# cAdvisor Helm Chart This Helm Chart comes with everything that is needed to run cAdvisor. ## Testing This helm chart was validated using an image based on release 0.47.3 of cadvisor, available at https://github.com/google/cadvisor/tree/v0.47.3. ## How to install This chart can be installed using the default values with: ```console $ helm upgrade --install cadvisor stx-platform/cadvisor ``` It is possible to replace the default "args" values of values.yaml file to change or add new args to cAdvisor. Please consult [cAdvisor Runtime Options](https://github.com/google/cadvisor/blob/master/docs/runtime_options.md) for reference to what can be added. If needed, it is also possible to add new volumes to be mounted overriding the "volumes" column in the values.yaml file. You may want to override values.yaml file use the following command: ```console $ helm upgrade --install cadvisor -f values.yaml stx-platform/cadvisor ``` For more information about installing and using Helm, see the [Helm Docs](https://helm.sh/docs/). For a quick introduction to Charts, see the [Chart Guide](https://helm.sh/docs/topics/charts/).