Add cert renewal in enrollment init timeout

In some cases, the runtime configuration that is supposed to
install the ssl certificate containing the new OAM IP in
/etc/ssl/private/server-cert.pem is not working during
enrollment, when the REST API/GUI certificate is updated.

This change adds a remediation for the enrollment failure when
this happens, triggering another renewal of the REST API/GUI

It also increases the retries before trying to renew the cert
from 30 to 45, and the timeout before the sysinv API is ready
after the first reboot from 900s to 1020s.

Test plan:
PASS: Verify that renewal tasks are triggered when REST API/GUI
      cert is not valid (curl command fails).
      Verify that fail message is shown when certificate doesn't
PASS: Enroll system as subcloud.

Closes-bug: 2091437

Change-Id: Ibd549cc8c2d0f07db4ac6d7889803e806a6bb7a2
Signed-off-by: Marcelo de Castro Loebens <>
This commit is contained in:
Marcelo de Castro Loebens 2024-12-10 15:22:43 -04:00
parent 9c9f94c6f5
commit b3530f1844

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
- set_fact:
sysinv_port: "{{ sysinv_port | default(6385) }}"
boot_wait_time: "{{ enroll_boot_wait_time | default(150) }}"
wait_for_timeout: "{{ enroll_wait_for_timeout | default(900) }}"
wait_for_timeout: "{{ enroll_wait_for_timeout | default(1020) }}"
job_retry_delay: "{{ 120 | random }}"
protocol: "{{ protocol | default('https') }}"
operation_string: "enroll-init"
@ -57,17 +57,75 @@
# Although the endpoints are reconfigured by now, the API and certs may not
# be fully updated. A simple curl request can be used to verify both, specifically
# checking the region_id API, which will be needed shortly after this playbook completes.
- set_fact:
sysinv_check_endpoint: >-
{{ protocol }}://{{ enroll_reconfigured_oam | ipwrap }}:{{ sysinv_port }}/v1/isystems/region_id
- name: Wait for the sysinv API to be ready and for certs to be updated for the reconfigured OAM endpoint
shell: |
curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' \
{{ protocol }}://{{ enroll_reconfigured_oam | ipwrap }}:{{ sysinv_port }}/v1/isystems/region_id
curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' {{ sysinv_check_endpoint }}
register: api_response
retries: 30
retries: 45
delay: 20
until: api_response.stdout == "200"
delegate_to: localhost
failed_when: false
# Disable warning that suggests using the get_url and uri module:
# - get_url is unnecessary as we're not actually downloading.
# - uri module doesn't seem to work for our cert update check
warn: false
- name: Check and retry certificate renewal upon timeout
- name: Perform insecure sysinv API check to confirm invalid cert
shell: |
curl -k -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' {{ sysinv_check_endpoint }}
register: insecure_api_response
delegate_to: localhost
failed_when: false
warn: false
- name: Abort on failed insecure sysinv endpoint request
msg: >-
Requests to sysinv API through the OAM network are not succeeding. Check the
subcloud logs (cloud-init-output.log) and for errors in the network
reconfiguration and reattempt.
when: insecure_api_response.rc != 0 or insecure_api_response.stdout != "200"
- name: Check the existence of the k8s Certificate
command: kubectl get certificate -n deployment system-restapi-gui-certificate
KUBECONFIG: "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"
register: cert_get_result
- name: Fail if REST/API GUI K8s Certificate doesn't exist
msg: >-
REST/API GUI certificate is not managed by cert-manager. The procedure to
update platform certificates (previously known as cert-manager migration)
should be followed to create the required resources.
when: cert_get_result.rc != 0
- name: Renew Rest API/GUI certificate
shell: |
kubectl delete secret -n deployment system-restapi-gui-certificate
kubectl wait certificate -n deployment system-restapi-gui-certificate \
--for=condition=Ready --timeout=90s
KUBECONFIG: "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"
- name: Retry waiting for sysinv API and REST API/GUI certificate to be updated for the new OAM endpoint
shell: |
curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' {{ sysinv_check_endpoint }}
register: api_response
retries: 15
delay: 20
until: api_response.stdout == "200"
delegate_to: localhost
warn: false
- api_response.rc != 0 or api_response.stdout != "200"