Fix cert-manager migration playbook for subclouds
This review addresses changes required by the insertion of openldap in the cert-manager migration playbook from previous version. It includes: - Fixes in the playbook itself: - Fix detection of openldap cert; - Add the ability to run in subclouds with an old version; - Fixed the template that generates the platform certificates, adding default values in important fields case user does not define them in the inventory file. - Fixes in bootstrap/rehoming: - Fix the overwrite of the ICA set by the user in the old version for kubernetes root ca in upgrades, inside the 'system-local-ca' secret (*); - Not recreate openldap secret if it isn't required, in upgrades; - Differentiate between secret types for subclouds in upgrades (it has to account for TLS type as well, not only Opaque); - Increase some rehoming timeouts; - Install the new SystemController system-loca-ca as a trusted CA in rehoming and restart kubeapi and openldap servers. - Minor improvements: - Check if country name is limited to two letters in cert subject; - The role common/install-trusted-ca creates temporary files in SystemController. This could lead to race conditions if more than one playbook that uses the role were executed at the same time. Changed it to use random components in the filenames. Test plan: - Deploy SX, DX and DC with both SX and DX subclouds. - Execute cert-manager migration playboook. - Rehome SX subcloud with Opaque 'system-local-ca' (normal case) - Rehome SX/DX subclouds with TLS 'system-local-ca' (after cert-manager migration playbook is executed) - Upgrade SX, DX and DC Systems with SX and DX subclouds from 21.12 and 22.06 to designer iso 22.12. Executed the upgrades both with: - Running the cert-manager migration in the FROM side. (**) - Not running the cert-manager migration in the FROM side. P.S.: (*) Due to the existence of an upgrade start script called in the 'from' side that will overwrite the secret after this code is called, this change will only have effects in upgrades moving forward. (**) Some upgrade scenarios were affected by the issue in (*). Re-executing the cert-manager migration playbook in the TO side was able to fix this cases. Closes-Bug: 2012435 Depends-on: Signed-off-by: Marcelo de Castro Loebens <> Change-Id: If9e56347c530a6556508c87659a24d8e8514624e
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ all:
duration: 2160h # 90d
renewBefore: 360h # 15d
subject_C: canada
subject_C: CA
subject_ST: ontario
subject_L: ottawa
subject_O: myorganization
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- block:
- name: Install certificates as system Trusted CA certificates
name: common/install-trusted-ca
@ -86,4 +87,20 @@
label: "{{ }}"
- name: Restart kube-apiserver to pick the new certificates
name: common/restart-kube-apiserver
- name: Restart openldap server to use the new certificates
shell: "sm-restart service open-ldap"
become: true
- name: Check openldap service is enabled after restart
shell: sm-query service open-ldap | grep -c enabled-active
become: true
register: service_status
until: service_status.stdout == '1'
retries: 10
delay: 10
when: mode == 'update'
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright (c) 2022 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -8,23 +8,6 @@
# generate a certificate spec file which is going to be applied to
# kubernetes at a later step
- name: Read kubernetes Root CA certificate
shell: cat "{{ kubeadm_pki_dir }}/ca.crt" | base64 -w0
register: kubernetes_root_ca_crt
become: true
- name: Read kubernetes Root CA key
shell: cat "{{ kubeadm_pki_dir }}/ca.key" | base64 -w0
register: kubernetes_root_ca_key
become: true
- name: Set Root CA and local CA based on kubernetes Root CA
system_root_ca_cert: "{{ kubernetes_root_ca_crt.stdout }}"
system_local_ca_cert: "{{ kubernetes_root_ca_crt.stdout }}"
system_local_ca_key: "{{ kubernetes_root_ca_key.stdout }}"
- block:
- name: Get distributed_cloud_role if not defined
shell: |
@ -35,17 +18,114 @@
- name: Set distributed_cloud_role value
distributed_cloud_role: "{{ dc_role.stdout }}"
when: distributed_cloud_role is undefined
- name: Set which platform certificates to install
# In upgrades, retrieve data from 'system-local-ca' if it exists
- block:
- name: Check if 'system-local-ca' secret exists
shell: |
kubectl get secret system-local-ca -n cert-manager \
--ignore-not-found=true --no-headers=true | \
awk '{ if ($0 != "") print "true"; exit}'
KUBECONFIG: "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"
register: system_local_ca_exists
- block:
- name: Retrieve system local CA cert from k8s secret (on System Controller)
command: kubectl get secret system-local-ca -n cert-manager -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}'
KUBECONFIG: "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"
register: cert_result
- name: Retrieve system local CA key from k8s secret (on System Controller)
command: kubectl get secret system-local-ca -n cert-manager -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.key}'
KUBECONFIG: "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"
register: key_result
- name: Set local CA cert/key
system_root_ca_cert: "{{ cert_result.stdout }}"
system_local_ca_cert: "{{ cert_result.stdout }}"
system_local_ca_key: "{{ key_result.stdout }}"
ca_data_obtained: true
when: system_local_ca_exists.stdout | bool
when: mode == 'restore' and
migrate_platform_data is defined and
connection: local
# Else retrieve from kubernetes root CA
- block:
- name: Read kubernetes Root CA certificate
shell: cat "{{ kubeadm_pki_dir }}/ca.crt" | base64 -w0
register: kubernetes_root_ca_crt
become: true
- name: Read kubernetes Root CA key
shell: cat "{{ kubeadm_pki_dir }}/ca.key" | base64 -w0
register: kubernetes_root_ca_key
become: true
- name: Set Root CA and local CA based on kubernetes Root CA
system_root_ca_cert: "{{ kubernetes_root_ca_crt.stdout }}"
system_local_ca_cert: "{{ kubernetes_root_ca_crt.stdout }}"
system_local_ca_key: "{{ kubernetes_root_ca_key.stdout }}"
connection: local
when: ca_data_obtained is not defined
# If subcloud, we need to know the secret type. Also in restore mode the ca
# cert must be restored from backup, so we are only changing it otherwise.
- block:
- name: Get 'system-local-ca' secret type for subcloud
shell: |
kubectl get secret system-local-ca -n cert-manager \
--ignore-not-found=true --no-headers=true | \
awk '{print $2}'
KUBECONFIG: "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"
register: subcloud_local_ca_secret_type
- name: Set subcloud_local_ca_secret_type value
subcloud_local_ca_secret_type: "{{ subcloud_local_ca_secret_type.stdout | lower }}"
subcloud_local_ca_should_be_altered: "{{ mode == 'bootstrap' or
(mode == 'restore' and
migrate_platform_data is defined and
migrate_platform_data) }}"
when: distributed_cloud_role == 'subcloud'
- block:
- name: Initialize platform certificates to not be altered
install_oidc_auth_apps_certificate: false
install_system_open_ldap_certificate: "{{ true if distributed_cloud_role != 'subcloud' else false }}"
install_system_open_ldap_certificate: false
install_system_registry_local_certificate: false
install_system_restapi_gui_certificate: false
# Set up certificates for non-subcloud system
- block:
# In non subcloud systems, we may need to create the openldap secret
- name: Check if openldap certificate already exists
shell: |
kubectl get secret system-openldap-local-certificate -n deployment \
--ignore-not-found=true --no-headers=true | \
awk '{ if ($0 != "") print "true"; exit}'
KUBECONFIG: "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"
register: openldap_cert_exists
- name: Register if openldap certificate should be created
install_system_open_ldap_certificate: "{{ not (openldap_cert_exists.stdout | bool) }}"
when: distributed_cloud_role != 'subcloud'
- name: Generate kubernetes yaml for cert-manager resources
name: common/generate-platform-certificates-template
@ -60,15 +140,16 @@
until: create_k8_apply_ep is not failed
retries: 10
delay: 30
when: distributed_cloud_role != 'subcloud'
# The following role should be executed during subcloud bootstrap or upgrade,
# not subcloud restore as the ca cert is supposed to be restored from the backup.
when: distributed_cloud_role != 'subcloud' or
(subcloud_local_ca_should_be_altered and
subcloud_local_ca_secret_type == '')
# If the subcloud's secret is not tls (opaque or doesn't exist yet)
# we send the systemcontroller's. Else, we do nothing.
- name: Send root CA certificate to subcloud
name: common/send-ca-cert-to-subcloud
when: (distributed_cloud_role == 'subcloud') and
((mode == 'bootstrap') or
(mode == 'restore' and
migrate_platform_data is defined and
when: distributed_cloud_role == 'subcloud' and
subcloud_local_ca_should_be_altered and
subcloud_local_ca_secret_type != ''
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This task provides functionality to delete kubernetes objects
# Simple util to delete kubernetes resources by name and namespace
- name: Delete kubernetes objects
- name: Delete kubernetes resources
command: >-
kubectl delete {{ item.type }}
{{ item.secret }}
{{ }}
-n {{ item.namespace }}
KUBECONFIG: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
# generate a certificate spec file which is going to be applied to
# kubernetes at a later step
- name: Validate subject fields
include_tasks: validate-subject-fields.yaml
- name: Get address pool information for system
shell: |
source /etc/platform/openrc; system addrpool-list --nowrap
@ -63,7 +66,7 @@
shell: |
source /etc/platform/openrc
system show | grep distributed_cloud_role | awk '{ print $4 }'
register: distributed_cloud_role
register: dc_role
- name: Get cert-manager api version
shell: |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Copyright (c) 2023 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Validate X509 certificate subject fields
- name: Validate subject_C (Country Name)
msg: |
[ERROR]: subject_C should be defined using an ISO-3166 two-letter code.
when: system_platform_certificate.subject_C is defined and
system_platform_certificate.subject_C | length != 2
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ type:
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion: "{{ cert_manager_api_version.stdout | default('') }}"
- apiVersion: "{{ cert_manager_api_version.stdout | default(default.cert_manager_api_version, true) }}"
kind: ClusterIssuer
creationTimestamp: null
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ items:
status: {}
{% if install_system_restapi_gui_certificate | bool %}
{% set short_certificate_name = 'system-restapi-gui' %}
- apiVersion: "{{ cert_manager_api_version.stdout | default('') }}"
- apiVersion: "{{ cert_manager_api_version.stdout | default(default.cert_manager_api_version, true) }}"
kind: Certificate
creationTimestamp: null
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ items:
commonName: "{{ system_platform_certificate.subject_CN | default(oam_ip.stdout) }}"
- "{{ clean_region_name }}.{{ system_platform_certificate.dns_domain }}"
duration: "{{ system_platform_certificate.duration }}"
- "{{ clean_region_name }}.{{ system_platform_certificate.dns_domain | default(default.dns_domain) }}"
duration: "{{ system_platform_certificate.duration | default(default.duration) }}"
- "{{ oam_ip.stdout }}"
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ items:
{% endif %}
{% if install_system_registry_local_certificate | bool %}
{% set short_certificate_name = 'system-registry-local' %}
- apiVersion: "{{ cert_manager_api_version.stdout | default('') }}"
- apiVersion: "{{ cert_manager_api_version.stdout | default(default.cert_manager_api_version, true) }}"
kind: Certificate
creationTimestamp: null
@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ items:
commonName: "{{ system_platform_certificate.subject_CN | default(oam_ip.stdout) }}"
- "{{ clean_region_name }}.{{ system_platform_certificate.dns_domain }}"
- "{{ clean_region_name }}.{{ system_platform_certificate.dns_domain | default(default.dns_domain) }}"
- registry.local
{% if distributed_cloud_role.stdout == 'systemcontroller' %}
{% if dc_role.stdout == 'systemcontroller' %}
- registry.central
{% endif %}
duration: "{{ system_platform_certificate.duration }}"
duration: "{{ system_platform_certificate.duration | default(default.duration) }}"
- "{{ oam_ip.stdout }}"
- "{{ management_floating_ip.stdout }}"
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ items:
{% endif %}
{% if install_oidc_auth_apps_certificate | bool %}
{% set short_certificate_name = 'system-oidc-dex' %}
- apiVersion: "{{ cert_manager_api_version.stdout | default('') }}"
- apiVersion: "{{ cert_manager_api_version.stdout | default(default.cert_manager_api_version, true) }}"
kind: Certificate
creationTimestamp: null
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ items:
commonName: "{{ system_platform_certificate.subject_CN | default(oam_ip.stdout) }}"
- "{{ clean_region_name }}.{{ system_platform_certificate.dns_domain }}"
duration: "{{ system_platform_certificate.duration }}"
- "{{ clean_region_name }}.{{ system_platform_certificate.dns_domain | default(default.dns_domain) }}"
duration: "{{ system_platform_certificate.duration | default(default.duration) }}"
- "{{ oam_ip.stdout }}"
# Add kubernetes cluster ip to make sure certificate has issuer ip in san list
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ items:
{% endif %}
{% if install_system_open_ldap_certificate | bool %}
{% set short_certificate_name = 'system-openldap' %}
- apiVersion: "{{ cert_manager_api_version.stdout | default('') }}"
- apiVersion: "{{ cert_manager_api_version.stdout | default(default.cert_manager_api_version, true) }}"
kind: Certificate
creationTimestamp: null
@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ items:
commonName: "{{ system_platform_certificate.subject_CN | default(short_certificate_name) }}"
- "{{ clean_region_name }}.{{ system_platform_certificate.dns_domain }}"
- "{{ clean_region_name }}.{{ system_platform_certificate.dns_domain | default(default.dns_domain) }}"
- controller
- controller-0
- controller-1
duration: "{{ system_platform_certificate.duration }}"
duration: "{{ system_platform_certificate.duration | default(default.duration) }}"
- "{{ management_floating_ip.stdout }}"
- "{{ management_c0_ip.stdout }}"
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Copyright (c) 2023 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
cert_manager_version: ''
dns_domain: 'starlingx.local'
duration: '2160h' # 90d
@ -1,20 +1,43 @@
# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# These tasks provide the functionality to validate ICA duration and
# install it as a platform Trusted CA
- name: Create root pem temporary file
state: file
prefix: root_
suffix: .pem
path: /tmp/
register: root_ca_file
- name: Create ca pem temporary file
state: file
prefix: ca_
suffix: .pem
path: /tmp/
register: local_ca_file
- name: Save {{ }} certificate to a file
shell: echo "{{ item.content }}" | base64 -d > /tmp/ca.pem
dest: "{{ local_ca_file.path }}"
content: "{{ item.content | b64decode }}"
mode: 0640
- block:
- name: Save system_root_ca_cert to a file
dest: "{{ root_ca_file.path }}"
content: "{{ system_root_ca_cert | b64decode }}"
mode: 0640
- name: Check if system_local_ca_cert is signed by system_root_ca_cert or self-signed
shell: |
echo "{{ system_root_ca_cert }}" | base64 -d > /tmp/root.pem
openssl verify -verbose -CAfile /tmp/root.pem /tmp/ca.pem
command: openssl verify -verbose -CAfile {{ root_ca_file.path }} {{ local_ca_file.path }}
register: ca_verification
# failed_when as false in order to print a better error msg in the task below
failed_when: false
@ -30,7 +53,7 @@
- name: Get CA information from certificate
shell: |
cat /tmp/ca.pem | openssl x509 -text -noout | grep "CA:"
openssl x509 -in {{ local_ca_file.path }} -text -noout | grep "CA:"
register: is_ca
- name: Fail when certificate specified is not an actual CA certificate
@ -44,7 +67,7 @@
- name: Check that CA certificate remaining duration is longer than {{ ca_duration }} years
shell: |
expiration_date=$(cat /tmp/ca.pem | openssl x509 -noout -enddate | cut -d'=' -f2)
expiration_date=$(cat {{ local_ca_file.path }} | openssl x509 -noout -enddate | cut -d'=' -f2)
expiration_date_timestamp=$(date -d "${expiration_date}" +%s)
date_5years_from_now_timestamp=$(date -d "+{{ ca_duration }} years" +%s)
time_left_ica=$(expr $expiration_date_timestamp - $date_5years_from_now_timestamp)
@ -62,8 +85,19 @@
- name: Install {{ }} certificate as a Trusted CA certificate
shell: >-
source /etc/platform/openrc &&
system certificate-install -m ssl_ca /tmp/ca.pem
system certificate-install -m ssl_ca {{ local_ca_file.path }}
register: install_cert_output
until: install_cert_output is not failed
retries: 3
delay: 60
- name: Delete temporary .pem files
path: "{{ file_item }}"
state: absent
- "{{ local_ca_file.path }}"
- "{{ root_ca_file.path }}"
loop_var: file_item
become: yes
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Copyright (c) 2023 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Restart kube-apiserver process.
- name: Get pid of current kube-apiserver process
command: pidof kube-apiserver
register: kube_apiserver_pid
- name: Restart kube-apiserver
shell: crictl ps | awk '/kube-apiserver/{print$1}' | xargs crictl stop > /dev/null
- name: Wait while kube-apiserver restarts
command: pidof kube-apiserver || true
register: new_kube_apiserver_pid
until: (new_kube_apiserver_pid.stdout | length > 0) and
new_kube_apiserver_pid.stdout != kube_apiserver_pid.stdout
retries: 20
delay: 30
@ -1,13 +1,45 @@
# Copyright (c) 2022 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# These tasks provide the functionality to send root CA certificate
# to subcloud and store it as a k8s secret.
- name: Retrieve system-local-ca from k8s secret (on System Controller)
# If the playbook is called from bootstrap/install-platform-certificates
# this value is already set, and we know it is bootstrap or upgrade.
# If it isn't set, we expect it to be rehoming.
- name: Set if it is an bootstrap/upgrade
ca_send_from_bootstrap: "{{ subcloud_local_ca_secret_type is defined }}"
- block:
- name: Get 'system-local-ca' secret type for subcloud
shell: |
kubectl get secret system-local-ca -n cert-manager \
--ignore-not-found=true --no-headers=true | \
awk '{print $2}'
KUBECONFIG: "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"
register: ca_secret_type
- name: Set subcloud_local_ca_secret_type value. If inexistent, it will be 'opaque'
subcloud_local_ca_secret_type: "{{ ca_secret_type.stdout | lower | default('opaque', true) }}"
- name: Fail if secret exists but the type is neither TLS nor Opaque
msg: |
"Secret type of system-local-ca is not supported. \
Type: {{ subcloud_local_ca_secret_type }}."
when: subcloud_local_ca_secret_type != 'opaque' and
subcloud_local_ca_secret_type != ''
when: subcloud_local_ca_secret_type is not defined or (subcloud_local_ca_secret_type | length == 0)
- name: Retrieve system local CA cert from k8s secret (on System Controller)
command: kubectl get secret system-local-ca -n cert-manager -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}'
KUBECONFIG: "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"
@ -19,20 +51,142 @@
msg: "Failed to retrieve system CA certificate from secret."
when: cert_result.stdout == ''
- name: Set system local CA cert
- name: Set system root/local CA cert based on 'system-local-ca'
system_local_ca_cert: "{{ cert_result.stdout }}"
system_root_ca_cert: "{{ cert_result.stdout }}"
- name: Generate kubernetes yaml for the secret resource
- block:
- name: Retrieve system local CA key from k8s secret (on System Controller)
command: kubectl get secret system-local-ca -n cert-manager -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.key}'
KUBECONFIG: "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"
register: key_result
connection: local
- name: Fail if the local CA key returned is empty
msg: "Failed to retrieve system CA certificate key from secret."
when: key_result.stdout == ''
- name: Set system local CA key
system_local_ca_key: "{{ key_result.stdout }}"
- name: Retrieve root CA from k8s secret (on System Controller)
command: kubectl get secret system-local-ca -n cert-manager -o jsonpath='{\.crt}'
KUBECONFIG: "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"
register: ca_cert_result
connection: local
- name: Set root CA cert
system_root_ca_cert: "{{ ca_cert_result.stdout }}"
when: ca_cert_result.stdout | length > 0
- name: Set root CA cert equal local if there isn't one in the secret
system_root_ca_cert: "{{ system_local_ca_cert }}"
when: ca_cert_result.stdout | length == 0
when: subcloud_local_ca_secret_type == ''
- name: Create temporary kubernetes yaml file for the secret resource
state: file
prefix: system_local_ca_secret_
suffix: .yml
path: /tmp/
register: ca_secret_spec_file
- block:
- name: Generate kubernetes yaml for the secret resource (for Opaque)
src: system_local_ca_secret.yml.j2
dest: /tmp/system_local_ca_secret.yml
src: system_local_ca_secret_opaque.yml.j2
dest: "{{ ca_secret_spec_file.path }}"
mode: '0640'
become: yes
- name: Delete old secret
name: common/delete-kubernetes-resources
- { name: system-local-ca, namespace: cert-manager, type: secret }
when: subcloud_local_ca_secret_type == 'opaque'
- block:
- name: Initialize platform certificates to not be altered
install_oidc_auth_apps_certificate: false
install_system_open_ldap_certificate: false
install_system_registry_local_certificate: false
install_system_restapi_gui_certificate: false
- name: Generate kubernetes yaml for the secret resource (for TLS)
name: common/generate-platform-certificates-template
destination: "{{ ca_secret_spec_file.path }}"
when: subcloud_local_ca_secret_type == ''
- name: Apply kubernetes yaml to create the secret (on subcloud)
command: kubectl apply -f /tmp/system_local_ca_secret.yml
command: kubectl apply -f "{{ ca_secret_spec_file.path }}"
KUBECONFIG: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
register: apply_result
until: apply_result is not failed
retries: 10
delay: 30
- name: Delete kubernetes yaml with certificate spec
path: "{{ ca_secret_spec_file.path }}"
state: absent
become: yes
# If not bootstrap/upgrade, install the root certificates
- block:
- name: Install certificates (Subcloud)
name: common/install-trusted-ca
- { name: system_root_ca_cert, content: "{{ system_root_ca_cert }}" }
label: "{{ }}"
- name: Restart kube-apiserver to pick the new certificates (Subcloud)
name: common/restart-kube-apiserver
when: not ca_send_from_bootstrap
- block:
- name: Install certificates (SystemController)
name: common/install-trusted-ca
- { name: system_root_ca_cert, content: "{{ system_root_ca_cert }}" }
label: "{{ }}"
- name: Restart kube-apiserver to pick the new certificates (SystemController)
name: common/restart-kube-apiserver
- name: Restart openldap server to trust the new certificates
shell: "sm-restart service open-ldap"
become: true
- name: Check openldap service is enabled after restart
shell: sm-query service open-ldap | grep -c enabled-active
become: true
register: service_status
until: service_status.stdout == '1'
retries: 10
delay: 10
when: not ca_send_from_bootstrap
connection: local
@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ kind: Secret
name: system-local-ca
namespace: cert-manager
type: opaque
type: Opaque
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -23,11 +23,12 @@
- name: Check if openldap certificate exists
shell: |
source /etc/platform/openrc
system certificate-list | grep openldap
system certificate-list | grep openldap | \
awk '{ if ($0 != "") print "true"; exit}'
register: openldap_certificate_exists
- set_fact:
install_oidc_auth_apps_certificate: "{{ true if oidc_applied.stdout | bool else false }}"
install_system_open_ldap_certificate: "{{ true if openldap_certificate_exists.stdout | int == 0 else false }}"
install_system_open_ldap_certificate: "{{ true if openldap_certificate_exists.stdout | bool else false }}"
install_system_registry_local_certificate: true
install_system_restapi_gui_certificate: "{{ true if https_enabled.stdout | bool else false }}"
@ -55,27 +55,29 @@
retries: 3
delay: 30
- name: Verify if 'system-local-ca' secret was created by a cert-manager cert that acts as its Root CA
- name: Retrieve certificates that may own system-local-ca secret
shell: >-
kubectl get certificates -A
--no-headers=true |
awk '$1 == "system-local-ca"' |
awk '{ print "{secret: "$2", namespace: "$3", type: certificate}" }'
awk '{ print "{name: "$2", namespace: "$3", type: certificate}" }'
KUBECONFIG: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
register: cert_to_remove
- name: Delete the Root CA that owns the secret 'system-local-ca' if it exists
include_tasks: delete-kubernetes-objects.yml
- name: Delete certificate that owns the secret 'system-local-ca' if it exists
name: common/delete-kubernetes-resources
when: cert_to_remove.stdout | length > 0
loop: "{{ cert_to_remove.stdout_lines | map('from_yaml') | list }}"
- name: Delete the 'system-local-ca' clusterIssuer and secret if they exist
include_tasks: delete-kubernetes-objects.yml
name: common/delete-kubernetes-resources
- { secret: system-local-ca, namespace: cert-manager, type: clusterissuer }
- { secret: system-local-ca, namespace: cert-manager, type: secret }
- { name: system-local-ca, namespace: cert-manager, type: clusterissuer }
- { name: system-local-ca, namespace: cert-manager, type: secret }
- name: Generate kubernetes yaml for cert-manager resources
@ -83,25 +85,41 @@
destination: "{{ cert_manager_spec_file }}"
- name: Select which certificates should be migrated to the new 'system-local-ca' issuer
# This list is composed of all certificates issued by the cluster issuer
# plus the four platform ones we will always renew
- name: Create a list of certificates that should be migrated to the new 'system-local-ca' issuer
shell: |
#Collecting certs previously issued by 'system-local-ca'
{(kubectl get certificates -A \
-o=custom-columns='SECRET:spec.secretName','NAMESPACE:metadata.namespace','' \
--no-headers=true |
awk '$3 == "system-local-ca"' |
awk '{ print "{secret: "$1", namespace: "$2", type: secret}" }' |
awk '{ print "{name: "$1", namespace: "$2", type: secret}" }' |
awk NF);
#Adding certs we will renew by default (if repeated, they will be filtered in renewal task)
(printf "{secret: system-openldap-local-certificate, namespace: deployment, type: secret}
{secret: system-registry-local-certificate, namespace: deployment, type: secret}
{secret: system-restapi-gui-certificate, namespace: deployment, type: secret}
{secret: oidc-auth-apps-certificate, namespace: kube-system, type: secret}\n")}
(printf "{name: system-openldap-local-certificate, namespace: deployment, type: secret}
{name: system-registry-local-certificate, namespace: deployment, type: secret}
{name: system-restapi-gui-certificate, namespace: deployment, type: secret}
{name: oidc-auth-apps-certificate, namespace: kube-system, type: secret}\n")}
KUBECONFIG: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
register: certs_to_renew
# This is a workaround for a problem found in upgrades (not really ideal)
# It will cause warnings uppon applying the file
- name: Remove 'last-applied-configuration' annotation from certs to avoid version problems after upgrades
shell: |
kubectl annotate certificate "{{ item.certificate }}" -n "{{ item.namespace }}" \
|||| || true
KUBECONFIG: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
- { certificate: system-openldap-local-certificate, namespace: deployment }
- { certificate: system-registry-local-certificate, namespace: deployment }
- { certificate: system-restapi-gui-certificate, namespace: deployment }
- { certificate: oidc-auth-apps-certificate, namespace: kube-system }
- name: Apply kubernetes yaml to create cert-manager clusterissuer and certificates
command: kubectl apply -f "{{ cert_manager_spec_file }}"
@ -118,7 +136,8 @@
become: yes
- name: Force certificate renewals by deleting their secrets
include_tasks: delete-kubernetes-objects.yml
name: common/delete-kubernetes-resources
loop: "{{ certs_to_renew.stdout_lines | map('from_yaml') | unique | list }}"
- name: Install certificates as system Trusted CA certificates
@ -130,6 +149,10 @@
label: "{{ }}"
- name: Restart kube-apiserver to pick the new certificates
name: common/restart-kube-apiserver
- name: Update oidc-auth-apps in order to use new certificate
include_tasks: reapply-oidc-auth-app.yml
when: oidc_applied.stdout | bool
@ -175,16 +198,18 @@
delay: 3
- name: Delete certificates
include_tasks: delete-kubernetes-objects.yml
name: common/delete-kubernetes-resources
- { secret: system-registry-local-certificate, namespace: deployment, type: certificate }
- { secret: system-restapi-gui-certificate, namespace: deployment, type: certificate }
- { name: system-registry-local-certificate, namespace: deployment, type: certificate }
- { name: system-restapi-gui-certificate, namespace: deployment, type: certificate }
- name: Delete secrets
include_tasks: delete-kubernetes-objects.yml
name: common/delete-kubernetes-resources
- { secret: system-registry-local-certificate, namespace: deployment, type: secret }
- { secret: system-restapi-gui-certificate, namespace: deployment, type: secret }
- { name: system-registry-local-certificate, namespace: deployment, type: secret }
- { name: system-restapi-gui-certificate, namespace: deployment, type: secret }
- debug:
msg: >-
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -8,12 +8,21 @@
# certificate and reapply the app to apply the new configuration.
- name: Retrieve current software version of the host
shell: source /etc/; echo $SW_VERSION
register: current_software_version
- name: Set host_software_version fact
host_software_version: "{{ current_software_version.stdout }}"
# Secret system-local-ca-oidc-secret is a copy of system-local-ca
# we need it because this secret needs to be in the same namespace as oidc-auth-apps
- name: Delete system-local-ca-oidc-secret before recreating it
include_tasks: delete-kubernetes-objects.yml
name: common/delete-kubernetes-resources
- { secret: system-local-ca-oidc-secret, namespace: kube-system, type: secret }
- { name: system-local-ca-oidc-secret, namespace: kube-system, type: secret }
- name: Create new dex-client secret based of system-local-ca
shell: >-
@ -35,7 +44,8 @@
issuer_root_ca: /home/dex-ca.pem
issuer_root_ca_secret: system-local-ca-oidc-secret
- name: Merge new volume and volumeMounts overrides with existing ones
- block:
- name: Merge new volume and volumeMounts overrides with existing ones
new_overrides: |
@ -51,9 +61,27 @@
become: yes
register: yaml_merge_out
- name: Create override file for dex helm chart
- name: Create override file for dex helm chart
shell: echo "{{ yaml_merge_out.stdout }}" > /tmp/dex-override.yaml
when: host_software_version is version("21.12", '>')
- name: Create override file for oidc-auth-apps-certificate (legacy version)
dest: "/tmp/dex-override.yaml"
content: |
tlsName: oidc-auth-apps-certificate
caName: oidc-auth-apps-certificate
serverTlsName: oidc-auth-apps-certificate
clientTlsName: oidc-auth-apps-certificate
caName: oidc-auth-apps-certificate
when: host_software_version is version("21.12", '==')
- name: Create override file for secret-observer helm chart
dest: "/tmp/secret-observer-override.yaml"
@ -115,3 +143,34 @@
until: wait_oidc_ep is not failed
retries: 3
delay: 90
when: host_software_version is version("21.12", '>')
- name: Wait for oidc-auth-apps pods to become active (legacy version)
command: >-
kubectl wait -n kube-system --for=condition=Ready pods --selector app=dex --timeout=90s
KUBECONFIG: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
register: wait_oidc_ep
until: wait_oidc_ep is not failed
retries: 3
delay: 90
when: host_software_version is version("21.12", '==')
- name: Check if kube-apiserver parameters are applied
shell: |
ps -ef | grep kube-apiserver | grep oidc | grep -v grep | \
awk '{ if ($0 != "") print "true"; exit}'
register: api_process_oidc_output
- name: Warn the user if the kube-apiserver doesn't have oidc parameters applied
msg: |
[WARNING]: oidc parameters are not applied to the kube-apiserver.
This may cause oidc-auth-apps to not work propperly.
"system service-parameter-list | grep oidc | grep kube_apiserver"
to check if the parameters are set correctly, then:
"system service-parameter-apply kubernetes"
to apply them if they are.
when: not (api_process_oidc_output.stdout | bool)
ignore_errors: true
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
shell: source /etc/platform/openrc; sw-manager kube-rootca-update-strategy show
register: check_rootca_strategy
until: check_rootca_strategy.stdout is search('applied')
retries: 30
retries: 50
delay: 60
- name: Delete rootca strategy
@ -78,5 +78,5 @@
- "cert-alarm"
register: service_status
until: service_status.stdout == '1'
retries: 10
delay: 10
retries: 20
delay: 15
Reference in New Issue
Block a user