##2014-10-24 - Features release 2.2.0 ###Summary * Sensu as first implementation of monitoring system * Glance now supports NFS image storage backend * Cinder now supports EMC VNX & iSCSI volume backends * Nova now supports NFS instance storage backend * Neutron now supports Cisco plugins with N1KV hardware (experimental) * RabbitMQ can now be load-balanced by HAproxy * Keystone roles for Heat are now created automatically * Support for keepalived authentification * MongoDB replicaset is now an option, so MongoDB can be standalone * MySQL Galera has been tweaked to have better performances at scale * Nova configuration has been tweaked to use read-only database feature and have better performances at scale * Trove has been disabled by default since it's still in experimental status * HAproxy: Allow user to bind multiple public/private IPs * keepalived: allow vrrp traffic on a dedicated interface * When running KVM, we check if VTX is really enabled * HAproxy checks have been improve for OpenStack services * Neutron: allow to specify tunnel type (i.e. VXLAN) * Horizon: ALLOWED_HOST can now be controlled by the module * Horizon: Allow user to speficy broader apache vhost settings * Nova/RBD: support for RHEL 7 ####Bugfixes * Fix correct Puppet Ceph dependencies which could lead to bootstrap issues * Fix issues with instance live migration support (nova configuration) * Fix HAproxy checks for Spice (TCP instead of HTTP) ####Known Bugs * No known bugs ##2014-07-15 - Features release 2.1.0 ###Summary * Advanced logging support with kibana3, elasticsearch and fluentd * Improve SSL termination support * File backend support for Glance * OpenStack Database as a Service support (Trove) as experimental * Pacemaker support in Red-Hat * heat-engine is no more managed as a single point of failure ####Bugfixes * Fix heat-cfn & heat-cloudwatch HAproxy binding * Fix issues when using SSL termination ####Known Bugs * No known bugs ##2014-06-19 - Features release 2.0.0 ###Summary * Icehouse release support * OpenStack Object Storage support (Swift) * Neutron Metadata multi-worker * RBD flexibility on compute nodes * Keystone and Nova v3 API support * SSL termination support ####Bugfixes * Fix nova-compute service when using RBD backend * Fix cinder-volume service when creating a volume type * Enable to have Swift Storage & Ceph OSD on same nodes ####Known Bugs * No known bugs ##2014-05-06 - Features release 1.3.0 ###Summary * High Availability refactorization * OpenStack services separation in different classes * DHCP Agent: Add support of DNS server declaration * Defaults values for all puppet parameters, can now support Hiera. * Fix all unit tests to pass Travis ####Bugfixes * Fix HAproxy configuration for Heat API binding ####Known Bugs * When using RBD as Nova Backend, nova-compute should be notified * When creating a volume type, cinder-volume should be notified * Impossible to attach a volume backend by RBD if not using RBD backend for Nova ##2014-04-22 - Features release 1.2.0 ###Summary * Now supports Ubuntu 12.04 * Now supports Now supports Red Hat OpenStack Platform 4 * Can be deployed on 3 nodes * Add cluster note type support for RabbitMQ configuration * Block storage can now be backend by multiple RBD pools ####Bugfixes * Fix a bug in Horizon in HTTP/HTTPS binding ####Known Bugs * No known bugs ##2014-04-01 - Features release 1.1.0 ###Summary * Updated puppetlabs-rabbitmq to 3.1.0 (RabbitMQ to 3.2.4) * Add Cinder Muli-backend support * NetApp support for Cinder as a backend * Keystone uses now MySQL for tokens storage (due to several issues with Memcache backend) * Back to upstream puppet-horizon from stackforge * Servername parameter support in Horizon configuration to allow SSL redirections * puppet-openstack-cloud module QA is done by Travis * network: add dhcp\_lease\_duration parameter support ####Bugfixes * neutron: increase agent polling interval ####Known Bugs * Bug in Horizon in HTTP/HTTPS binding (fixed in 1.2.0) ##2014-03-13 - First stable version 1.0.0 ###Summary * First stable version. ####Bugfixes * No ####Known Bugs * No known bugs