Listed below are the errors which were fixed as well as the actions
[error] trailing spaces (trailing-spaces)
--> delete spaces
[error] too many blank lines (3 > 2)
--> delete blank line
[error] too few spaces after comma (commas)
--> add space after comma
[error] too many spaces inside brackets
--> delete extra spaces
[error] wrong indentation: expected XX but found XX (indentation)
--> delete/add spaces to indente
[error] line too long (97 > 80 characters) (line-length)
--> change the line max length to 200
cut the too long lines to 2 or 3 (by using '|-')
[error] duplication of key "XXX" in mapping (key-duplicates)
--> delete the duplication
[warning] missing starting space in comment (comments)
--> add blank after '#'
[warning] truthy value should be true or false (truthy)
--> lower case "False"/"True" to false/true
Listed below are test cases done which run one controller and one compute in KVMs
Test-Install ---- success
Test_create_instance ---- success
Now linters errors under stx-config is clear. Weee!!
Related commit:
Story: 2003360
Task: 24411
Change-Id: Idc3c9304172be52c5d2fb2cbd862527066b72ecf
Signed-off-by: SidneyAn <>