# Copyright (c) 2015 Mirantis Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import itertools import re import time from novaclient import client as nova_client_pkg from oslo_log import log as logging LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ForbiddenException(nova_client_pkg.exceptions.Forbidden): pass def get_available_compute_nodes(nova_client, flavor_name): try: host_list = [dict(host=svc.host, zone=svc.zone) for svc in nova_client.services.list(binary='nova-compute') if svc.state == 'up' and svc.status == 'enabled'] # If the flavor has aggregate_instance_extra_specs set then filter # host_list to pick only the hosts matching the chosen flavor. flavor = get_flavor(nova_client, flavor_name) if flavor is not None: extra_specs = flavor.get_keys() for item in extra_specs: if "aggregate_instance_extra_specs" in item: LOG.debug('Flavor contains %s, using compute node ' 'filtering', extra_specs) # getting the extra spec seting for flavor in the # standard format of extra_spec:value extra_spec = item.split(":")[1] extra_spec_value = extra_specs.get(item) # create a set of aggregate host which match agg_hosts = set(itertools.chain( *[agg.hosts for agg in nova_client.aggregates.list() if agg.metadata.get(extra_spec) == extra_spec_value])) # update list of available hosts with # host_aggregate cross-check host_list = [elem for elem in host_list if elem['host'] in agg_hosts] LOG.debug('Available compute nodes: %s ', host_list) return host_list except nova_client_pkg.exceptions.Forbidden: msg = 'Forbidden to get list of compute nodes' raise ForbiddenException(msg) def does_flavor_exist(nova_client, flavor_name): for flavor in nova_client.flavors.list(): if flavor.name == flavor_name: return True return False def create_flavor(nova_client, **kwargs): try: nova_client.flavors.create(**kwargs) except nova_client_pkg.exceptions.Forbidden: msg = 'Forbidden to create flavor' raise ForbiddenException(msg) def get_server_ip(nova_client, server_name, ip_type): server = nova_client.servers.find(name=server_name) addresses = server.addresses ips = [v['addr'] for v in itertools.chain(*addresses.values()) if v['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == ip_type] if not ips: raise Exception('Could not get IP address of server: %s' % server_name) if len(ips) > 1: raise Exception('Server %s has more than one IP addresses: %s' % (server_name, ips)) return ips[0] def get_server_host_id(nova_client, server_name): server = nova_client.servers.find(name=server_name) return server.hostId def check_server_console(nova_client, server_id, len_limit=100): console = nova_client.servers.get(server_id).get_console_output(len_limit) for line in console.splitlines(): if (re.search(r'\[critical\]', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE) or re.search(r'Cloud-init.*Datasource DataSourceNone\.', line)): message = ('Instance %(id)s has critical cloud-init error: ' '%(msg)s. Check metadata service availability' % dict(id=server_id, msg=line)) LOG.error(message) return message if re.search(r'\[error', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE): LOG.error('Error message in instance %(id)s console: %(msg)s', dict(id=server_id, msg=line)) elif re.search(r'warn', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE): LOG.info('Warning message in instance %(id)s console: %(msg)s', dict(id=server_id, msg=line)) return None def _poll_for_status(nova_client, server_id, final_ok_states, poll_period=20, status_field="status"): LOG.debug('Poll instance %(id)s, waiting for any of statuses %(statuses)s', dict(id=server_id, statuses=final_ok_states)) while True: obj = nova_client.servers.get(server_id) err_msg = check_server_console(nova_client, server_id) if err_msg: raise Exception('Critical error in instance %s console: %s' % (server_id, err_msg)) status = getattr(obj, status_field) if status: status = status.lower() LOG.debug('Instance %(id)s has status %(status)s', dict(id=server_id, status=status)) if status in final_ok_states: break elif status == "error" or status == 'paused': raise Exception(obj.fault['message']) time.sleep(poll_period) def wait_server_shutdown(nova_client, server_id): _poll_for_status(nova_client, server_id, ['shutoff']) def wait_server_snapshot(nova_client, server_id): task_state_field = "OS-EXT-STS:task_state" server = nova_client.servers.get(server_id) if hasattr(server, task_state_field): _poll_for_status(nova_client, server.id, [None, '-', ''], status_field=task_state_field) def get_flavor(nova_client, flavor_name): for flavor in nova_client.flavors.list(): if flavor.name == flavor_name: return flavor return None