# Copyright (c) 2013 Rackspace, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from distutils import version as d_version import falcon import six import socket from wsgiref import simple_server from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import netutils from zaqar.common import decorators from zaqar.common.transport.wsgi import helpers from zaqar.conf import drivers_transport_wsgi from zaqar.i18n import _ from zaqar import transport from zaqar.transport import acl from zaqar.transport.middleware import auth from zaqar.transport.middleware import cors from zaqar.transport.middleware import profile from zaqar.transport import validation from zaqar.transport.wsgi import v1_0 from zaqar.transport.wsgi import v1_1 from zaqar.transport.wsgi import v2_0 from zaqar.transport.wsgi import version LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FuncMiddleware(object): def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def process_resource(self, req, resp, resource, params): return self.func(req, resp, params) class Driver(transport.DriverBase): def __init__(self, conf, storage, cache, control): super(Driver, self).__init__(conf, storage, cache, control) self._conf.register_opts(drivers_transport_wsgi.ALL_OPTS, group=drivers_transport_wsgi.GROUP_NAME) self._wsgi_conf = self._conf[drivers_transport_wsgi.GROUP_NAME] self._validate = validation.Validator(self._conf) self.app = None self._init_routes() self._init_middleware() def _verify_pre_signed_url(self, req, resp, params): return helpers.verify_pre_signed_url(self._conf.signed_url.secret_key, req, resp, params) def _validate_queue_identification(self, req, resp, params): return helpers.validate_queue_identification( self._validate.queue_identification, req, resp, params) def _validate_topic_identification(self, req, resp, params): return helpers.validate_topic_identification( self._validate.topic_identification, req, resp, params) def _require_client_id(self, req, resp, params): return helpers.require_client_id( self._validate.client_id_uuid_safe, req, resp, params) @decorators.lazy_property(write=False) def before_hooks(self): """Exposed to facilitate unit testing.""" return [ self._verify_pre_signed_url, helpers.require_content_type_be_non_urlencoded, helpers.require_accepts_json, self._require_client_id, helpers.extract_project_id, # NOTE(jeffrey4l): Depends on the project_id and client_id being # extracted above helpers.inject_context, # NOTE(kgriffs): Depends on project_id being extracted, above self._validate_queue_identification, # NOTE(kgriffs): Depends on project_id being extracted, above self._validate_topic_identification ] def _init_routes(self): """Initialize hooks and URI routes to resources.""" catalog = [ ('/v1', v1_0.public_endpoints(self, self._conf)), ('/v1.1', v1_1.public_endpoints(self, self._conf)), ('/v2', v2_0.public_endpoints(self, self._conf)), ('/', [('', version.Resource())]) ] if self._conf.admin_mode: catalog.extend([ ('/v1', v1_0.private_endpoints(self, self._conf)), ('/v1.1', v1_1.private_endpoints(self, self._conf)), ('/v2', v2_0.private_endpoints(self, self._conf)), ]) # NOTE(wanghao): Since hook feature has removed after 1.0.0, using # middleware instead of it, but for the compatibility with old version, # we support them both now. Hook way can be removed after falcon # version must be bigger than 1.0.0 in requirements. if (d_version.LooseVersion(falcon.__version__) >= d_version.LooseVersion("1.0.0")): middleware = [FuncMiddleware(hook) for hook in self.before_hooks] self.app = falcon.API(middleware=middleware) else: self.app = falcon.API(before=self.before_hooks) # Set options to keep behavior compatible to pre-2.0.0 falcon self.app.req_options.auto_parse_qs_csv = True self.app.req_options.keep_blank_qs_values = False self.app.add_error_handler(Exception, self._error_handler) for version_path, endpoints in catalog: if endpoints: for route, resource in endpoints: self.app.add_route(version_path + route, resource) def _init_middleware(self): """Initialize WSGI middlewarez.""" # NOTE(zhiyan): Install Profiler if (self._conf.profiler.enabled and self._conf.profiler.trace_wsgi_transport): self.app = profile.install_wsgi_tracer(self.app, self._conf) auth_app = self.app # NOTE(flaper87): Install Auth if self._conf.auth_strategy: strategy = auth.strategy(self._conf.auth_strategy) auth_app = strategy.install(self.app, self._conf) self.app = auth.SignedHeadersAuth(self.app, auth_app) # NOTE(wangxiyuan): Install CORS, this middleware should be called # before Keystone auth. self.app = cors.install_cors(self.app, auth_app, self._conf) acl.setup_policy(self._conf) def _error_handler(self, exc, request, response, params): if isinstance(exc, falcon.HTTPError): raise exc LOG.exception(exc) raise falcon.HTTPInternalServerError('Internal server error', six.text_type(exc)) def _get_server_cls(self, host): """Return an appropriate WSGI server class base on provided host :param host: The listen host for the zaqar API server. """ server_cls = simple_server.WSGIServer if netutils.is_valid_ipv6(host): if getattr(server_cls, 'address_family') == socket.AF_INET: class server_cls(server_cls): address_family = socket.AF_INET6 return server_cls def listen(self): """Self-host using 'bind' and 'port' from the WSGI config group.""" msgtmpl = _(u'Serving on host %(bind)s:%(port)s') LOG.info(msgtmpl, {'bind': self._wsgi_conf.bind, 'port': self._wsgi_conf.port}) server_cls = self._get_server_cls(self._wsgi_conf.bind) httpd = simple_server.make_server(self._wsgi_conf.bind, self._wsgi_conf.port, self.app, server_cls) httpd.serve_forever()