Merge "Adapt the prestage to support subcloud rehoming"
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
force_ostree_dir_sync: "{{ 'true' if (prestage_source == 'remote' and
host_software_version is version('22.12', '=') and
not host_ostree_dir_exist) else 'false' }}"
- debug:
msg: |
Prestaging type: {{ prestage_type }}
@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ SW_VERSION=${SW_VERSION:-}
help() {
ostree metadata synchronization utilities.
@ -164,6 +167,7 @@ initialize_env() {
export OSTREE_REPO="/var/www/pages/feed/rel-${MAJOR_SW_VERSION}/ostree_repo"
export OSTREE_SYSROOT_REPO="/sysroot/ostree/repo"
export OSTREE_REMOTE=starlingx
export OSTREE_BRANCH=starlingx
@ -174,6 +178,7 @@ initialize_env() {
log_debug_l "SW_VERSION: ${SW_VERSION}"\
@ -255,35 +260,46 @@ find_metadata_file_for_attrib_val() {
get_simple_xml_attrib_from_metadata() {
# Retrieve the value of given attribute.
# WARNING: This function performs very basic parsing:
# It only works if the opening and closing
# <attrib> </attrib> are on the same line.
# Get the value of given XML attribute.
# We embed Python to parse the XML within script.
# Params:
# $1 = the metadata file path
# $2 = the xml attribute to find. can be a path that
# specifies the element. For example:
# /root/item/subitem1
# Returns the value of the element if it exists.
local meta_file=$1
local attrib=$2
local val
val=$(sed -n 's|<'"${attrib}"'>\(.*\)</'"${attrib}"'>|\1|p' "${meta_file}")
val=$(trim "${val}")
val=$(python - <<END
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
import sys
tree = et.parse('$meta_file')
root = tree.getroot()
tag = root.find(".//$attrib")
log_debug "metadata GET ${attrib}: ${val}"
echo "${val}"
get_commit_hashes_from_metadata() {
# Retrieves the commit hashes of given metadata file.
# The base commit and empty commits are ignored.
# Only package commits are taken into account.
# Using a nameref to update the passed-in array,
# see
# Retrieves the commit hash of given metadata file
# Currently the metadata file supports only a single commit.
# We use the commit1 path to find the hash.
local -n from_metadata_commit_hashes=$1
local meta_file=$2
local commit
while IFS= read -r commit; do
commit=$(trim "${commit}")
if [ ! -z "$commit" ]; then
from_metadata_commit_hashes+=( "${commit}" )
done < <(sed '/<base>/,/<\/base>/d' "${meta_file}" | sed --quiet 's|<commit[0-9]*>\(.*\)</commit[0-9]*>|\1|p')
local commit_path="contents/ostree/commit1/commit"
from_metadata_commit_hashes=$(get_simple_xml_attrib_from_metadata "${meta_file}" "${commit_path}")
get_usm_state_from_path() {
@ -318,12 +334,14 @@ get_usm_state_from_path() {
ostree_commit_exists() {
# Does given commit exist in ostree? i.e. has it been pulled into our repo yet?
# Note: this only works for locally defined ostree repositories.
# i.e. it can't get status from a remote server
# To ensure that the patch is entirely deployed, it must be verified in both repositories.
# This ensures that when checking whether the commit of a given patch exists on the system,
# it considers both repos (ostree repo and sysroot)
local commit_hash=$1
local ref=${2:-${OSTREE_LOCAL_REF}}
ostree --repo="${OSTREE_REPO}" log "${ref}" | grep '^commit ' | grep --quiet "${commit_hash}"
ostree --repo="${OSTREE_REPO}" log "${ref}" | grep '^commit ' | grep --quiet "${commit_hash}" && \
ostree --repo="${OSTREE_SYSROOT_REPO}" log "${ref}" | grep '^commit ' | grep --quiet "${commit_hash}"
return $?
translate_central_metadata_path() {
@ -333,33 +351,24 @@ translate_central_metadata_path() {
get_metadata_files_unique_to_central() {
# This gets flagged for removal which it shouldn't - it's just a stage change:
# [sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ diff -s /opt/software/tmp/metadata-sync/ostree-metadata-commits.*
# 1d0
# < /opt/software/metadata/deployed/starlingx-24.09.1-metadata.xml:db313865837f9512b024a2356bd76106140ebcea783f8183e5fcc8d5cd28783b
# 2a2
# > /opt/software/metadata/available/starlingx-24.09.1-metadata.xml:db313865837f9512b024a2356bd76106140ebcea783f8183e5fcc8d5cd28783b
diff "${METADATA_SYNC_DIR}"/ostree-metadata-commits.{central,subcloud} | awk '/^</ {print $2;}' | awk -F ':' '{print $1;}'
cat "${METADATA_SYNC_DIR}"/ostree-metadata-commits.central | awk -F ':' '{print $1;}'
get_metadata_files_unique_to_subcloud() {
diff "${METADATA_SYNC_DIR}"/ostree-metadata-commits.{central,subcloud} | awk '/^>/ {print $2;}' | awk -F ':' '{print $1;}'
pull_ostree_commit_to_subcloud() {
# Pulls given commit into subcloud feed repo
local commit_hash=$1
if ostree_commit_exists "${commit_hash}"; then
log_info "ostree commit ${commit_hash}: already exists in ${OSTREE_LOCAL_REF}"
log_info "Pulling ostree commit from system controller: ${commit_hash}"
run_cmd ostree --repo="${OSTREE_REPO}" pull --mirror "${OSTREE_REMOTE_REF}" "${OSTREE_BRANCH}@${commit_hash}"
check_rc_die $? "ostree pull failed"
sync_ostree_repo() {
# Synchronizes the remote ostree repository (system controller) to the local subcloud.
local tmp_ostree_sync_file="/tmp/sync-ostree-commits.log"
run_cmd ostree --repo="${OSTREE_REPO}" pull --mirror --depth=-1 "${OSTREE_REMOTE_REF}" > "${tmp_ostree_sync_file}" 2>&1
# To avoid showing all ostree pull progress, which generates a very large output
# in Ansible, we show only the report line in case of success.
# In case of error only the last 10 lines.
if [ "$rc" != "0" ]; then
tail -10 "${tmp_ostree_sync_file}"
rm -f "${tmp_ostree_sync_file}"
check_rc_die $rc "Unable to synchronize ostree repository."
tail -1 "${tmp_ostree_sync_file}"
rm -f "${tmp_ostree_sync_file}"
configure_ostree_repo_for_central_pull() {
@ -436,7 +445,6 @@ find_all_ostree_commits_for_release() {
get_commit_hashes_from_metadata commit_hashes "${metadata_file}"
if [ "${#commit_hashes[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
# We only need to supply the first commit here.
# See how the sync_subcloud_metadata algorithm works - it only uses the first commit
echo "${metadata_file}:${commit_hashes[0]}"
@ -456,19 +464,15 @@ sync_metadata_on_subcloud() {
# - this will include the 'ostree-commit-id' and 'committed' ATTRIBUTES from systemController
# * this has already been done by ansible
# We are deleting all files of the release before synchronization to ensure that the
# metadata will be exactly the same as the SC. It is not necessary to update the commits since
# the subcloud repository is a mirror of the SC repository.
# IF RELEASE does NOT EXIST on subcloud
# IF 'ostree-commit-id' == NULL
# Create it with STATE = unavailable
# Create it with STATE = available
# ELSE // RELEASE exists on subcloud
# IF subcloud STATE == deployed
# Leave it as deployed
# ELSE IF subcloud STATE == available or unavailable
# IF ‘ostree-commit-id’ == NULL
# Set STATE = unavailable
# Set STATE = available
# Create it with STATE = deployed
# For each RELEASE on SUBCLOUD but NOT synchronized from systemController
@ -506,50 +510,16 @@ sync_metadata_on_subcloud() {
if [ -z "${subcloud_metadata_file}" ]; then
# Not found: RELEASE does NOT EXIST on subcloud
if ostree_commit_exists "${commit_hash}"; then
# Create it with STATE = available
# Create it with STATE = deployed
log_debug_l "sync_metadata_on_subcloud: commit exists in local ${OSTREE_LOCAL_REF}"\
"ref: ${commit_hash}"
# Create it with STATE = unavailable
# Create it with STATE = available
log_info "${log_hdr} does not exist on subcloud, setting to ${new_state}"
run_cmd cp "${central_metadata_file}" "${METADATA_DIR}/${new_state}"
# RELEASE exists on subcloud
local subcloud_state
subcloud_state=$(get_usm_state_from_path "${subcloud_metadata_file}")
case "${subcloud_state}" in
# Leave it as deployed
log_info "${log_hdr} is in sync (subcloud state: deployed)"
# Not found: RELEASE does NOT EXIST on subcloud
if ostree_commit_exists "${commit_hash}"; then
# Set STATE = available
log_debug_l "sync_metadata_on_subcloud: commit exists in local ${OSTREE_LOCAL_REF}"\
"ref: ${commit_hash}"
# Set STATE = unavailable
log_info "${log_hdr} exists on subcloud, setting subcloud state: ${new_state}"
run_cmd rm "${subcloud_metadata_file}"
run_cmd cp "${central_metadata_file}" "${METADATA_DIR}/${new_state}"
log_info "${log_hdr} subcloud state is ${subcloud_state} - ignoring"
log_info "${log_hdr} subcloud state is ${subcloud_state} - transitional, ignoring"
log_error "${log_hdr} subcloud state is unexpected: ${subcloud_state} - ignoring"
@ -560,30 +530,37 @@ sync_subcloud_metadata() {
# When this is invoked, we have the following in place (via ansible):
# - "${METADATA_SYNC_DIR}"/ostree-metadata-commits.{central,subcloud}
# - these files summarizing the metadata files / ostree commits matching our given release
# - "${METADATA_SYNC_DIR}"/ostree-metadata-commits.central
# - "${METADATA_SYNC_DIR}/metadata
# - is a direct copy of the system controller /opt/software/medatada directory
# - we use this to calculate the new subcloud state of the release
# and to pull the missing ostree commits to the subcloud
# - we use this to ensure that the metadata files exist in the subcloud
# Synchronization is done on a per-major-release basis.
# For given major release:
# 1) Get a list of all update metadata files needing to be synchronized
# (this is done by comparing (using diff) the central and subcloud file in
# "${METADATA_SYNC_DIR}"/ostree-metadata-commits.{central,subcloud}).
# 2) Ensure any ostree commit(s) for the update are pulled from central
# controller if necessary.
# 3) Synchronize the update metadata file into the proper state-based location
# 1) Syncronize ostree repo
# 2) Remove the metadata from the specified release to ensure that when synchronized,
# it is in the right directory, based on the state.
# 3) Get a list of all update metadata files needing to be synchronized
# 4) Synchronize the update metadata file into the proper state-based location
# on the subcloud
local metadata_file commit_hash central_metadata_file
local sw_version=${1:-$SW_VERSION}
# Configure and sync ostree feed repo
# This will be able to ostree at the same level between System Controller and subcloud.
local commit_hashes=()
local commit_hash
# 1) Get list of metadata files requiring sync
# Remove current files for specified release
log_info "Removing directories for release ${sw_version}"
rm -Rf ${USM_SOFTWARE_DIR}/rel-${sw_version}.*
find ${USM_METADATA_DIR} -type f -name "*${sw_version}*" | xargs rm -f
# Get list of metadata files requiring sync
for metadata_file in $(get_metadata_files_unique_to_central); do
log_info "sync_subcloud_metadata: processing ${metadata_file} from central (sync)"
central_metadata_file=$(translate_central_metadata_path "${metadata_file}")
@ -595,44 +572,9 @@ sync_subcloud_metadata() {
"commit_hashes: ${commit_hashes[*]}"
if [ "${#commit_hashes[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
for commit_hash in "${commit_hashes[@]}"; do
# 2) Pull from central controller if necessary
# TODO(kmacleod): check if previous_commit exists from metadata, fail
pull_ostree_commit_to_subcloud "${commit_hash}"
# 3) Synchronize the metadata file
# Synchronize the metadata file
sync_metadata_on_subcloud "${metadata_file}" "${central_metadata_file}" commit_hashes
for metadata_file in $(get_metadata_files_unique_to_subcloud); do
log_info "sync_subcloud_metadata: processing ${metadata_file} from subcloud (check remove)"
get_commit_hashes_from_metadata commit_hashes "${central_metadata_file}"
log_debug_l "sync_subcloud_metadata from subcloud (check remove): "\
"metadata_file: ${metadata_file}"\
"commit_hashes: ${commit_hashes[*]}"
local removed=
if [ "${#commit_hashes[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
for commit_hash in "${commit_hashes[@]}"; do
if ! ostree_commit_exists "${commit_hash}"; then
log_info "sync_subcloud_metadata from subcloud: commit '${commit_hash}' does not exist, removing '${metadata_file}'"
if [ -n "${removed}" ]; then
rm "${metadata_file}"
if [ -n "${removed}" ]; then
log_info_l "sync_subcloud_metadata from subcloud, removed file for non-existing commit(s): "\
"metadata_file: ${metadata_file}"\
"commit_hashes: ${commit_hashes[*]}"
log_info_l "sync_subcloud_metadata from subcloud, commit is in use, not removing: "\
"metadata_file: ${metadata_file}"\
"commit_hashes: ${commit_hashes[*]}"
@ -150,33 +150,52 @@
subcloud_releases: "{{ subcloud_software_list.stdout_lines | \
map('regex_replace', '.*?-([0-9\\.]+).*', '\\1') | list }}"
- name: Verify patch levels between system controller and subcloud
msg: >
{% if system_controller_releases | length > subcloud_releases | length %}
The system controller has a patch level higher than the subcloud
{% elif system_controller_releases | length == subcloud_releases | length %}
# The subcloud must have at least one release for the given software version to be able
# to compare with the system controller version. Otherwise, it is assumed that the
# release does not exist in the subcloud and the prestage is executed.
- block:
# It is necessary to compare the current patch level between the SC and the subcloud
# to determine if prestage should be executed. In this way all scenarios are covered,
# including pre-patched scenario.
- name: Extract current patch number from system controller release list
system_controller_current_patch: "{{ system_controller_releases[-1] | \
regex_replace('.*\\.', '') | int }}"
- name: Extract current patch number from subcloud release list
subcloud_current_patch: "{{ subcloud_releases[-1] | regex_replace('.*\\.', '') | int }}"
# We need to compare the patch level, since we must take into account even the
# pre-patched scenario.
- debug:
msg: |
ostree revision from: {{ ostree_repo_release_feed }}:
system controller current patch: {{ system_controller_releases[-1] }}
subcloud current patch: {{ subcloud_releases[-1] }}
system controller current commit: {{ ostree_commit_system_controller.stdout }}
subcloud current commit: {{ ostree_commit_subcloud.stdout }}
{% if system_controller_current_patch == subcloud_current_patch %}
Skipping for software deploy prestage as the subcloud has the same patch level
than the system controller.
{% else %}
{% elif subcloud_current_patch > system_controller_current_patch %}
Skipping for software deploy prestage as the subcloud has a higher patch level
than the system controller.
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
- name: "Subcloud does not require software prestage. Exiting..."
meta: end_play
when: subcloud_releases | length >= system_controller_releases | length
- name: "Subcloud does not require software prestage. Exiting..."
meta: end_play
when: subcloud_current_patch >= system_controller_current_patch
when: subcloud_releases | length > 0
- block:
- debug:
msg: The system controller has a patch level higher than the subcloud
- name: Gather system controller metadata commits
# Use the existing ostree_metadata_commits_central file if:
# 1) It exists, and
# 2) There are no new commits. Compare last line of the ostree_metadata_commits_central
# file against current ostree repo commit.
# Otherwise, we generate a new ostree_metadata_commits_central file using the
# get-commits target to our script.
# Get the commits from the metadata, in the same way that software list does,
# avoiding ambiguous queries.
# Parallel operations (for orchestration):
# We use flock here because there may be many prestaging operations running
# in parallel on system controller. flock behaviour:
@ -184,15 +203,10 @@
# - the timeout is long just to ensure we never deadlock for any reason
shell: |
exec 3>/tmp/ostree_metadata_commits_central.lock
flock --exclusive --timeout 180 3 || echo "ERROR: flock failed: $?"
if [ ! -f "{{ ostree_metadata_commits_central }}" ] \
|| ! diff -q <(ostree --repo="{{ ostree_repo_release_feed }}" rev-parse "{{ ostree_rev }}") \
<(tail --lines=1 "{{ ostree_metadata_commits_central }}" | awk -F':' '{ print $2; }') > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
{{ role_path }}/files/ \
--sw-version "{{ software_version }}" --output "{{ ostree_metadata_commits_central }}" get-commits
cat "{{ ostree_metadata_commits_central }}"
flock --exclusive --timeout 180 3 || \
{ echo "ERROR: $? - flock failed while trying to get the commits."; exit 1; }
{{ role_path }}/files/ --sw-version "{{ software_version }}" \
--output "{{ ostree_metadata_commits_central }}" get-commits
exec 3>&- # release the lock
register: system_controller_software_metadata_commits
delegate_to: localhost
@ -212,27 +226,6 @@
var: subcloud_software_metadata_commits
- debug:
- "ostree revision from {{ ostree_repo_release_feed }}:"
- "system controller: {{ ostree_commit_system_controller.stdout }}"
- "subcloud: {{ ostree_commit_subcloud.stdout }}"
- "Software list:"
- "system controller:"
- "{{ system_controller_software_list.stdout }}"
- "{{ system_controller_software_metadata_commits.stdout }}"
- "subcloud:"
- "{{ subcloud_software_list.stdout }}"
- "{{ subcloud_software_metadata_commits.stdout }}"
- name: Gather system controller deployed release list
shell: |
while IFS= read -r line; do
echo "$line" | awk -F'|' '{split($2,p,"-"); print p[2]}'
done <<< "{{ system_controller_software_list.stdout }}"
register: minor_releases_list
delegate_to: localhost
# It's necessary to temporarily change the owner to sysadmin so that
# the system controller can push the files to the subcloud, since the files
# are in the folders only the root can access but the synchronize only
@ -245,21 +238,6 @@
recurse: yes
become: yes
- name: Copy system controller deployed release directory to subcloud
mode: "push"
src: "{{ usm_software_dir }}/rel-{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ usm_software_dir }}"
with_items: "{{ minor_releases_list.stdout_lines }}"
failed_when: false
- name: Copy system controller {{ usm_software_dir }}/software-scripts to subcloud
mode: "push"
src: "{{ usm_software_dir }}/software-scripts"
dest: "{{ usm_software_dir }}"
failed_when: false
- name: Copy system controller {{ usm_metadata_dir }} to subcloud {{ tmp_metadata_sync_dir }}
src: "{{ usm_metadata_dir }}"
@ -278,7 +256,7 @@
# on the system controller as it does not exist on N-1 release e.g. 22.12
- name: Synchronizing system controller ostree commits on subcloud
script: "{{ role_path }}/files/ --sw-version {{ software_version }}
sync-subcloud 2>&1 | tee /tmp/sync-ostree-commits.log"
register: sync_software_commits
become: true
@ -290,6 +268,21 @@
- "stderr: {{ sync_software_commits.stderr }}"
- "stdout: {{ sync_software_commits.stdout }}"
- name: Copy system controller deployed release directory to subcloud
mode: "push"
src: "{{ usm_software_dir }}/rel-{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ usm_software_dir }}"
with_items: "{{ system_controller_releases }}"
failed_when: false
- name: Copy system controller {{ usm_software_dir }}/software-scripts to subcloud
mode: "push"
src: "{{ usm_software_dir }}/software-scripts"
dest: "{{ usm_software_dir }}"
failed_when: false
- name: Restore the ownership of {{ usm_software_dir }}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user