Disable horizon on subcloud controllers

This fixes Horizon issues seen on subclouds when navigating to another

Story: 2002857
Task: 22806

Change-Id: I3ba271c13ea6a5d7908614960ba077b2def14d18
Signed-off-by: Jack Ding <jack.ding@windriver.com>
This commit is contained in:
Tyler Smith 2018-06-12 15:36:43 -05:00 committed by Jack Ding
parent a04434af8b
commit 9492b1f7ae
2 changed files with 88 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -93,15 +93,6 @@ class openstack::horizon
$magnum_enabled = 'False'
include ::horizon::params
file { '/etc/openstack-dashboard/horizon-config.ini':
content => template('openstack/horizon-params.erb'),
ensure => present,
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => $::horizon::params::apache_group,
if str2bool($::is_initial_config) {
exec { 'Stop lighttpd':
command => "systemctl stop lighttpd; systemctl disable lighttpd",
@ -109,60 +100,6 @@ class openstack::horizon
$is_django_debug = 'False'
$bind_host = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::subnet_version ? {
6 => '::0',
default => '',
# TO-DO(mmagr): Add IPv6 support when hostnames are used
if $::platform::params::region_config {
$horizon_keystone_url = "${keystone_auth_uri}/${keystone_api_version}"
$region_2_name = $::platform::params::region_2_name
$region_openstack_host = $openstack_host
file { '/etc/openstack-dashboard/region-config.ini':
content => template('openstack/horizon-region-config.erb'),
ensure => present,
mode => '0644',
} else {
$horizon_keystone_url = "http://${$keystone_host_url}:5000/${keystone_api_version}"
file { '/etc/openstack-dashboard/region-config.ini':
ensure => absent,
class {'::horizon':
secret_key => $secret_key,
keystone_url => $horizon_keystone_url,
keystone_default_role => '_member_',
server_aliases => [$controller_address, $::fqdn, 'localhost'],
allowed_hosts => '*',
hypervisor_options => {'can_set_mount_point' => false, },
django_debug => $is_django_debug,
file_upload_temp_dir => '/var/tmp',
listen_ssl => $horizon_ssl,
horizon_cert => $horizon_cert,
horizon_key => $horizon_key,
horizon_ca => $horizon_ca,
neutron_options => {
'enable_lb' => $neutron_enable_lb,
'enable_firewall' => $neutron_enable_firewall,
'enable_vpn' => $neutron_enable_vpn
configure_apache => false,
compress_offline => false,
# hack for memcached, for now we bind to localhost on ipv6
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1210658
$memcached_bind_host = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::subnet_version ? {
6 => 'localhost6',
default => '',
# TO-DO(mmagr): Add IPv6 support when hostnames are used
if str2bool($::selinux) {
selboolean{ 'httpd_can_network_connect':
value => on,
@ -170,17 +107,86 @@ class openstack::horizon
# Run clearsessions daily at the 40 minute mark
cron { 'clearsessions':
ensure => 'present',
command => '/usr/bin/horizon-clearsessions',
environment => 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin',
minute => '40',
hour => '*/24',
user => 'root',
# Horizon is not used in distributed cloud subclouds
if $::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role != 'subcloud' {
include ::openstack::horizon::firewall
include ::horizon::params
file { '/etc/openstack-dashboard/horizon-config.ini':
content => template('openstack/horizon-params.erb'),
ensure => present,
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => $::horizon::params::apache_group,
$is_django_debug = 'False'
$bind_host = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::subnet_version ? {
6 => '::0',
default => '',
# TO-DO(mmagr): Add IPv6 support when hostnames are used
if $::platform::params::region_config {
$horizon_keystone_url = "${keystone_auth_uri}/${keystone_api_version}"
$region_2_name = $::platform::params::region_2_name
$region_openstack_host = $openstack_host
file { '/etc/openstack-dashboard/region-config.ini':
content => template('openstack/horizon-region-config.erb'),
ensure => present,
mode => '0644',
} else {
$horizon_keystone_url = "http://${$keystone_host_url}:5000/${keystone_api_version}"
file { '/etc/openstack-dashboard/region-config.ini':
ensure => absent,
class {'::horizon':
secret_key => $secret_key,
keystone_url => $horizon_keystone_url,
keystone_default_role => '_member_',
server_aliases => [$controller_address, $::fqdn, 'localhost'],
allowed_hosts => '*',
hypervisor_options => {'can_set_mount_point' => false, },
django_debug => $is_django_debug,
file_upload_temp_dir => '/var/tmp',
listen_ssl => $horizon_ssl,
horizon_cert => $horizon_cert,
horizon_key => $horizon_key,
horizon_ca => $horizon_ca,
neutron_options => {
'enable_lb' => $neutron_enable_lb,
'enable_firewall' => $neutron_enable_firewall,
'enable_vpn' => $neutron_enable_vpn
configure_apache => false,
compress_offline => false,
# hack for memcached, for now we bind to localhost on ipv6
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1210658
$memcached_bind_host = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::subnet_version ? {
6 => 'localhost6',
default => '',
# TO-DO(mmagr): Add IPv6 support when hostnames are used
# Run clearsessions daily at the 40 minute mark
cron { 'clearsessions':
ensure => 'present',
command => '/usr/bin/horizon-clearsessions',
environment => 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin',
minute => '40',
hour => '*/24',
user => 'root',
include ::openstack::horizon::firewall

puppet-manifests/src/modules/platform/manifests/sm.pp Normal file → Executable file
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@ -389,6 +389,15 @@ class platform::sm
# each Subcloud is running its own Keystone
if $::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role =='subcloud' {
$configure_keystone = true
# Deprovision Horizon when running as a subcloud
exec { 'Deprovision OpenStack - Horizon (service-group-member)':
command => "sm-deprovision service-group-member web-services horizon",
} ->
exec { 'Deprovision OpenStack - Horizon (service)':
command => "sm-deprovision service horizon",
} else {
exec { 'Deprovision OpenStack - Keystone (service-group-member)':
command => "sm-deprovision service-group-member cloud-services keystone",