# app-node-interface-metrics-exporter
app-node-interface-metrics-exporter flux cd app
#### Top Level Directory Structure
├── app-node-interface-metrics-exporter # Root Folder
│ ├── debian_build_layer.cfg
│ ├── debian_iso_image.inc
│ ├── debian_pkg_dirs
│ ├── metrics-exporter-api # Go code for api server which will expose Metrics for NIC .
│ ├── python3-k8sapp-node-interface-metrics-exporter # lifecycle managemnt code to support flux apps
│ ├── README.md
│ ├── requirements.txt
│ ├── stx-node-interface-metrics-exporter # helm Package manager for the app
│ ├── test-requirements.txt
│ └── tox.ini
> all command related to go code should run from `app-node-interface-metrics-exporter/metrics-exporter-api/docker/metrics-exporter-api`
### About metrics-exporter-api
It is Simple Http Server which reads network interface (PCI devices) and exposes following API's
1) http://{hostname}:{port}/metrics -- all node metrics in [OpenMetrics] format
2) http://{hostname}:{port}/metrics/device/{DeviceName} -- specified interface metrics identified by device name in [OpenMetrics] format
3) http://{hostname}:{port}/metrics/pci-addr/{PciAddr} -- specified interface metrics identified by PCI address in [OpenMetrics] format
4) http://{hostname}:{port}/json/metrics -- all node metrics in [JSON] format
5) http://{hostname}:{port}/json/metrics/device/{DeviceName} -- specified interface metrics identified by device name in [JSON] format
6) http://{hostname}:{port}/json/metrics/pci-addr/{PciAddr} -- specified interface metrics identified by PCI address in [JSON] format
#### Makefile Support
$ make
help: Show this help.
install_dep: install go dependency
run: run app on host machine
test: run go unit test
testcov: run go coverage test
vet: run go vet
lint: run go lint
build_linux: Build application
build_image: Build docker image
> `$ make run ` will start go dev http server
#### Run time Options / params for the metrics-exporter-app usage
| Options | Help |
| ------ | ------ |
| `-log.file` | Log file name (default "node_metrics_api.log") |
| `-log.level` | log level. (default "info"). Valid options trace, debug, info, warning, error, fatal and panic |
| `-log.file` | Log file name (default "node_metrics_api.log") |
| `-web.listen-address` | Port to listen on for web interface. (default ":9110") |
| `-path.sys` | mounted path for host /sys inside container (default "/sys") |
#### Local / Devlopment Set UP for metrics-exporter-api
`pre requisite go 1.21.0`
#### Container image reference for helm
[Build Reference](/metrics-exporter-api/debian/metrics-exporter-api.stable_docker_image)
#### References
[How to add a FluxCD App to Starlingx](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX/Containers/HowToAddNewFluxCDAppInSTX)