
76 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2019 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This role is to perform tasks that are common to the playbooks.
# Include user override files for a play
- stat:
path: "{{ item }}"
register: files_to_import
- "{{ override_files_dir }}/secrets.yml"
- "{{ override_files_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}_secrets.yml"
- "{{ override_files_dir }}/site.yml"
- "{{ override_files_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}.yml"
delegate_to: localhost
- include_vars: "{{ item.item }}"
when: item.stat.exists
with_items: "{{ files_to_import.results }}"
# Check host connectivity, change password if provided
- block:
- name: Set SSH port
ansible_port: "{{ ansible_port | default(22) }}"
- name: Update SSH known hosts
path: ~/.ssh/known_hosts
state: absent
regexp: '^{{ ansible_host }}|^\[{{ ansible_host }}\]:{{ ansible_port }}'
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Check connectivity
local_action: command ping -c 1 {{ ansible_host }}
failed_when: false
register: ping_result
- name: Fail if host is unreachable
fail: msg='Host {{ ansible_host }} is unreachable!'
- "{{ ping_result.stdout_lines|list }}"
when: ping_result.rc != 0 and item is search('100% packet loss')
- block:
- name: Fail if password change response sequence is not defined
fail: msg="The mandatory parameter password_change_response is not defined."
when: (vault_password_change_responses is not defined) and
(password_change_responses is not defined)
- debug:
msg: "Changing the initial password.."
- name: Change initial password
echo: yes
command: "ssh -p {{ ansible_port }} {{ ansible_ssh_user }}@{{ ansible_host }}"
responses: "{{ vault_password_change_responses | default(password_change_responses) }}"
failed_when: false
delegate_to: localhost
# Initial password has been changed and the user forgot to exclude
# password_change option in the command line for the replay.
- debug:
msg: "Password has already been changed"
when: password_change
when: inventory_hostname != 'localhost'