New update to csm-replication helm-chart to v1.10.0 based on
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app
PASS: Enable csm-replication chart and apply overrides with
csi-powerstore chart
PASS: Check if the replication pods are running
Note: All tests was performed in AIO-SX and AIO-DX using k8s 1.29
Story: 2011308
Task: 51473
Change-Id: Ia6e67daa59b09a3d4db472d1ae7c3b16a70d958a
Signed-off-by: Gustavo Ornaghi Antunes <>
New update to csi-powerscale helm-chart to v2.12.0 based on
supported_k8s_version: >= 1.29
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app
PASS: Check if all pods are running
PASS: Create pvc and read/write using csi-powerscale
PASS: Enable csm-observability chart, apply app with overrides and
check in graphana dashboard
PASS: Check if all pods are running in platform or application
following user-overrides
PASS: Use csm-resiliency (podmon) module with csi-powerscale
Note: All tests was performed in AIO-SX and AIO-DX using k8s 1.29
Story: 2011308
Task: 51500
Change-Id: I1897d32bb779d397578d01acbb320e42661f8f93
Signed-off-by: Gustavo Ornaghi Antunes <>
New update to csi-powerstore helm-chart to v2.12.0 based on
supported_k8s_version: >= 1.29
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app
PASS: Check if all pods are running
PASS: Create pvc and read/write using csi-powerstore
PASS: Enable csm-replication chart and apply app with overrides
PASS: Enable csm-observability chart, apply app with overrides and
check in graphana dashboard
PASS: Check if all pods are running in platform or application
following user-overrides
PASS: Use csm-resiliency (podmon) module with csi-powerstore
Note: All tests was performed in AIO-SX and AIO-DX using k8s 1.29
Story: 2011308
Task: 51449
Change-Id: Ia9930591cf12a24a0e1e182b050dbac69a7d1e51
Signed-off-by: Gustavo Ornaghi Antunes <>
New update to csi-powerstore helm-chart to v1.10.0 based on
supported_k8s_version: >= 1.29
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app
PASS: Create pvc and read/write with both CSI-Powerstore and
CSM-Observability charts activated.
PASS: Use prometheus and grafana to attest that data is being provided
Note: All tests was performed in AIO-SX and AIO-DX using k8s 1.29
Story: 2011308
Task: 51458
Change-Id: Ie5779eb4821ed3caadfc335a11a4a41938f9ebbd
Signed-off-by: Gustavo Ornaghi Antunes <>
New update to csi-powermax helm-chart to v2.12.0 based on
Added patch number 11 to remove leftover leases after
application removal.
supported_k8s_version: >= 1.29.2
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built successfully
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app in
PASS: Check if all pods are running.
Story: 2011308
Task: 51501
Change-Id: I8d77299bd75f9748335012c4b3d42778e83923c4
Signed-off-by: Lorran Lucas <>
New update to csi-powerflex helm-chart to v2.12.0 based on
Added patch number 13 to remove leftover leases after
Added patch number 14 to fix csinodes list permissions.
Added patch number 15 to fix configmap name, which
is hardcoded in the csi-powerflex source code.
Added patch number 16 to fix warning for /opt/emc
directory not found.
supported_k8s_version: >= 1.29.2
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app in
PASS: Enable csm-resiliency charts and apply overrides.
PASS: Check if all pods are running.
Story: 2011308
Task: 51484
Change-Id: I9aaf9f29389b8e47130f37ac0ec2123865179950
Signed-off-by: Heitor Farhat <>
New update to csi-unity helm-chart to v2.12.0 based on
Added patch number 10 to remove leftover leases after
supported_k8s_version: >= 1.29.2
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app in
AIO-SX lab.
PASS: Enable csm-resiliency and apply overrides.
PASS: Check if all pods are running.
PASS: Create pvc and read/write using csi-unity.
Story: 2011308
Task: 51446
Change-Id: Ib19d03c9834754337075b2cd2bb40df232ad9ebe
Signed-off-by: Heitor Farhat <>
Dell has communicated that App Mobility feature is becoming a premium
offering as part of APEX Navigator for Kubernetes and the App Mobility
license will not be generally available. Saying so, all code related to
csm-application-mobility is being removed.
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app
in AIO-SX lab.
PASS: Check that csm-application-mobility is not present on
dell-storage's helm-override-list
Story: 2010693
Task: 50205
Change-Id: I28374e338af3cecde549309a45d9878629a5a63d
Signed-off-by: Guilherme Costa <>
Including the CSI-PowerMax helm chart to App Dell Storage repository.
supported_k8s_version: ">= 1.23.0 < 1.30.0"
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app in
PASS: Enable csm-replication and csm-authorization charts and apply
PASS: Check if the replication and authorization pods are running.
PASS: Check if enabled sidecar containers are running.
Story: 2010693
Task: 49920
Change-Id: I6309d1bd085114bdb5a2b729863aeeb27af31784
Signed-off-by: Gustavo Ornaghi Antunes <>
Including the CSI-PowerFlex helm chart to App Dell Storage repository.
supported_k8s_version: ">= 1.24.0 < 1.30.0"
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app in
PASS: Enable csm-replication and csm-resiliency charts and apply
PASS: Check if the replication and resiliency pods are running.
PASS: Check if enabled sidecar containers are running.
Story: 2010693
Task: 49866
Change-Id: Ib392456c2baf170dec6bb9a8845575dffab47d18
Signed-off-by: Luiz Felipe Kina <>
New update to csi-unity helm-chart to v2.10.0 based on
supported_k8s_version: ">= 1.24.0 < 1.30.0"
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app in
AIO-SX lab.
PASS: Enable csm-resiliency charts and apply overrides.
PASS: Check if all pods are running.
PASS: Create pvc and read/write using csi-unity.
Story: 2010693
Task: 49902
Change-Id: Ic18b13aa8d623bcb5ace9f3c4bacb32ce9dcc0e9
Signed-off-by: Gustavo Ornaghi Antunes <>
Including the CSI-PowerScale helm chart to App Dell Storage repository.
K8s version supported: >= 1.21.0 < 1.30.0
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app in
AIO-SX HW lab.
PASS: Enable csm-replication and csm-resiliency charts and apply
PASS: Check if the replication and resiliency pods are running.
PASS: Check if enabled sidecar containers are running.
Story: 2010693
Task: 49837
Change-Id: I57da3ae1d870108e51caecd7ad20ed86e78f0bd1
Signed-off-by: Guilherme Costa <>
New update to csm-observability helm-chart to v1.8.0 based on
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app in
AIO-SX HW lab.
PASS: Create pvc and read/write with both CSI-Powerstore and
CSM-Observability activated.
PASS: Use prometheus and grafana to attest that data is being provided
Change-Id: I1bbb8e5857ca5b6452644c82cd7b0f8e2fd8c2d7
Signed-off-by: Gustavo Ornaghi Antunes <>
New update to csi-powerstore helm-chart to v2.10.0 based on
supported_k8s_version: ">= 1.24.0 < 1.30.0"
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app in
AIO-SX HW lab.
PASS: Enable csm-replication and csm-resiliency charts and apply
PASS: Check if all pods are running.
PASS: Create pvc and read/write using csi-powerstore.
Story: 2010693
Task: 49872
Change-Id: Ib0fc899b6334c293d4be16f9a0644bdb4aa9253b
Signed-off-by: Gustavo Ornaghi Antunes <>
New update to csm-replication helm-chart to v1.8.0 based on
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app in
AIO-SX HW lab.
PASS: Enable csm-replication chart and apply overrides.
PASS: Check if the replication pods are running.
Story: 2010693
Task: 49794
Change-Id: Ib4deeb998edd53696f5051fd1ff5a80006a1b35c
Signed-off-by: Guilherme Costa <>
New updated version of velero (6.0.0) based on the latest version
available at:
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app in
PASS: Create and run backup/restore using csm-application-mobility
Story: 2010693
Task: 49726
Change-Id: I670f50689b595c0e06ddc3d68bbad1d40b06b8f5
Signed-off-by: Gustavo Ornaghi Antunes <>
New update to csm-observability helm-chart to v1.7.0 based on
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app in
AIO-SX HW lab.
PASS: Create pvc and read/write with both CSI-Powerstore and
CSM-Observability activated.
PASS: Use prometheus and grafana to attest that data is being provided
Story: 2010693
Task: 49708
Change-Id: I17265cca4f22cd7e78c4dcb1a865d225aabdd714
Signed-off-by: Guilherme Costa <>
New update to csi-unity helm-chart to v2.9.1 based on
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app in
AIO-SX virtual env using UnityVSA simulator.
PASS: Create pvc and read/write using csi-unity.
Story: 2010693
Task: 49677
Change-Id: Ifadb233f8939ceb1a08c3c4e227415c52fd4c6d6
Signed-off-by: Guilherme Costa <>
New update to csi-powerstore helm-chart to v2.9.1 based on
New file structure and addition of new auto-version support
for all helm-charts.
Test Plan:
PASS: All packages built
PASS: Upload/apply/remove/delete/update dell-storage app in
AIO-SX HW lab.
PASS: Create pvc and read/write using csi-powerstore.
Story: 2010693
Task: 49639
Change-Id: I5d7eb562ed11ab98d2452c63a12409818db043fb
Signed-off-by: Gustavo Ornaghi Antunes <>