Update user-guide with Murano Repository

Change-Id: I805730167c382b13407418ff2ee0b54f1fdb8f92
This commit is contained in:
Ekaterina Fedorova 2013-12-11 19:18:53 +04:00
parent 9c1a1170fc
commit 751107a2bb
23 changed files with 528 additions and 53 deletions

@ -21,23 +21,33 @@
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<title>Murano dashboard plugin</title>
To use Murano you should be familiar with Openstack. Murano Dashboard is just a plugin to Openstack dashboard - Horizon.
Please visit
<link xlink:href="http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/content/"> horizon user guide </link>
first to see how dashboard is organized and how to login to it.
<emphasis role="bold"> Murano Environment </emphasis> - a virtual unit to store different services (applications).
They can be connected with each other or be individual. The following actions with environment are available:
More information about actions with environment are described in this chapter.
<title>Creating environment</title>
<para> Once you installed all Murano components and login to horizon dashboard successfully you will see Environments panel:</para>
<para>Once you installed all Murano components and logged-in to horizon dashboard successfully you will see Murano tab:</para>
<imageobject role="fo">
<imagedata fileref="../images/env_panel.png" scalefit="1" width="100%" contentdepth="100%"/>
First thing you need to do is to create an environment - virtual Windows Data Center which will contain different Windows services.
First thing you need to do is to create an environment.
To do this, navigate to the "Environments" page and click the "Create Environment". After setting name to your virtual environment it will be created.
@ -59,8 +69,7 @@
<title>Creating service prototype</title>
<para >
All services should be created in the context of Environment
- virtual Windows Data Center. After Environment is created, you need to create services prototypes
All services should be created in the context of Environment. After Environment is created, you need to create service prototypes
and then deploy the Environment. When deploy process is done instances
with your services will be spawned in Openstack.
To create a service prototype navigate to page with the list of environment services by
@ -86,6 +95,26 @@
To see more information about filling the form for a specific service follow one of the link below:
<emphasis role="bold">
<link linkend="ASP">ASP.NET Service:</link>
is a server-side Web application framework designed for Web
development to produce dynamic Web pages. Service is able
to install custom application onto one IIS Web Server. Murano installs
all needed components and makes proper configuration.
<emphasis role="bold">
<link linkend="ASPfarm">ASP.NET Farm Service:</link>
ASP.NET Farm Service installs a custom application on a
load-balanced array of IIS servers.
<emphasis role="bold"><link linkend="AD">Active Directory:</link></emphasis>
@ -95,6 +124,22 @@
Any other services you are intending to create can be
joined to that domain.
<emphasis role="bold">
<link linkend="Apache">Apache Service:</link></emphasis>
Apache HTTP Server is a web server application notable for playing a key role in the initial growth of the World Wide Web.
This service can install Apache with PHP module or without it.
<emphasis role="bold">
<link linkend="Demo">Demo Service:</link></emphasis>
Installs test service that demonstrates how to Murano interconnects with Murano Demo Agent.
For this service light-weight Linux Cirros image can be used.
@ -115,22 +160,9 @@
<emphasis role="bold">
<link linkend="ASP">ASP.NET Service:</link>
is a server-side Web application framework designed for Web
development to produce dynamic Web pages. Service is able
to install custom application onto one IIS Web Server. Murano installs
all needed components and makes proper configuration.
<emphasis role="bold">
<link linkend="ASPfarm">ASP.NET Farm Service:</link>
ASP.NET Farm Service installs a custom application on a
load-balanced array of IIS servers
<emphasis role="bold"><link linkend="Telnet">Linux Telnet:</link></emphasis>
Telnet - is a network protocol used to provide a bidirectional interactive
text-oriented communication facility using a virtual terminal connection.
@ -142,7 +174,7 @@
<emphasis role="bold">
<link linkend="SQLfarm">SQL Server Failover Cluster:</link>
<link linkend="SQLfarm">MS SQL Server Failover Cluster:</link>
Murano installs all needed components and configures your
SQL Server Cluster the way you want.
@ -304,7 +336,7 @@
<section xml:id="SQLfarm">
<title>SQL Server Failover Cluster</title>
<title>MS SQL Server Failover Cluster</title>
<imageobject role="fo">
<imagedata fileref="../images/cluster1.png" scalefit="1" width="100%" contentdepth="100%"/>
@ -442,6 +474,114 @@
<section xml:id="Apache">
<title>Linux Apache Service</title>
<imageobject role="fo">
<imagedata fileref="../images/apache.png" scalefit="1" width="100%" contentdepth="100%"/>
<informaltable rules="all" frame="border" width="100%" cellpadding="3"
<col width="25%" align="left" style="font-weight:bold"
<col width="70%" style="padding:6px"/>
<td style="font-weight:bold">
<para>Service Name</para>
Enter a desired name for a service. Just A-Z,
a-z, 0-9, dash and underline are allowed.
<td style="font-weight:bold">
<para>PHP module</para>
PHP module can be installed with Apache.
Enable or disable this options via checkbox.
<td style="font-weight:bold">
<para>Key Pair</para>
Select SSH Key Pair from the existing to
control access to your instance.
<td style="font-weight:bold">
Machine hostname.
If blank - random name will be used.
<section xml:id="Telnet">
<title>Linux Telnet Service</title>
<imageobject role="fo">
<imagedata fileref="../images/telnet.png" scalefit="1" width="100%" contentdepth="100%"/>
<informaltable rules="all" frame="border" width="100%" cellpadding="3"
<col width="25%" align="left" style="font-weight:bold"
<col width="70%" style="padding:6px"/>
<td style="font-weight:bold">
<para>Service Name</para>
Enter a desired name for a service. Just A-Z,
a-z, 0-9, dash and underline are allowed.
<td style="font-weight:bold">
<para>Key Pair</para>
Select SSH Key Pair from the existing.
<td style="font-weight:bold">
Machine hostname.
If blank - random name will be used.
<title>Deploying environment</title>
@ -752,4 +892,4 @@ initctl start murano-api
This pip version problem. Need to install pip 1.4 and after that reinstall murano-client, murano-common and murano-api.

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License,
Version 2.0 (the &quot;License&quot;); you may not use this file
except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required
by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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Murano uses preconfigured images for spawning instances. Image
suitable for Murano should have Murano Agent installed at least. See
<link xlink:href="http://murano-docs.github.io/latest/administrators-guide/content/ch03.html">
here</link> how to build Murano images and upload it to Glance. Since Murano
supports different operating systems it&apos;s not possible to use
one image to build every single application. To classify images
Metadata property of Glance image is used. Murano Dashboard allows to
add that property from a separate view. Navigate to the Murano tab
and go to
<para>To operate with Glance Images you need to have admin
<mediaobject><imageobject role="fo">
<imagedata contentdepth="100%" fileref="../images/Images/index.png" scalefit="1" width="100%"/>
You are browsing Glance images with correctly set
&quot;murano_image_info&quot; property - image metadata. From this
view you are able to:
<para>Delete an existing image metadata with <filename>&quot;Delete
Metadata&quot;</filename> button (only image's property get deleted,
the image itself stays in Glance)</para>
<para>Add new murano metadata to an image that is already registered
in Glance by clicking on <filename>&quot;Mark
Image&quot;</filename> button</para>
Take a look at the &quot;Mark Image&quot; form:
<mediaobject><imageobject role="fo">
<imagedata contentdepth="100%" fileref="../images/Images/mark_image.png" scalefit="1" width="100%"/>
<informaltable cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" frame="border" rules="all" width="100%">
<col align="left" style="font-weight:bold" valign="top" width="25%"/>
<col style="padding:6px" width="70%"/>
<td style="font-weight:bold">
<para>From all images registered in Glance pick one that was created with
<link linked="http://murano-docs.github.io/latest/administrators-guide/content/ch03.html">Murano Image Builder</link>.</para>
<td style="font-weight:bold">
<para>Set name for a selected image to recognize it easier during
service creation.</para>
<td style="font-weight:bold">
For now there are three supported types:
<para>Windows Server 2012 - used to build Windows-based
<para>Murano Demo - light-weight Linux Cirros image with
Murano Demo Agent</para>
<para>Generic Linux - used to build Linux-based

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License,
Version 2.0 (the &amp;quot;License&amp;quot;); you may not use this
file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless
required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an &amp;quot;AS
either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
governing permissions and limitations under the License.
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<title>Metadata Repository</title>
<para>This chapter describes how to operate with Murano Metadata
Repository via UI. </para>
Metadata Repository is a REST API server stores all data
necessary for a service deployment. Information about service and
it&apos;s dependencies is called <emphasis>service definition</emphasis>
or <emphasis>manifest</emphasis>. Murano Conductor and Dashboard will
load these service definitions and service or application will be available
for creation. Besides manifests Murano Repository stores this types
of data:
<para><emphasis>ui</emphasis> - UI definitions for Murano
<para><emphasis>workflows</emphasis> - set of rules for Murano
<para><emphasis>heat</emphasis> - templates for spawning instance
with Heat</para>
<para><emphasis>agent</emphasis> - Murano Agent templates</para>
<para><emphasis>scripts</emphasis> - Murano Execution Plans</para>
In &quot;Murano&quot; tab go to the <filename>"Service Definitions"</filename> panel:
<mediaobject><imageobject role="fo">
<imagedata contentdepth="100%" fileref="../images/Metadata/index.png" scalefit="1" width="100%"/>
From this view you are able to perform the following actions:
<para><filename>Compose Service</filename> provides a form for
creating new service manifest. After this operation is complete new service
will appear in Service Definitions table and you will be allowed
to download this service definition, modify or delete it.</para>
<para><filename>Upload Service</filename> provides a form for
uploading tar.gz archive with already composed service manifest and
other dependency files.</para>
<para><filename>Manage Files</filename> button will redirect you to
a view where you can manipulate with all files stored in Metadata
Repository: download, delete or upload new ones.</para>
<para><filename>Toggle Active</filename> button will make service
active or inactive depending on the current state.</para>
<para><filename>Modify Service</filename> gives you opportunity to
modify attributes of service definition.</para>
<para><filename>Manage Service</filename> redirects you to a view
with information about selected service and service files for all
data types that Murano Repository supports. From here you can
upload file and add it to service dependency in one click.</para>
<para><filename>Download Service</filename> saves archive with all
files used by specified service.</para>
<para><filename>Delete Service</filename> removes service manifest
and all dependencies that are not used by other services from
Murano Repository server.</para>
Compose Service
Let's review service creation in details.
After clicking on "Compose Service" button from "Service Definitions" view you'll see the following form:
<mediaobject><imageobject role="fo">
<imagedata contentdepth="100%" fileref="../images/Metadata/compose_service1.png" scalefit="1" width="100%"/>
It consists of several tabs. On the first tab you need to fill up general information about service.
On the next tab select one of the UI definitions you want to use for this service.
You can upload new definition in the <emphasis><link linked="manage_files">Manage Files</link></emphasis> view.
<mediaobject><imageobject role="fo">
<imagedata contentdepth="100%" fileref="../images/Metadata/compose_service2.png" scalefit="1" width="100%"/>
All other tabs correspond to data types. Navigate to desired tab and select files for service dependency.
The only mandatory requirement for a new service is a UI definition file - if a service doesn't reference any, it won't be shown in the
<filename>"Create Service"</filename> form. All other tabs refer to a files required for a service's deployment phase.
<mediaobject><imageobject role="fo">
<imagedata contentdepth="100%" fileref="../images/Metadata/compose_service3.png" scalefit="1" width="100%"/>
<section xml:id="manage_files">
<title>Manage Files</title>
Murano Repository table shows all files stored in Metadata
Repository. Files are divided into categories by data types.
Button name of each category also contains the number of files in that category.
Click on the type name to browse all files of this type.
<mediaobject><imageobject role="fo">
<imagedata contentdepth="100%" fileref="../images/Metadata/manage_files.png " scalefit="1" width="100%"/>
The following actions are available:
<para>Download file,</para>
<para>Delete file,</para>
<para>Upload file.</para>
To upload file to repository you need to fill up this form:
<mediaobject><imageobject role="fo">
<imagedata contentdepth="100%" fileref="../images/Metadata/manage_files_upload.png" scalefit="1" width="100%"/>
<informaltable cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" frame="border" rules="all" width="100%">
<col align="left" style="font-weight:bold" valign="top" width="25%"/>
<col style="padding:6px" width="70%"/>
<td style="font-weight:bold">
<para>Murano Repository File</para>
<para>Select file for uploading. It should be not bigger than 5Mb.</para>
<td style="font-weight:bold">
<para>File Type</para>
Select one of supported type. It will be loaded directly to a directory that stores corresponding file types.
Manage Service
Manage Service view displays general information about service and list of file dependency grouped by a separate tables.
<mediaobject><imageobject role="fo">
<imagedata contentdepth="100%" fileref="../images/Metadata/manage_service.png" scalefit="1" width="100%"/>
In the following view these actions are available:
View service detail information.
Download File.
Delete file.
Upload file of the exact type by pressing the &#60;File type&#62;" button in the appropriate table.

@ -24,32 +24,52 @@
<title>How can I use Murano Service?</title>
Murano is intended to get opportunity for non-experienced
users to deploy reliable Windows-based environments extremely simple.
This document describes process of creation virtual Windows Environment with different services.
users to deploy different kinds of applications extremely simple.
To use Murano you should be familiar with Openstack.
Murano Dashboard is just a plugin to Openstack dashboard - Horizon.
Please visit horizon user guide first to see how dashboard is organized and how to login into it.
This document describes Murano Dashboard usage in detail.
<title>Document change history</title>
<para>The following table describes the most recent changes:</para>
<informaltable rules="all">
<td align="center" colspan="1">Revision Date</td>
<td align="center" colspan="4">Summary of Changes</td>
<td colspan="1" align="center">September. 4, 2013</td>
<td colspan="4">
<para>Initial document creation.</para>
<tgroup cols='2'>
<colspec colname="col1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colname="col2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
<entry>Revision Date</entry>
<entry>Summary of Changes</entry>
September. 4, 2013
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<para>Update for Release-0.2</para>
December. 9, 2013
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<para>Update for Release-0.4</para>

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<title>Murano User Guide</title>
<legalnotice role="apache2">
<remark>Copyright details are filled in by the template. Change
@ -35,5 +35,7 @@
<xi:include href="./content/overview.xml" xlink:title="Overview" />
<xi:include href="./content/murano-dashboard.xml" xlink:title="Murano Dashboard" />
<xi:include href="./content/images.xml" xlink:title="Murano Images" />
<xi:include href="./content/environments.xml" xlink:title="Murano Environments"/>
<xi:include href="./content/metadata.xml" xlink:title="Murano Metadata"/>