Implement blueprint dead-letter-queue Change-Id: Idf5d80c4d135fa7c7f0f3ec1c14f6a68f5abb88f
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367 lines
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Queues (queues)
Queue is a logical entity that groups messages. Ideally a queue is created per
work type. For example, if you want to compress files, you would create a queue
dedicated for this job. Any application that reads from this queue would only
compress files.
Nowadays, queue in Zaqar is most like a topic, it's created lazily. User can
post messages to a queue before creating the queue. Zaqar will create the
queue/topic automatically.
List queues
.. rest_method:: GET /v2/queues
Lists queues.
A request to list queues when you have no queues in your account returns 204,
instead of 200, because there was no information to send back.
This operation lists queues for the project. The queues are sorted
alphabetically by name.
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes:
- BadRequest (400)
- Unauthorized (401)
- ServiceUnavailable (503)
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- limit: limit
- marker: marker
- detailed: detailed
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- queues: queues
- links: links
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/queues-list-response.json
:language: javascript
Create queue
.. rest_method:: PUT /v2/queues/{queue_name}
Creates a queue.
This operation creates a new queue.
The body of the request is empty.
``queue_name`` is the name that you give to the queue. The name must not
exceed 64 bytes in length, and it is limited to US-ASCII letters, digits,
underscores, and hyphens.
When create queue, user can specify metadata for the queue. Currently, Zaqar
supports below metadata: _flavor, _max_claim_count, _dead_letter_queue and
Normal response codes: 201, 204
Error response codes:
- BadRequest (400)
- Unauthorized (401)
- ServiceUnavailable (503)
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- queue_name: queue_name
- _dead_letter_queue: _dead_letter_queue
- _dead_letter_queue_messages_ttl: _dead_letter_queue_messages_ttl
- _default_message_ttl: _default_message_ttl
- _flavor: _flavor
- _max_claim_count: _max_claim_count
- _max_messages_post_size: _max_messages_post_size
Request Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/queue-create-request.json
:language: javascript
This operation does not return a response body.
Update queue
.. rest_method:: PATCH /v2/queues/{queue_name}
Updates a queue.
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes:
- BadRequest (400)
- Unauthorized (401)
- Not Found (404)
- Conflict (409)
- ServiceUnavailable (503)
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- queue_name: queue_name
When setting the request body of updating queue, the body must be a list which
contains a series of json object which follows
.. note::
- The "Content-Type" header should be
- The ''path'' must start with /metadata, for example, if the key is
''ttl'', then the path should be /metadata/ttl
Request Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/queue-update-request.json
:language: javascript
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/queue-update-response.json
:language: javascript
Show queue details
.. rest_method:: GET /v2/queues/{queue_name}
Shows details for a queue.
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes:
- BadRequest (400)
- Unauthorized (401)
- ServiceUnavailable (503)
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- queue_name: queue_name
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- _max_messages_post_size: _max_messages_post_size
- _default_message_ttl: _default_message_ttl
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/queue-show-response.json
:language: javascript
Delete queue
.. rest_method:: DELETE /v2/queues/{queue_name}
Deletes the specified queue.
This operation immediately deletes a queue and all of its existing messages.
``queue_name`` is the name that you give to the queue. The name must not
exceed 64 bytes in length, and it is limited to US-ASCII letters, digits,
underscores, and hyphens.
Normal response codes: 204
Error response codes:
- BadRequest (400)
- Unauthorized (401)
- ServiceUnavailable (503)
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- queue_name: queue_name
This operation does not accept a request body and does not return a response
Get queue stats
.. rest_method:: GET /v2/queues/{queue_name}/stats
Returns statistics for the specified queue.
This operation returns queue statistics, including how many messages are in
the queue, categorized by status.
If the value of the ``total`` attribute is 0, then ``oldest`` and ``newest``
message statistics are not included in the response.
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes:
- BadRequest (400)
- Unauthorized (401)
- ServiceUnavailable (503)
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- queue_name: queue_name
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/queue-stats-response.json
:language: javascript
Pre-signed queue
.. rest_method:: POST /v2/queues/{queue_name}/share
Create a pre-signed URL for a given queue.
.. note::
In the case of pre-signed URLs, the queue cannot be created lazily. This
is to prevent cases where queues are deleted and users still have a valid
URL. This is not a big issues in cases where there’s just 1 pool. However,
if there’s a deployment using more than 1 type of pool, the lazily created
queue may end up in an undesired pool and it’d be possible for an attacker
to try a DoS on that pool. Therefore, whenever a pre-signed URL is created,
if a pool doesn’t exist, it needs to be created.
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes:
- BadRequest (400)
- Unauthorized (401)
- Not Found (404)
- ServiceUnavailable (503)
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- queue_name: queue_name
- paths: pre_signed_queue_paths
- methods: pre_signed_queue_methods
- expires: pre_signed_queue_expires
Request Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/queue-pre-signed-request.json
:language: javascript
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- project: project_id
- paths: pre_signed_queue_paths
- methods: pre_signed_queue_methods
- expires: pre_signed_queue_expires
- signature: pre_signed_queue_signature
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/queue-pre-signed-response.json
:language: javascript
Purge queue
.. rest_method:: POST /v2/queues/{queue_name}/purge
Purge particular resource of the queue.
.. note::
Now Zaqar supports to purge "messages" and "subscriptions" resource from
a queue.
Normal response codes: 204
Error response codes:
- BadRequest (400)
- Unauthorized (401)
- ServiceUnavailable (503)
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- queue_name: queue_name
- resource_types: resource_types
Request Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/purge-queue-request.json
:language: javascript