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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function () {
'use strict';
.controller('ResultsReportController', ResultsReportController);
ResultsReportController.$inject = [
'$http', '$stateParams', '$window',
'$uibModal', 'refstackApiUrl', 'raiseAlert'
* RefStack Results Report Controller
* This controller is for the '/results/<test run ID>' page where a user can
* view details for a specific test run.
function ResultsReportController($http, $stateParams, $window,
$uibModal, refstackApiUrl, raiseAlert) {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.getVersionList = getVersionList;
ctrl.getResults = getResults;
ctrl.isEditingAllowed = isEditingAllowed;
ctrl.isShared = isShared;
ctrl.shareTestRun = shareTestRun;
ctrl.deleteTestRun = deleteTestRun;
ctrl.updateCapabilities = updateCapabilities;
ctrl.getTargetCapabilities = getTargetCapabilities;
ctrl.buildCapabilityV1_2 = buildCapabilityV1_2;
ctrl.buildCapabilityV1_3 = buildCapabilityV1_3;
ctrl.buildCapabilitiesObject = buildCapabilitiesObject;
ctrl.isTestFlagged = isTestFlagged;
ctrl.getFlaggedReason = getFlaggedReason;
ctrl.isCapabilityShown = isCapabilityShown;
ctrl.isTestShown = isTestShown;
ctrl.getCapabilityTestCount = getCapabilityTestCount;
ctrl.getStatusTestCount = getStatusTestCount;
ctrl.openFullTestListModal = openFullTestListModal;
/** The testID extracted from the URL route. */
ctrl.testId = $stateParams.testID;
/** The target OpenStack marketing program to compare against. */ = 'platform';
/** Mappings of DefCore components to marketing program names. */
ctrl.targetMappings = {
'platform': 'Openstack Powered Platform',
'compute': 'OpenStack Powered Compute',
'object': 'OpenStack Powered Object Storage'
/** The schema version of the currently selected capabilities data. */
ctrl.schemaVersion = null;
/** The selected test status used for test filtering. */
ctrl.testStatus = 'total';
/** The HTML template that all accordian groups will use. */
ctrl.detailsTemplate = 'components/results-report/partials/' +
* Retrieve an array of available capability files from the Refstack
* API server, sort this array reverse-alphabetically, and store it in
* a scoped variable. The scope's selected version is initialized to
* the latest (i.e. first) version here as well. After a successful API
* call, the function to update the capabilities is called.
* Sample API return array: ["2015.03.json", "2015.04.json"]
function getVersionList() {
var content_url = refstackApiUrl + '/capabilities';
ctrl.versionsRequest =
$http.get(content_url).success(function (data) {
ctrl.versionList = data.sort().reverse();
if (!ctrl.version) {
ctrl.version = ctrl.versionList[0];
}).error(function (error) {
ctrl.showError = true;
ctrl.error = 'Error retrieving version list: ' +
* Retrieve results from the Refstack API server based on the test
* run id in the URL. This function is the first function that will
* be called from the controller. Upon successful retrieval of results,
* the function that gets the version list will be called.
function getResults() {
var content_url = refstackApiUrl + '/results/' + ctrl.testId;
ctrl.resultsRequest =
$http.get(content_url).success(function (data) {
ctrl.resultsData = data;
ctrl.version = ctrl.resultsData.meta.guideline;
if ( { =;
}).error(function (error) {
ctrl.showError = true;
ctrl.resultsData = null;
ctrl.error = 'Error retrieving results from server: ' +
* This tells you whether the current results can be edited/managed
* based on if the current user is the owner of the results set.
* @returns {Boolean} true if editing is allowed
function isEditingAllowed() {
return Boolean(ctrl.resultsData &&
ctrl.resultsData.user_role === 'owner');
* This tells you whether the current results are shared with the
* community or not.
* @returns {Boolean} true if the results are shared
function isShared() {
return Boolean(ctrl.resultsData &&
'shared' in ctrl.resultsData.meta);
* This will send an API request in order to share or unshare the
* current results based on the passed in shareState.
* @param {Boolean} shareState - Whether to share or unshare results.
function shareTestRun(shareState) {
var content_url = [
refstackApiUrl, '/results/', ctrl.testId, '/meta/shared'
if (shareState) {
ctrl.shareRequest =
$, 'true').success(function () {
ctrl.resultsData.meta.shared = 'true';
raiseAlert('success', '', 'Test run shared!');
}).error(function (error) {
raiseAlert('danger', error.title, error.detail);
} else {
ctrl.shareRequest =
$http.delete(content_url).success(function () {
delete ctrl.resultsData.meta.shared;
raiseAlert('success', '', 'Test run unshared!');
}).error(function (error) {
raiseAlert('danger', error.title, error.detail);
* This will send a request to the API to delete the current
* test results set.
function deleteTestRun() {
var content_url = [
refstackApiUrl, '/results/', ctrl.testId
ctrl.deleteRequest =
$http.delete(content_url).success(function () {
}).error(function (error) {
raiseAlert('danger', error.title, error.detail);
* This will contact the Refstack API server to retrieve the JSON
* content of the capability file corresponding to the selected
* version. A function to construct an object from the capability
* date will be called upon successful retrieval.
function updateCapabilities() {
ctrl.capabilityData = null;
ctrl.showError = false;
var content_url = refstackApiUrl + '/capabilities/' +
ctrl.capsRequest =
$http.get(content_url).success(function (data) {
ctrl.capabilityData = data;
ctrl.schemaVersion = data.schema;
}).error(function (error) {
ctrl.showError = true;
ctrl.capabilityData = null;
ctrl.error = 'Error retrieving capabilities: ' +
* This will get all the capabilities relevant to the target and
* their corresponding statuses.
* @returns {Object} Object containing each capability and their status
function getTargetCapabilities() {
var components = ctrl.capabilityData.components;
var targetCaps = {};
// The 'platform' target is comprised of multiple components, so
// we need to get the capabilities belonging to each of its
// components.
if ( === 'platform') {
var platform_components =
// This will contain status priority values, where lower
// values mean higher priorities.
var statusMap = {
required: 1,
advisory: 2,
deprecated: 3,
removed: 4
// For each component required for the platform program.
angular.forEach(platform_components, function (component) {
// Get each capability list belonging to each status.
function (caps, status) {
// For each capability.
angular.forEach(caps, function(cap) {
// If the capability has already been added.
if (cap in targetCaps) {
// If the status priority value is less
// than the saved priority value, update
// the value.
if (statusMap[status] <
statusMap[targetCaps[cap]]) {
targetCaps[cap] = status;
else {
targetCaps[cap] = status;
else {
function (caps, status) {
angular.forEach(caps, function(cap) {
targetCaps[cap] = status;
return targetCaps;
* This will build the a capability object for schema version 1.2.
* This object will contain the information needed to form a report in
* the HTML template.
* @param {String} capId capability ID
function buildCapabilityV1_2(capId) {
var cap = {
'id': capId,
'passedTests': [],
'notPassedTests': [],
'passedFlagged': [],
'notPassedFlagged': []
var capDetails = ctrl.capabilityData.capabilities[capId];
// Loop through each test belonging to the capability.
function (testId) {
// If the test ID is in the results' test list, add
// it to the passedTests array.
if (ctrl.resultsData.results.indexOf(testId) > -1) {
if (capDetails.flagged.indexOf(testId) > -1) {
else {
if (capDetails.flagged.indexOf(testId) > -1) {
return cap;
* This will build the a capability object for schema version 1.3 and
* 1.4. This object will contain the information needed to form a
* report in the HTML template.
* @param {String} capId capability ID
function buildCapabilityV1_3(capId) {
var cap = {
'id': capId,
'passedTests': [],
'notPassedTests': [],
'passedFlagged': [],
'notPassedFlagged': []
// Loop through each test belonging to the capability.
function (details, testId) {
var passed = false;
// If the test ID is in the results' test list.
if (ctrl.resultsData.results.indexOf(testId) > -1) {
passed = true;
else if ('aliases' in details) {
var len = details.aliases.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var alias = details.aliases[i];
if (ctrl.resultsData.results.indexOf(alias) > -1) {
passed = true;
// Add to correct array based on whether the test was
// passed or not.
if (passed) {
if ('flagged' in details) {
else {
if ('flagged' in details) {
return cap;
* This will check the schema version of the current capabilities file,
* and will call the correct method to build an object based on the
* capability data retrieved from the Refstack API server.
function buildCapabilitiesObject() {
// This is the object template where 'count' is the number of
// total tests that fall under the given status, and 'passedCount'
// is the number of tests passed. The 'caps' array will contain
// objects with details regarding each capability.
ctrl.caps = {
'required': {'caps': [], 'count': 0, 'passedCount': 0,
'flagFailCount': 0, 'flagPassCount': 0},
'advisory': {'caps': [], 'count': 0, 'passedCount': 0,
'flagFailCount': 0, 'flagPassCount': 0},
'deprecated': {'caps': [], 'count': 0, 'passedCount': 0,
'flagFailCount': 0, 'flagPassCount': 0},
'removed': {'caps': [], 'count': 0, 'passedCount': 0,
'flagFailCount': 0, 'flagPassCount': 0}
switch (ctrl.schemaVersion) {
case '1.2':
var capMethod = 'buildCapabilityV1_2';
case '1.3':
case '1.4':
capMethod = 'buildCapabilityV1_3';
ctrl.showError = true;
ctrl.capabilityData = null;
ctrl.error = 'The schema version for the capabilities ' +
'file selected (' + ctrl.schemaVersion +
') is currently not supported.';
// Get test details for each relevant capability and store
// them in the scope's 'caps' object.
var targetCaps = ctrl.getTargetCapabilities();
angular.forEach(targetCaps, function(status, capId) {
var cap = ctrl[capMethod](capId);
ctrl.caps[status].count +=
cap.passedTests.length + cap.notPassedTests.length;
ctrl.caps[status].passedCount += cap.passedTests.length;
ctrl.caps[status].flagPassCount += cap.passedFlagged.length;
ctrl.caps[status].flagFailCount +=
ctrl.requiredPassPercent = (ctrl.caps.required.passedCount *
100 / ctrl.caps.required.count);
ctrl.totalRequiredFailCount = ctrl.caps.required.count -
ctrl.totalRequiredFlagCount =
ctrl.caps.required.flagFailCount +
ctrl.totalNonFlagCount = ctrl.caps.required.count -
ctrl.nonFlagPassCount = ctrl.totalNonFlagCount -
(ctrl.totalRequiredFailCount -
ctrl.nonFlagRequiredPassPercent = (ctrl.nonFlagPassCount *
100 / ctrl.totalNonFlagCount);
* This will check if a given test is flagged.
* @param {String} test ID of the test to check
* @param {Object} capObj capability that test is under
* @returns {Boolean} truthy value if test is flagged
function isTestFlagged(test, capObj) {
if (!capObj) {
return false;
return (((ctrl.schemaVersion === '1.2') &&
(capObj.flagged.indexOf(test) > -1)) ||
((ctrl.schemaVersion >= '1.3') &&
* This will return the reason a test is flagged. An empty string
* will be returned if the passed in test is not flagged.
* @param {String} test ID of the test to check
* @param {String} capObj capability that test is under
* @returns {String} reason
function getFlaggedReason(test, capObj) {
if ((ctrl.schemaVersion === '1.2') &&
(ctrl.isTestFlagged(test, capObj))) {
// Return a generic message since schema 1.2 does not
// provide flag reasons.
return 'DefCore has flagged this test.';
else if ((ctrl.schemaVersion >= '1.3') &&
(ctrl.isTestFlagged(test, capObj))) {
return capObj.tests[test].flagged.reason;
else {
return '';
* This will check the if a capability should be shown based on the
* test filter selected. If a capability does not have any tests
* belonging under the given filter, it should not be shown.
* @param {Object} capability Built object for capability
* @returns {Boolean} true if capability should be shown
function isCapabilityShown(capability) {
return ((ctrl.testStatus === 'total') ||
(ctrl.testStatus === 'passed' &&
capability.passedTests.length > 0) ||
(ctrl.testStatus === 'not passed' &&
capability.notPassedTests.length > 0) ||
(ctrl.testStatus === 'flagged' &&
(capability.passedFlagged.length +
capability.notPassedFlagged.length > 0)));
* This will check the if a test should be shown based on the test
* filter selected.
* @param {String} test ID of the test
* @param {Object} capability Built object for capability
* @return {Boolean} true if test should be shown
function isTestShown(test, capability) {
return ((ctrl.testStatus === 'total') ||
(ctrl.testStatus === 'passed' &&
capability.passedTests.indexOf(test) > -1) ||
(ctrl.testStatus === 'not passed' &&
capability.notPassedTests.indexOf(test) > -1) ||
(ctrl.testStatus === 'flagged' &&
(capability.passedFlagged.indexOf(test) > -1 ||
capability.notPassedFlagged.indexOf(test) > -1)));
* This will give the number of tests belonging under the selected
* test filter for a given capability.
* @param {Object} capability Built object for capability
* @returns {Number} number of tests under filter
function getCapabilityTestCount(capability) {
if (ctrl.testStatus === 'total') {
return capability.passedTests.length +
else if (ctrl.testStatus === 'passed') {
return capability.passedTests.length;
else if (ctrl.testStatus === 'not passed') {
return capability.notPassedTests.length;
else if (ctrl.testStatus === 'flagged') {
return capability.passedFlagged.length +
else {
return 0;
* This will give the number of tests belonging under the selected
* test filter for a given status.
* @param {String} capability status
* @returns {Number} number of tests for status under filter
function getStatusTestCount(status) {
if (!ctrl.caps) {
return -1;
else if (ctrl.testStatus === 'total') {
return ctrl.caps[status].count;
else if (ctrl.testStatus === 'passed') {
return ctrl.caps[status].passedCount;
else if (ctrl.testStatus === 'not passed') {
return ctrl.caps[status].count -
else if (ctrl.testStatus === 'flagged') {
return ctrl.caps[status].flagFailCount +
else {
return -1;
* This will open the modal that will show the full list of passed
* tests for the current results.
function openFullTestListModal() {
templateUrl: '/components/results-report/partials' +
backdrop: true,
windowClass: 'modal',
animation: true,
controller: 'FullTestListModalController as modal',
size: 'lg',
resolve: {
tests: function () {
return ctrl.resultsData.results;
.controller('FullTestListModalController', FullTestListModalController);
FullTestListModalController.$inject = ['$uibModalInstance', 'tests'];
* Full Test List Modal Controller
* This controller is for the modal that appears if a user wants to see the
* full list of passed tests on a report page.
function FullTestListModalController($uibModalInstance, tests) {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.tests = tests;
* This function will close/dismiss the modal.
ctrl.close = function () {
* This function will return a string representing the sorted
* tests list separated by newlines.
ctrl.getTestListString = function () {
return ctrl.tests.sort().join('\n');