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David Moreau Simard
2019-11-22 ARA is now packaged for Fedora ! ara-is-now-packaged-for-fedora post

We are happy to announce that ARA has successfully been included in Fedora !

The latest version (1.2.0) is available for Fedora 30, Fedora 31 as well as Rawhide (Fedora 32).

You can find the source for the packaging files on and the builds on

Contributions to improve the packaging are welcome !

How to get started

If you are using Ansible from Fedora packages, you can start recording playbooks with ARA easily:

# Install ARA's Ansible plugins and the API server dependencies
dnf install ara ara-server

# Configure Ansible to load the ARA callback plugin
export ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS=$(python3 -m ara.setup.callback_plugins)

# Run your playbooks as usual
ansible-playbook playbook.yml

# Start the embedded server
ara-manage runserver

# That's it !

You can see what it looks like in this small recording:

If you'd like to see the built-in web interface looks like, you can find a live demo on

Want to contribute, chat or need help ?

If you would like to help with packaging ARA for other distributions, please reach out !

The project community hangs out on IRC and Slack.