Rafael Rivero f7adfaddb9 Fixes docstring typos
Change-Id: Ie6314d2e36b04ae1e82a54165b550f8f84ccef1f
2014-09-24 19:19:35 -07:00

257 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2013 Rackspace Hosting, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import contextlib
import functools
import os
import uuid
import six
import testtools
def _test_variable_set(variable):
return os.environ.get(variable, RUN_ALL_TESTS) is None
SKIP_SLOW_TESTS = _test_variable_set('ZAQAR_TEST_SLOW')
SKIP_REDIS_TESTS = _test_variable_set('ZAQAR_TEST_REDIS')
def expect(*exc_type):
"""A context manager to validate raised exceptions.
Can be used as an alternative to testtools.ExpectedException.
Notable differences:
1. This context manager accepts child classes of the
given type, testing that an "except" statement
referencing the given type would indeed catch it when
raised by the statement(s) defined inside the context.
2. When the expected exception (or a child thereof) is
not raised, this context manager *always* raises
an AssertionError, both when a different exception
is raised, and when no exception is raised at all.
:param *exc_type: Exception type(s) expected to be raised during
execution of the "with" context.
assert len(exc_type) > 0
except exc_type:
raise AssertionError(
'Not raised: %s' % ', '.join(e.__name__ for e in exc_type))
def partitions(controller, count):
"""Context manager to create several partitions for testing.
The partitions are automatically deleted when the context manager
goes out of scope.
:param controller:
:param count: int - number of partitions to create
:returns: [(str, int, [str])] - names, weights, hosts
spec = [(six.text_type(uuid.uuid1()), i,
[six.text_type(i)]) for i in range(count)]
for n, w, h in spec:
controller.create(n, w, h)
yield spec
for n, _, _ in spec:
def partition(controller, name, weight, hosts):
"""Context manager to create a single partition for testing.
The partition is automatically deleted when the context manager
goes out of scope.
:param controller: storage handler
:param name: str - partition name
:param weight: int - partition weight
:param hosts: [str] - hosts associated with this partition
:returns: (str, int, [str]) - name, weight, host used in construction
controller.create(name, weight, hosts)
yield (name, weight, hosts)
def entry(controller, project, queue, partition, host, metadata={}):
"""Context manager to create a catalogue entry for testing.
The entry is automatically deleted when the context manager
goes out of scope.
:param controller: storage handler
:param project: str - namespace for queue
:param queue: str - name of queue
:param partition: str - associated partition
:param host: str - representative host
:param metadata: dict - metadata representation for this entry
:returns: (str, str, str, str, dict) - (project, queue, part, host, meta)
controller.insert(project, queue, partition, host, metadata)
yield (project, queue, partition, host, metadata)
controller.delete(project, queue)
def entries(controller, count):
"""Context manager to create several catalogue entries for testing.
The entries are automatically deleted when the context manager
goes out of scope.
:param controller: storage handler
:param count: int - number of entries to create
:returns: [(str, str, str, str)] - [(project, queue, partition, host)]
spec = [(u'_', six.text_type(uuid.uuid1()), six.text_type(i),
for i in range(count)]
for p, q, n, h in spec:
controller.insert(p, q, n, h)
yield spec
for p, q, _, _ in spec:
controller.delete(p, q)
def pool_entry(controller, project, queue, pool):
"""Context manager to create a catalogue entry for testing.
The entry is automatically deleted when the context manager
goes out of scope.
:param controller: storage handler
:type controller:
:param project: namespace for queue
:type project: six.text_type
:param queue: name of queue
:type queue: six.text_type
:param pool: an identifier for the pool
:type pool: six.text_type
:returns: (project, queue, pool)
:rtype: (six.text_type, six.text_type, six.text_type)
controller.insert(project, queue, pool)
yield (project, queue, pool)
controller.delete(project, queue)
def pool_entries(controller, count):
"""Context manager to create several catalogue entries for testing.
The entries are automatically deleted when the context manager
goes out of scope.
:param controller: storage handler
:type controller:
:param count: number of entries to create
:type count: int
:returns: [(project, queue, pool)]
:rtype: [(six.text_type, six.text_type, six.text_type)]
spec = [(u'_', six.text_type(uuid.uuid1()), six.text_type(i))
for i in range(count)]
for p, q, s in spec:
controller.insert(p, q, s)
yield spec
for p, q, _ in spec:
controller.delete(p, q)
def requires_mongodb(test_case):
"""Decorator to flag a test case as being dependent on MongoDB.
MongoDB-specific tests will be skipped unless the ZAQAR_TEST_MONGODB
environment variable is set. If the variable is set, the tests will
assume that mongod is running and listening on localhost.
reason = ('Skipping tests that require MongoDB. Ensure '
'mongod is running on localhost and then set '
'ZAQAR_TEST_MONGODB in order to enable tests '
'that are specific to this storage backend. ')
return testtools.skipIf(SKIP_MONGODB_TESTS, reason)(test_case)
def requires_redis(test_case):
"""Decorator to flag a test case as being dependent on Redis.
Redis-specific tests will be skipped unless the MARCONI_TEST_REDIS
environment variable is set. If the variable is set, the tests will
assume that redis is running and listening on localhost.
reason = ('Skipping tests that require Redis. Ensure '
'Redis is running on localhost and then set '
'ZAQAR_TEST_REDIS in order to enable tests '
'that are specific to this storage backend. ')
return testtools.skipIf(SKIP_REDIS_TESTS, reason)(test_case)
def is_slow(condition=lambda self: True):
"""Decorator to flag slow tests.
Slow tests will be skipped unless ZAQAR_TEST_SLOW is set, and
condition(self) returns True.
:param condition: Function that returns True IFF the test will be slow;
useful for child classes which may modify the behavior of a test
such that it may or may not be slow.
def decorator(test_method):
def wrapper(self):
if SKIP_SLOW_TESTS and condition(self):
msg = ('Skipping slow test. Set ZAQAR_TEST_SLOW '
'to enable slow tests.')
return wrapper
return decorator