Remove unused puppet modules

* Remove the nova api proxy puppet module.
* Remove openstack::swift puppet manifest.
* Refactor openstack::nova::storage as platform::worker::storage.
  This requires the nova puppet code in sysinv to write to a
  different hiera target, and creation of /var/lib/nova.
* Remove puppet modules from spec file for modules that are no
  longer being used.

Story: 2004764
Task: 29840
Change-Id: Ifa0171b06e23fd77d373983d644df3f56ae4e2de
Signed-off-by: Al Bailey <>
This commit is contained in:
Al Bailey 2019-03-15 08:02:00 -05:00
parent 3b126c2f43
commit 37b041a04c
24 changed files with 146 additions and 1472 deletions

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ puppet-manifests

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ Requires: puppet-dcorch
Requires: puppet-dcmanager
Requires: puppet-mtce
Requires: puppet-nfv
Requires: puppet-nova_api_proxy
Requires: puppet-patching
Requires: puppet-sysinv
Requires: puppet-sshd
@ -24,27 +23,13 @@ Requires: puppet-smapi
Requires: puppet-fm
# Openstack puppet modules
Requires: puppet-aodh
Requires: puppet-barbican
Requires: puppet-ceilometer
Requires: puppet-ceph
Requires: puppet-cinder
Requires: puppet-glance
Requires: puppet-heat
Requires: puppet-horizon
Requires: puppet-keystone
Requires: puppet-neutron
Requires: puppet-nova
Requires: puppet-openstacklib
Requires: puppet-swift
Requires: puppet-tempest
Requires: puppet-vswitch
Requires: puppet-murano
Requires: puppet-magnum
Requires: puppet-ironic
Requires: puppet-panko
Requires: puppet-memcached
Requires: puppet-gnocchi
# Puppetlabs puppet modules
Requires: puppet-concat
@ -56,11 +41,8 @@ Requires: puppet-inifile
Requires: puppet-lvm
Requires: puppet-postgresql
Requires: puppet-rabbitmq
Requires: puppet-rsync
Requires: puppet-stdlib
Requires: puppet-sysctl
Requires: puppet-vcsrepo
Requires: puppet-xinetd
Requires: puppet-etcd
# 3rdparty puppet modules

View File

@ -92,9 +92,6 @@ include ::platform::dcorch::snmp
include ::platform::smapi
include ::openstack::swift
include ::openstack::swift::api
include ::openstack::barbican
include ::openstack::barbican::api

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ include ::platform::kubernetes::worker
include ::platform::multipath
include ::platform::client
include ::platform::ceph::worker
include ::openstack::nova::storage
include ::platform::worker::storage
class { '::platform::config::worker::post':
stage => post,

View File

@ -1,678 +0,0 @@
class openstack::nova::params (
$nova_api_port = 8774,
$nova_ec2_port = 8773,
$placement_port = 8778,
$nova_novnc_port = 6080,
$nova_serial_port = 6083,
$region_name = undef,
$service_name = 'openstack-nova',
$service_create = false,
$configure_endpoint = true,
$timeout = '55m',
) {
include ::platform::network::mgmt::params
include ::platform::network::infra::params
# migration is performed over the managemet network if configured, otherwise
# the management network is used
if $::platform::network::infra::params::interface_name {
$migration_version = $::platform::network::infra::params::subnet_version
$migration_ip = $::platform::network::infra::params::interface_address
$migration_network = $::platform::network::infra::params::subnet_network
$migration_prefixlen = $::platform::network::infra::params::subnet_prefixlen
} else {
$migration_version = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::subnet_version
$migration_ip = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::interface_address
$migration_network = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::subnet_network
$migration_prefixlen = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::subnet_prefixlen
# NOTE: this variable is used in the sshd_config, and therefore needs to
# match the Ruby ERB template.
$nova_migration_subnet = "${migration_network}/${migration_prefixlen}"
class openstack::nova {
include ::platform::params
include ::platform::amqp::params
include ::platform::network::mgmt::params
$metadata_host = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::controller_address
class { '::nova':
rabbit_use_ssl => $::platform::amqp::params::ssl_enabled,
default_transport_url => $::platform::amqp::params::transport_url,
# User nova is created during python-nova rpm install.
# Just update it's permissions.
user { 'nova':
ensure => 'present',
groups => ['nova', $::platform::params::protected_group_name],
# TODO(mpeters): move to nova puppet module as formal parameters
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/notification_format': value => 'unversioned';
'DEFAULT/metadata_host': value => $metadata_host;
class openstack::nova::sshd
inherits ::openstack::nova::params {
service { 'sshd':
ensure => 'running',
enable => true,
file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config':
ensure => 'present' ,
notify => Service['sshd'],
mode => '0600',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
content => template('sshd/sshd_config.erb'),
class openstack::nova::controller
inherits ::openstack::nova::params {
include ::platform::params
if $::platform::params::init_database {
include ::nova::db::postgresql
include ::nova::db::postgresql_api
include ::nova::pci
include ::nova::scheduler
include ::nova::scheduler::filter
include ::nova::compute::ironic
include ::nova::compute::serial
include ::openstack::nova::sshd
# TODO(mpeters): move to nova puppet module as formal parameters
'metrics/required': value => false;
class { '::nova::conductor':
workers => $::platform::params::eng_workers_by_2,
# Run nova-manage to purge deleted rows daily at 15 minute mark
cron { 'nova-purge-deleted':
ensure => 'present',
command => '/usr/bin/nova-purge-deleted-active',
environment => 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin',
minute => '15',
hour => '*/24',
user => 'root',
class openstack::nova::compute (
$iscsi_initiator_name = undef,
) inherits ::openstack::nova::params {
include ::nova::pci
include ::platform::params
include ::platform::network::mgmt::params
include ::platform::network::infra::params
include ::platform::multipath::params
include ::nova::keystone::authtoken
include ::nova::compute::neutron
include ::openstack::nova::sshd
$host_private_key_file = $host_key_type ? {
'ssh-rsa' => '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key',
'ssh-dsa' => '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key',
'ssh-ecdsa' => '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key',
default => undef
if ! $host_private_key_file {
fail("Unable to determine name of private key file. Type specified was '${host_key_type}' but should be one of: ssh-rsa, ssh-dsa, ssh-ecdsa.") # lint:ignore:140chars
$host_public_key_file = $host_key_type ? {
'ssh-rsa' => '/etc/ssh/',
'ssh-dsa' => '/etc/ssh/',
'ssh-ecdsa' => '/etc/ssh/',
default => undef
if ! $host_public_key_file {
fail("Unable to determine name of public key file. Type specified was '${host_key_type}' but should be one of: ssh-rsa, ssh-dsa, ssh-ecdsa.") # lint:ignore:140chars
file { '/etc/ssh':
ensure => directory,
mode => '0700',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
-> file { $host_private_key_file:
content => $host_private_key,
mode => '0600',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
-> file { $host_public_key_file:
content => "${host_public_header} ${host_public_key}",
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
$migration_private_key_file = $migration_key_type ? {
'ssh-rsa' => '/root/.ssh/id_rsa',
'ssh-dsa' => '/root/.ssh/id_dsa',
'ssh-ecdsa' => '/root/.ssh/id_ecdsa',
default => undef
if ! $migration_private_key_file {
fail("Unable to determine name of private key file. Type specified was '${migration_key_type}' but should be one of: ssh-rsa, ssh-dsa, ssh-ecdsa.") # lint:ignore:140chars
$migration_auth_options = [
"command=\"/usr/bin/nova_authorized_cmds\"" ]
file { '/root/.ssh':
ensure => directory,
mode => '0700',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
-> file { $migration_private_key_file:
content => $migration_private_key,
mode => '0600',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
-> ssh_authorized_key { 'nova-migration-key-authorization':
ensure => present,
key => $migration_public_key,
type => $migration_key_type,
user => 'root',
require => File['/root/.ssh'],
options => $migration_auth_options,
# remove root user's known_hosts as a preventive measure
# to ensure it doesn't interfere client side authentication
# during VM migration.
file { '/root/.ssh/known_hosts':
ensure => absent,
create_resources(sshkey, $ssh_keys, {})
class { '::nova::compute':
vncserver_proxyclient_address => $::platform::params::hostname,
if str2bool($::is_virtual) {
# check that we actually support KVM virtualization
$kvm_exists = inline_template("<% if File.exists?('/dev/kvm') -%>true<% else %>false<% end -%>")
if $::virtual == 'kvm' and str2bool($kvm_exists) {
$libvirt_virt_type = 'kvm'
} else {
$libvirt_virt_type = 'qemu'
} else {
$libvirt_virt_type = 'kvm'
$libvirt_vnc_bind_host = $migration_version ? {
4 => '',
6 => '::0',
include ::openstack::glance::params
if 'rbd' in $::openstack::glance::params::enabled_backends {
$libvirt_inject_partition = '-2'
$libvirt_images_type = 'rbd'
} else {
$libvirt_inject_partition = '-1'
$libvirt_images_type = 'default'
class { '::nova::compute::libvirt':
libvirt_virt_type => $libvirt_virt_type,
vncserver_listen => $libvirt_vnc_bind_host,
libvirt_inject_partition => $libvirt_inject_partition,
# TODO(mpeters): convert hard coded config values to hiera class parameters
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/my_ip': value => $migration_ip;
'libvirt/libvirt_images_type': value => $libvirt_images_type;
'libvirt/live_migration_inbound_addr': value => "${::platform::params::hostname}-infra";
'libvirt/live_migration_uri': ensure => absent;
'libvirt/volume_use_multipath': value => $::platform::multipath::params::enabled;
# enable auto-converge by default
'libvirt/live_migration_permit_auto_converge': value => 'True';
# Change the nfs mount options to provide faster detection of unclean
# shutdown (e.g. if controller is powered down).
'DEFAULT/nfs_mount_options': value => $::platform::params::nfs_mount_options;
# WRS extension: compute_resource_debug
'DEFAULT/compute_resource_debug': value => 'False';
# WRS extension: reap running deleted VMs
'DEFAULT/running_deleted_instance_action': value => 'reap';
'DEFAULT/running_deleted_instance_poll_interval': value => '60';
# Delete rbd_user, for now
'DEFAULT/rbd_user': ensure => 'absent';
# write metadata to a special configuration drive
'DEFAULT/mkisofs_cmd': value => '/usr/bin/genisoimage';
# configure metrics
value => 'nova.compute.monitors.all_monitors';
'DEFAULT/compute_monitors': value => $compute_monitors;
# need retries under heavy I/O loads
'DEFAULT/network_allocate_retries': value => 2;
# TODO(mpeters): confirm if this is still required - deprecated
'DEFAULT/volume_api_class': value => 'nova.volume.cinder.API';
'DEFAULT/default_ephemeral_format': value => 'ext4';
# turn on service tokens
'service_user/send_service_user_token': value => true;
'service_user/project_name': value => $::nova::keystone::authtoken::project_name;
'service_user/password': value => $::nova::keystone::authtoken::password;
'service_user/username': value => $::nova::keystone::authtoken::username;
'service_user/region_name': value => $::nova::keystone::authtoken::region_name;
'service_user/auth_url': value => $::nova::keystone::authtoken::auth_url;
'service_user/user_domain_name': value => $::nova::keystone::authtoken::user_domain_name;
'service_user/project_domain_name': value => $::nova::keystone::authtoken::project_domain_name;
'service_user/auth_type': value => 'password';
file_line {'cgroup_controllers':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf',
line => 'cgroup_controllers = [ "cpu", "cpuacct" ]',
match => '^cgroup_controllers = .*',
if $iscsi_initiator_name {
$initiator_content = "InitiatorName=${iscsi_initiator_name}\n"
file { '/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi':
ensure => 'present',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
content => $initiator_content,
-> exec { 'Restart iscsid.service':
command => "bash -c 'systemctl restart iscsid.service'",
onlyif => 'systemctl status iscsid.service',
define openstack::nova::storage::wipe_new_pv {
$cmd = join(['/sbin/pvs --nosuffix --noheadings ',$name,' 2>/dev/null | grep nova-local || true'])
$result = generate('/bin/sh', '-c', $cmd)
if $result !~ /nova-local/ {
exec { "Wipe New PV not in VG - ${name}":
provider => shell,
command => "wipefs -a ${name}",
before => Lvm::Volume[instances_lv],
require => Exec['remove device mapper mapping']
define openstack::nova::storage::wipe_pv_and_format {
if $name !~ /part/ {
exec { "Wipe removing PV ${name}":
provider => shell,
command => "wipefs -a ${name}",
require => File_line[disable_old_lvg_disks]
-> exec { "GPT format disk PV - ${name}":
provider => shell,
command => "parted -a optimal --script ${name} -- mktable gpt",
else {
exec { "Wipe removing PV ${name}":
provider => shell,
command => "wipefs -a ${name}",
require => File_line[disable_old_lvg_disks]
class openstack::nova::storage (
$lvm_global_filter = '[]',
$lvm_update_filter = '[]',
$instance_backing = 'image',
$concurrent_disk_operations = 2,
$images_rbd_pool = 'ephemeral',
$images_rbd_ceph_conf = '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'
) {
$adding_pvs_str = join($adding_pvs,' ')
$removing_pvs_str = join($removing_pvs,' ')
# Ensure partitions update prior to local storage configuration
Class['::platform::partitions'] -> Class[$name]
case $instance_backing {
'image': {
$images_type = 'default'
$images_volume_group = absent
$round_to_extent = false
$local_monitor_state = 'disabled'
$images_rbd_pool_real = absent
$images_rbd_ceph_conf_real = absent
'remote': {
$images_type = 'rbd'
$images_volume_group = absent
$round_to_extent = false
$local_monitor_state = 'disabled'
$images_rbd_pool_real = $images_rbd_pool
$images_rbd_ceph_conf_real = $images_rbd_ceph_conf
default: {
fail("Unsupported instance backing: ${instance_backing}")
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/concurrent_disk_operations': value => $concurrent_disk_operations;
::openstack::nova::storage::wipe_new_pv { $adding_pvs: }
::openstack::nova::storage::wipe_pv_and_format { $removing_pvs: }
file_line { 'enable_new_lvg_disks':
path => '/etc/lvm/lvm.conf',
line => " global_filter = ${lvm_update_filter}",
match => '^[ ]*global_filter =',
-> nova_config {
'libvirt/images_type': value => $images_type;
'libvirt/images_volume_group': value => $images_volume_group;
'libvirt/images_rbd_pool': value => $images_rbd_pool_real;
'libvirt/images_rbd_ceph_conf': value => $images_rbd_ceph_conf_real;
-> exec { 'umount /var/lib/nova/instances':
command => 'umount /var/lib/nova/instances; true',
-> exec { 'umount /dev/nova-local/instances_lv':
command => 'umount /dev/nova-local/instances_lv; true',
-> exec { 'remove udev leftovers':
unless => 'vgs nova-local',
command => 'rm -rf /dev/nova-local || true',
-> exec { 'remove device mapper mapping':
command => 'dmsetup remove /dev/mapper/nova--local-instances_lv || true',
-> file_line { 'disable_old_lvg_disks':
path => '/etc/lvm/lvm.conf',
line => " global_filter = ${lvm_global_filter}",
match => '^[ ]*global_filter =',
-> exec { 'add device mapper mapping':
command => 'lvchange -ay /dev/nova-local/instances_lv || true',
-> lvm::volume { 'instances_lv':
ensure => 'present',
vg => 'nova-local',
pv => $final_pvs,
size => 'max',
round_to_extent => $round_to_extent,
allow_reduce => true,
nuke_fs_on_resize_failure => true,
-> filesystem { '/dev/nova-local/instances_lv':
ensure => present,
fs_type => 'ext4',
options => '-F -F',
require => Logical_volume['instances_lv']
-> file { '/var/lib/nova/instances':
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
-> exec { 'mount /dev/nova-local/instances_lv':
unless => 'mount | grep -q /var/lib/nova/instances',
command => 'mount -t ext4 /dev/nova-local/instances_lv /var/lib/nova/instances',
class openstack::nova::network {
include ::nova::network::neutron
class openstack::nova::placement {
include ::nova::placement
class openstack::nova::firewall
inherits ::openstack::nova::params {
platform::firewall::rule { 'nova-api-rules':
service_name => 'nova',
ports => $nova_api_port,
platform::firewall::rule { 'nova-placement-api':
service_name => 'placement',
ports => $placement_port,
platform::firewall::rule { 'nova-novnc':
service_name => 'nova-novnc',
ports => $nova_novnc_port,
platform::firewall::rule { 'nova-serial':
service_name => 'nova-serial',
ports => $nova_serial_port,
class openstack::nova::haproxy
inherits ::openstack::nova::params {
platform::haproxy::proxy { 'nova-restapi':
server_name => 's-nova',
public_port => $nova_api_port,
private_port => $nova_api_port,
platform::haproxy::proxy { 'placement-restapi':
server_name => 's-placement',
public_port => $placement_port,
private_port => $placement_port,
platform::haproxy::proxy { 'nova-novnc':
server_name => 's-nova-novnc',
public_port => $nova_novnc_port,
private_port => $nova_novnc_port,
x_forwarded_proto => false,
platform::haproxy::proxy { 'nova-serial':
server_name => 's-nova-serial',
public_port => $nova_serial_port,
private_port => $nova_serial_port,
server_timeout => $timeout,
client_timeout => $timeout,
x_forwarded_proto => false,
class openstack::nova::api::services
inherits ::openstack::nova::params {
include ::nova::pci
include ::platform::params
include ::nova::vncproxy
include ::nova::serialproxy
include ::nova::consoleauth
include ::nova_api_proxy::config
class {'::nova::api':
sync_db => $::platform::params::init_database,
sync_db_api => $::platform::params::init_database,
osapi_compute_workers => $::platform::params::eng_workers,
metadata_workers => $::platform::params::eng_workers_by_2,
class openstack::nova::api
inherits ::openstack::nova::params {
include ::platform::kubernetes::params
include ::platform::params
if ($::openstack::nova::params::service_create and
$::platform::params::init_keystone) {
include ::nova::keystone::auth
include ::nova::keystone::auth_placement
include ::openstack::nova::api::services
if $::openstack::nova::params::configure_endpoint {
include ::openstack::nova::firewall
if $::platform::kubernetes::params::enabled != true {
include ::openstack::nova::haproxy
class openstack::nova::conductor::reload {
exec { 'signal-nova-conductor':
command => 'pkill -HUP nova-conductor',
class openstack::nova::api::reload {
platform::sm::restart {'nova-api': }
class openstack::nova::controller::runtime {
include ::openstack::nova
include ::openstack::nova::controller
include ::openstack::nova::api::services
class {'::openstack::nova::api::reload':
stage => post
class {'::openstack::nova::conductor::reload':
stage => post
class openstack::nova::api::runtime {
# both the service configuration and firewall/haproxy needs to be updated
include ::openstack::nova
include ::openstack::nova::api
include ::nova::compute::serial
class {'::openstack::nova::api::reload':
stage => post
class openstack::nova::compute::pci
$pci_pt_whitelist = [],
$pci_sriov_whitelist = undef,
) {
# The pci_passthrough option in the nova::compute class is not sufficient.
# In particular, it sets the pci_passthrough_whitelist in nova.conf to an
# empty string if the list is empty, causing the nova-compute process to fail.
if $pci_sriov_whitelist {
class { '::nova::compute::pci':
passthrough => generate('/usr/bin/nova-sriov',
$pci_pt_whitelist, $pci_sriov_whitelist),
} else {
class { '::nova::compute::pci':
passthrough => $pci_pt_whitelist,
class openstack::nova::compute::reload {
include ::platform::kubernetes::params
if $::platform::kubernetes::params::enabled != true {
exec { 'pmon-restart-nova-compute':
command => 'pmon-restart nova-compute',
class openstack::nova::compute::runtime {
include ::openstack::nova
include ::openstack::nova::compute
class {'::openstack::nova::compute::reload':
stage => post

View File

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
class openstack::swift::params (
$swift_hash_path_suffix = 'swift_secret',
$service_name = 'openstack-swift',
$service_enabled = false,
$api_port = 8080,
$api_host = '',
$fs_size_mb = '25',
) { }
class openstack::swift::firewall
inherits ::openstack::swift::params {
if $service_enabled {
platform::firewall::rule { 'swift-api':
service_name => 'swift',
ports => $api_port,
class openstack::swift::haproxy
inherits ::openstack::swift::params {
if $service_enabled {
platform::haproxy::proxy { 'swift-restapi':
server_name => 's-swift',
public_port => $api_port,
private_port => $api_port,
class openstack::swift::api {
include ::openstack::swift::firewall
include ::openstack::swift::haproxy
class openstack::swift
inherits ::openstack::swift::params {
include ::platform::params
include ::openstack::keystone::params
if $service_enabled {
if str2bool($::is_controller_active) or
str2bool($::is_standalone_controller) {
class { '::swift::keystone::auth':
configure_s3_endpoint => false,
class { '::swift':
swift_hash_path_suffix => $swift_hash_path_suffix
include swift::proxy::healthcheck
include swift::proxy::proxy_logging
include swift::proxy::authtoken
include swift::proxy::keystone
include swift::proxy::container_quotas
class { 'swift::proxy':
account_autocreate => true,
proxy_local_net_ip => $api_host,
port => $api_port,
pipeline => ['healthcheck', 'authtoken', 'keystone', 'container-quotas' , 'proxy-logging', 'proxy-server'],
swift::storage::loopback { '1':
require => Class['swift'],
base_dir => '/srv/loopback-device',
mnt_base_dir => '/srv/node',
byte_size => '1024',
seek => $fs_size_mb*1024,
# remove dependency on xinetd
class { '::rsync::server':
use_xinetd => false,
address => $api_host,
use_chroot => 'no',
class { 'swift::storage::all':
storage_local_net_ip => $api_host,
object_port => '6200',
container_port => '6201',
account_port => '6202',
account_pipeline => ['healthcheck', 'recon', 'account-server'],
container_pipeline => ['healthcheck', 'recon', 'container-server'],
object_pipeline => ['healthcheck', 'recon', 'object-server'],
# Turn on support for object versioning
allow_versions => true,
$rings = [
swift::storage::filter::recon { $rings: }
swift::storage::filter::healthcheck { $rings: }
ring_object_device { "${api_host}:6200/1":
region => 1, # optional, defaults to 1
zone => 1,
weight => 1,
ring_container_device { "${api_host}:6201/1":
zone => 1,
weight => 1,
ring_account_device { "${api_host}:6202/1":
zone => 1,
weight => 1,
class { 'swift::ringbuilder':
part_power => '10',
# number of replicas can not be more than the number of nodes
replicas => '1',
min_part_hours => '1',
require => Class['swift'],
class openstack::swift::runtime {
include ::openstack::swift

View File

@ -260,18 +260,6 @@ class platform::compute::allocate
# lint:endignore:variable_is_lowercase
class platform::compute::extend
inherits ::platform::compute::hugepage::params {
# nova-compute reads on init, extended nova compute options
# used with nova accounting
file { '/etc/nova/compute_extend.conf':
ensure => 'present',
replace => true,
content => template('platform/compute_extend.conf.erb')
# Mount resctrl to allow Cache Allocation Technology per VM
class platform::compute::resctrl {
@ -328,6 +316,5 @@ class platform::compute {
require ::platform::compute::allocate
require ::platform::compute::pmqos
require ::platform::compute::resctrl
require ::platform::compute::extend
require ::platform::compute::config

View File

@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ class platform::haproxy::runtime {
include ::platform::dcorch::haproxy
include ::openstack::keystone::haproxy
include ::openstack::swift::haproxy
include ::openstack::barbican::haproxy
class {'::platform::haproxy::reload':

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class platform::lvm::vg::nova_local(
$vg_name = 'nova-local',
$physical_volumes = [],
) inherits platform::lvm::params {
# TODO(rchurch): refactor portions of openstack::nova::storage an move here
# TODO(rchurch): refactor portions of platform::worker::storage and move here

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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
define platform::worker::storage::wipe_new_pv {
$cmd = join(['/sbin/pvs --nosuffix --noheadings ',$name,' 2>/dev/null | grep nova-local || true'])
$result = generate('/bin/sh', '-c', $cmd)
if $result !~ /nova-local/ {
exec { "Wipe New PV not in VG - ${name}":
provider => shell,
command => "wipefs -a ${name}",
before => Lvm::Volume[instances_lv],
require => Exec['remove device mapper mapping']
define platform::worker::storage::wipe_pv_and_format {
if $name !~ /part/ {
exec { "Wipe removing PV ${name}":
provider => shell,
command => "wipefs -a ${name}",
require => File_line[disable_old_lvg_disks]
-> exec { "GPT format disk PV - ${name}":
provider => shell,
command => "parted -a optimal --script ${name} -- mktable gpt",
else {
exec { "Wipe removing PV ${name}":
provider => shell,
command => "wipefs -a ${name}",
require => File_line[disable_old_lvg_disks]
class platform::worker::storage (
$lvm_global_filter = '[]',
$lvm_update_filter = '[]',
$instance_backing = 'image',
$images_rbd_pool = 'ephemeral',
$images_rbd_ceph_conf = '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'
) {
$adding_pvs_str = join($adding_pvs,' ')
$removing_pvs_str = join($removing_pvs,' ')
# Ensure partitions update prior to local storage configuration
Class['::platform::partitions'] -> Class[$name]
case $instance_backing {
'image': {
$images_type = 'default'
$images_volume_group = absent
$round_to_extent = false
$local_monitor_state = 'disabled'
$images_rbd_pool_real = absent
$images_rbd_ceph_conf_real = absent
'remote': {
$images_type = 'rbd'
$images_volume_group = absent
$round_to_extent = false
$local_monitor_state = 'disabled'
$images_rbd_pool_real = $images_rbd_pool
$images_rbd_ceph_conf_real = $images_rbd_ceph_conf
default: {
fail("Unsupported instance backing: ${instance_backing}")
::platform::worker::storage::wipe_new_pv { $adding_pvs: }
::platform::worker::storage::wipe_pv_and_format { $removing_pvs: }
file_line { 'enable_new_lvg_disks':
path => '/etc/lvm/lvm.conf',
line => " global_filter = ${lvm_update_filter}",
match => '^[ ]*global_filter =',
-> file { '/var/lib/nova':
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
-> exec { 'umount /var/lib/nova/instances':
command => 'umount /var/lib/nova/instances; true',
-> exec { 'umount /dev/nova-local/instances_lv':
command => 'umount /dev/nova-local/instances_lv; true',
-> exec { 'remove udev leftovers':
unless => 'vgs nova-local',
command => 'rm -rf /dev/nova-local || true',
-> exec { 'remove device mapper mapping':
command => 'dmsetup remove /dev/mapper/nova--local-instances_lv || true',
-> file_line { 'disable_old_lvg_disks':
path => '/etc/lvm/lvm.conf',
line => " global_filter = ${lvm_global_filter}",
match => '^[ ]*global_filter =',
-> exec { 'add device mapper mapping':
command => 'lvchange -ay /dev/nova-local/instances_lv || true',
-> lvm::volume { 'instances_lv':
ensure => 'present',
vg => 'nova-local',
pv => $final_pvs,
size => 'max',
round_to_extent => $round_to_extent,
allow_reduce => true,
nuke_fs_on_resize_failure => true,
-> filesystem { '/dev/nova-local/instances_lv':
ensure => present,
fs_type => 'ext4',
options => '-F -F',
require => Logical_volume['instances_lv']
-> file { '/var/lib/nova/instances':
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
-> exec { 'mount /dev/nova-local/instances_lv':
unless => 'mount | grep -q /var/lib/nova/instances',
command => 'mount -t ext4 /dev/nova-local/instances_lv /var/lib/nova/instances',

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Name: puppet-nova_api_proxy
Version: 1.0.0

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
%global module_dir nova_api_proxy
Name: puppet-%{module_dir}
Version: 1.0.0
Release: %{tis_patch_ver}%{?_tis_dist}
Summary: Puppet Nova Api Proxy module
License: Apache-2.0
Packager: Wind River <>
URL: unknown
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: python2-devel
A puppet module for Nova API Proxy
# The src for this puppet module needs to be staged to packstack/puppet/modules
make install \
%license LICENSE

View File

@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
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transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
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and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
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"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
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"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
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2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
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You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
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5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
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6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
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9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
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of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
The license source is:
Similarly, the sources for puppet-nova_api_proxy come from that external

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
MODULEDIR ?= /usr/share/puppet/modules
install -d -m 0755 $(MODULEDIR)/nova_api_proxy
cp -R nova_api_proxy/ $(MODULEDIR)/

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# Files in this package are licensed under Apache; see LICENSE file.
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# - Modify for integration
:parent => Puppet::Type.type(:ini_setting).provider(:ruby)
) do
def section
resource[:name].split('/', 2).first
def setting
resource[:name].split('/', 2).last
def separator
def self.file_path
# added for backwards compatibility with older versions of inifile
def file_path

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
# Files in this package are licensed under Apache; see LICENSE file.
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# - Modify for integration
:parent => Puppet::Type.type(:ini_setting).provider(:ruby)
) do
# the setting is always default
# this if for backwards compat with the old puppet providers for nova_config
def section
resource[:name].split('/', 2)[0]
# assumes that the name was the setting
# this is to maintain backwards compat with the older stuff
def setting
resource[:name].split('/', 2)[1]
def separator
def self.file_path
# added for backwards compatibility with older versions of inifile
def file_path

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
# Files in this package are licensed under Apache; see LICENSE file.
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# - Modify for integration
Puppet::Type.newtype(:proxy_api_paste_ini) do
newparam(:name, :namevar => true) do
desc 'Section/setting name to manage from /etc/proxy/api-proxy-paste.ini'
newproperty(:value) do
desc 'The value of the setting to be defined.'
munge do |value|
value = value.to_s.strip
value.capitalize! if value =~ /^(true|false)$/i
def is_to_s( currentvalue )
if resource.secret?
return '[old secret redacted]'
return currentvalue
def should_to_s( newvalue )
if resource.secret?
return '[new secret redacted]'
return newvalue
newparam(:secret, :boolean => true) do
desc 'Whether to hide the value from Puppet logs. Defaults to `false`.'
newvalues(:true, :false)
defaultto false

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
# Files in this package are licensed under Apache; see LICENSE file.
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# - Modify for integration
Puppet::Type.newtype(:proxy_config) do
newparam(:name, :namevar => true) do
desc 'Section/setting name to manage from /etc/proxy/nova-api-proxy.conf'
newproperty(:value) do
desc 'The value of the setting to be defined.'
munge do |value|
value = value.to_s.strip
value.capitalize! if value =~ /^(true|false)$/i
def is_to_s( currentvalue )
if resource.secret?
return '[old secret redacted]'
return currentvalue
def should_to_s( newvalue )
if resource.secret?
return '[new secret redacted]'
return newvalue
newparam(:secret, :boolean => true) do
desc 'Whether to hide the value from Puppet logs. Defaults to `false`.'
newvalues(:true, :false)
defaultto false

View File

@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
# Files in this package are licensed under Apache; see LICENSE file.
# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# - Modify for integration
class nova_api_proxy::config (
$enabled = false,
$ensure_package = 'present',
$auth_type = 'password',
$auth_strategy = 'keystone',
$auth_host = '',
$auth_port = 5000,
$auth_protocol = 'http',
$auth_uri = false,
$auth_admin_prefix = false,
$auth_version = false,
$admin_tenant_name = 'services',
$admin_user = 'nova',
$osapi_proxy_listen = '',
$osapi_compute_listen = '',
$nfvi_compute_listen = '',
$nfvi_compute_listen_port = 30003,
$use_ssl = false,
$ca_file = false,
$cert_file = false,
$key_file = false,
$identity_uri = undef,
$user_domain_name = 'Default',
$project_domain_name = 'Default',
$eventlet_pool_size = 128,
$use_syslog = false,
$log_facility = 'LOG_USER',
$use_stderr = false,
$log_file = 'nova-api-proxy.log',
$log_dir = '/var/log/nova',
) {
# SSL Options
if $use_ssl {
if !$cert_file {
fail('The cert_file parameter is required when use_ssl is set to true')
if !$key_file {
fail('The key_file parameter is required when use_ssl is set to true')
proxy_config {
'DEFAULT/auth_strategy': value => $auth_strategy;
'DEFAULT/osapi_proxy_listen': value => $osapi_proxy_listen;
'DEFAULT/osapi_compute_listen': value => $osapi_compute_listen;
'DEFAULT/nfvi_compute_listen': value => $nfvi_compute_listen;
'DEFAULT/nfvi_compute_listen_port': value => $nfvi_compute_listen_port;
'DEFAULT/pool_size': value => $eventlet_pool_size;
if $use_ssl {
proxy_config {
'DEFAULT/use_ssl' : value => $use_ssl;
'DEFAULT/ssl_cert_file' : value => $cert_file;
'DEFAULT/ssl_key_file' : value => $key_file;
if $ca_file {
proxy_config { 'DEFAULT/ssl_ca_file' :
value => $ca_file,
} else {
proxy_config { 'DEFAULT/ssl_ca_file' :
ensure => absent,
} else {
proxy_config {
'DEFAULT/ssl_cert_file' : ensure => absent;
'DEFAULT/ssl_key_file' : ensure => absent;
'DEFAULT/ssl_ca_file' : ensure => absent;
if $use_syslog {
proxy_config {
'DEFAULT/use_syslog': value => true;
'DEFAULT/syslog_log_facility': value => $log_facility;
} else {
proxy_config {
'DEFAULT/use_syslog': value => false;
'DEFAULT/use_stderr': value => false;
'DEFAULT/log_file' : value => $log_file;
'DEFAULT/log_dir' : value => $log_dir;
if $auth_uri {
$auth_uri_real = $auth_uri
} else {
$auth_uri_real = "${auth_protocol}://${auth_host}:5000/"
proxy_config { 'keystone_authtoken/auth_uri': value => $auth_uri_real; }
if $auth_version {
proxy_config { 'keystone_authtoken/auth_version': value => $auth_version; }
} else {
proxy_config { 'keystone_authtoken/auth_version': ensure => absent; }
if $identity_uri {
proxy_config { 'keystone_authtoken/auth_url': value => $identity_uri; }
proxy_config {
'keystone_authtoken/auth_type': value => $auth_type;
'keystone_authtoken/project_name': value => $admin_tenant_name;
'keystone_authtoken/username': value => $admin_user;
'keystone_authtoken/password': value => $admin_password, secret => true;
'keystone_authtoken/user_domain_name': value => $user_domain_name;
'keystone_authtoken/project_domain_name': value => $project_domain_name;
if $auth_admin_prefix {
validate_re($auth_admin_prefix, '^(/.+[^/])?$')
proxy_config {
'keystone_authtoken/auth_admin_prefix': value => $auth_admin_prefix;
} else {
proxy_config {
'keystone_authtoken/auth_admin_prefix': ensure => absent;
if $enabled {
$ensure = 'running'
} else {
$ensure = 'stopped'

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
# Files in this package are licensed under Apache; see LICENSE file.
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# - Modify for integration
class nova_api_proxy (
) {
Package['nova-api-proxy'] -> Proxy_config<||>
Package['nova-api-proxy'] -> Proxy_api_paste_config<||>
# This anchor is used to simplify the graph between nfv components
# by allowing a resource to serve as a point where the configuration of
# nfv begins
anchor { 'proxy-start': }
package { 'nova_api_proxy':
name => 'nova-api-proxy',
require => Anchor['proxy-start'],
file { '/etc/proxy/nova-api-proxy.conf':
ensure => 'present',
require => Package['nova-api-proxy'],

View File

@ -447,8 +447,10 @@ class NovaPuppet(openstack.OpenstackBasePuppet):
def _get_storage_config(self, host):
pvs = self.dbapi.ipv_get_by_ihost(
# TODO(abailey) instance_backing is deprecated.
# local vs remote storage is now determined by a
# kubernetes label: common.LABEL_REMOTE_STORAGE
instance_backing = constants.LVG_NOVA_BACKING_IMAGE
concurrent_disk_operations = constants.LVG_NOVA_PARAM_DISK_OPS_DEFAULT
final_pvs = []
adding_pvs = []
@ -480,20 +482,16 @@ class NovaPuppet(openstack.OpenstackBasePuppet):
instance_backing = lvg.capabilities.get(
concurrent_disk_operations = lvg.capabilities.get(
global_filter, update_filter = self._get_lvm_global_filter(host)
values = {
'openstack::nova::storage::final_pvs': final_pvs,
'openstack::nova::storage::adding_pvs': adding_pvs,
'openstack::nova::storage::removing_pvs': removing_pvs,
'openstack::nova::storage::lvm_global_filter': global_filter,
'openstack::nova::storage::lvm_update_filter': update_filter,
'openstack::nova::storage::instance_backing': instance_backing,
concurrent_disk_operations, }
'platform::worker::storage::final_pvs': final_pvs,
'platform::worker::storage::adding_pvs': adding_pvs,
'platform::worker::storage::removing_pvs': removing_pvs,
'platform::worker::storage::lvm_global_filter': global_filter,
'platform::worker::storage::lvm_update_filter': update_filter,
'platform::worker::storage::instance_backing': instance_backing}
# If NOVA is a service on a ceph-external backend, use the ephemeral_pool
# and ceph_conf file that are stored in that DB entry.