
92 lines
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'use strict';
/* Refstack Results Report Controller */
var refstackApp = angular.module('refstackApp');
refstackApp.controller('resultsReportController', ['$scope', '$http', '$stateParams', 'refstackApiUrl',
function($scope, $http, $stateParams, refstackApiUrl) {
$scope.testId = $stateParams.testID
$scope.version = '2015.03';
$scope.hideTests = true;
$ = 'platform';
$scope.requiredOpen = true;
$scope.targetMappings = {
'platform': 'Openstack Powered Platform',
'compute': 'OpenStack Powered Compute',
'object': 'OpenStack Powered Object Storage'
var content_url = refstackApiUrl +'/results/' + $scope.testId;
$scope.resultsRequest = $http.get(content_url).success(function(data) {
$scope.resultsData = data;
}).error(function(error) {
$scope.showError = true;
$scope.resultsData = null;
$scope.error = "Error retrieving results from server: " + JSON.stringify(error);
$scope.updateCapabilities = function() {
$scope.showError = false;
var content_url = 'assets/capabilities/'.concat($scope.version, '.json');
$http.get(content_url).success(function(data) {
$scope.capabilityData = data;
$scope.buildCapabilityObject($scope.capabilityData, $scope.resultsData.results);
}).error(function(error) {
$scope.showError = true;
$scope.capabilityData = null;
$scope.error = 'Error retrieving capabilities: ' + JSON.stringify(error);
$scope.buildCapabilityObject = function() {
var capabilities = $scope.capabilityData.capabilities;
var caps = {'required': {'caps': [], 'count': 0, 'passedCount': 0},
'advisory': {'caps': [], 'count': 0, 'passedCount': 0},
'deprecated': {'caps': [], 'count': 0, 'passedCount': 0},
'removed': {'caps': [], 'count': 0, 'passedCount': 0}};
var components = $scope.capabilityData.components;
var cap_array = [];
// First determine which capabilities are relevant to the target.
if ($ === 'platform') {
var platform_components = $scope.capabilityData.platform.required;
// For each component required for the platform program.
angular.forEach(platform_components, function(component) {
// Get each capability belonging to each status.
angular.forEach(components[component], function(capabilities) {
cap_array = cap_array.concat(capabilities);
else {
angular.forEach(components[$], function(capabilities) {
cap_array = cap_array.concat(capabilities);
angular.forEach(capabilities, function(value, key) {
if (cap_array.indexOf(key) > -1) {
var cap = { "id": key,
"passedTests": [],
"notPassedTests": []};
caps[value.status].count += value.tests.length;
angular.forEach(value.tests, function(test_id) {
if ($scope.resultsData.results.indexOf(test_id) > -1) {
else {
caps[value.status].passedCount += cap.passedTests.length;
$scope.caps = caps;