#!/bin/bash -x wait_for_line () { while read line do echo "$line" | grep -q "$1" && break done < "$2" # Read the fifo for ever otherwise process would block cat "$2" >/dev/null & } # insert sbin into path if it exists and isnt already there echo $PATH | grep -q "/usr/sbin" if [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ -d "/usr/sbin" ]; then echo "SBIN NOT IN PATH" export PATH="$PATH:/usr/sbin" echo "$PATH" fi # If test DB url is provided, run tests with it if [[ "$REFSTACK_TEST_MYSQL_URL" ]] then $* exit $? fi # Else setup mysql base for tests. # Start MySQL process for tests MYSQL_DATA=`mktemp -d /tmp/refstack-mysql-XXXXX` mkfifo ${MYSQL_DATA}/out # On systems like Fedora here's where mysqld can be found PATH=$PATH:/usr/libexec mysqld --no-defaults --datadir=${MYSQL_DATA} --pid-file=${MYSQL_DATA}/mysql.pid --socket=${MYSQL_DATA}/mysql.socket --skip-networking --skip-grant-tables &> ${MYSQL_DATA}/out & # Wait for MySQL to start listening to connections wait_for_line "mysqld: ready for connections." ${MYSQL_DATA}/out export REFSTACK_TEST_MYSQL_URL="mysql+pymysql://root@localhost/test?unix_socket=${MYSQL_DATA}/mysql.socket&charset=utf8" mysql --no-defaults -S ${MYSQL_DATA}/mysql.socket -e 'set @@global.show_compatibility_56=ON;' > /dev/null 2>&1 mysql --no-defaults -S ${MYSQL_DATA}/mysql.socket -e 'CREATE DATABASE test;' # Yield execution to venv command $* # Cleanup after tests ret=$? kill $(jobs -p) rm -rf "${MYSQL_DATA}" exit $ret