WARNING!! Monasca is now deployed via Ansible. This project is no longer maintained and may be out of date. It will be moved to the StackForge attic soon. cookbook-monasca-agent =================== # Overview This cookbook installs and configures the [Monasca Monitoring Agent](https://github.com/stackforge/monasca-agent) # Data Bags For use with configuration, the `monasca_agent` data bag contains parameters for interfacing with the Monitoring API, global dimensions (a set of comma-delimited name:value pairs to be included in the Agent metrics), and logging levels. ## Example { "id": "monasca_agent", "keystone_url": "", "username": "joe_user", "password": "correcthorsebatterystaple", "project_name": "worldpeace", "monasca_api_url": "", "service": "mini-mon" } # Recipes ## default The default recipe sets up the Monitoring Agent and runs mon-setup to configure. ## plugin_cfg monasca-agent plugins are configured in `/etc/monasca-agent/conf.d/` as YAML files ending in .yaml which are created by this recipe. The Agent will walk through these files when the Collector (`/usr/local/bin/monasca-collector`) starts. The name of the file must match a Python plugin in `/etc/monasca-agent/checks.d/` or `/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/monagent/collector/checks_d/` - `conf.d/` file: `process.yaml` - `checks_d/` file: `process.py` - data bag item: `node.default[:monasca_agent][:plugin][:process]` The .yaml files are comprised of two different sections, `init_config` containing global configuration parameters, and 'instances' containing one or more stanzas containing details about the particular check to run. These are defined in `node.default[:monasca_agent][:plugin][:process][:init_config]` and `node.default[:monasca_agent][:plugin][:process][:instances]` respectively. The `nagios_wrapper` is a special case in the `plugin_cfg` recipe in that if the check is defined, the dependent package `nagios-plugins-basic` is installed to provide many standard Nagios plugins. # Attributes ## default These are global attributes for use with the agent.conf file and installation settings. With the case of dimensions, `default['monasca-agent']['dimensions'] = nil` appends to the list of dimensions, if any, specified in the `monasca_agent` data bag. ## network These attributes configure the network plugin. ## plugin_config_basenode These attributes configure a basic set of plugins to be installed on every instance. These are in addition to the Monitoring Agent's existing set of basic metrics, listed on the [monasca-agent wiki](https://github.com/hpcloud-mon/mon-agent/wiki/mon-agent-User-Guide#standard-set-of-dimensions) # Templates ## agent.conf.erb This is the primary configuration file for the Agent, in `/etc/monasca-agent/agent.conf` ## plugin_yaml.erb This template provides the basis for plugin .yaml configuration files.