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# Copyright (c) 2015 Catalyst IT Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
# of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
import functools
import msgpack
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
import redis
from zaqar.common import utils as common_utils
from import base
from import errors
from import models
from import utils
SubscriptionEnvelope = models.SubscriptionEnvelope
SUBSET_INDEX_KEY = 'subset_index'
class SubscriptionController(base.Subscription):
"""Implements subscription resource operations using Redis.
Subscriptions are unique by project + queue + subscriber.
's': source :: six.text_type
'u': subscriber:: six.text_type
't': ttl:: int
'e': expires: int
'o': options :: dict
'p': project :: six.text_type
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SubscriptionController, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._client = self.driver.connection
self._packer = msgpack.Packer(use_bin_type=True).pack
self._unpacker = functools.partial(msgpack.unpackb)
def list(self, queue, project=None, marker=None, limit=10):
client = self._client
subset_key = utils.scope_subscription_ids_set(queue,
if marker:
rank = client.zrank(subset_key, marker)
rank = None
start = rank + 1 if rank is not None else 0
cursor = (q for q in client.zrange(subset_key, start,
start + limit - 1))
marker_next = {}
def denormalizer(record, sid):
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
ttl = int(record[2])
expires = int(record[3])
created = expires - ttl
is_confirmed = 1
if len(record) == 6:
is_confirmed = int(record[5])
ret = {
'id': sid,
'source': encodeutils.safe_decode(record[0]),
'subscriber': encodeutils.safe_decode(record[1]),
'ttl': ttl,
'age': now - created,
'options': self._unpacker(record[4]),
'confirmed': bool(is_confirmed),
marker_next['next'] = sid
return ret
yield utils.SubscriptionListCursor(self._client, cursor, denormalizer)
yield marker_next and marker_next['next']
def get(self, queue, subscription_id, project=None):
subscription = None
if self.exists(queue, subscription_id, project):
subscription = SubscriptionEnvelope.from_redis(subscription_id,
if subscription:
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
return subscription.to_basic(now)
raise errors.SubscriptionDoesNotExist(subscription_id)
def create(self, queue, subscriber, ttl, options, project=None):
subscription_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
subset_key = utils.scope_subscription_ids_set(queue,
source = queue
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
expires = now + ttl
confirmed = 0
subscription = {'id': subscription_id,
's': source,
'u': subscriber,
't': ttl,
'e': expires,
'o': self._packer(options),
'p': project,
'c': confirmed}
# Pipeline ensures atomic inserts.
with self._client.pipeline() as pipe:
if not self._is_duplicated_subscriber(subscriber,
pipe.zadd(subset_key, {subscription_id: 1}).hmset(
subscription_id, subscription)
pipe.expire(subscription_id, ttl)
return None
return subscription_id
except redis.exceptions.ResponseError:
return None
def _is_duplicated_subscriber(self, subscriber, queue, project):
"""Check if the subscriber is existing or not.
Given the limitation of Redis' expires(), it's hard to auto expire
subscriber from the set and subscription id from the sorted set, so
this method is used to do a ugly duplication check when adding a new
subscription so that we don't need the set for subscriber. And as a
side effect, this method will remove the unreachable subscription's id
from the sorted set.
subset_key = utils.scope_subscription_ids_set(queue,
sub_ids = (q for q in self._client.zrange(subset_key, 0, -1))
for s_id in sub_ids:
subscription = self._client.hmget(s_id,
['s', 'u', 't', 'o', 'c'])
if subscription == [None, None, None, None, None]:
# NOTE(flwang): Under this check, that means the
# subscription has been expired. So redis can't get
# the subscription but the id is still there. So let's
# delete the id for clean up.
self._client.zrem(subset_key, s_id)
if encodeutils.safe_decode(subscription[1]) == subscriber:
return True
return False
except redis.exceptions.ResponseError:
return True
def exists(self, queue, subscription_id, project=None):
subset_key = utils.scope_subscription_ids_set(queue, project,
return self._client.zrank(subset_key, subscription_id) is not None
def update(self, queue, subscription_id, project=None, **kwargs):
names = ('subscriber', 'ttl', 'options')
key_transform = lambda x: 'u' if x == 'subscriber' else x[0]
fields = common_utils.fields(kwargs, names,
pred=lambda x: x is not None,
assert fields, ('`subscriber`, `ttl`, '
'or `options` not found in kwargs')
# Let's get our subscription by ID. If it does not exist,
# SubscriptionDoesNotExist error will be raised internally.
subscription_to_update = self.get(queue, subscription_id,
new_subscriber = fields.get('u')
# Let's do some checks to prevent subscription duplication.
if new_subscriber:
# Check if 'new_subscriber' is really new for our subscription.
if subscription_to_update['subscriber'] != new_subscriber:
# It's new. We should raise error if this subscriber already
# exists for the queue and project.
if self._is_duplicated_subscriber(new_subscriber, queue,
raise errors.SubscriptionAlreadyExists()
# NOTE(Eva-i): if there are new options, we need to pack them before
# sending to the database.
new_options = fields.get('o')
if new_options is not None:
fields['o'] = self._packer(new_options)
new_ttl = fields.get('t')
if new_ttl is not None:
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
expires = now + new_ttl
fields['e'] = expires
# Pipeline ensures atomic inserts.
with self._client.pipeline() as pipe:
pipe.hmset(subscription_id, fields)
if new_ttl is not None:
pipe.expire(subscription_id, new_ttl)
def delete(self, queue, subscription_id, project=None):
subset_key = utils.scope_subscription_ids_set(queue, project,
if self._client.zrank(subset_key, subscription_id) is not None:
# NOTE(prashanthr_): Pipelining is used to mitigate race conditions
with self._client.pipeline() as pipe:
pipe.zrem(subset_key, subscription_id)
def get_with_subscriber(self, queue, subscriber, project=None):
subset_key = utils.scope_subscription_ids_set(queue,
sub_ids = (q for q in self._client.zrange(subset_key, 0, -1))
for s_id in sub_ids:
subscription = self._client.hmget(s_id,
['s', 'u', 't', 'o', 'c'])
if encodeutils.safe_decode(subscription[1]) == subscriber:
subscription = SubscriptionEnvelope.from_redis(s_id,
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
return subscription.to_basic(now)
def confirm(self, queue, subscription_id, project=None, confirmed=True):
# Let's get our subscription by ID. If it does not exist,
# SubscriptionDoesNotExist error will be raised internally.
self.get(queue, subscription_id, project=project)
confirmed = 1 if confirmed else 0
fields = {'c': confirmed}
with self._client.pipeline() as pipe:
pipe.hmset(subscription_id, fields)