In this commit, readinessProbe and livelinessProbe have been updated
as per the given duration.
failureThreshold, initialDelaySeconds, periodSeconds, successThreshold,
and timeoutSeconds have been updated in all the pods of istio-operator
and kiali.
All the probes for charts istio-cni, istiod, istio-ingressGateways,
istio-EgressGateways are added in the istio-operator.yaml
Here helm-override will not work because it does not download the
other charts except istio-operator chart while building the
application package. Probes can only be added in istio-opeator.yaml
Test Plan:
PASS: build-pkgs & build-image
PASS: AIO-SX app upload/apply/remove/delete
PASS: AIO-SX Verify if the livelinessProbe parameters are configured
with the updated duration.
Checked using command:
"kubectl get po <pod_name> -n istio-system -o yaml |
grep -A 10 liveliness"
PASS: AIO-SX Verify if the readiness probes parameters are configured
with the updated duration.
Checked using command:
"kubectl get po <pod_name> -n istio-system -o yaml |
grep -A 10 readiness"
Story: 2011118
Task: 50956
Change-Id: I4539ed293cfe936c70564be54ebe72e735721e97
Signed-off-by: Md Irshad Sheikh <>