#### variables in header ##################################################### client_id: type: UUID in: header description: | A UUID for each client instance. The UUID must be submitted in its canonical form (for example, 3381af92-2b9e-11e3-b191-71861300734c). The client generates the Client-ID once. Client-ID persists between restarts of the client so the client should reuse that same Client-ID. Note: All message-related operations require the use of ``Client-ID`` in the headers to ensure that messages are not echoed back to the client that posted them, unless the client explicitly requests this. #### variables in path ####################################################### claim_id: type: string in: path required: True description: | The id of the claim. flavor_name_path: type: string in: path required: True description: The name of the flavor. message_id: type: string in: path required: True description: | The ID of the message. pool_name_path: type: string in: path required: True description: The name of the pool. queue_name: type: string in: path required: True description: | The name of the queue. subscription_id_path: type: string in: path required: True description: | The id of the subscription. #### variables in query ###################################################### claim_limit: type: integer in: query required: false description: | The ``limit`` specifies up to 20 messages (configurable) to claim. If not specified, limit defaults to 10. Note that claim creation is best-effort, meaning the server may claim and return less than the requested number of messages. detailed: type: boolean in: query required: false description: | The 'detailed' specifies if showing the detailed information when querying queues, flavors and pools. echo: type: boolean in: query required: false description: Indicate if the messages can be echoed back to the client that posted them. ids: type: list in: query required: false description: | A list of the messages ids. ``pop`` & ``ids`` parameters are mutually exclusive. Using them together in a request will result in HTTP 400. NOTE: Actually, it's not a real list, it's string combined with many message ids separated with comma, for example: /messages?ids=578f0055508f153f256f717e,578f0055508f153f256f717f include_claimed: type: boolean in: query required: false description: Indicate if the messages list should include the claimed messages. include_delayed: type: boolean in: query required: false description: Indicate if the messages list should include the delayed messages. limit: type: integer in: query required: false description: | Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the ``limit`` parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the ``marker`` parameter value in a subsequent limited request. marker: type: string in: query required: false description: | The ID of the last-seen item. Use the ``limit`` parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the ``marker`` parameter value in a subsequent limited request. pop: type: integer in: query required: false description: | The ``pop`` specifies how many messages will be popped up from the queue. ``pop`` & ``ids`` parameters are mutually exclusive. Using them together in a request will result in HTTP 400. #### variables in request #################################################### _dead_letter_queue: type: string in: body required: False description: | The target the message will be moved to when the message can't processed successfully after meet the max claim count. It's not supported to add queue C as the dead letter queue for queue B where queue B has been set as a dead letter queue for queue A. There is no default value for this attribute. If it's not set explicitly, then that means there is no dead letter queue for current queue. It is one of the ``reserved attributes`` of Zaqar queues. _dead_letter_queue_messages_ttl: type: integer in: body required: False description: | The new TTL setting for messages when moved to dead letter queue. If it's not set, current TTL will be kept. It is one of the ``reserved attributes`` of Zaqar queues. _default_message_delay: type: string in: body required: False description: | The delay of messages defined for a queue. When the messages send to the queue, it will be delayed for some times and means it can not be claimed until the delay expired. And user can define a queue's level value for delay, also can define a message's level. The latter has a higher priority. It is one of the ``reserved attributes`` of Zaqar queues. _default_message_ttl: type: integer in: body required: True description: | The default TTL of messages defined for a queue, which will effect for any messages posted to the queue. So when there is no TTL defined for a message, the queue's _default_message_ttl will be used. By default, the value is the same value defined as ''max_message_ttl'' in zaqar.conf. It is one of the ``reserved attributes`` of Zaqar queues. The value will be reverted to the default value after deleting it explicitly. _flavor: type: string in: body required: False description: | The flavor name which can tell Zaqar which storage pool will be used to create the queue. It is one of the ``reserved attributes`` of Zaqar queues. _max_claim_count: type: integer in: body required: False description: | The max number the message can be claimed. Generally, it means the message cannot be processed successfully. There is no default value for this attribute. If it's not set, then that means this feature won't be enabled for current queue. It is one of the ``reserved attributes`` of Zaqar queues. _max_messages_post_size: type: integer in: body required: True description: | The max post size of messages defined for a queue, which will effect for any messages posted to the queue. So user can define a queue's level cap for post size which can't bigger than the max_messages_post_size defined in zaqar.conf. It is one of the ``reserved attributes`` of Zaqar queues. The value will be reverted to the default value after deleting it explicitly. capabilities: type: list in: body description: | Capabilities describe what this flavor is capable of base on the storage capabilities. They are used to inform the final user such capabilities. catalog_reachable: type: boolean in: body required: True description: | A boolean value to indicate if the management(catalog) datatabse is reachable or not. claim_grace: type: integer in: body required: false description: | The ``grace`` attribute specifies the message grace period in seconds. The value of ``grace`` value must be between 60 and 43200 seconds (12 hours). You must include a value for this attribute in your request. To deal with workers that have stopped responding (for up to 1209600 seconds or 14 days, including claim lifetime), the server extends the lifetime of claimed messages to be at least as long as the lifetime of the claim itself, plus the specified grace period. If a claimed message would normally live longer than the claim's live period, its expiration is not adjusted. claim_ttl: type: integer in: body required: false description: | The ``ttl`` attribute specifies how long the server waits before releasing the claim. The ttl value must be between 60 and 43200 seconds (12 hours). You must include a value for this attribute in your request. flavor_href: type: string in: body description: | The url of the flavor. flavor_links: type: array in: body required: true description: | Links related to the flavors. This is a list of dictionaries, each including keys ``href`` and ``rel``. flavor_name: type: string in: body required: true description: | The name of the flavor. flavor_pool_group: type: string in: body required: true description: | The ``pool_group`` attribute specifies the name of the pool group this flavor sits on top of. flavors: type: list in: body description: | A list of the flaovrs. links: type: array in: body required: true description: | Links related to the queues. This is a list of dictionaries, each including keys ``href`` and ``rel``. messages: type: list in: body required: True description: | A list of the messages. messages_resources: type: list in: body description: | A list of the URL to messages. operation_status: type: dict in: body required: False description: | A dict which will contain the status for many different actions/operations. For example, post_messages, delete_messages, delete queue, etc. And each status is a dict which contains three items: ``seconds``, ``ref`` and ``succeeded``. Seconds means how long the operation took and succeeded will indicate if the actions was successful or not. Ref may contain the information if the succeeded is False, otherwise it's null. pool_group: type: string in: body required: false description: | The ``group`` attribute specifies a tag to given to more than one pool so that it keeps user remind the purpose/capabilities of all pools that falls under that group. pool_href: type: string in: body description: | The url of the pool. pool_links: type: array in: body required: true description: | Links related to the pools. This is a list of dictionaries, each including keys ``href`` and ``rel``. pool_name: type: string in: body description: | The name of the pool. pool_options: type: dict in: body required: false description: | The ``options`` attribute gives storage-specific options used by storage driver implementations. The value must be a dict and valid key-value come from the registered options for a given storage backend. pool_uri: type: string in: body required: true description: | The ``uri`` attribute specifies a connection string compatible with a storage client (e.g., pymongo) attempting to connect to that pool. pool_weight: type: integer in: body required: true description: | The ``weight`` attribute specifies the likelihood that this pool will be selected for the next queue allocation. The value must be an integer greater than -1. pools: type: list in: body description: | A list of the pools. pre_signed_queue_expires: type: string in: body required: False description: | The time to indicate when the pre-signed will be expired. pre_signed_queue_methods: type: list in: body required: False description: | A list of HTTP methods. The HTTP method(s) this URL was created for. By selecting the HTTP method, it's possible to give either read or read/write access to a specific resource. pre_signed_queue_paths: type: list in: body required: False description: | A list of paths the pre-signed queue can support. It could be a set of ``messages``, ``subscriptions``, ``claims``. pre_signed_queue_signature: type: list in: body required: True description: | The signature is generated after create the pre-signed URL. It can be consumed by adding below to HTTP headers: URL-Signature: 6a63d63242ebd18c3518871dda6fdcb6273db2672c599bf985469241e9a1c799 URL-Expires: 2015-05-31T19:00:17Z project_id: type: string in: body required: True description: | The ID of current project/tenant. queue_metadata: type: dict in: body description: | Metadata of queue. queues: type: list in: body required: true description: | A list of the queues. resource_types: type: list in: body required: false description: | The ``resource_types`` attribute allows user to purge particular resource of the queue. storage_reachable: type: boolean in: body required: False description: | A boolean value to indicate if the messages(pool) datatabse is reachable or not. subscriber: type: string in: body required: True description: | The ``subscriber`` attribute specifies the destination where the message notify to. It has been designed to match the Internet RFC on Relative Uniform Resource Locators. Zaqar now support two kinds of subscribers: http/https and email. The http/https subscriber should start with ``http/https``. The email subscriber should start with ``mailto``. subscription_age: type: integer in: body description: | How long the subscription has be existed. subscription_id: type: string in: body description: | The id of the subscription. subscription_options: type: dict in: body required: false description: | The ``options`` attribute specifies the extra metadata for the subscription . The value must be a dict and could contain any key-value. If the subscriber is "mailto". The ``options`` can contain ``from`` and ``subject`` to indicate the email's author and title. subscription_source: type: string in: body description: | The queue name which the subscription is registered on. subscription_ttl: type: integer in: body required: false description: | The ``ttl`` attribute specifies how long the subscription be alive. The ttl value must be great than 60 seconds. The default value is 3600 seconds. subscriptions: type: list in: body description: | A list of the subscriptions. versions: type: list in: body required: True description: | A list of supported major API versions.