#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. # # This file is part of ARA Records Ansible. # # ARA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # ARA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with ARA. If not, see . function usage { cat << EOF usage: ./run-tests.sh [-a|--ansible ANSIBLE_VERSION] [-a|--python PYTHON_VERSION] [-h|--help] Runs ARA integration tests optional arguments: -a, --ansible Ansible version to test with (ex: '', 'devel') Defaults to version in requirements.txt (latest version of Ansible) -p, --python Python version from a tox environment to test with (ex: 'py27', 'py35') Defaults to py27 -h, --help Prints this help dialog. EOF } # Cleanup from any previous runs if necessary function cleanup { [[ -e "${LOGDIR}" ]] && rm -rf "${LOGDIR}" [[ -e ".tox/${python_version}" ]] && rm -rf .tox/${python_version} mkdir -p "${LOGDIR}" touch ${CONSTRAINTS_FILE} } # Get args ansible_version="latest" python_version="py27" while [ "$1" != "" ]; do case $1 in -a | --ansible ) shift ansible_version=$1 ;; -p | --python ) shift python_version=$1 ;; -h | --help ) usage exit ;; * ) usage exit 1 esac shift done echo "Running ARA integration tests with Ansible ${ansible_version} on ${python_version}..." set -ex export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin LOGROOT=${WORKSPACE:-/tmp/ara_tests} LOGDIR="${LOGROOT}/logs" SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd `dirname $0` && pwd -P) export ANSIBLE_TMP_DIR="${LOGDIR}/ansible" export CONSTRAINTS_FILE="${LOGDIR}/constraints.txt" cleanup if [[ $ARA_TEST_PGSQL == "1" ]]; then if [[ -z $ARA_TEST_PGSQL_USER || -z $ARA_TEST_PGSQL_PASSWORD ]]; then echo 'Please set $ARA_TEST_PGSQL_USER and $ARA_TEST_PGSQL_PASSWORD' exit 1 fi DATABASE="postgresql+psycopg2://$ARA_TEST_PGSQL_USER:$ARA_TEST_PGSQL_PASSWORD@localhost:5432/ara" else DATABASE="sqlite:///${LOGDIR}/ansible.sqlite" fi # Ensure we're running from the script directory pushd "${SCRIPT_DIR}" if ! [[ "${ansible_version}" =~ "latest" ]]; then current_version=$(grep "ansible" requirements.txt) echo "Will use Ansible ${ansible_version} instead of ${current_version} in tests..." if [[ "${ansible_version}" =~ "devel" ]]; then echo "git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible@devel#egg=ansible" > ${CONSTRAINTS_FILE} else echo "ansible==${ansible_version}" > ${CONSTRAINTS_FILE} fi fi # Install ARA so it can be used from a virtual environment tox -e ${python_version} --notest source .tox/${python_version}/bin/activate ansible_version=$(pip freeze |awk -F== '/ansible==/ {print $2}') ansible --version python --version # We need to install the postgresql adapter for python, # But it requires pgsql development headers, and pg8000 won't # meet our needs here. if [[ $ARA_TEST_PGSQL == 1 ]]; then command -v pg_config >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 'pg_config is missing in $PATH, please install postgresql development headers.'; exit 1; } pip install psycopg2 fi # TODO: Improve the testing of those echo "python -m ara.setup.path: $(python -m ara.setup.path)" echo "python -m ara.setup.callback_plugins: $(python -m ara.setup.callback_plugins)" echo "python -m ara.setup.action_plugins: $(python -m ara.setup.action_plugins)" echo "python -m ara.setup.library: $(python -m ara.setup.library)" echo "python -m ara.setup.env: $(python -m ara.setup.env)" echo "python -m ara.setup.ansible: $(python -m ara.setup.ansible)" # Setup ARA export ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS="$(python -m ara.setup.callback_plugins)" export ANSIBLE_ACTION_PLUGINS="$(python -m ara.setup.action_plugins)" export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY="$(python -m ara.setup.library)" export ARA_DATABASE="${DATABASE}" # Run linters bash tests/ansible-linters.sh # Run test playbooks # smoke.yml run output will be re-used later ansible-playbook -vv ara/tests/integration/smoke.yml | tee ${LOGDIR}/smoke.yml.txt ansible-playbook -vv ara/tests/integration/hosts.yml # This playbook is meant to fail ansible-playbook -vv ara/tests/integration/failed.yml || true # This playbook is meant to be interrupted ansible-playbook -vv ara/tests/integration/incomplete.yml & sleep 5 kill $! # Test include role which is a bit special ansible-playbook -vv ara/tests/integration/include_role.yml # Run test commands pbid=$(ara playbook list | awk '/smoke.yml/ {print $2}') ara playbook show $pbid -f json ara host list -b $pbid -f yaml ara host show -b $pbid localhost ara host facts -b $pbid localhost ara data list -b $pbid -f csv ara data show -b $pbid foo ara play show $(ara play list -a -c ID -f value |head -n1) ara result show $(ara result list -a -c ID -f value |tail -n1) --long ara stats show $(ara stats list -c ID -f value |head -n1) ara task show $(ara task list -a -c ID -f value |head -n1) ara file list -b $pbid ara file show $(ara file list -b $pbid -c ID -f value|head -n1) # Test adhoc ara_record and ara_read ansible localhost -m ara_record -a "playbook=${pbid} key=output value={{ lookup('file', '${LOGDIR}/smoke.yml.txt') }}" ansible localhost -m ara_read -a "playbook=${pbid} key=output" # We want to test pagination in html generation export ARA_PLAYBOOK_PER_PAGE=3 export ARA_RESULT_PER_PAGE=20 ara generate html ${LOGDIR}/build ara generate html ${LOGDIR}/build-playbook --playbook $pbid ara generate junit ${LOGDIR}/junit.xml ara generate junit ${LOGDIR}/junit-playbook.xml --playbook $pbid ara generate junit - python ara/tests/integration/helpers/junit_check.py ${LOGDIR}/junit.xml ara generate subunit ${LOGDIR}/results.subunit ara generate subunit ${LOGDIR}/results-playbook.subunit --playbook $pbid ara generate subunit - > ${LOGDIR}/results-stdout.subunit subunit2pyunit ${LOGDIR}/results.subunit 2>&1 | cat > ${LOGDIR}/subunit2pyunit.txt # It's important that ARA behaves well when gzipped gzip --best --recursive ${LOGDIR}/build echo "Run complete, logs and build available in ${LOGDIR}" popd