diff --git a/specs/newton/index.rst b/specs/newton/index.rst
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+++ b/specs/newton/index.rst
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diff --git a/specs/newton/lazy-queues-in-subscriptions.rst b/specs/newton/lazy-queues-in-subscriptions.rst
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/specs/newton/lazy-queues-in-subscriptions.rst
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+  This template should be in ReSTructured text. The filename in the git
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+  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/zaqar/+spec/awesome-thing should be named
+  awesome-thing.rst.
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+  template.  If you have nothing to say for a whole section, just write: None
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+Lazy queues in subscriptions
+Make queues lazy on operations with subscriptions, so the user will be able to
+subscribe to yet unexisting queue.
+Problem description
+Queues are designed to be lazy resources in Zaqar's API v1.1 and API v2 in
+messaging. That means, for example, that the user can post messages to
+unexisting queue, and the queue will be automatically created. But now queues
+do not behave like lazy resources on operations with subscriptions. Before
+creating a subscription, the user must ensure the queue exists, or Zaqar will
+send error response with HTTP code 400.
+Proposed change
+Make queues lazy on operations with subscriptions, so the user will be able
+to subscribe to yet unexisting queue. Make Zaqar do not send error response
+on queue creation operation in the case queue does not exists.
+#. The behavior of API will be more consistent, because after the change
+   queues will be lazy in all situations.
+#. It will be easier for the user to work with subscriptions. No need to do
+   pre-check for queue existence, or handle 400 error response from Zaqar, or
+   always pre-create queue.
+#. There will be no need to solve currently existing problem when the queue was
+   deleted, but subscriptions to it are still existing. Problem solving will
+   probably require storage driver code to delete also all subscriptions to
+   a queue, when deleting the queue. It may be very undesirable for the user,
+   because subscriptions will not guarantee to be existing till TTL expiration,
+   and will need to be renewed also after queue delete and queue create
+   operations. Proper solution to this problem will complicate behavior in many
+   ways in both Zaqar and client's code. It will be probably backward
+   incompatible change.
+The change is backward compatible. Client's code should work after the change.
+Two alternatives:
+#. Keep the current behavior.
+#. There is opinion to make queues non-lazy resources in all situations like
+   it was in API v1. But it will be backward incompatible change to our API
+   v1.1 and API v2, so maybe make it in the distant future.
+Both of them will require solving the problem about still active subscriptions
+to a queue that was deleted.
+Primary assignee:
+  ubershy
+Target Milestone for completion:
+  Newton-1
+Work Items
+#. Remove checks for queue existence on operations with subscriptions from
+   storage drivers.
+#. Remove the code that is catching ``QueueDoesNotExist`` exception on
+   operations with subscriptions from transport drivers.
+#. Change functional and unit tests accordingly.
+.. note::
+  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
+  Unported License.
+  http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode