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What's ARA ?

ARA Records Ansible playbook runs and makes the recorded data available and intuitive for users and systems.

It makes your Ansible playbooks easier to understand and troubleshoot.


ARA is free and open source

ARA is an OpenStack community project and all of it's components are free and open source under the GPLv3 license.

You can participate in code reviews and learn how you can contribute your first patch in the contributors documentation.

ARA is simple and easy to use

Simplicity is a core feature in ARA. It does one thing and it does it well: reporting on your Ansible playbooks.

Install ARA, tell Ansible to use it and your next playbook will be recorded. That's it !

Read more about the project's core values in the manifesto.

ARA is tested, stable and production ready

Each new commit to ARA is gated against a series of unit and integration tests against different Linux distributions and versions of Ansible in order to prevent regressions.

ARA is used to record more than a million playbooks a month from the OpenStack community alone.

It works.

ARA is offline and decentralized by default

Running Ansible from your laptop ? No problem.

You can browse your ARA reports locally from a sqlite database without ever leaving the comfort of localhost.

Need to scale with real web and application servers or use a database server like MySQL or PostgreSQL ?

You can do that too.

Getting started

# Install ARA from PyPi
$ pip install ara

# Set up Ansible to use ARA
$ export ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS=$(python -m ara.setup.callback_plugins)

# Run your Ansible playbook as usual
$ ansible-playbook myplaybook.yml

# Start the ARA standalone webserver
$ ara-manage runserver

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