
378 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2019 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This role is to backup StarlingX platform data and
# StarlingX OpenStack Application data if the app exists.
# The backup data are stored in two separate tar files.
- name: Do StarlingX backup
- name: Generate backup_in_progress alarm
script: "--set" "--backup"
register: alarm_result
failed_when: false
- name: Fail if alarm script throws an exception
msg: "Failed to generate backup-in-progress alarm."
when: alarm_result.rc != 0
- name: Create temp dir
path: "{{ backup_dir }}"
state: directory
register: tempdir
- name: Create postgres temp dir
path: "{{ tempdir.path }}/postgres"
state: directory
register: postgres_dir
- name: Backup roles, table spaces and schemas for databases.
shell: >-
sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall
--clean --schema-only > {{ postgres_dir.path }}/postgres.postgreSql.config
warn: false
- name: Backup postgres, template1, sysinv, barbican db data
shell: >-
sudo -u postgres pg_dump --format=plain --inserts --disable-triggers --data-only
{{ item }} > {{ postgres_dir.path }}/{{ item }}
warn: false
- postgres
- template1
- sysinv
- barbican
- name: Backup fm db data
shell: >-
sudo -u postgres pg_dump --format=plain --inserts --disable-triggers
--data-only fm --exclude-table=alarm > {{ postgres_dir.path }}/
warn: false
- name: Check if it is the primary region
command: grep -i "region_config\s*=\s*no" {{ platform_conf_path }}/platform.conf
register: check_region
failed_when: false
- name: Backup keystone db for primary region
shell: >-
sudo -u postgres pg_dump --format=plain --inserts --disable-triggers
--data-only keystone > {{ postgres_dir.path }}/
warn: false
when: check_region.rc == 0
- name: Check if it is dc controller
command: >-
grep -i "distributed_cloud_role\s*=\s*systemcontroller"
{{ platform_conf_path }}/platform.conf
register: check_dc_controller
failed_when: false
- block:
- name: Backup dcmanager db for dc controller
shell: >-
sudo -u postgres pg_dump --format=plain --inserts --disable-triggers
--data-only dcmanager > {{ postgres_dir.path }}/
warn: false
- name: Backup dcorch db for dc controller
dcorch_db: "sudo -u postgres pg_dump --format=plain --inserts --disable-triggers --data-only dcorch "
- name: Update dcorch tables that will be excluded from backup
dcorch_db: "{{ dcorch_db }} --exclude-table={{ item }}"
- orch_job
- orch_request
- resource
- subcloud_resource
- name: Backup dcorch db
shell: "{{ dcorch_db }} > {{ postgres_dir.path }}/"
when: check_dc_controller.rc == 0
- name: Create mariadb temp dir
path: "{{ tempdir.path }}/mariadb"
state: directory
register: mariadb_dir
- name: Check if mariadb pod is running
shell: >-
kubectl --kubeconfig={{ kube_config_dir }} get pods -n openstack | grep {{ mariadb_pod }} | grep -i 'running'
failed_when: false
register: check_mariadb_pod
- block:
- name: Set k8s cmd prefix
kube_cmd_prefix: "kubectl --kubeconfig={{ kube_config_dir }} exec -i {{ mariadb_pod }} -n openstack -- bash -c "
- name: Show databases
shell: "{{ kube_cmd_prefix }} 'exec mysql -uroot -p\"$MYSQL_DBADMIN_PASSWORD\" -e\"show databases\"'"
register: databases
- name: Backup mariadb
shell: >-
{{ kube_cmd_prefix }} 'exec mysqldump -uroot -p"$MYSQL_DBADMIN_PASSWORD" {{ item }}' >
{{ mariadb_dir.path }}/{{ item }}
with_items: "{{ databases.stdout_lines | difference(skip_os_dbs) }}"
when: check_mariadb_pod.rc == 0
- block:
- name: Get stx-openstack status
shell: >-
source /etc/platform/openrc; system application-show stx-openstack --column status --format value
failed_when: false
register: openstack_status
- name: Fail the backup if MariaDB is not running
msg: "WARNING: {{ mariadb_pod }} is not running. Cannot backup mariadb data."
when: openstack_status.stdout == "applied"
when: check_mariadb_pod.rc != 0
# In order to restore only the stx-openstack, the user needs to manually
# remove, delete and upload the application.
# This procedure will make the helm overrides data that is
# present in the sysinv DB and the stx-openstack DB to be inconsistent.
# A dump file containing the overrides data is used here to solve this inconsistency issue.
# Note that this file will contain only 'update' sql commands because the
# overrides are already created when we uploaded the application.
- name: Create Helm overrides temp dir
path: "{{ tempdir.path }}/helm_overrides_dir"
state: directory
register: helm_overrides_dir
- name: Get the openstack Helm overrides from the from the database
shell: >-
psql -c "copy(select row_to_json(t) from (select name, user_overrides, system_overrides
from helm_overrides where namespace='openstack') as t) to stdout" sysinv | sed -e 's/\\\\/\\/g'
become_user: postgres
register: helm_overrides_list
- name: Generate postgres update commands for Helm overrides
updates_list: >
{{ updates_list | default('') }}update helm_overrides set
system_overrides={% if item.system_overrides %}'{{ item.system_overrides }}'{% else %}NULL{% endif %},
user_overrides={% if item.user_overrides %}'{{ item.user_overrides }}'{% else %}NULL{% endif %}
where name='{{ }}' and namespace='openstack';
with_items: "{{ helm_overrides_list.stdout_lines | map('from_json') | list }}"
- name: Backup Helm overrides
dest: "{{ helm_overrides_dir.path }}/helm_overrides_dump.sql"
mode: 0755
content: '{{ updates_list | default("") }}'
# Now Postgres data and MariaDB data are stored in staging dir, we can estimate
# the disk size requirement for the backup archive.
- name: Check the size (in kilobyte) of directories that will be backed up
shell: "du -sh -k {{ item }} | awk '{print $1}'"
- /etc
- /home
- "{{ config_permdir }}"
- "{{ sysinv_permdir }}"
- "{{ puppet_permdir }}/hieradata"
- "{{ keyring_permdir }}"
- "{{ patching_permdir }}"
- "{{ patching_repo_permdir }}"
- "{{ extension_permdir }}"
- "{{ patch_vault_permdir }}"
- "{{ postgres_dir.path }}"
- "{{ armada_permdir }}"
- "{{ helm_charts_permdir }}"
- "{{ mariadb_dir.path }}"
- "{{ helm_overrides_dir.path }}"
register: size_output
# Estimate the backup size. We add 128M overhead for things like ceph crushmap,
# ldap data, etc. that will be generated and stored in the staging dir later on.
- name: Estimate the total required disk size for backup archive
total_size_estimation: "{{ total_size_estimation|default(1024*128)|int + item.stdout|int }}"
with_items: "{{ size_output.results }}"
label: "{{ item.item }}"
- name: Check if there is enough free space in the archive dir to create backup
shell: "df -k /opt/backups --output=avail | tail -1"
register: available_disk_size
- name: Fail if there is not enough free space in the archive dir to create backup
msg: >-
Not enough free space in {{ backup_dir }}. It has {{ available_disk_size }}K.
It needs at least {{ total_size_estimation }}K.
when: available_disk_size < total_size_estimation
- name: Create ldap temp dir
path: "{{ tempdir.path }}/ldap"
state: directory
register: ldap_dir
- name: Name ldap db backup
ldap_db_backup: "{{ ldap_dir.path }}/ldap.db"
- name: Backup ldap db
command: "slapcat -d 0 -F /etc/openldap/schema -l {{ ldap_db_backup }}"
- name: Create ceph temp dir
path: "{{ tempdir.path }}/ceph"
state: directory
register: ceph_dir
- name: Name ceph crushmap backup
crushmap_file: "{{ ceph_dir.path }}/crushmap.bin.backup"
- name: Create ceph crushmap backup
command: "ceph osd getcrushmap -o {{ crushmap_file }}"
- name: Create temp dir for override backup file
path: "{{ tempdir.path }}/override"
state: directory
register: override_dir
- name: Name override backup file
override_backup_file: "{{ override_dir.path }}/{{ host_override_backup_file }}"
- name: Create the override backup file
command: "/usr/bin/sysinv-utils create-host-overrides {{ override_backup_file }}"
- name: Get docker registries information
name: common/push-docker-images
tasks_from: get_docker_registries
- name: Append registries configuration
path: "{{ override_backup_file }}"
marker: ""
block: "{{ registries|default({}) | to_nice_yaml(indent=2) }}"
- name: Attach timestamp to the platform backup filename
platform_backup_file: "{{ platform_backup_filename_prefix }}_{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') }}.tgz"
- name: Set platform backup file absolute path
platform_backup_file_path: "{{ backup_dir }}/{{ platform_backup_file }}"
# Archive module has a known bug that doesn't handle empty symbolic links
# well. Restore to tar command. Can add -P option to keep the leading
# '/'s in file names in the tar file, so that the tasks that strip leading
# '/' from the directory names before untar won't be required.
- name: Create a tgz archive for platform backup
shell: "tar -czf {{ platform_backup_file_path }} $(ls -d \
{{ override_backup_file }} \
/etc \
/home \
{{ config_permdir }} \
{{ sysinv_permdir }} \
{{ puppet_permdir }}/hieradata \
{{ keyring_permdir }} \
{{ patching_permdir }} \
{{ patching_repo_permdir }} \
{{ extension_permdir }} \
{{ patch_vault_permdir }} \
{{ crushmap_file }} \
{{ ldap_db_backup }} \
{{ postgres_dir.path }} \
{{ armada_permdir }}/platform-integ-apps \
{{ armada_permdir }}/admin.conf \
{{ helm_charts_permdir }}/stx-platform 2>/dev/null)"
warn: false
- block:
- name: Attach timestamp to the OpenStack backup filename
openstack_backup_file: "{{ openstack_backup_filename_prefix }}_{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') }}.tgz"
- name: Set SpenStack backup file absolute path
openstack_backup_file_path: "{{ backup_dir }}/{{ openstack_backup_file }}"
- name: Create a tgz archive for OpenStack backup
shell: "tar -czf {{ openstack_backup_file_path }} $(ls -d \
{{ armada_permdir }}/stx-openstack \
{{ helm_charts_permdir }}/starlingx \
{{ mariadb_dir.path }} \
{{ helm_overrides_dir.path }} 2>/dev/null)"
warn: false
when: check_mariadb_pod.rc == 0 or openstack_status.stdout == "uploaded"
- name: Notify the user backup tar file(s) are available
msg: >-
Backup tar file(s) are now available in {{ backup_dir }} on the active controller.
- block:
- name: Transfer platform backup tar file to the local machine
src: "{{ platform_backup_file_path }}"
dest: "{{ host_backup_dir }}/"
flat: yes
- name: Transfer openstack backup tar files to the local machine if it exists
src: "{{ openstack_backup_file_path}}"
dest: "{{ host_backup_dir }}/"
flat: yes
when: check_mariadb_pod.rc == 0 or openstack_status.stdout == "uploaded"
- name: Notify the user where the backup tar file(s) can be found
msg: >-
Backup tar file(s) have been transferred to {{ host_backup_dir }} on Ansible control host.
when: inventory_hostname != 'localhost'
- name: Remove the temp dir
path: "{{ tempdir.path }}"
state: absent
when: tempdir is defined
- name: Remove the backup in progress flag file
path: "{{ backup_in_progress_flag }}"
state: absent
- name: Clear backup_in_progress alarm
script: "--clear" "--backup"
register: alarm_result
failed_when: false
- name: Fail if alarm script throws an exception
msg: "Failed to clear backup-in-progress alarm."
when: alarm_result.rc != 0