.. _configuring: ARA API server configuration ============================ The API server ships with sane defaults, supports the notion of different environments (*such as dev, staging, prod*) and allows you to customize the configuration with files, environment variables or a combination of both. The API is a Django application that leverages django-rest-framework. Both `Django `_ and `django-rest-framework `_ have extensive configuration options which are not necessarily exposed or made customizable by ARA for the sake of simplicity. Overview -------- This is a brief overview of the different configuration options for the API server. For more details, click on the configuration parameters. +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Environment Variable | default | Usage | +================================+========================================================+======================================================+ | ARA_ALLOWED_HOSTS_ | ``["", "localhost", "::1"]`` | Django's ALLOWED_HOSTS_ setting | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_BASE_DIR_ | ``~/.ara/server`` | Default directory for storing data and configuration | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST_ | ``["", "http://localhost:3000"]`` | django-cors-headers's CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST_ setting | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_DATABASE_CONN_MAX_AGE_ | ``0`` | Django's CONN_MAX_AGE_ database setting | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_DATABASE_ENGINE_ | ``django.db.backends.sqlite3`` | Django's ENGINE_ database setting | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_DATABASE_HOST_ | ``None`` | Django's HOST_ database setting | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_DATABASE_NAME_ | ``~/.ara/server/ansible.sqlite`` | Django's NAME_ database setting | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_DATABASE_PASSWORD_ | ``None`` | Django's PASSWORD_ database setting | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_DATABASE_PORT_ | ``None`` | Django's PORT_ database setting | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_DATABASE_USER_ | ``None`` | Django's USER_ database setting | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_DEBUG_ | ``False`` | Django's DEBUG_ setting | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_DISTRIBUTED_SQLITE_ | ``False`` | Whether to enable distributed sqlite backend | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_DISTRIBUTED_SQLITE_PREFIX_ | ``ara-api`` | Prefix to delegate to the distributed sqlite backend | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_DISTRIBUTED_SQLITE_ROOT_ | ``/var/www/logs`` | Root under which sqlite databases are expected | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_ENV_ | ``default`` | Environment to load configuration for | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_LOGGING_ | See ARA_LOGGING_ | Logging configuration | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_LOG_LEVEL_ | ``INFO`` | Log level of the different components | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_PAGE_SIZE_ | ``100`` | Amount of results returned per page by the API | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_READ_LOGIN_REQUIRED_ | ``False`` | Whether authentication is required for reading data | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_SECRET_KEY_ | Randomized token, see ARA_SECRET_KEY_ | Django's SECRET_KEY_ setting | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_SETTINGS_ | ``~/.ara/server/settings.yaml`` | Path to an API server configuration file | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ARA_WRITE_LOGIN_REQUIRED_ | ``False`` | Whether authentication is required for writing data | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ .. _CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST: https://github.com/ottoyiu/django-cors-headers .. _ALLOWED_HOSTS: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/settings/#allowed-hosts .. _DEBUG: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/settings/#std:setting-DEBUG .. _SECRET_KEY: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/settings/#std:setting-SECRET_KEY .. _ENGINE: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/settings/#engine .. _NAME: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/settings/#name .. _USER: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/settings/#user .. _PASSWORD: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/settings/#password .. _HOST: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/settings/#host .. _PORT: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/settings/#port .. _CONN_MAX_AGE: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/settings/#conn-max-age Configuration variables ----------------------- ARA_ALLOWED_HOSTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_ALLOWED_HOSTS`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``ALLOWED_HOSTS`` - **Type**: ``list`` - **Provided by**: Django's ALLOWED_HOSTS_ - **Default**: ``["", "localhost", "::1"]`` A list of strings representing the host/domain names that this Django site can serve. If you are planning on hosting an instance of the API server somewhere, you'll need to add your domain name to this list. ARA_BASE_DIR ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_BASE_DIR`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``BASE_DIR`` - **Type**: ``string`` - **Default**: ``~/.ara/server`` The directory where data will be stored by default. Changing this location influences the default root directory for the ``ARA_DATABASE_NAME`` and ``ARA_SETTINGS`` parameters. This is also used to determine the location where the default configuration file, ``settings.yaml``, will be generated by the API server. ARA_CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST`` - **Provided by**: `django-cors-headers `_ - **Type**: ``list`` - **Default**: ``["", "localhost:3000"]`` - **Examples**: - ``export ARA_CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST="['https://api.ara.example.org', 'https://web.ara.example.org']"`` - In a YAML configuration file:: dev: CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST: - - http://localhost:3000 production: CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST: - https://api.ara.example.org - https://web.ara.example.org Hosts in the whitelist for `Cross-Origin Resource Sharing `_. This setting is typically used in order to allow the API and a web client (such as `ara-web `_) to talk to each other. ARA_DATABASE_CONN_MAX_AGE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_DATABASE_CONN_MAX_AGE`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``DATABASE_CONN_MAX_AGE`` - **Provided by**: Django's CONN_MAX_AGE_ database setting - **Type**: ``integer`` - **Default**: ``0`` The lifetime of a database connection, in seconds. The default of 0 closes database connections at the end of each request. ARA_DATABASE_ENGINE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_DATABASE_ENGINE`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``DATABASE_ENGINE`` - **Provided by**: Django's ENGINE_ database setting - **Type**: ``string`` - **Default**: ``django.db.backends.sqlite3`` - **Examples**: - ``django.db.backends.sqlite3`` - ``django.db.backends.postgresql`` - ``django.db.backends.mysql`` - ``ara.server.db.backends.distributed_sqlite`` The Django database driver to use. When using anything other than sqlite3 default driver, make sure to set the other database settings to allow the API server to connect to the database. ARA_DATABASE_NAME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_DATABASE_NAME`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``DATABASE_NAME`` - **Provided by**: Django's NAME_ database setting - **Type**: ``string`` - **Default**: ``~/.ara/server/ansible.sqlite`` The name of the database. When using sqlite, this is the absolute path to the sqlite database file. When using drivers such as MySQL or PostgreSQL, it's the name of the database. ARA_DATABASE_USER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_DATABASE_USER`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``DATABASE_USER`` - **Provided by**: Django's USER_ database setting - **Type**: ``string`` - **Default**: ``None`` The username to connect to the database. Required when using something other than sqlite. ARA_DATABASE_PASSWORD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_DATABASE_PASSWORD`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``DATABASE_PASSWORD`` - **Provided by**: Django's PASSWORD_ database setting - **Type**: ``string`` - **Default**: ``None`` The password to connect to the database. Required when using something other than sqlite. ARA_DATABASE_HOST ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_DATABASE_HOST`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``DATABASE_HOST`` - **Provided by**: Django's HOST_ database setting - **Type**: ``string`` - **Default**: ``None`` The host for the database server. Required when using something other than sqlite. ARA_DATABASE_PORT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_DATABASE_PORT`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``DATABASE_PORT`` - **Provided by**: Django's PORT_ database setting - **Type**: ``string`` - **Default**: ``None`` The port to use when connecting to the database server. It is not required to set the port if you're using default ports for MySQL or PostgreSQL. ARA_DEBUG ~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_DEBUG`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``DEBUG`` - **Provided by**: Django's DEBUG_ - **Type**: ``string`` - **Default**: ``false`` Whether or not Django's debug mode should be enabled. The Django project recommends turning this off for production use. ARA_DISTRIBUTED_SQLITE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_DISTRIBUTED_SQLITE`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``DISTRIBUTED_SQLITE`` - **Provided by**: ``ara.server.db.backends.distributed_sqlite`` and ``ara.server.wsgi.distributed_sqlite`` - **Type**: ``bool`` - **Default**: ``False`` Whether or not to enable the distributed sqlite database backend and WSGI application. This feature is useful for loading different ARA sqlite databases dynamically based on request URLs. For more information, see: :ref:`distributed sqlite backend `. ARA_DISTRIBUTED_SQLITE_PREFIX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_DISTRIBUTED_SQLITE_PREFIX`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``DISTRIBUTED_SQLITE_PREFIX`` - **Provided by**: ``ara.server.db.backends.distributed_sqlite`` and ``ara.server.wsgi.distributed_sqlite`` - **Type**: ``string`` - **Default**: ``ara-api`` Under which URL should requests be delegated to the distributed sqlite wsgi application. ``ara-api`` would delegate everything under ``.*/ara-api/.*`` The path leading to this prefix must contain the ``ansible.sqlite`` database file, for example: ``/var/www/logs/some/path/ara-api/ansible.sqlite``. For more information, see: :ref:`distributed sqlite backend `. ARA_DISTRIBUTED_SQLITE_ROOT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_DISTRIBUTED_SQLITE_ROOT`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``DISTRIBUTED_SQLITE_ROOT`` - **Provided by**: ``ara.server.db.backends.distributed_sqlite`` and ``ara.server.wsgi.distributed_sqlite`` - **Type**: ``string`` - **Default**: ``/var/www/logs`` Root directory under which databases will be found relative to the requested URLs. This will restrict where the WSGI application will go to seek out databases. For example, the URL ``example.org/some/path/ara-api`` would translate to ``/var/www/logs/some/path/ara-api``. For more information, see: :ref:`distributed sqlite backend `. ARA_ENV ~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_ENV`` - **Configuration file variable**: None, this variable defines which section of a configuration file is loaded. - **Type**: ``string`` - **Default**: ``development`` - **Provided by**: dynaconf_ If you are using the API server in different environments and would like keep your configuration in a single file, you can use this variable to select a specific environment's settings. For example:: # Default settings are used only when not provided in the environments default: READ_LOGIN_REQUIRED: false WRITE_LOGIN_REQUIRED: false LOG_LEVEL: INFO DEBUG: false # Increase verbosity and debugging for the default development environment development: LOG_LEVEL: DEBUG DEBUG: true SECRET_KEY: dev # Enable write authentication when using the production environment production: WRITE_LOGIN_REQUIRED: true SECRET_KEY: prod With the example above, loading the development environment would yield the following settings: - READ_LOGIN_REQUIRED: ``false`` - WRITE_LOGIN_REQUIRED: ``false`` - LOG_LEVEL: ``DEBUG`` - DEBUG: ``true`` - SECRET_KEY: ``dev`` Another approach to environment-specific configuration is to use ``ARA_SETTINGS`` and keep your settings in different files such as ``dev.yaml`` or ``prod.yaml`` instead. .. tip:: If it does not exist, the API server will generate a default configuration file at ``~/.ara/server/settings.yaml``. This generated file sets up all the configuration keys in the **default** environment. This lets users override only the parameters they are interested in for specific environments. ARA_LOGGING ~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: *Not recommended, use configuration file* - **Configuration file variable**: ``LOGGING`` - **Type**: ``dictionary`` - **Default**:: LOGGING: disable_existing_loggers: false formatters: normal: format: '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s' handlers: console: class: logging.StreamHandler formatter: normal level: INFO stream: ext://sys.stdout loggers: ara: handlers: - console level: INFO propagate: 0 root: handlers: - console level: INFO version: 1 The python logging configuration for the API server. ARA_LOG_LEVEL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_LOG_LEVEL`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``LOG_LEVEL`` - **Type**: ``string`` - **Default**: ``INFO`` Log level of the different components from the API server. ``ARA_LOG_LEVEL`` changes the log level of the default logging configuration provided by ARA_LOGGING_. ARA_SETTINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_SETTINGS`` - **Configuration file variable**: None, this variable defines the configuration file itself. - **Type**: ``string`` - **Default**: ``None`` - **Provided by**: dynaconf_ Location of an API server configuration file to load settings from. The API server will generate a default configuration file at ``~/.ara/server/settings.yaml`` that you can use to get started. Note that while the configuration file is in YAML by default, it is possible to have configuration files written in ``ini``, ``json`` and ``toml`` as well. Settings and configuration parsing by the API server is provided by the dynaconf_ python library. .. _dynaconf: https://github.com/rochacbruno/dynaconf ARA_PAGE_SIZE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_PAGE_SIZE`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``PAGE_SIZE`` - **Type**: ``integer`` - **Default**: ``50`` - **Provided by**: django-rest-framework `pagination `_ When querying the API server, the amount of items per page returned. ARA_READ_LOGIN_REQUIRED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_READ_LOGIN_REQUIRED`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``READ_LOGIN_REQUIRED`` - **Type**: ``bool`` - **Default**: ``False`` - **Provided by**: `django-rest-framework permissions `_ Determines if authentication is required before being authorized to query all API endpoints exposed by the server. There is no concept of granularity: users either have access to query everything or they don't. Enabling this feature first requires setting up :ref:`users `. ARA_SECRET_KEY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_SECRET_KEY`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``SECRET_KEY`` - **Provided by**: Django's SECRET_KEY_ - **Type**: ``string`` - **Default**: Randomized with ``django.utils.crypto.get_random_string()`` A secret key for a particular Django installation. This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value. If it is not set, a random token will be generated and persisted in the default configuration file. ARA_WRITE_LOGIN_REQUIRED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Environment variable**: ``ARA_WRITE_LOGIN_REQUIRED`` - **Configuration file variable**: ``WRITE_LOGIN_REQUIRED`` - **Type**: ``bool`` - **Default**: ``False`` - **Provided by**: `django-rest-framework permissions `_ Determines if authentication is required before being authorized to post data to all API endpoints exposed by the server. There is no concept of granularity: users either have access to query everything or they don't. Enabling this feature first requires setting up :ref:`users `.