From 2407f451c953d209bbbc4843b9aaf3027324af0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: marvin <>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2019 09:09:34 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Removing unused flag disable_worker_services

The disable_worker_services file was originally created
to prevent the (bare metal) nova-compute services from
running on a newly upgraded controller in an AIO-DX
configuration. This situation no longer exists because
the bare metal nova-compute services do not exist after
transiting to containers. this flag is no longer needed.
Removing all references to the disable_worker_services file.

Change-Id: I551122d0383eb7f7d6e53defa4010e1d62c1c899
Partial-Bug: #1838432
Signed-off-by: marvin <>
 tsconfig/tsconfig/scripts/tsconfig        |   2 -
 tsconfig/tsconfig/tsconfig/    |   3 -
 workerconfig/workerconfig/Makefile        |   1 -
 workerconfig/workerconfig/worker_config   |  63 ------
 workerconfig/workerconfig/worker_services | 229 ----------------------
 5 files changed, 298 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 workerconfig/workerconfig/worker_services

diff --git a/tsconfig/tsconfig/scripts/tsconfig b/tsconfig/tsconfig/scripts/tsconfig
index 11fe2a1dc6..ed8887fff0 100644
--- a/tsconfig/tsconfig/scripts/tsconfig
+++ b/tsconfig/tsconfig/scripts/tsconfig
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ INITIAL_CONFIG_COMPLETE_FLAG=${PLATFORM_CONF_PATH}/.initial_config_complete
 # Set after each application of worker manifests
-# Set to prevent starting worker services (used in combined node upgrade)
 # Upgrade flags
diff --git a/tsconfig/tsconfig/tsconfig/ b/tsconfig/tsconfig/tsconfig/
index 05d86b057e..487f52c9cd 100644
--- a/tsconfig/tsconfig/tsconfig/
+++ b/tsconfig/tsconfig/tsconfig/
@@ -196,9 +196,6 @@ INITIAL_WORKER_CONFIG_COMPLETE = os.path.join(
 # Set after each application of worker manifests
     VOLATILE_PATH, ".worker_config_complete")
-# Set to prevent starting worker services (used in combined node upgrade)
-    VOLATILE_PATH, ".disable_worker_services")
 # Storage configuration flags
diff --git a/workerconfig/workerconfig/Makefile b/workerconfig/workerconfig/Makefile
index 16f29935e9..387618f408 100644
--- a/workerconfig/workerconfig/Makefile
+++ b/workerconfig/workerconfig/Makefile
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ install:
 	install -d -m 755 $(SYSTEMDDIR)
 	install -d -m 755 $(SYSTEMDDIR)/config
 	install -p -D -m 700 worker_config $(INITDDIR)/worker_config
-	install -p -D -m 700 worker_services $(INITDDIR)/worker_services
 	install -p -D -m 755 $(GOENABLEDDIR)/
 	install -p -D -m 664 workerconfig.service $(SYSTEMDDIR)/config/workerconfig-standalone.service
 	install -p -D -m 664 workerconfig-combined.service $(SYSTEMDDIR)/config/workerconfig-combined.service
diff --git a/workerconfig/workerconfig/worker_config b/workerconfig/workerconfig/worker_config
index cfc4d2d57c..b0d7f2386c 100644
--- a/workerconfig/workerconfig/worker_config
+++ b/workerconfig/workerconfig/worker_config
@@ -283,69 +283,6 @@ start()
-    # Upgrade related checks for controller-1 in combined controller/worker
-    if [ "$nodetype" = "controller" -a "$HOST" = "controller-1" ]
-    then
-        # Check controller activity.
-        # Prior to the final compile of R5 the service check below had been
-        # against platform-nfs-ip. However, there was a worker
-        # subfunction configuration failure when an AIO-DX system controller
-        # booted up while there was no pingable backup controller. Seems the
-        # platform-nfs-ip service was not always reaching the enabled-active
-        # state when this check was performed under this particular failure.
-        # Seems an earlier launched service of like functionality, namely
-        # 'platform-export-fs' is reliably enabled at this point there-by
-        # resolving the issue.
-        sm-query service platform-export-fs | grep enabled-active > /dev/null 2>&1
-        if [ $? -ne 0 ]
-        then
-            # This controller is not active so it is safe to check the version
-            # of the mate controller.
-            nfs-mount controller-0:/etc/platform $VOLATILE_ETC_PLATFORM_MOUNT
-            if [ $? -eq 0 ]
-            then
-                # Check whether software versions match on the two controllers
-                MATE_SW_VERSION=$(source $VOLATILE_ETC_PLATFORM_MOUNT/platform.conf && echo $sw_version)
-                if [ $SW_VERSION != $MATE_SW_VERSION ]
-                then
-                    echo "Controllers are running different software versions"
-                    # Since controller-1 is always upgraded first (and downgraded
-                    # last), we know that controller-1 is running a higher release
-                    # than controller-0.
-                    # This controller is not active and is running a higher
-                    # release than the mate controller, so do not launch
-                    # any of the worker services (they will not work with
-                    # a lower version of the controller services).
-                    echo "Disabling worker services until controller activated"
-                    touch $VOLATILE_DISABLE_WORKER_SERVICES
-                    # Copy $PLATFORM_DIR into a temporary location for the worker_services script to
-                    # access. This is only required for CPE upgrades
-                    rm -rf $VOLATILE_PLATFORM_PATH
-                    mkdir -p $VOLATILE_PLATFORM_PATH
-                    cp -Rp $PLATFORM_DIR/* $VOLATILE_PLATFORM_PATH/
-                fi
-                umount $VOLATILE_ETC_PLATFORM_MOUNT
-                rmdir $VOLATILE_ETC_PLATFORM_MOUNT
-            else
-                rmdir $VOLATILE_ETC_PLATFORM_MOUNT
-                fatal_error "Unable to mount /etc/platform"
-            fi
-        else
-            # Controller-1 (CPE) is active and is rebooting. This is probably a DOR. Since this
-            # could happen during an upgrade, we will copy $PLATFORM_DIR into a temporary
-            # location for the worker_services script to access in case of a future swact.
-            rm -rf $VOLATILE_PLATFORM_PATH
-            mkdir -p $VOLATILE_PLATFORM_PATH
-        fi
-    fi
     # Apply the puppet manifest
     if [ -f ${HOST_HIERA} ]; then
diff --git a/workerconfig/workerconfig/worker_services b/workerconfig/workerconfig/worker_services
deleted file mode 100644
index b37ca3a93a..0000000000
--- a/workerconfig/workerconfig/worker_services
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# This script provides support for CPE upgrades. It will be called during swacts
-# by the /usr/local/sbin/sm-notification python script, if we are in a small
-# footprint system (CPE)
-# During a swact to, the script will delete the $VOLATILE_DISABLE_WORKER_SERVICES
-# flag and re-apply the worker manifests.
-# During a swact away from (downgrades), the script re-create the
-# $VOLATILE_DISABLE_WORKER_SERVICES flag and re-apply the worker manifests.
-# This script should only re-apply the worker manifests if;
-#     - It is running on a CPE (small footprint) system
-#     - It is controller-1
-#     - Controller-0 has not yet been upgraded
-# This script logs to /var/log/platform.log
-# Provides:          worker_services
-# Required-Start:
-# Required-Stop:
-# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
-# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
-# Short-Description: Worker node services agent
-. /usr/bin/tsconfig
-. /etc/platform/platform.conf
-# Copy of /opt/platform populate by worker_config
-# Process id and full filename of this executable
-NAME="[$$] $0($1)"
-    rm $IN_PROGRESS
-    exit 0
-    local action_to_perform=$1
-    # This will log to /var/log/platform.log
-    logger -t $NAME -p  "Begin ..."
-    # Check if this program is currently executing, if so sleep for 5 seconds and check again.
-    # After 10 minutes of waiting assume something is wrong and exit.
-    count=0
-    while [ -f $IN_PROGRESS ] ; do
-       if [ $count -gt 120 ] ; then
-          logger -t $NAME -p local1.error "Execution completion of previous call is taking more than 10 minutes. Exiting."
-          end_exec
-       fi
-       logger -t $NAME -p "Sleep for 5 seconds"
-       let count++
-       sleep 5
-    done
-    touch $IN_PROGRESS
-    HOST=$(hostname)
-    if [ -z "$HOST" -o "$HOST" = "localhost" ] ; then
-        logger -t $NAME -p local1.error "Host undefiled"
-        end_exec
-    fi
-    # this script should only be performed on controller-1
-    if [ "$HOST" != "controller-1" ] ; then
-        logger -t $NAME -p "Exiting because this is not controller-1"
-        end_exec
-    fi
-    # This script should only be called if we are in a CPE system
-    sub_function=`echo "$subfunction" | cut -f 2 -d','`
-    if [ $sub_function != "worker" ] ; then
-        logger -t $NAME -p local1.error "Exiting because this is not CPE host"
-        end_exec
-    fi
-    # Exit if called while the config worker success flag file is not present
-    if [ ! -f $VOLATILE_CONFIG_PASS ] ; then
-        logger -t $NAME -p "Exiting due to non-presence of $VOLATILE_CONFIG_PASS file"
-        end_exec
-    fi
-    # Exit if called while the config worker failure flag file is present
-    if [ -f $VOLATILE_CONFIG_FAIL ] ; then
-        logger -t $NAME -p "Exiting due to presence of $VOLATILE_CONFIG_FAIL file"
-        end_exec
-    fi
-    # Ensure we only run if the controller config is complete
-    if [ ! -f /etc/platform/.initial_controller_config_complete ] ; then
-        logger -t $NAME -p local1.warn "exiting because CPE controller that has not completed initial config"
-        end_exec
-    fi
-    IPADDR=$(cat /etc/hosts | awk -v host=$HOST '$2 == host {print $1}')
-    if [ -z "$IPADDR" ] ; then
-        logger -t $NAME -p local1.error "Unable to get IP from host: $HOST"
-        end_exec
-    fi
-    # The platform filesystem was mounted in worker_config and copied in a temp
-    # location
-    if [ ! -f $VOLATILE_PLATFORM_PATH/config/${SW_VERSION}/hosts ] ; then
-        logger -t $NAME -p local1.error "Error accessing $VOLATILE_PLATFORM_PATH"
-        end_exec
-    fi
-    # Check the release version of controller-0
-    mkdir $TEMP_MATE_ETC_DIR
-    nfs-mount controller-0:/etc/platform $TEMP_MATE_ETC_DIR
-    if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
-        # Should only be executed when the releases do not match
-        MATE_SW_VERSION=$(source $TEMP_MATE_ETC_DIR/platform.conf && echo $sw_version)
-        # Check whether software versions match on the two controllers
-        # Since controller-1 is always upgraded first (and downgraded
-        # last), we know that controller-1 is running a higher release
-        # than controller-0.
-        if [ $SW_VERSION == $MATE_SW_VERSION ] ; then
-           logger -t $NAME -p "Releases matches... do not continue"
-           umount $TEMP_MATE_ETC_DIR
-           rmdir $TEMP_MATE_ETC_DIR
-           end_exec
-        fi
-    else
-        logger -t $NAME -p local1.error "Unable to mount /etc/platform"
-        rmdir $TEMP_MATE_ETC_DIR
-        end_exec
-    fi
-    umount $TEMP_MATE_ETC_DIR
-    rmdir $TEMP_MATE_ETC_DIR
-    # Copy the puppet data into $TEMP_PUPPET_DIR
-    rm -rf $TEMP_PUPPET_DIR
-    if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
-        logger -t $NAME -p local1.error "Failed to copy packstack directory $VOLATILE_PUPPET_PATH to $TEMP_PUPPET_DIR "
-        end_exec
-    fi
-    # Update the VOLATILE_DISABLE_WORKER_SERVICES flag and stop nova-compute if in "stop"
-    if [ $action_to_perform == "stop" ] ; then
-        logger -t $NAME -p  "Disabling compute services"
-        # Set the worker services disable flag used by the manifest
-        # Stop nova-compute
-        logger -t $NAME -p  "Stopping nova-compute"
-        /etc/init.d/e_nova-init stop
-    else
-        logger -t $NAME -p  "Enabling compute services"
-        # Clear the worker services disable flag used by the manifest
-    fi
-    # Apply the puppet manifest
-    HOST_HIERA=${TEMP_PUPPET_DIR}/hieradata/${IPADDR}.yaml
-    if [ -f ${HOST_HIERA} ]; then
-        echo "$0: Running puppet manifest apply"
- ${TEMP_PUPPET_DIR}/hieradata ${IPADDR} worker
-        RC=$?
-        if [ $RC -ne 0 ];
-        then
-            logger -t $NAME -p "Failed to run the puppet manifest (RC:$RC)"
-            end_exec
-        fi
-    else
-        logger -t $NAME -p "Host configuration not yet available for this node ($(hostname)=${IPADDR}); aborting configuration."
-        end_exec
-    fi
-    # Start nova-compute is we are starting compute services
-    if [ $action_to_perform == "start" ] ; then
-        logger -t $NAME -p  "Starting nova-compute"
-        /etc/init.d/e_nova-init start
-    fi
-    # Cleanup
-    rm -rf $TEMP_PUPPET_DIR
-    logger -t $NAME -p "... Done"
-    end_exec
-case "$1" in
-    start)
-        init $1
-        ;;
-    stop)
-        init $1
-        ;;
-    *)
-        logger -t $NAME -p "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
-        exit 1
-        ;;