paybackman 53dc8b3bf9 This change addresses the Code Review from the previous commit. Changes include the following
Stronger Validation for Openstack.config.
 Better handling of detecting and raising NullReferenceExceptions
 Removal of dead code in a few places
 Added ability for each ServiceProvider to supply a ServiceMap which translates his name for a CoreService to something we can work with.
 Optimized code for dealing with Runspaces.

This change implements 2 separate use cases for Multi-Vendor support.

a. Initial Bootstrapping
b. Switch Providers

Change-Id: Ided462e5050214321e1ead50cf0498707d59128f
Partially-implements: blueprint implement-multiple-vendor-support
2014-06-11 14:53:06 -05:00

76 lines
2.3 KiB

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Set up the default windows size and color....
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
#$DebugPreference = "Continue"
$a = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$b = $a.WindowSize
$b.Width = 109
$b.Height = 61
$a.WindowSize = $b
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Register known providers, write out welcome and status messages..
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
$a.BackgroundColor = "black"
Echo ''
$a.ForegroundColor = "gray"
Echo '========================================================================================'
$a.ForegroundColor = "yellow"
Echo 'Welcome to the OpenStack Powershell Environment.11'
$a.ForegroundColor = "gray"
Echo '========================================================================================'
Echo ''
$a.ForegroundColor = "green"
echo ' ==> Registering Providers...'
#Save the current value in the $p variable.
$p = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath")
#Add the new path to the $p variable. Begin with a semi-colon separator.
$p += ";C:\Users\tplummer\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\OpenStack\"
#Add the paths in $p to the PSModulePath value.
import-module Openstack-Core -DisableNameChecking
cd Builds:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Let the User know what's going on..
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
echo ' ==> Applying Command Aliases...'
echo ' ==> Registering Views...'
echo ''
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Issue any startup commands you would like to execute after everything loads.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#cd BlockStorage
#cd Volumes
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Reset Shell to default colors..
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
#$a.ForegroundColor = "yellow"
echo 'Ready..'
#$a.ForegroundColor = "green"
echo ''