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# Copyright (c) 2019 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# For remote play transfer the backup tar file to controller-0
- block:
# Check if the backup tarball already exists. If it is the second run
# after the reboot, no need to transfer the backup tarball again.
- name: Check if {{ backup_filename }} has been uploaded already
path: "{{ target_backup_dir }}/{{ backup_filename }}"
register: check_backup_tarball
- block:
# TODO(wzhou): Considering to break backup tarball into multiple small tarfiles
# During restore upload each small tarfile one at a time to restore a subfunction.
# Because Ansible copy module uses ansible_remote_tmp directory as
# a staging area to transfer file, the default ansible_remote_tmp
# which is set in /tmp (1GB) may be too small for backup tarball,
# we require user to set ansible_remote_tmp to a new directory in
# /home/sysadmin via -e option on the command line. For example:
# -e "ansible_remote_tmp=/home/sysadmin/ansible-restore"
- name: Transfer backup tarball to {{ target_backup_dir }} on controller-0
src: "{{ initial_backup_dir }}/{{ backup_filename }}"
dest: "{{ target_backup_dir }}"
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
# As an alternative to Ansible copy, synchronize module may be
# used to transfer large files. But synchronize is broken in Ansible 2.8
# - name: Transfer backup tarball to /scratch on controller-0
# synchronize:
# src: "{{ initial_backup_dir }}/{{ backup_filename }}"
# dest: "{{ target_backup_dir }}/{{ backup_filename }}"
when: not check_backup_tarball.stat.exists
when: inventory_hostname != "localhost"
become: yes
become_user: root