Check kube-system pods health before exiting

Aside from kubeadm init, all kubectl apply commands to deploy
k8s networking and Helm services are carried out asynchronously.
Therefore, it is necessary to wait for kube-system pods to reach
ready state and perform a final check for pods health before
exiting as a success response from a kubectl apply task is not
an indication of a successfull deployment. One or more pods could
fail to come up due to bad image, image download error,
configuration issue, etc... during the deployment of these

Additionally, commit ab595415aa
to address LP - Two coredns
pods in one node system - is also ported to the playbook in this

   - Locally bootstrap and bring up a standard system.
   - Remotely bootstrap, replay the bootstrap with new config, and
     bring up a simplex system.

Closes-Bug: 1831664
Change-Id: I542ec530eaec684436b26e614a24f78f1f2c36a6
Signed-off-by: Tee Ngo <>
This commit is contained in:
Tee Ngo 2019-06-11 22:31:11 -04:00
parent 37b51a252f
commit 97181aa756
2 changed files with 83 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -7,22 +7,19 @@
# Bring up Kubernetes master
# - Update iptables
# - Create daemon.json for insecure unified registry if applicable
# - Create manifest directory
# - Set up pods cgroups for minimal set of controllers
# - Enable kubelet service (with default/custom registry)
# - Run kubeadm init
# - Prepare admin.conf
# - Set k8s environment variable for new shell
# - Generate conf files for Multus
# - Bring up Multus networking
# - Generate conf files for Calico
# - Bring up Calico networking
# - Generate conf files for SRIOV networking
# - Bring up SRIOV networking
# - Generate conf files for SRIOV device plugin
# - Bring up SRIOV device plugin
# - Restrict coredns to master node
# - Use anti-affinity for coredns pods
# - Prepare Calico config and activate Calico networking
# - Precare Multus config and activate Multus networking
# - Prepare SRIOV config and activate SRIOV networking
# - Prepare SRIOV device plugin config and activate SRIOV device plugin
# - Restrict coredns to master node and set anti-affnity (duplex system)
# - Restrict coredns to 1 pod (simplex system)
# - Remove taint from master node
# - Add kubelet service override
# - Register kubelet with pmond
@ -205,15 +202,22 @@
- name: Activate SRIOV device plugin
command: "kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf apply -f /etc/kubernetes/sriovdp-daemonset.yaml"
- name: Restrict coredns to master node
command: >-
kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf -n kube-system patch deployment coredns -p
# Restrict coredns to master node and use anti-affinity for core dns for duplex systems
- block:
- name: Restrict coredns to master node
command: >-
kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf -n kube-system patch deployment coredns -p
- name: Use anti-affinity for coredns pods
command: >-
kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf -n kube-system patch deployment coredns -p
- name: Use anti-affinity for coredns pods
command: >-
kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf -n kube-system patch deployment coredns -p
when: system_mode != 'simplex'
- name: Restrict coredns to 1 pod for simplex
command: kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf -n kube-system scale --replicas=1 deployment coredns
when: system_mode == 'simplex'
- name: Remove taint from master node
shell: "kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf taint node controller-0 || true"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# This role is to bring up Kubernetes and essential flock services required
# initial controller unlock.
# for initial controller unlock.
- block:
@ -35,20 +35,17 @@
include: load_images_from_archive.yml
when: images_archive_exists
- block:
- name: Bring up Kubernetes master
include: bringup_kubemaster.yml
- name: Bring up Kubernetes master
include: bringup_kubemaster.yml
- name: Bring up Helm
include: bringup_helm.yml
- name: Bring up Helm
include: bringup_helm.yml
- name: Set up controller registry certificate and keys
include: setup_registry_certificate_and_keys.yml
- name: Set up controller registry certificate and keys
include: setup_registry_certificate_and_keys.yml
- name: Bring up essential flock services
include: bringup_flock_services.yml
when: (not replayed) or (restart_services)
- name: Bring up essential flock services
include: bringup_flock_services.yml
- name: Set dnsmasq.leases flag for unlock
@ -61,16 +58,64 @@
line: "nameserver {{ controller_floating_address }}"
insertbefore: BOF
when: (not replayed) or (network_config_update) or (docker_config_update)
- block:
- name: Check for controller-0 online status
shell: source /etc/platform/openrc; system host-list | grep online
register: online_check
until: online_check.rc == 0
retries: 10
# Don't need to run this task for initial play as it will take a while to pull
# Armada image and additional time to wait for controller-0 to become online
# during which time kube-system pods are all started.
- name: Wait for 60 seconds to ensure kube-system pods are all started
timeout: 60
when: restart_services
- name: Start parallel tasks to wait for Kubernetes component, Networking and Tiller pods to reach ready state
command: kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf wait --namespace=kube-system --for=condition=Ready pods --selector {{ item }} --timeout=30s
async: 30
poll: 0
- k8s-app=calico-node
- k8s-app=calico-kube-controllers
- k8s-app=kube-proxy
- app=multus
- app=sriov-cni
- app=helm
- component=kube-apiserver
- component=kube-controller-manager
- component=kube-scheduler
register: wait_for_pods
- name: Get wait tasks results
jid: "{{ item.ansible_job_id }}"
register: wait_job_result
until: wait_job_result.finished
# Set the retry to 10 times (60 seconds) but the async jobs above will
# complete (success or failure) within 30 seconds
retries: 10
with_items: "{{ wait_for_pods.results }}"
- name: Fail if any of the Kubernetes component, Networking and Tiller pods is not ready by this time
msg: "Pod {{ item._ansible_item_label._ansible_item_label }} is still not ready."
when: item.stdout is not search(" condition met")
with_items: "{{ wait_job_result.results }}"
# Have to check for kube-dns pods separately as at most only one is
# running at this point so checking for "Ready" condition at kube-dns
# app level won't work
- name: Fail if no kube-dns pod is running
shell: kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf get pods --namespace=kube-system | grep coredns | grep Running
register: dns_pod_result
failed_when: dns_pod_result.rc != 0
when: (not replayed) or (restart_services)
- block:
- name: Remove config file from previous play
path: "{{ last_bootstrap_config_file }}"