# # Copyright (c) 2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # import abc import os import six from sysinv.common import constants from sysinv.common import exception from sysinv.common import utils from sysinv.common.storage_backend_conf import StorageBackendConfig from sysinv.openstack.common import log as logging from sysinv.helm import common from sysinv.helm import quoted_str LOG = logging.getLogger('object') @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class BaseHelm(object): """Base class to encapsulate helm operations for chart overrides""" DEFAULT_REGION_NAME = 'RegionOne' CEPH_MON_SERVICE_PORT = 6789 SUPPORTED_NAMESPACES = [] SUPPORTED_APP_NAMESPACES = {} SYSTEM_CONTROLLER_SERVICES = [ constants.HELM_CHART_KEYSTONE_API_PROXY, ] def __init__(self, operator): self._operator = operator @property def dbapi(self): return self._operator.dbapi @property def context(self): return self._operator.context @staticmethod def quoted_str(value): return quoted_str(value) @staticmethod def _generate_random_password(length=16): suffix = "Ti0*" num = (length / 2) - len(suffix) / 2 return os.urandom(num).encode('hex') + suffix def _get_system(self): system = self.context.get('_system', None) if system is None: system = self.dbapi.isystem_get_one() self.context['_system'] = system return system def _https_enabled(self): if self.dbapi is None: return False system = self._get_system() return system.capabilities.get('https_enabled', False) def _region_config(self): if self.dbapi is None: return False system = self._get_system() return system.capabilities.get('region_config', False) def _distributed_cloud_role(self): if self.dbapi is None: return None system = self._get_system() return system.distributed_cloud_role def _region_name(self): """Returns the local region name of the system""" if self.dbapi is None: return self.DEFAULT_REGION_NAME system = self._get_system() return system.region_name.encode('utf8', 'strict') def _get_service(self, service_name): if self.dbapi is None: return None try: service = self.dbapi.service_get(service_name) except exception.ServiceNotFound: # service not configured return None return service def _get_shared_services(self): if self.dbapi is None: return [] system = self._get_system() return system.capabilities.get('shared_services', []) def _get_service_parameter(self, service, section, name): if self.dbapi is None: return None try: parameter = self.dbapi.service_parameter_get_one(service=service, section=section, name=name) except exception.NotFound: return None except exception.MultipleResults: LOG.error("Multiple service parameters found for %s/%s/%s\n" % (service, section, name)) return None return parameter def _count_hosts_by_label(self, label): return int(self.dbapi.count_hosts_by_label(label)) def _num_controllers(self): return self._count_hosts_by_label(common.LABEL_CONTROLLER) def _num_computes(self): return self._count_hosts_by_label(common.LABEL_COMPUTE) def _num_controllers_by_personality(self): return int(self.dbapi.count_hosts_by_personality( constants.CONTROLLER)) def _get_address_by_name(self, name, networktype): """ Retrieve an address entry by name and scoped by network type """ addresses = self.context.setdefault('_address_names', {}) address_name = utils.format_address_name(name, networktype) address = addresses.get(address_name) if address is None: address = self.dbapi.address_get_by_name(address_name) addresses[address_name] = address return address def _get_oam_address(self): address = self._get_address_by_name( constants.CONTROLLER_HOSTNAME, constants.NETWORK_TYPE_OAM) return address.address def _system_mode(self): return self.dbapi.isystem_get_one().system_mode def _get_ceph_monitor_ips(self): if self._system_mode() == constants.SYSTEM_MODE_SIMPLEX: monitors = [self._get_controller_0_management_address()] else: monitors = StorageBackendConfig.get_ceph_mon_ip_addresses( self.dbapi).values() return monitors def _get_formatted_ceph_monitor_ips(self): port = self.CEPH_MON_SERVICE_PORT monitor_ips = self._get_ceph_monitor_ips() formatted_monitor_ips = [ utils.format_ceph_mon_address(mon, port) for mon in monitor_ips ] return formatted_monitor_ips def _get_management_address(self): address = self._get_address_by_name( constants.CONTROLLER_HOSTNAME, constants.NETWORK_TYPE_MGMT) return address.address def _get_controller_0_management_address(self): address = self._get_address_by_name( constants.CONTROLLER_0_HOSTNAME, constants.NETWORK_TYPE_MGMT) return address.address @staticmethod def _format_url_address(address): return utils.format_url_address(address) def _get_host_cpu_list(self, host, function=None, threads=False): """ Retrieve a list of CPUs for the host, filtered by function and thread siblings (if supplied) """ cpus = [] for c in self.dbapi.icpu_get_by_ihost(host.id): if c.thread != 0 and not threads: continue if c.allocated_function == function or not function: cpus.append(c) return cpus def _is_labeled(self, k, v): """ Check whether the label key value pair are set """ if self.dbapi is None: return False label_list = self.dbapi.label_get_all() for label in label_list: if label.label_key == k: if label.label_value == v: return True return False def get_namespaces(self): """ Return list of namespaces supported by this chart If a chart supports namespaces other than common.HELM_NS_OPENSTACK then it can override self.SUPPORTED_NAMESPACES as desired. """ return self.SUPPORTED_NAMESPACES def get_namespaces_by_app(self, app_name): """ Return list of namespaces supported by an applcation """ if app_name in self.SUPPORTED_APP_NAMESPACES: return self.SUPPORTED_APP_NAMESPACES[app_name] else: return [] def get_overrides(self, namespace=None): """ Return chart-specific values overrides This allows a helm chart class to specify overrides (in Helm format) for the "values" section of a helm chart. May be left blank to indicate that there are no additional overrides. """ return {} def get_meta_overrides(self, namespace, app_name=None, mode=None): """ Return Armada-formatted chart-specific meta-overrides This allows a helm chart class to specify overrides (in Armada format) for things other than the "values" section of a chart. This includes other sections of a chart, as well as chart groups or even the overall manifest itself. May be left blank to indicate that there are no additional overrides. """ return {} def version_check(self, app_version): """ Validate application version Return False if version is not supported by the plugin. """ return True