, function (d, val) {
return d.height <= val;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('minHeight', 'height.min', /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('minHeight', 'height.min', /image/,
this.imageDimensions, function (d, val) {
return d.height >= val;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('maxWidth', 'width.max', /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('maxWidth', 'width.max', /image/,
this.imageDimensions, function (d, val) {
return d.width <= val;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('minWidth', 'width.min', /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('minWidth', 'width.min', /image/,
this.imageDimensions, function (d, val) {
return d.width >= val;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('dimensions', null, /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('dimensions', null, /image/,
function (file, val) {
return upload.emptyPromise(val);
}, function (r) {
return r;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('ratio', null, /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('ratio', null, /image/,
this.imageDimensions, function (d, val) {
var split = val.toString().split(','), valid = false;
for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
if (Math.abs((d.width / d.height) - upload.ratioToFloat(split[i])) < 0.0001) {
if (Math.abs((d.width / d.height) - upload.ratioToFloat(split[i])) < 0.01) {
valid = true;
return valid;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('maxRatio', 'ratio.max', /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('maxRatio', 'ratio.max', /image/,
this.imageDimensions, function (d, val) {
return (d.width / d.height) - upload.ratioToFloat(val) < 0.0001;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('minRatio', 'ratio.min', /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('minRatio', 'ratio.min', /image/,
this.imageDimensions, function (d, val) {
return (d.width / d.height) - upload.ratioToFloat(val) > -0.0001;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('maxDuration', 'duration.max', /audio|video/,
promises.push(validateAsync('maxDuration', 'duration.max', /audio|video/,
this.mediaDuration, function (d, val) {
return d <= upload.translateScalars(val);
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('minDuration', 'duration.min', /audio|video/,
promises.push(validateAsync('minDuration', 'duration.min', /audio|video/,
this.mediaDuration, function (d, val) {
return d >= upload.translateScalars(val);
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('duration', null, /audio|video/,
promises.push(validateAsync('duration', null, /audio|video/,
function (file, val) {
return upload.emptyPromise(val);
}, function (r) {
return r;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('validateAsyncFn', null, null,
promises.push(validateAsync('validateAsyncFn', null, null,
function (file, val) {
return val;
}, function (r) {
return r === true || r === null || r === '';
return $q.all(promises).then(function () {
deffer.resolve(ngModel, ngModel.$ngfValidations);
$q.all(promises).then(function () {
if (runAllValidation) {
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var file = files[i];
if (file.$error) {
files.splice(i--, 1);
runAllValidation = false;
validateSync('maxFiles', null, function (file, val, i) {
return prevLength + i < val;
deffer.resolve({'validFiles': files, 'invalidFiles': invalidFiles});
return deffer.promise;
upload.imageDimensions = function (file) {
@ -1921,8 +2016,8 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
.css('max-width', 'none !important').css('max-height', 'none !important');
function success() {
var width = img[0].clientWidth;
var height = img[0].clientHeight;
var width = img[0].naturalWidth || img[0].clientWidth;
var height = img[0].naturalHeight || img[0].clientHeight;
file.$ngfWidth = width;
file.$ngfHeight = height;
@ -1936,23 +2031,23 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
img.on('load', success);
img.on('error', error);
var count = 0;
function checkLoadError() {
var secondsCounter = 0;
function checkLoadErrorInCaseOfNoCallback() {
$timeout(function () {
if (img[0].parentNode) {
if (img[0].clientWidth) {
} else if (count > 10) {
} else if (secondsCounter++ > 10) {
} else {
}, 1000);
}, function () {
@ -2063,31 +2158,35 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
var deferred = $q.defer();
var canvasElement = document.createElement('canvas');
var imageElement = document.createElement('img');
imageElement.setAttribute('style', 'visibility:hidden;position:fixed;z-index:-100000');
imageElement.onload = function () {
if (resizeIf != null && resizeIf(imageElement.width, imageElement.height) === false) {
var imgWidth = imageElement.width, imgHeight = imageElement.height;
if (resizeIf != null && resizeIf(imgWidth, imgHeight) === false) {
try {
if (ratio) {
var ratioFloat = upload.ratioToFloat(ratio);
var imgRatio = imageElement.width / imageElement.height;
var imgRatio = imgWidth / imgHeight;
if (imgRatio < ratioFloat) {
width = imageElement.width;
width = imgWidth;
height = width / ratioFloat;
} else {
height = imageElement.height;
height = imgHeight;
width = height * ratioFloat;
if (!width) {
width = imageElement.width;
width = imgWidth;
if (!height) {
height = imageElement.height;
height = imgHeight;
var dimensions = calculateAspectRatioFit(imageElement.width, imageElement.height, width, height, centerCrop);
var dimensions = calculateAspectRatioFit(imgWidth, imgHeight, width, height, centerCrop);
canvasElement.width = Math.min(dimensions.width, width);
canvasElement.height = Math.min(dimensions.height, height);
var context = canvasElement.getContext('2d');
@ -2100,6 +2199,7 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
imageElement.onerror = function () {
imageElement.src = imagen;
@ -2136,14 +2236,15 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
upload.resize = function (file, width, height, quality, type, ratio, centerCrop, resizeIf, restoreExif) {
upload.resize = function (file, options) {
if (file.type.indexOf('image') !== 0) return upload.emptyPromise(file);
var deferred = $q.defer();
upload.dataUrl(file, true).then(function (url) {
resize(url, width, height, quality, type || file.type, ratio, centerCrop, resizeIf)
resize(url, options.width, options.height, options.quality, options.type || file.type,
options.ratio, options.centerCrop, options.resizeIf)
.then(function (dataUrl) {
if (file.type === 'image/jpeg' && restoreExif) {
if (file.type === 'image/jpeg' && options.restoreExif !== false) {
try {
dataUrl = upload.restoreExif(url, dataUrl);
} catch (e) {
@ -2172,13 +2273,13 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
(function () {
ngFileUpload.directive('ngfDrop', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$location', 'Upload', '$http', '$q',
function ($parse, $timeout, $location, Upload, $http, $q) {
ngFileUpload.directive('ngfDrop', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$window', 'Upload', '$http', '$q',
function ($parse, $timeout, $window, Upload, $http, $q) {
return {
restrict: 'AEC',
require: '?ngModel',
link: function (scope, elem, attr, ngModel) {
linkDrop(scope, elem, attr, ngModel, $parse, $timeout, $location, Upload, $http, $q);
linkDrop(scope, elem, attr, ngModel, $parse, $timeout, $window, Upload, $http, $q);
@ -2203,7 +2304,7 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
function linkDrop(scope, elem, attr, ngModel, $parse, $timeout, $location, upload, $http, $q) {
function linkDrop(scope, elem, attr, ngModel, $parse, $timeout, $window, upload, $http, $q) {
var available = dropAvailable();
var attrGetter = function (name, scope, params) {
@ -2279,23 +2380,7 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
if (stopPropagation(scope)) evt.stopPropagation();
if (actualDragOverClass) elem.removeClass(actualDragOverClass);
actualDragOverClass = null;
var items = evt.dataTransfer.items;
var html;
try {
html = evt.dataTransfer && evt.dataTransfer.getData && evt.dataTransfer.getData('text/html');
} catch (e) {/* Fix IE11 that throw error calling getData */
extractFiles(items, evt.dataTransfer.files, attrGetter('ngfAllowDir', scope) !== false,
attrGetter('multiple') || attrGetter('ngfMultiple', scope)).then(function (files) {
if (files.length) {
updateModel(files, evt);
} else {
extractFilesFromHtml('dropUrl', html).then(function (files) {
updateModel(files, evt);
extractFilesAndUpdateModel(evt.dataTransfer, evt, 'dropUrl');
}, false);
elem[0].addEventListener('paste', function (evt) {
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1 &&
@ -2303,22 +2388,7 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
if (isDisabled() || !upload.shouldUpdateOn('paste', attr, scope)) return;
var files = [];
var clipboard = evt.clipboardData || evt.originalEvent.clipboardData;
if (clipboard && clipboard.items) {
for (var k = 0; k < clipboard.items.length; k++) {
if (clipboard.items[k].type.indexOf('image') !== -1) {
if (files.length) {
updateModel(files, evt);
} else {
extractFilesFromHtml('pasteUrl', clipboard).then(function (files) {
updateModel(files, evt);
extractFilesAndUpdateModel(evt.clipboardData || evt.originalEvent.clipboardData, evt, 'pasteUrl');
}, false);
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1 &&
@ -2331,12 +2401,33 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
function extractFilesAndUpdateModel(source, evt, updateOnType) {
if (!source) return;
// html needs to be calculated on the same process otherwise the data will be wiped
// after promise resolve or setTimeout.
var html;
try {
html = source && source.getData && source.getData('text/html');
} catch (e) {/* Fix IE11 that throw error calling getData */
extractFiles(source.items, source.files, attrGetter('ngfAllowDir', scope) !== false,
attrGetter('multiple') || attrGetter('ngfMultiple', scope)).then(function (files) {
if (files.length) {
updateModel(files, evt);
} else {
extractFilesFromHtml(updateOnType, html).then(function (files) {
updateModel(files, evt);
function updateModel(files, evt) {
upload.updateModel(ngModel, attr, scope, attrGetter('ngfChange') || attrGetter('ngfDrop'), files, evt);
function extractFilesFromHtml(updateOn, html) {
if (!upload.shouldUpdateOn(updateOn, attr, scope) || !html) return upload.rejectPromise([]);
if (!upload.shouldUpdateOn(updateOn, attr, scope) || typeof html !== 'string') return upload.rejectPromise([]);
var urls = [];
html.replace(/<(img src|img [^>]* src) *=\"([^\"]*)\"/gi, function (m, n, src) {
@ -2387,8 +2478,14 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
function extractFiles(items, fileList, allowDir, multiple) {
var maxFiles = upload.getValidationAttr(attr, scope, 'maxFiles') || Number.MAX_VALUE;
var maxTotalSize = upload.getValidationAttr(attr, scope, 'maxTotalSize') || Number.MAX_VALUE;
var maxFiles = upload.getValidationAttr(attr, scope, 'maxFiles');
if (maxFiles == null) {
maxFiles = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var maxTotalSize = upload.getValidationAttr(attr, scope, 'maxTotalSize');
if (maxTotalSize == null) {
maxTotalSize = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var includeDir = attrGetter('ngfIncludeDir', scope);
var files = [], totalSize = 0;
@ -2399,7 +2496,7 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
var promises = [upload.emptyPromise()];
if (includeDir) {
var file = {type: 'directory'};
file.name = file.path = (path || '') + entry.name + entry.name;
file.name = file.path = (path || '') + entry.name;
var dirReader = entry.createReader();
@ -2453,7 +2550,7 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
var promises = [upload.emptyPromise()];
if (items && items.length > 0 && $location.protocol() !== 'file') {
if (items && items.length > 0 && $window.location.protocol !== 'file:') {
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].webkitGetAsEntry && items[i].webkitGetAsEntry() && items[i].webkitGetAsEntry().isDirectory) {
var entry = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
* AngularJS file upload directives and services. Supoorts: file upload/drop/paste, resume, cancel/abort,
* AngularJS file upload directives and services. Supports: file upload/drop/paste, resume, cancel/abort,
* progress, resize, thumbnail, preview, validation and CORS
* FileAPI Flash shim for old browsers not supporting FormData
* @author Danial <danial.farid@gmail.com>
* @version 12.0.4
* @version 12.2.13
(function () {

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* AngularJS file upload directives and services. Supoorts: file upload/drop/paste, resume, cancel/abort,
* progress, resize, thumbnail, preview, validation and CORS
* @author Danial <danial.farid@gmail.com>
* @version 12.0.4
* @version 12.2.13
if (window.XMLHttpRequest && !(window.FileAPI && FileAPI.shouldLoad)) {
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ if (window.XMLHttpRequest && !(window.FileAPI && FileAPI.shouldLoad)) {
var ngFileUpload = angular.module('ngFileUpload', []);
ngFileUpload.version = '12.0.4';
ngFileUpload.version = '12.2.13';
ngFileUpload.service('UploadBase', ['$http', '$q', '$timeout', function ($http, $q, $timeout) {
var upload = this;
@ -90,10 +90,12 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadBase', ['$http', '$q', '$timeout', function ($http,
function uploadWithAngular() {
$http(config).then(function (r) {
if (resumeSupported && config._chunkSize && !config._finished && config._file) {
var fileSize = config._file && config._file.size || 0;
loaded: config._end,
total: config._file && config._file.size,
config: config, type: 'progress'
loaded: Math.min(config._end, fileSize),
total: fileSize,
config: config,
type: 'progress'
upload.upload(config, true);
@ -132,6 +134,9 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadBase', ['$http', '$q', '$timeout', function ($http,
} else if (config.resumeSize) {
config.resumeSize().then(function (size) {
config._start = size;
if (config._chunkSize) {
config._end = config._start + config._chunkSize;
}, function (e) {
throw e;
@ -185,9 +190,11 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadBase', ['$http', '$q', '$timeout', function ($http,
promise['finally'](function () {
if (promise['finally'] && promise['finally'] instanceof Function) {
promise['finally'](function () {
return promise;
@ -371,9 +378,11 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadBase', ['$http', '$q', '$timeout', function ($http,
var arrayBufferView = new Uint8Array(resp.data);
var type = resp.headers('content-type') || 'image/WebP';
var blob = new window.Blob([arrayBufferView], {type: type});
var matches = url.match(/.*\/(.+?)(\?.*)?$/);
if (matches.length > 1) {
blob.name = matches[1];
//var split = type.split('[/;]');
//blob.name = url.substring(0, 150).replace(/\W+/g, '') + '.' + (split.length > 1 ? split[1] : 'jpg');
}, function (e) {
@ -421,7 +430,7 @@ ngFileUpload.service('Upload', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', '$q', 'UploadE
upload.shouldUpdateOn = function (type, attr, scope) {
var modelOptions = upload.attrGetter('ngModelOptions', attr, scope);
var modelOptions = upload.attrGetter('ngfModelOptions', attr, scope);
if (modelOptions && modelOptions.updateOn) {
return modelOptions.updateOn.split(' ').indexOf(type) > -1;
@ -471,13 +480,13 @@ ngFileUpload.service('Upload', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', '$q', 'UploadE
return $q.all(promises);
function resize(files, attr, scope) {
function resizeFile(files, attr, scope, ngModel) {
var resizeVal = upload.attrGetter('ngfResize', attr, scope);
if (!resizeVal || !upload.isResizeSupported() || !files.length) return upload.emptyPromise();
if (resizeVal instanceof Function) {
var defer = $q.defer();
resizeVal(files).then(function (p) {
resizeWithParams(p, files, attr, scope).then(function (r) {
return resizeVal(files).then(function (p) {
resizeWithParams(p, files, attr, scope, ngModel).then(function (r) {
}, function (e) {
@ -486,27 +495,30 @@ ngFileUpload.service('Upload', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', '$q', 'UploadE
} else {
return resizeWithParams(resizeVal, files, attr, scope);
return resizeWithParams(resizeVal, files, attr, scope, ngModel);
function resizeWithParams(param, files, attr, scope) {
function resizeWithParams(params, files, attr, scope, ngModel) {
var promises = [upload.emptyPromise()];
function handleFile(f, i) {
if (f.type.indexOf('image') === 0) {
if (param.pattern && !upload.validatePattern(f, param.pattern)) return;
var promise = upload.resize(f, param.width, param.height, param.quality,
param.type, param.ratio, param.centerCrop, function (width, height) {
return upload.attrGetter('ngfResizeIf', attr, scope,
{$width: width, $height: height, $file: f});
}, param.restoreExif !== false);
if (params.pattern && !upload.validatePattern(f, params.pattern)) return;
params.resizeIf = function (width, height) {
return upload.attrGetter('ngfResizeIf', attr, scope,
{$width: width, $height: height, $file: f});
var promise = upload.resize(f, params);
promise.then(function (resizedFile) {
files.splice(i, 1, resizedFile);
}, function (e) {
f.$error = 'resize';
(f.$errorMessages = (f.$errorMessages || {})).resize = true;
f.$errorParam = (e ? (e.message ? e.message : e) + ': ' : '') + (f && f.name);
ngModel.$ngfValidations.push({name: 'resize', valid: false});
upload.applyModelValidation(ngModel, files);
@ -593,18 +605,6 @@ ngFileUpload.service('Upload', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', '$q', 'UploadE
return angular.isArray(v) ? v : [v];
function separateInvalids() {
valids = [];
invalids = [];
angular.forEach(allNewFiles, function (file) {
if (file.$error) {
} else {
function resizeAndUpdate() {
function updateModel() {
$timeout(function () {
@ -614,17 +614,30 @@ ngFileUpload.service('Upload', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', '$q', 'UploadE
}, options && options.debounce ? options.debounce.change || options.debounce : 0);
resize(validateAfterResize ? allNewFiles : valids, attr, scope).then(function () {
var resizingFiles = validateAfterResize ? allNewFiles : valids;
resizeFile(resizingFiles, attr, scope, ngModel).then(function () {
if (validateAfterResize) {
upload.validate(allNewFiles, prevValidFiles.length, ngModel, attr, scope).then(function () {
upload.validate(allNewFiles, keep ? prevValidFiles.length : 0, ngModel, attr, scope)
.then(function (validationResult) {
valids = validationResult.validsFiles;
invalids = validationResult.invalidsFiles;
} else {
}, function (e) {
throw 'Could not resize files ' + e;
}, function () {
for (var i = 0; i < resizingFiles.length; i++) {
var f = resizingFiles[i];
if (f.$error === 'resize') {
var index = valids.indexOf(f);
if (index > -1) {
valids.splice(index, 1);
@ -654,13 +667,15 @@ ngFileUpload.service('Upload', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', '$q', 'UploadE
var validateAfterResize = upload.attrGetter('ngfValidateAfterResize', attr, scope);
var options = upload.attrGetter('ngModelOptions', attr, scope);
upload.validate(allNewFiles, prevValidFiles.length, ngModel, attr, scope).then(function () {
var options = upload.attrGetter('ngfModelOptions', attr, scope);
upload.validate(allNewFiles, keep ? prevValidFiles.length : 0, ngModel, attr, scope)
.then(function (validationResult) {
if (noDelay) {
update(allNewFiles, [], files, dupFiles, isSingleModel);
} else {
if ((!options || !options.allowInvalid) && !validateAfterResize) {
valids = validationResult.validFiles;
invalids = validationResult.invalidFiles;
} else {
valids = allNewFiles;
@ -697,7 +712,7 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
/** @namespace attr.ngfSelect */
/** @namespace attr.ngfChange */
/** @namespace attr.ngModel */
/** @namespace attr.ngModelOptions */
/** @namespace attr.ngfModelOptions */
/** @namespace attr.ngfMultiple */
/** @namespace attr.ngfCapture */
/** @namespace attr.ngfValidate */
@ -717,6 +732,8 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
function changeFn(evt) {
if (upload.shouldUpdateOn('change', attr, scope)) {
var fileList = evt.__files_ || (evt.target && evt.target.files), files = [];
/* Handle duplicate call in IE11 */
if (!fileList) return;
for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
@ -728,31 +745,39 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
upload.registerModelChangeValidator(ngModel, attr, scope);
var unwatches = [];
unwatches.push(scope.$watch(attrGetter('ngfMultiple'), function () {
fileElem.attr('multiple', attrGetter('ngfMultiple', scope));
unwatches.push(scope.$watch(attrGetter('ngfCapture'), function () {
fileElem.attr('capture', attrGetter('ngfCapture', scope));
unwatches.push(scope.$watch(attrGetter('ngfAccept'), function () {
fileElem.attr('accept', attrGetter('ngfAccept', scope));
attr.$observe('accept', function () {
if (attrGetter('ngfMultiple')) {
unwatches.push(scope.$watch(attrGetter('ngfMultiple'), function () {
fileElem.attr('multiple', attrGetter('ngfMultiple', scope));
if (attrGetter('ngfCapture')) {
unwatches.push(scope.$watch(attrGetter('ngfCapture'), function () {
fileElem.attr('capture', attrGetter('ngfCapture', scope));
if (attrGetter('ngfAccept')) {
unwatches.push(scope.$watch(attrGetter('ngfAccept'), function () {
fileElem.attr('accept', attrGetter('ngfAccept', scope));
unwatches.push(attr.$observe('accept', function () {
fileElem.attr('accept', attrGetter('accept'));
unwatches.push(function () {
if (attr.$$observers) delete attr.$$observers.accept;
function bindAttrToFileInput(fileElem) {
if (elem !== fileElem) {
for (var i = 0; i < elem[0].attributes.length; i++) {
var attribute = elem[0].attributes[i];
if (attribute.name !== 'type' && attribute.name !== 'class' && attribute.name !== 'style') {
if (attribute.value == null || attribute.value === '') {
if (attribute.name === 'required') attribute.value = 'required';
if (attribute.name === 'multiple') attribute.value = 'multiple';
fileElem.attr(attribute.name, attribute.name === 'id' ? 'ngf-' + attribute.value : attribute.value);
function bindAttrToFileInput(fileElem, label) {
function updateId(val) {
fileElem.attr('id', 'ngf-' + val);
label.attr('id', 'ngf-label-' + val);
for (var i = 0; i < elem[0].attributes.length; i++) {
var attribute = elem[0].attributes[i];
if (attribute.name !== 'type' && attribute.name !== 'class' && attribute.name !== 'style') {
if (attribute.name === 'id') {
unwatches.push(attr.$observe('id', updateId));
} else {
fileElem.attr(attribute.name, (!attribute.value && (attribute.name === 'required' ||
attribute.name === 'multiple')) ? attribute.name : attribute.value);
@ -765,12 +790,12 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
var fileElem = angular.element('<input type="file">');
var label = angular.element('<label>upload</label>');
label.css('visibility', 'hidden').css('position', 'absolute').css('overflow', 'hidden')
.css('width', '0px').css('height', '0px').css('border', 'none')
.css('margin', '0px').css('padding', '0px').attr('tabindex', '-1');
bindAttrToFileInput(fileElem, label);
generatedElems.push({el: elem, ref: label});
@ -778,13 +803,12 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
return fileElem;
var initialTouchStartY = 0;
function clickHandler(evt) {
if (elem.attr('disabled')) return false;
if (attrGetter('ngfSelectDisabled', scope)) return;
var r = handleTouch(evt);
var r = detectSwipe(evt);
// prevent the click if it is a swipe
if (r != null) return r;
@ -796,7 +820,8 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
fileElem.bind('change', changeFn);
} catch(e){/*ignore*/}
} catch (e) {/*ignore*/
if (isDelayedClickSupported(navigator.userAgent)) {
setTimeout(function () {
@ -809,19 +834,30 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
return false;
function handleTouch(evt) {
var touches = evt.changedTouches || (evt.originalEvent && evt.originalEvent.changedTouches);
if (evt.type === 'touchstart') {
initialTouchStartY = touches ? touches[0].clientY : 0;
return true; // don't block event default
} else {
// prevent scroll from triggering event
if (evt.type === 'touchend') {
var currentLocation = touches ? touches[0].clientY : 0;
if (Math.abs(currentLocation - initialTouchStartY) > 20) return false;
var initialTouchStartY = 0;
var initialTouchStartX = 0;
function detectSwipe(evt) {
var touches = evt.changedTouches || (evt.originalEvent && evt.originalEvent.changedTouches);
if (touches) {
if (evt.type === 'touchstart') {
initialTouchStartX = touches[0].clientX;
initialTouchStartY = touches[0].clientY;
return true; // don't block event default
} else {
// prevent scroll from triggering event
if (evt.type === 'touchend') {
var currentX = touches[0].clientX;
var currentY = touches[0].clientY;
if ((Math.abs(currentX - initialTouchStartX) > 20) ||
(Math.abs(currentY - initialTouchStartY) > 20)) {
return false;
return true;
@ -1052,14 +1088,19 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
var size = resizeParams;
if (directiveName === 'ngfThumbnail') {
if (!size) {
size = {width: elem[0].clientWidth, height: elem[0].clientHeight};
size = {
width: elem[0].naturalWidth || elem[0].clientWidth,
height: elem[0].naturalHeight || elem[0].clientHeight
if (size.width === 0 && window.getComputedStyle) {
var style = getComputedStyle(elem[0]);
size = {
width: parseInt(style.width.slice(0, -2)),
height: parseInt(style.height.slice(0, -2))
if (style.width && style.width.indexOf('px') > -1 && style.height && style.height.indexOf('px') > -1) {
size = {
width: parseInt(style.width.slice(0, -2)),
height: parseInt(style.height.slice(0, -2))
@ -1074,7 +1115,11 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
if (file && file.type && file.type.search(getTagType(elem[0])) === 0 &&
(!isBackground || file.type.indexOf('image') === 0)) {
if (size && Upload.isResizeSupported()) {
Upload.resize(file, size.width, size.height, size.quality).then(
size.resizeIf = function (width, height) {
return Upload.attrGetter('ngfResizeIf', attr, scope,
{$width: width, $height: height, $file: file});
Upload.resize(file, size).then(
function (f) {
}, function (e) {
@ -1136,8 +1181,8 @@ ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', 'Upload',
ngFileUpload.config(['$compileProvider', function ($compileProvider) {
if ($compileProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist) $compileProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist(/^\s*(https?|ftp|mailto|tel|local|file|data|blob):/);
if ($compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist) $compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(/^\s*(https?|ftp|mailto|tel|local|file|data|blob):/);
if ($compileProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist) $compileProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist(/^\s*(https?|ftp|mailto|tel|webcal|local|file|data|blob):/);
if ($compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist) $compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(/^\s*(https?|ftp|mailto|tel|webcal|local|file|data|blob):/);
ngFileUpload.filter('ngfDataUrl', ['UploadDataUrl', '$sce', function (UploadDataUrl, $sce) {
@ -1229,13 +1274,15 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
if (ngModel) {
ngModel.$formatters.push(function (files) {
if (ngModel.$dirty) {
var filesArray = files;
if (files && !angular.isArray(files)) {
files = [files];
filesArray = [files];
upload.validate(files, 0, ngModel, attr, scope).then(function () {
upload.applyModelValidation(ngModel, files);
upload.validate(filesArray, 0, ngModel, attr, scope).then(function () {
upload.applyModelValidation(ngModel, filesArray);
return files;
@ -1285,11 +1332,15 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
return upload.attrGetter(name, attr, scope, params);
var ignoredErrors = (upload.attrGetter('ngfIgnoreInvalid', attr, scope) || '').split(' ');
var runAllValidation = upload.attrGetter('ngfRunAllValidations', attr, scope);
if (files == null || files.length === 0) {
return upload.emptyPromise(ngModel);
return upload.emptyPromise({'validFiles': files, 'invalidFiles': []});
files = files.length === undefined ? [files] : files.slice(0);
var invalidFiles = [];
function validateSync(name, validationName, fn) {
if (files) {
@ -1300,11 +1351,20 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
var val = upload.getValidationAttr(attr, scope, name, validationName, file);
if (val != null) {
if (!fn(file, val, i)) {
file.$error = name;
(file.$errorMessages = (file.$errorMessages || {}))[name] = true;
file.$errorParam = val;
files.splice(i, 1);
valid = false;
if (ignoredErrors.indexOf(name) === -1) {
file.$error = name;
(file.$errorMessages = (file.$errorMessages || {}))[name] = true;
file.$errorParam = val;
if (invalidFiles.indexOf(file) === -1) {
if (!runAllValidation) {
files.splice(i, 1);
valid = false;
} else {
files.splice(i, 1);
@ -1315,9 +1375,6 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
validateSync('maxFiles', null, function (file, val, i) {
return prevLength + i < val;
validateSync('pattern', null, upload.validatePattern);
validateSync('minSize', 'size.min', function (file, val) {
return file.size + 0.1 >= upload.translateScalars(val);
@ -1340,44 +1397,58 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
if (!files.length) {
return upload.emptyPromise(ngModel, ngModel.$ngfValidations);
return upload.emptyPromise({'validFiles': [], 'invalidFiles': invalidFiles});
function validateAsync(name, validationName, type, asyncFn, fn) {
function resolveResult(defer, file, val) {
function resolveInternal(fn) {
if (fn()) {
if (ignoredErrors.indexOf(name) === -1) {
file.$error = name;
(file.$errorMessages = (file.$errorMessages || {}))[name] = true;
file.$errorParam = val;
if (invalidFiles.indexOf(file) === -1) {
if (!runAllValidation) {
var i = files.indexOf(file);
if (i > -1) files.splice(i, 1);
} else {
var j = files.indexOf(file);
if (j > -1) files.splice(j, 1);
} else {
if (val != null) {
asyncFn(file, val).then(function (d) {
if (!fn(d, val)) {
file.$error = name;
(file.$errorMessages = (file.$errorMessages || {}))[name] = true;
file.$errorParam = val;
} else {
resolveInternal(function () {
return !fn(d, val);
}, function () {
if (attrGetter('ngfValidateForce', {$file: file})) {
file.$error = name;
(file.$errorMessages = (file.$errorMessages || {}))[name] = true;
file.$errorParam = val;
} else {
resolveInternal(function () {
return attrGetter('ngfValidateForce', {$file: file});
} else {
var promises = [upload.emptyPromise()];
var promises = [upload.emptyPromise(true)];
if (files) {
files = files.length === undefined ? [files] : files;
angular.forEach(files, function (file) {
var defer = $q.defer();
if (type && (file.type == null || file.type.search(type) !== 0)) {
if (name === 'dimensions' && upload.attrGetter('ngfDimensions', attr) != null) {
@ -1385,96 +1456,120 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
resolveResult(defer, file,
attrGetter('ngfDimensions', {$file: file, $width: d.width, $height: d.height}));
}, function () {
} else if (name === 'duration' && upload.attrGetter('ngfDuration', attr) != null) {
upload.mediaDuration(file).then(function (d) {
resolveResult(defer, file,
attrGetter('ngfDuration', {$file: file, $duration: d}));
}, function () {
} else {
resolveResult(defer, file,
upload.getValidationAttr(attr, scope, name, validationName, file));
return $q.all(promises).then(function () {
ngModel.$ngfValidations.push({name: name, valid: true});
}, function () {
ngModel.$ngfValidations.push({name: name, valid: false});
var deffer = $q.defer();
$q.all(promises).then(function (values) {
var isValid = true;
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if (!values[i]) {
isValid = false;
ngModel.$ngfValidations.push({name: name, valid: isValid});
return deffer.promise;
var deffer = $q.defer();
var promises = [];
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('maxHeight', 'height.max', /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('maxHeight', 'height.max', /image/,
this.imageDimensions, function (d, val) {
return d.height <= val;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('minHeight', 'height.min', /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('minHeight', 'height.min', /image/,
this.imageDimensions, function (d, val) {
return d.height >= val;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('maxWidth', 'width.max', /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('maxWidth', 'width.max', /image/,
this.imageDimensions, function (d, val) {
return d.width <= val;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('minWidth', 'width.min', /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('minWidth', 'width.min', /image/,
this.imageDimensions, function (d, val) {
return d.width >= val;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('dimensions', null, /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('dimensions', null, /image/,
function (file, val) {
return upload.emptyPromise(val);
}, function (r) {
return r;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('ratio', null, /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('ratio', null, /image/,
this.imageDimensions, function (d, val) {
var split = val.toString().split(','), valid = false;
for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
if (Math.abs((d.width / d.height) - upload.ratioToFloat(split[i])) < 0.0001) {
if (Math.abs((d.width / d.height) - upload.ratioToFloat(split[i])) < 0.01) {
valid = true;
return valid;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('maxRatio', 'ratio.max', /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('maxRatio', 'ratio.max', /image/,
this.imageDimensions, function (d, val) {
return (d.width / d.height) - upload.ratioToFloat(val) < 0.0001;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('minRatio', 'ratio.min', /image/,
promises.push(validateAsync('minRatio', 'ratio.min', /image/,
this.imageDimensions, function (d, val) {
return (d.width / d.height) - upload.ratioToFloat(val) > -0.0001;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('maxDuration', 'duration.max', /audio|video/,
promises.push(validateAsync('maxDuration', 'duration.max', /audio|video/,
this.mediaDuration, function (d, val) {
return d <= upload.translateScalars(val);
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('minDuration', 'duration.min', /audio|video/,
promises.push(validateAsync('minDuration', 'duration.min', /audio|video/,
this.mediaDuration, function (d, val) {
return d >= upload.translateScalars(val);
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('duration', null, /audio|video/,
promises.push(validateAsync('duration', null, /audio|video/,
function (file, val) {
return upload.emptyPromise(val);
}, function (r) {
return r;
promises.push(upload.happyPromise(validateAsync('validateAsyncFn', null, null,
promises.push(validateAsync('validateAsyncFn', null, null,
function (file, val) {
return val;
}, function (r) {
return r === true || r === null || r === '';
return $q.all(promises).then(function () {
deffer.resolve(ngModel, ngModel.$ngfValidations);
$q.all(promises).then(function () {
if (runAllValidation) {
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var file = files[i];
if (file.$error) {
files.splice(i--, 1);
runAllValidation = false;
validateSync('maxFiles', null, function (file, val, i) {
return prevLength + i < val;
deffer.resolve({'validFiles': files, 'invalidFiles': invalidFiles});
return deffer.promise;
upload.imageDimensions = function (file) {
@ -1499,8 +1594,8 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
.css('max-width', 'none !important').css('max-height', 'none !important');
function success() {
var width = img[0].clientWidth;
var height = img[0].clientHeight;
var width = img[0].naturalWidth || img[0].clientWidth;
var height = img[0].naturalHeight || img[0].clientHeight;
file.$ngfWidth = width;
file.$ngfHeight = height;
@ -1514,23 +1609,23 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadValidate', ['UploadDataUrl', '$q', '$timeout', funct
img.on('load', success);
img.on('error', error);
var count = 0;
function checkLoadError() {
var secondsCounter = 0;
function checkLoadErrorInCaseOfNoCallback() {
$timeout(function () {
if (img[0].parentNode) {
if (img[0].clientWidth) {
} else if (count > 10) {
} else if (secondsCounter++ > 10) {
} else {
}, 1000);
}, function () {
@ -1641,31 +1736,35 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
var deferred = $q.defer();
var canvasElement = document.createElement('canvas');
var imageElement = document.createElement('img');
imageElement.setAttribute('style', 'visibility:hidden;position:fixed;z-index:-100000');
imageElement.onload = function () {
if (resizeIf != null && resizeIf(imageElement.width, imageElement.height) === false) {
var imgWidth = imageElement.width, imgHeight = imageElement.height;
if (resizeIf != null && resizeIf(imgWidth, imgHeight) === false) {
try {
if (ratio) {
var ratioFloat = upload.ratioToFloat(ratio);
var imgRatio = imageElement.width / imageElement.height;
var imgRatio = imgWidth / imgHeight;
if (imgRatio < ratioFloat) {
width = imageElement.width;
width = imgWidth;
height = width / ratioFloat;
} else {
height = imageElement.height;
height = imgHeight;
width = height * ratioFloat;
if (!width) {
width = imageElement.width;
width = imgWidth;
if (!height) {
height = imageElement.height;
height = imgHeight;
var dimensions = calculateAspectRatioFit(imageElement.width, imageElement.height, width, height, centerCrop);
var dimensions = calculateAspectRatioFit(imgWidth, imgHeight, width, height, centerCrop);
canvasElement.width = Math.min(dimensions.width, width);
canvasElement.height = Math.min(dimensions.height, height);
var context = canvasElement.getContext('2d');
@ -1678,6 +1777,7 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
imageElement.onerror = function () {
imageElement.src = imagen;
@ -1714,14 +1814,15 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
upload.resize = function (file, width, height, quality, type, ratio, centerCrop, resizeIf, restoreExif) {
upload.resize = function (file, options) {
if (file.type.indexOf('image') !== 0) return upload.emptyPromise(file);
var deferred = $q.defer();
upload.dataUrl(file, true).then(function (url) {
resize(url, width, height, quality, type || file.type, ratio, centerCrop, resizeIf)
resize(url, options.width, options.height, options.quality, options.type || file.type,
options.ratio, options.centerCrop, options.resizeIf)
.then(function (dataUrl) {
if (file.type === 'image/jpeg' && restoreExif) {
if (file.type === 'image/jpeg' && options.restoreExif !== false) {
try {
dataUrl = upload.restoreExif(url, dataUrl);
} catch (e) {
@ -1750,13 +1851,13 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
(function () {
ngFileUpload.directive('ngfDrop', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$location', 'Upload', '$http', '$q',
function ($parse, $timeout, $location, Upload, $http, $q) {
ngFileUpload.directive('ngfDrop', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$window', 'Upload', '$http', '$q',
function ($parse, $timeout, $window, Upload, $http, $q) {
return {
restrict: 'AEC',
require: '?ngModel',
link: function (scope, elem, attr, ngModel) {
linkDrop(scope, elem, attr, ngModel, $parse, $timeout, $location, Upload, $http, $q);
linkDrop(scope, elem, attr, ngModel, $parse, $timeout, $window, Upload, $http, $q);
@ -1781,7 +1882,7 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
function linkDrop(scope, elem, attr, ngModel, $parse, $timeout, $location, upload, $http, $q) {
function linkDrop(scope, elem, attr, ngModel, $parse, $timeout, $window, upload, $http, $q) {
var available = dropAvailable();
var attrGetter = function (name, scope, params) {
@ -1857,23 +1958,7 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
if (stopPropagation(scope)) evt.stopPropagation();
if (actualDragOverClass) elem.removeClass(actualDragOverClass);
actualDragOverClass = null;
var items = evt.dataTransfer.items;
var html;
try {
html = evt.dataTransfer && evt.dataTransfer.getData && evt.dataTransfer.getData('text/html');
} catch (e) {/* Fix IE11 that throw error calling getData */
extractFiles(items, evt.dataTransfer.files, attrGetter('ngfAllowDir', scope) !== false,
attrGetter('multiple') || attrGetter('ngfMultiple', scope)).then(function (files) {
if (files.length) {
updateModel(files, evt);
} else {
extractFilesFromHtml('dropUrl', html).then(function (files) {
updateModel(files, evt);
extractFilesAndUpdateModel(evt.dataTransfer, evt, 'dropUrl');
}, false);
elem[0].addEventListener('paste', function (evt) {
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1 &&
@ -1881,22 +1966,7 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
if (isDisabled() || !upload.shouldUpdateOn('paste', attr, scope)) return;
var files = [];
var clipboard = evt.clipboardData || evt.originalEvent.clipboardData;
if (clipboard && clipboard.items) {
for (var k = 0; k < clipboard.items.length; k++) {
if (clipboard.items[k].type.indexOf('image') !== -1) {
if (files.length) {
updateModel(files, evt);
} else {
extractFilesFromHtml('pasteUrl', clipboard).then(function (files) {
updateModel(files, evt);
extractFilesAndUpdateModel(evt.clipboardData || evt.originalEvent.clipboardData, evt, 'pasteUrl');
}, false);
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1 &&
@ -1909,12 +1979,33 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
function extractFilesAndUpdateModel(source, evt, updateOnType) {
if (!source) return;
// html needs to be calculated on the same process otherwise the data will be wiped
// after promise resolve or setTimeout.
var html;
try {
html = source && source.getData && source.getData('text/html');
} catch (e) {/* Fix IE11 that throw error calling getData */
extractFiles(source.items, source.files, attrGetter('ngfAllowDir', scope) !== false,
attrGetter('multiple') || attrGetter('ngfMultiple', scope)).then(function (files) {
if (files.length) {
updateModel(files, evt);
} else {
extractFilesFromHtml(updateOnType, html).then(function (files) {
updateModel(files, evt);
function updateModel(files, evt) {
upload.updateModel(ngModel, attr, scope, attrGetter('ngfChange') || attrGetter('ngfDrop'), files, evt);
function extractFilesFromHtml(updateOn, html) {
if (!upload.shouldUpdateOn(updateOn, attr, scope) || !html) return upload.rejectPromise([]);
if (!upload.shouldUpdateOn(updateOn, attr, scope) || typeof html !== 'string') return upload.rejectPromise([]);
var urls = [];
html.replace(/<(img src|img [^>]* src) *=\"([^\"]*)\"/gi, function (m, n, src) {
@ -1965,8 +2056,14 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
function extractFiles(items, fileList, allowDir, multiple) {
var maxFiles = upload.getValidationAttr(attr, scope, 'maxFiles') || Number.MAX_VALUE;
var maxTotalSize = upload.getValidationAttr(attr, scope, 'maxTotalSize') || Number.MAX_VALUE;
var maxFiles = upload.getValidationAttr(attr, scope, 'maxFiles');
if (maxFiles == null) {
maxFiles = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var maxTotalSize = upload.getValidationAttr(attr, scope, 'maxTotalSize');
if (maxTotalSize == null) {
maxTotalSize = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var includeDir = attrGetter('ngfIncludeDir', scope);
var files = [], totalSize = 0;
@ -1977,7 +2074,7 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
var promises = [upload.emptyPromise()];
if (includeDir) {
var file = {type: 'directory'};
file.name = file.path = (path || '') + entry.name + entry.name;
file.name = file.path = (path || '') + entry.name;
var dirReader = entry.createReader();
@ -2031,7 +2128,7 @@ ngFileUpload.service('UploadResize', ['UploadValidate', '$q', function (UploadVa
var promises = [upload.emptyPromise()];
if (items && items.length > 0 && $location.protocol() !== 'file') {
if (items && items.length > 0 && $window.location.protocol !== 'file:') {
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].webkitGetAsEntry && items[i].webkitGetAsEntry() && items[i].webkitGetAsEntry().isDirectory) {
var entry = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long