
108 lines
3.7 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2019 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import os
import json
import subprocess
from controllerconfig import openstack
OSD_ROOT_DIR = "/var/lib/ceph/osd"
MON_ROOT_DIR = "/var/lib/ceph/mon"
CEPH_LV_PATH = '/dev/mapper/cgts--vg-ceph--mon--lv'
CEPH_MON_VG = 'cgts-vg'
CEPH_MON_LV = 'ceph-mon-lv'
def get_ceph_mon_size():
with openstack.OpenStack() as client:
ceph_mons = client.sysinv.ceph_mon.list()
# All Ceph monitor partitions have the same size, so grab one and return.
if ceph_mons:
return ceph_mons[0].ceph_mon_gib
raise Exception("No ceph monitor defined!")
def mount_osds():
cmd_line = ['ceph-disk', 'list', '--format=json']
with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull:
config_data = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(cmd_line,
# Filter Ceph OSD partitions from our cluster
# ceph data partition is always the first, it is part of the
# cluster called 'ceph' and it is of type 'data'.
ceph_parts = [e for e in config_data
if 'partitions' in e and 'cluster' in e['partitions'][0] and
e['partitions'][0]['cluster'] == 'ceph' and
e['partitions'][0]['type'] == 'data']
for ceph_part in ceph_parts:
# e.g: 'path: /dev/sdc1' => the osd that should be mounted
disk_to_mount = ceph_part['partitions'][0]['path']
fs_type = ceph_part['partitions'][0]['fs_type']
# 'whoami' - the osd number (0,1...)
osd = ceph_part['partitions'][0]['whoami']
osd_dir = OSD_ROOT_DIR + "/ceph-" + osd
if not os.path.exists(osd_dir):
os.mkdir(osd_dir, 0o751)
# mount the osd in /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-(0,1..)
if not os.path.ismount(osd_dir):
print("Mounting partition {} to {}".format(disk_to_mount, osd_dir))
with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull:
subprocess.check_output(["mount", "-t",
fs_type, disk_to_mount,
osd_dir], stderr=fnull)
print("Directory {} already mounted, skipping.".format(osd_dir))
def prepare_monitor():
ceph_mon_gib = get_ceph_mon_size()
with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull:
# Cleaning up, in case of replay
cmd = ["umount", MON_ROOT_DIR]
subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=fnull)
print("Unmounted ceph-mon at {}.".format(MON_ROOT_DIR))
except Exception:
cmd = ["lvremove", "{}/{}".format(CEPH_MON_VG, CEPH_MON_LV), "-y"]
subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=fnull)
print("Removed Ceph mon logical volume.")
except Exception:
print("Creating ceph-mon lv with size {}GB.".format(ceph_mon_gib))
cmd = ['timeout', '20', 'lvcreate', '-n', CEPH_MON_LV, '-L',
'{}G'.format(ceph_mon_gib), CEPH_MON_VG]
subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=fnull)
print("Formatting ceph-mon lv as ext4.")
subprocess.check_output(["mkfs.ext4", CEPH_LV_PATH], stderr=fnull)
print("Mounting ceph-mon lv at {} to {}.".format(CEPH_LV_PATH, MON_ROOT_DIR))
if not os.path.exists(MON_ROOT_DIR):
os.mkdir(MON_ROOT_DIR, 0o751)
subprocess.check_output(['mount', "-t", "ext4", CEPH_LV_PATH, MON_ROOT_DIR],
print("Populating Ceph mon fs structure for controller-0.")
subprocess.check_output(["ceph-mon", "--mkfs", "-i", "controller-0"], stderr=fnull)
if __name__ == '__main__':