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# pylint: disable=C0103,R0904
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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# under the License.
"""Unit Tests for Templating module."""
import unittest
from satori.common import templating
def fail_fixture():
"""Used to simulate a template error."""
raise AttributeError("Boom!")
class TestTemplating(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test Templating Module."""
def test_prepend_function(self):
"""preserve returns escaped linefeeds."""
result = templating.parse("{{ root|prepend('/')}}/path", root="etc")
self.assertEqual(result, '/etc/path')
def test_prepend_function_blank(self):
"""preserve returns escaped linefeeds."""
result = templating.parse("{{ root|prepend('/')}}/path")
self.assertEqual(result, '/path')
def test_preserve_linefeed_escaping(self):
"""preserve returns escaped linefeeds."""
result = templating.parse('{{ "A\nB" | preserve }}')
self.assertEqual(result, 'A\\nB')
def test_template_extra_globals(self):
"""Globals are available in template."""
result = templating.parse("{{ foo }}", foo="bar")
self.assertEqual(result, 'bar')
def test_template_syntax_error(self):
"""jinja.TemplateSyntaxError is caught."""
self.assertRaises(templating.TemplateException, templating.parse,
"{{ not closed")
def test_template_undefined_error(self):
"""jinja.UndefinedError is caught."""
self.assertRaises(templating.TemplateException, templating.parse,
"{{ unknown() }}")
def test_template_exception(self):
"""Exception in global is caught."""
self.assertRaises(templating.TemplateException, templating.parse,
"{{ boom() }}", boom=fail_fixture)
def test_extra_globals(self):
"""Validates globals are set."""
env = templating.get_jinja_environment("", {'foo': 1})
self.assertTrue('foo' in env.globals)
self.assertEqual(env.globals['foo'], 1)
def test_json_included(self):
"""json library available to template."""
result = templating.parse("{{ json.dumps({'data': 1}) }}")
self.assertEqual(result, '{"data": 1}')
if __name__ == '__main__':