Merge "Fix issues in admin guide"

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2014-01-20 12:32:48 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 094351ad46
3 changed files with 1304 additions and 1135 deletions

@ -17,410 +17,410 @@
<chapter xmlns=""
<title>Building Linux Image</title>
<title>Install Required Packages</title>
Please check that hardware virtualization is supported and enabled in BIOS.
Please check that hardware virtualization is supported and enabled in BIOS.
The following packages should be installed on any host which will be used to build Linux Image:
On Ubuntu you could install them using the command below:
On Ubuntu you could install them using the command below:
># apt-get install ipxe-qemu kvm-ipxe qemu-kvm virt-goodies \
virtinst virt-manager libvirt0 libvirt-bin \
munin-libvirt-plugins python python-libvirt \
python-libxml2 python-minimal python-pycurl \
python-pyorbit python-requests python-six \
samba samba-common openssh-server virt-top virt-what
virtinst virt-manager libvirt0 libvirt-bin \
python python-libvirt \
python-libxml2 python-minimal python-pycurl \
python-pyorbit python-requests python-six \
samba samba-common openssh-server virt-top virt-what
<title>Build Linux Image</title>
<emphasis role="strong">Create a VM</emphasis>
<para>This section describes steps required to build an image of Linux Virtual Machine
<title>Build Linux Image</title>
<emphasis role="strong">Create a VM</emphasis>
This section describes the steps required to build an image of Linux Virtual Machine
which could be used with Murano. There are two possible ways to create it - from
CLI or using GUI tools. We describe both in this section.
Run all commands as root.
<emphasis role="strong">Way 1: Using CLI Tools</emphasis>
This section describes the required step to launch a VM using CLI tools only.
Run all commands as root.
<emphasis role="strong">Way 1: Using CLI Tools</emphasis>
This section describes the required step to launch a VM using CLI tools only.
Preallocate disk image
Preallocate disk image
># qemu-img create -f qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/cloud-linux.img 10G
Start the VM
Start the VM
># virt-install --connect qemu:///system --hvm --name cloud-linux \
--ram 2048 --vcpus 2 --cdrom /PATH_TO_YOUR_LINUX.ISO \
--disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/cloud-linux.img, \
format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none \
--network network=default,model=virtio \
--memballoon model=virtio --vnc --os-type=linux \
--accelerate --noapic --keymap=en-us --video=cirrus --force
--ram 2048 --vcpus 2 --cdrom /PATH_TO_YOUR_LINUX.ISO \
--disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/cloud-linux.img, \
format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none \
--network network=default,model=virtio \
--memballoon model=virtio --vnc --os-type=linux \
--accelerate --noapic --keymap=en-us --video=cirrus --force
<emphasis role="strong">Way 2: Using virt-manager UI</emphasis>
A VM also could be lauched via GUI tools like virt-manager.
<para>Launch <emphasis role="italic">virt-manager</emphasis> from shell
as root </para>
Set a name for VM and select Local install media
Add one cdrom and attach your linux ISO image to it
Select OS type <emphasis role="bold">Linux</emphasis> and it's
version <emphasis role="bold">choose yours</emphasis>
<emphasis role="strong">Way 2: Using virt-manager UI</emphasis>
Set CPU and RAM amount
Deselect option <emphasis role="bold">Enable storage for this
virtual machine</emphasis>
A VM also could be lauched via GUI tools like virt-manager.
Select option <emphasis role="bold">Customize configuration before
Launch <emphasis role="italic">virt-manager</emphasis> from shell as root
Set a name for VM and select Local install media
Add one cdrom and attach your linux ISO image to it
Select OS type <emphasis role="bold">Linux</emphasis> and it's
version <emphasis role="bold">choose yours</emphasis>
Set CPU and RAM amount
Deselect option <emphasis role="bold">Enable storage for this
virtual machine</emphasis>
Select option <emphasis role="bold">Customize configuration before
Add (or create new) HDD image with Disk bus <emphasis role="bold">VirtIO</emphasis>
and storage format <emphasis role="bold">QCOW2</emphasis>
Set network device model <emphasis role="bold">VirtIO</emphasis>
Start installation process and open guest vm screen through
<emphasis role="bold">Console</emphasis> button
Add (or create new) HDD image with Disk bus <emphasis role="bold">VirtIO</emphasis> and storage format <emphasis role="bold">QCOW2</emphasis>
<para>Set network device model <emphasis role="bold">VirtIO</emphasis>
<para>Start installation process and open guest vm screen through
<emphasis role="bold">Console</emphasis> button
<title>Guest VM Linux OS preparation</title>
<emphasis role="strong">Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x86_64</emphasis>
># for action in update upgrade dist-upgrade;do apt-get -y $action;done
># apt-get install -y git unzip make cmake gcc python-dev python-pip openssh-server sudo
<emphasis role="strong">CentOS 6.4 x86_64</emphasis>
># rpm -ivh
># for action in update upgrade;do yum -y $action; done
># yum install -y git unzip make cmake gcc python-devel python-pip openssh-server openssh-clients sudo
<emphasis role="strong">murano-agent installation steps</emphasis>
<title>Guest VM Linux OS preparation</title>
<emphasis role="strong">Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x86_64</emphasis>
># apt-get -y update; apt-get -y dist-upgrade
># apt-get install -y git unzip make cmake gcc \
python-dev python-pip openssh-server
<emphasis role="strong">CentOS 6.4 x86_64</emphasis>
># rpm -ivh\
># yum -y update; yum -y upgrade
># yum install -y git unzip make cmake gcc \
python-devel python-pip openssh-server openssh-clients sudo
<emphasis role="strong">murano-agent installation steps</emphasis>
># mkdir -p /opt/git
># cd /opt/git
># git clone
># cd murano-agent/python-agent
># git checkout release-0.3
># chmod a+x setup*.sh
# To install Murano Agent on Ubuntu run:
># ./ install
# To install Murano Agent on CentOS run:
># ./ install
<emphasis role="strong">cloud-init installation steps</emphasis>
<emphasis role="bold">Ubuntu</emphasis>
<emphasis role="strong">cloud-init installation steps</emphasis>
<emphasis role="bold">Ubuntu</emphasis>
># apt-get install -y cloud-init cloud-initramfs-growroot
<emphasis role="bold">CentOS</emphasis>
<emphasis role="bold">CentOS</emphasis>
># yum install -y cloud-init
<emphasis role="bold">Ubuntu only</emphasis>
<emphasis role="bold">Ubuntu only</emphasis>
># dpkg-reconfigure cloud-init
Mark <emphasis role="bold">EC2</emphasis> data source support, save and exit or add manualy <emphasis role="bold">Ec2</emphasis> to the datasource_list variable in the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90_dfkg.cfg
<emphasis role="strong">Minimal cloud-init configuration options</emphasis>
># vi /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg:
user: ec2-user
disable_root: 1
preserve_hostname: False
<emphasis role="strong">Security setup</emphasis>
Create user and make it able to run commands through sudo without password prompt.
<emphasis role="strong">Ubuntu</emphasis>
Mark <emphasis role="bold">EC2</emphasis> data source support, save and exit or add manualy <emphasis role="bold">Ec2</emphasis> to the datasource_list variable in the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90_dfkg.cfg
<emphasis role="strong">Minimal cloud-init configuration options</emphasis>
># vi /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
user: ec2-user
disable_root: 1
preserve_hostname: False
<emphasis role="strong">Security setup</emphasis>
Create user and make it able to run commands through sudo without password prompt.
<emphasis role="strong">Ubuntu</emphasis>
># useradd -m -G sudo -s /bin/bash ec2-user
># passwd ec2-user
<emphasis role="strong">CentOS</emphasis>
<emphasis role="strong">CentOS</emphasis>
># useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash ec2-user
># passwd ec2-user
<emphasis role="strong">Sudo</emphasis>
<emphasis role="strong">Sudo</emphasis>
># echo "ec2-user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/ec2-user
># chmod 440 /etc/sudoers.d/ec2-user
<emphasis role="strong">Disable SSH password-based logins in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config.</emphasis>
<emphasis role="strong">Disable SSH password-based logins in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config.</emphasis>
GSSAPIAuthentication no
PasswordAuthentication no
PermitRootLogin no
<emphasis role="strong">Network handling</emphasis>
<emphasis role="strong">Ubuntu</emphasis>
># rm -rf /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
<emphasis role="strong">CentOS</emphasis>
Remove or comment out HWADDR and UUID in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth*
># rm -rf /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
<emphasis role="strong">Shutdown VM</emphasis>
<title>Convert the image from RAW to QCOW2 format if you made it as RAW</title>
The image must be converted from RAW format to QCOW2 before being imorted into Glance.
<emphasis role="strong">Network handling</emphasis>
<emphasis role="strong">Ubuntu</emphasis>
># rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
<emphasis role="strong">CentOS</emphasis>
Remove or comment out HWADDR and UUID in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth*
># rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
<emphasis role="strong">Shutdown VM</emphasis>
<title>Convert the image from RAW to QCOW2 format if you made it as RAW</title>
The image must be converted from RAW format to QCOW2 before being imported into Glance.
># qemu-img convert -O qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/cloud-linux.img \
<title>Upload Image Into Glance</title>
Services deployed by Murano require specially prepared images.
After images are created they should be registered in Openstack Glance - image operation service.
># glance image-create --disk-format=qcow2 --container-format=bare --is-public=true --file=cloud-linux.img --name=cloud-linux
<para>Image should be marked with an appropriate type. That could be done through the Horizon UI.
Navigate to Project -&gt; Environments -&gt; Marked Images -&gt; Mark Image and fill up form:
<emphasis role="bold">Image</emphasis> - cloud-linux
<emphasis role="bold">Title</emphasis> - My Cloud-ready Linux
<emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis> - Generic Linux
<title>Upload Image Into Glance</title>
Services deployed by Murano require specially prepared images.
After images are created they should be registered in Openstack Glance - image operation service.
># glance image-create --disk-format=qcow2 --container-format=bare \
--is-public=true --file=cloud-linux.img --name=cloud-linux
Image should be marked with an appropriate type. That could be done through the Horizon UI.
Navigate to Project -&gt; Environments -&gt; Marked Images -&gt; Mark Image and fill up form:
<emphasis role="bold">Image</emphasis> - cloud-linux
<emphasis role="bold">Title</emphasis> - My Cloud-ready Linux
<emphasis role="bold">Type</emphasis> - Generic Linux
After these steps desired image can be chosen in Murano dashboard and used for services platform.
After these steps desired image can be chosen in Murano dashboard and used for services platform.

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@ -17,123 +17,177 @@
<chapter xmlns=""
<title>General Notes</title>
<para>The following debug sequence should be used when you have no idea about why the
system isn't working. If you have one, you may skip unnecessary sections.</para>
<para>Set debug options to "True" in the following Murano configuration files:<itemizedlist>
<para>Stop both <emphasis role="bold">murano-api</emphasis> and <emphasis role="bold"
>murano-conductor</emphasis> services. We will start them one by one from the
<para>First, the murano-api must be started.</para>
<para>Open new console</para>
<para>Start <emphasis role="bold">murano-api</emphasis> service
manually<screen>># murano-api --config-dir /etc/murano-api 2>&amp;1 \
> /var/log/murano-api-live.log &amp;
># tailf /var/log/murano-api-live.log</screen></para>
<para>Open dashboard, create and send to deploy some simple
<para>Open RabbitMQ web console, open your vhost and ensure that queues were
created and there is at least one message.</para>
<para>Check log for errors - there shouldn't be any</para>
<para>Keep <emphasis role="bold">murano-api</emphasis> service
<para>Next to the <emphasis role="bold">murano-api</emphasis> the <emphasis role="bold"
>murano-conductor</emphasis> should be started
<para>Open new console</para>
<para>Start conductor from
console<screen>># muranoconductor --config-dir /etc/murano-conductor \
> /var/log/murano-conductor-live.log &amp;
># tailf /var/log/murano-conductor-live.log</screen></para>
<para>Check that there is no python exceptions in the log. Some errors like
404 are ok, as conductor tries to delete environment that doesn't
<para>Check heat stack status. It should not be in FAILED state. If it is -
check heat and nova error log to find the cause.</para>
<para>Keep murano-conductor service running.</para>
<title>Log Files</title>
<para>There are various log files which will help you to debug the system.</para>
<para><emphasis role="bold">Murano Log Files</emphasis>
<para><emphasis role="bold">Windows Log Files</emphasis>
<para>C:\Program Files (x86)\CloudBase Solutions\logs\log.txt</para>
<title>General Notes</title>
The following debug sequence should be used when you have no idea about why the
system isn't working. If you have one, you may skip unnecessary sections.
Set debug options to "True" in the following Murano configuration files:
Stop both <emphasis role="bold">murano-api</emphasis> and
<emphasis role="bold">murano-conductor</emphasis> services.
We will start them one by one from the console.
First, the murano-api must be started.
Open new console
Start <emphasis role="bold">murano-api</emphasis> service manually
># murano-api --config-dir /etc/murano-api 2>&amp;1 >\
/var/log/murano-api-live.log &amp;
># tailf /var/log/murano-api-live.log
Open dashboard, create and send to deploy some simple environment.
Open RabbitMQ web console, open your vhost and ensure that queues
were created and there is at least one message.
Check log for errors - there shouldn't be any
Keep <emphasis role="bold">murano-api</emphasis> service running
Next to the <emphasis role="bold">murano-api</emphasis> the
<emphasis role="bold">murano-conductor</emphasis> should be started
Open new console
Start conductor from console
># muranoconductor --config-dir /etc/murano-conductor >\
/var/log/murano-conductor-live.log &amp;
># tailf /var/log/murano-conductor-live.log
Check that there is no python exceptions in the log. Some errors like
404 are ok, as conductor tries to delete environment that doesn't exist
Check heat stack status. It should not be in FAILED state.
If it is - check heat and nova error log to find the cause.
Keep murano-conductor service running.
<title>Log Files</title>
There are various log files which will help you to debug the system.
<emphasis role="bold">Murano Log Files</emphasis>
<emphasis role="bold">Windows Log Files</emphasis>
C:\Program Files (x86)\CloudBase Solutions\logs\log.txt

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff