Wei Zhou 567e89f682 Re-enable stx-openstack restore
This commit re-enables stx-openstack restore after recent code churn
in Ansible playbooks.

For a partial restore where ceph data remain intact during restore,
run restore_openstack playbook once to restore stx-openstack.

For a full restore where ceph data is wiped during restore, following
these steps to restore stx-openstack:
  - Run restore_openstack playbook with restore_ceph_data set to true
  - Follow the procedure to restore glance images and cinder volumes
  - Run restore_openstack playbook with restore_openstack_continue set
    to true

Change-Id: I96838392e4fb06c1d84e3f884bda4cd9be4f9d08
Story: 2004761
Task: 36813
Signed-off-by: Wei Zhou <>
2019-09-26 15:47:35 -04:00

219 lines
7.5 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2019 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This role is to restore StarlingX Openstack application.
# To bring up remaining StarlingX Openstack services after storage data is restored
- block:
- name: Check if restore OpenStack continue flag file exists
path: "{{ restore_openstack_continue_flag }}"
register: check_restore_openstack_continue
- name: Fail if restore OpenStack continue flag file does not exist
msg: >-
"{{ restore_openstack_continue_flag }} does not exist. Cannot continue
to restore OpenStack application."
when: not check_restore_openstack_continue.stat.exists
- name: Continue to bring up the remaining StarlingX Openstack services
shell: source /etc/platform/openrc; system application-apply --mode normal stx-openstack
- name: Checking stx-openstack apply progress for the remaining Openstack services... (max 50 mins)
shell: source /etc/platform/openrc; system application-list | grep 'stx-openstack'
register: check_app_state
until: check_app_state.stdout is search('applied') or
check_app_state.stdout is search('apply-failed')
retries: 50
delay: 60
- name: Fail if the remaining Openstack services cannot be restored successfully
msg: stx-openstack application is not applied successfully.
when: check_app_state.stdout is not search('applied')
- name: Remove restore_openstack_in_progress flag file
path: "{{ restore_openstack_in_progress_flag }}"
state: absent
- name: Remove restore_openstack_continue flag file
path: "{{ restore_openstack_continue_flag }}"
state: absent
- debug:
msg: Restore stx-openstack application is successful!
- meta: end_play
when: restore_openstack_continue
- name: Create restore StarlingX Openstack in progress flag file in /opt/platform
path: "{{ restore_openstack_in_progress_flag }}"
state: touch
- block:
- name: Set config path facts
armada_permdir: "{{ platform_path }}/armada/{{ software_version }}"
helm_charts_permdir: "{{ platform_path }}/helm_charts"
- name: Restore Helm charts, armada manifests and extension filesystem
command: tar -C / --overwrite -xpf {{ target_backup_dir }}/{{ backup_filename }} {{ item }}
warn: false
become_user: root
- "{{ helm_charts_permdir | regex_replace('^\\/', '') }}"
- "{{ armada_permdir | regex_replace('^\\/', '') }}"
- name: Bring up MariaDB and its prerequisite services
shell: >-
source /etc/platform/openrc; system application-apply --mode restore_db stx-openstack
- name: Checking MariaDB apply progress ... (max 30 mins)
shell: source /etc/platform/openrc; system application-list | grep 'stx-openstack'
register: check_app_state
until: check_app_state.stdout is search('applied') or
check_app_state.stdout is search('apply-failed')
retries: 30
delay: 60
- name: Check if MariaDB pod is running
shell: >-
kubectl --kubeconfig={{ kube_config_dir }} get pods -n openstack |
grep {{ mariadb_pod }} | grep -i 'Running'
failed_when: false
register: check_mariadb_pod
- name: Fail if MariaDB service cannot be restored successfully
msg: >-
MariaDB service cannot be restored successfully.
Restore StarlingX Openstack application failed.
when: check_app_state.stdout is not search('applied') or
check_mariadb_pod.rc != 0
- block:
- name: Check if openstack-garbd pod is running if it is not an all-in-one system
shell: >-
kubectl --kubeconfig={{ kube_config_dir }} get pods -n openstack |
grep openstack-garbd | grep -i 'Running'
failed_when: false
register: check_garbd_pod
- name: Fail if openstack-garbd pod is not running
msg: Openstack-garbd pod is not running. Restore stx-openstack application failed.
when: check_garbd_pod.rc != 0
when: system_type == "Standard"
- name: Create MariaDB backup directory
path: "{{ backup_dir }}/mariadb"
state: directory
recurse: yes
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0755
- name: Extract MariaDB data to backup directory
command: >-
tar -C {{ backup_dir }}/mariadb -xpf {{ target_backup_dir }}/{{ backup_filename }}
--transform='s,.*/,,' '*/*\.mariadb\.*'
warn: false
- name: Set k8s cmd prefix
kube_cmd_prefix: "kubectl --kubeconfig={{ kube_config_dir }} exec -i {{ mariadb_pod }} -n openstack -- bash -c "
- name: List MariaDB backup files
shell: ls {{ backup_dir }}/mariadb/*
register: mariadb_files
- name: Create MariaDB database
shell: >-
{{ kube_cmd_prefix }}
'exec mysql -uroot -p"$MYSQL_DBADMIN_PASSWORD" -e"create database {{ (item|basename).split('.')[0] }}"'
with_items: "{{ mariadb_files.stdout_lines }}"
- name: Restore MariaDB data
shell: >-
{{ kube_cmd_prefix }}
'exec mysql -uroot -p"$MYSQL_DBADMIN_PASSWORD" {{ (item|basename).split('.')[0] }}'
< {{ item }}
with_items: "{{ mariadb_files.stdout_lines }}"
- name: Remove MariaDB backup directory
path: "{{ backup_dir }}/mariadb"
state: absent
- name: Bring up Cinder and Glance services and the prerequisites
shell: >-
source /etc/platform/openrc; system application-apply --mode restore_storage stx-openstack
- name: Checking Cinder and Glance apply progress... (max 30 mins)
shell: >-
source /etc/platform/openrc; system application-list | grep 'stx-openstack'
register: check_app_state
until: check_app_state.stdout is search('applied') or
check_app_state.stdout is search('apply-failed')
retries: 30
delay: 60
- name: Fail if Cinder and Glance services cannot be restored successfully
msg: >-
Cinder and Glance services cannot be restored successfully.
Restore stx-openstack application failed.
when: check_app_state.stdout is not search('applied')
- block:
- name: Inform user to restore Glance images and Cinder volumes
msg: >-
Please refer to the system administration guide to restore Glance images
and Cinder volumes.
- name: Create restore StarlingX Openstack continue flag file
path: "{{ restore_openstack_continue_flag }}"
state: touch
- meta: end_play
when: restore_ceph_data
- name: Continue to bring up the remaining StarlingX Openstack services
shell: source /etc/platform/openrc; system application-apply --mode normal stx-openstack
- name: Checking stx-openstack apply progress for the remaining Openstack services... (max 50 mins)
shell: source /etc/platform/openrc; system application-list | grep 'stx-openstack'
register: check_app_state
until: check_app_state.stdout is search('applied') or
check_app_state.stdout is search('apply-failed')
retries: 50
delay: 60
- name: Fail if the remaining Openstack services cannot be restored successfully
msg: stx-openstack application is not applied successfully.
when: check_app_state.stdout is not search('applied')
- debug:
msg: Restore stx-openstack application is successful!
- name: Remove restore_openstack_in_progress flag file
path: "{{ restore_openstack_in_progress_flag }}"
state: absent