""" Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ import numpy as np import os import subprocess import sys import textwrap import time from keystoneclient.auth.identity import v3 from keystoneauth1 import session as ksc_session from cinderclient.v3 import client as cinder_client_v3 from glanceclient import Client from cinderclient import utils as c_utils from controllerconfig.common import log from controllerconfig.common.rest_api_utils import get_token from controllerconfig.common.exceptions import TidyStorageFail LOG = log.get_logger(__name__) KEYSTONE_AUTH_SERVER_RETRY_CNT = 60 KEYSTONE_AUTH_SERVER_WAIT = 1 # 1sec wait per retry search_opts = {'all_tenants': 1} class OpenStack(object): def __init__(self): self.admin_token = None self.conf = {} self.cinder_client = None self.glance_client_v1 = None self.glance_client_v2 = None try: self.conf['admin_user'] = os.environ['OS_USERNAME'] self.conf['admin_pwd'] = os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'] self.conf['admin_tenant'] = os.environ['OS_PROJECT_NAME'] self.conf['auth_url'] = os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL'] self.conf['region_name'] = os.environ['OS_REGION_NAME'] self.conf['user_domain'] = os.environ['OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME'] self.conf['project_domain'] = os.environ['OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME'] except KeyError: LOG.error("Please source openstack service credentials file.") raise TidyStorageFail("Please source openstack credentials file.") def __enter__(self): if not self._connect(): raise Exception('Failed to connect') return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._disconnect() def __del__(self): self._disconnect() def _connect(self): """ Connect to an OpenStack instance """ if self.admin_token is not None: self._disconnect() # Try to obtain an admin token from keystone for _ in range(KEYSTONE_AUTH_SERVER_RETRY_CNT): self.admin_token = get_token(self.conf['auth_url'], self.conf['admin_tenant'], self.conf['admin_user'], self.conf['admin_pwd'], self.conf['user_domain'], self.conf['project_domain']) if self.admin_token: break time.sleep(KEYSTONE_AUTH_SERVER_WAIT) return self.admin_token is not None def _disconnect(self): """ Disconnect from an OpenStack instance """ self.admin_token = None @property def get_cinder_client(self): if not self.cinder_client: auth = v3.Password(auth_url=self.conf['auth_url'], username=self.conf['admin_user'], password=self.conf['admin_pwd'], user_domain_name=self.conf['user_domain'], project_name=self.conf['admin_tenant'], project_domain_name=self.conf['project_domain']) self.cinder_client = cinder_client_v3.Client( session=ksc_session.Session(auth=auth), auth_url=self.conf['auth_url'], endpoint_type='internalURL', region_name="RegionOne") return self.cinder_client @property def get_glance_client(self): if not self.glance_client_v1 or not self.glance_client_v2: auth = v3.Password(auth_url=self.conf['auth_url'], username=self.conf['admin_user'], password=self.conf['admin_pwd'], user_domain_name=self.conf['user_domain'], project_name=self.conf['admin_tenant'], project_domain_name=self.conf['project_domain']) self.glance_client_v1 = Client( '1', session=ksc_session.Session(auth=auth)) self.glance_client_v2 = Client( '2', session=ksc_session.Session(auth=auth)) return self.glance_client_v1, self.glance_client_v2 def show_help(): print("Usage: %s " % sys.argv[0]) print(textwrap.fill( "Tidy storage post system restore. Check user actions " "in the generated user_action_log_file.", 80)) def tidy_storage(result_file): """ Search Glance images DB and rbd images pool for any discrepancy between the two. - If an image is in Glance images DB but not in rbd images pool, list the image and suggested actions to take in a log file. - If an image is in rbd images pool but not in Glance images DB, create a Glance image in Glance images DB to associate with the backend data. List the image and suggested actions to take in a log file. Search Cinder volumes DB and rbd cinder-volumes pool for any discrepancy between the two. - If a volume is in Cinder volumes DB but not in rbd cinder-volumes pool, set the volume state to "error". List the volume and suggested actions to take in a log file. - If a volume is in rbd cinder-volumes pool but not in Cinder volumes DB, remove any snapshot(s) assoicated with this volume in rbd pool and create a volume in Cinder volumes DB to associate with the backend data. List the volume and suggested actions to take in a log file. - If a volume is in both Cinder volumes DB and rbd cinder-volumes pool and it has snapshot(s) in the rbd pool, re-create the snapshot in Cinder if it doesn't exist. Clean up Cinder snapshots DB if the snapshot doesn't have backend data. """ with OpenStack() as client: # Check Glance images print("Scanning Glance images in DB and rbd images pool...\n") try: g_client_v1, g_client_v2 = client.get_glance_client image_l = g_client_v2.images.list() image_id_l = [image['id'].encode('utf-8') for image in image_l] output = subprocess.check_output( ["rbd", "ls", "--pool", "images"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: LOG.error("Failed to access rbd images pool") raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to access rbd images pool") except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to list Glance images") rbd_image_l = [i for i in output.split('\n') if i != ""] print("Images in Glance images DB: %s \n" % image_id_l) print("Images in rbd images pool: %s \n" % rbd_image_l) in_glance_only = np.setdiff1d(image_id_l, rbd_image_l) in_rbd_image_only = np.setdiff1d(rbd_image_l, image_id_l) print("Images in Glance images DB only: %s \n" % in_glance_only) print("Images in rbd images pool only: %s \n" % in_rbd_image_only) if in_rbd_image_only.size != 0: output = subprocess.check_output( ["grep", "fsid", "/etc/ceph/ceph.conf"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) ceph_cluster = [i.strip() for i in output.split('=') if i.find('fsid') == -1] fields = dict() for image in in_rbd_image_only: try: img_file = 'rbd:images/{}'.format(image) output = subprocess.check_output( ["qemu-img", "info", img_file], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) fields['disk_format'] = 'qcow2' for line in output.split('\n'): if 'file format:' in line: fields['disk_format'] = line.split(':')[1].strip() break fields['name'] = 'found-image-%s' % image fields['id'] = image fields['container_format'] = 'bare' fields['location'] = \ 'rbd://{}/images/{}/snap'.format(ceph_cluster[0], image) print("Creating a Glance image %s ...\n " % fields['name']) g_client_v1.images.create(**fields) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: LOG.error("Failed to access rbd image %s" % image) raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to access rbd image") except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to create glance image") # Check cinder volume snapshots. Do it before "cinder manage" # operation as "cinder manage" does not support keeping the same # volume id. print("Scanning Cinder snapshots in DB and rbd cinder-volumes " "pool...\n") try: c_client = client.get_cinder_client snap_l = c_client.volume_snapshots.list(search_opts=search_opts) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to get Cinder snapshots") snaps_no_backend_vol = [] for snap in snap_l: print("Check if volume snapshot %s has backend " % snap.name) try: output = subprocess.check_output( ["rbd", "ls", "--pool", "cinder-volumes"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: LOG.error("Failed to access rbd cinder-volumes pool") raise TidyStorageFail( "Failed to access rbd cinder-volumes pool") found_vol = False for line in output.split('\n'): if snap.volume_id in line: found_vol = True break if found_vol: volume = 'cinder-volumes/volume-{}'.format(snap.volume_id) try: output = subprocess.check_output( ["rbd", "snap", "list", volume], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) keep_snap = False for line in output.split('\n'): if snap.id in line: keep_snap = True break except subprocess.CalledProcessError: LOG.info("Failed to list snapshots for volume %s in " "rbd cinder-volumes pool" % snap.volume_id) raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to list snapshots in rbd.") if not keep_snap: try: print("Volume snapshot %s has no backend data. " "Deleting it from Cinder...\n" % snap.name) c_client.volume_snapshots.delete(c_utils.find_resource( c_client.volume_snapshots, snap.id), force=True) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise TidyStorageFail( "Failed to delete volume snapshot") else: # Volume snapshot that doesn't have backend volume cannot # be deleted. If the backend volume is restored later, then # the snapshot can be deleted. So for now we will add these # snapshots in the user action log. snaps_no_backend_vol.append(snap) # Check Cinder volumes print("Scanning Cinder volumes in DB and rbd cinder-volumes pool...\n") try: volume_l = c_client.volumes.list(search_opts=search_opts) v_t_d = c_client.volume_types.default() avail_zones = c_client.availability_zones.list() pools = c_client.pools.list() except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to get Cinder volume info") if pools: host = pools[0].name # pylint: disable=no-member if v_t_d is None: v_t_d = 'ceph' else: v_t_d = v_t_d.name cinder_volume_l = [i.id.encode('utf-8') for i in volume_l] if avail_zones: avail_z = avail_zones[0].zoneName # pylint: disable=no-member try: output = subprocess.check_output( ["rbd", "ls", "--pool", "cinder-volumes"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: LOG.error("Failed to access rbd cinder-volumes pool") raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to access rbd cinder-volumes pool") rbd_volume_l = [i[7:] for i in output.split('\n') if i != ""] print("Volumes in Cinder volumes DB: %s \n" % cinder_volume_l) print("Volumes in rbd pool: %s \n" % rbd_volume_l) in_cinder_only = np.setdiff1d(cinder_volume_l, rbd_volume_l) in_rbd_volume_only = np.setdiff1d(rbd_volume_l, cinder_volume_l) in_cinder_and_rbd = np.intersect1d(cinder_volume_l, rbd_volume_l) print("Volumes in Cinder volumes DB only: %s \n" % in_cinder_only) print("Volumes in rbd pool only: %s \n" % in_rbd_volume_only) print("Volumes in Cinder volumes DB and rbd pool: %s \n" % in_cinder_and_rbd) for vol_id in in_rbd_volume_only: volume = 'cinder-volumes/volume-{}'.format(vol_id) try: # Find out if the volume is a bootable one output = subprocess.check_output( ["rbd", "info", volume], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) bootable = False for line in output.split('\n'): if 'parent: images/' in line: bootable = True break # Find out if the volume has any snapshots. print("Checking if volume %s has snapshots...\n" % vol_id) output = subprocess.check_output( ["rbd", "snap", "list", volume], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) snap_l = [item.strip() for item in output.split(' ') if item.find('snapshot-') != -1] # Returned volume id (vol.id) will be different from vol_id try: vol = c_client.volumes.manage( host=host, ref={'source-name': 'volume-%s' % vol_id}, name='found-volume-%s' % vol_id, description='manage a volume', volume_type=v_t_d, availability_zone=avail_z, bootable=bootable) print("Creating volume found-volume-%s in Cinder...\n" % vol_id) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to manage volume") try: for snap in snap_l: # Manage a snapshot for a managed volume is not # supported in rbd. So we just remove the snapshot. # Remove the snapshot print(textwrap.fill( "Removing snapshot %s from volume %s " "in rbd...\n" % (snap, vol_id), 76)) del_snap = '{}@{}'.format(volume, snap) output = subprocess.check_output( ["rbd", "snap", "unprotect", del_snap], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = subprocess.check_output( ["rbd", "snap", "rm", del_snap], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to manage volume snapshot") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: LOG.error("Failed to access volume %s in cinder-volumes pool" % vol_id) raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to access rbd image") for vol in in_cinder_only: try: c_client.volumes.reset_state( c_utils.find_volume(c_client, vol), state='error') print("Setting state to error for volume %s \n" % vol) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Failed to update volume to error state for %s" % vol) raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to update volume to error state") # For volumes that are in Cinder volumes DB and rbd cinder-volumes # pool, we check if any volume snapshot needs to be re-created try: c_s_l = c_client.volume_snapshots.list(search_opts=search_opts) cinder_snap_l = ['snapshot-{}'.format(snap.id) for snap in c_s_l] except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to get Cinder snapshots") for vol_id in in_cinder_and_rbd: volume = 'cinder-volumes/volume-{}'.format(vol_id) try: # Find out if the volume has any snapshots. print("Checking if volume %s has snapshots...\n" % vol_id) output = subprocess.check_output( ["rbd", "snap", "list", volume], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) snap_l = [item.strip() for item in output.split(' ') if item.find('snapshot-') != -1] for snap in snap_l: if snap not in cinder_snap_l: print("Creating volume snapshot found-%s " "in Cinder...\n" % snap) c_client.volume_snapshots.manage( volume_id=vol_id, ref={'source-name': snap}, name='found-%s' % snap, description='manage a snapshot') except subprocess.CalledProcessError: LOG.error("Failed to access snapshot for volume %s" % vol_id) raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to access volume snapshot") except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to manage Cinder snapshot") try: with open(result_file, 'w') as f: f.write('\n%s\n' % ('-' * 80)) f.write(textwrap.fill( "Following images are found in Ceph images pool but " "not in Glance. These images were created after the " "system backup was done. If you do not want to keep " "them, you can delete them by " "\"glance image-delete \" command.", 80)) f.write("\n\n") f.write('{0[0]:<40}{0[1]:<50}\n'.format(['ID', 'NAME'])) image_l = g_client_v2.images.list() for image in image_l: if image['name'].find("found-image") != -1: f.write('{0[0]:<40}{0[1]:<50}\n'.format( [image['id'].encode('utf-8'), image['name']])) f.write("\n") f.write('\n%s\n' % ('-' * 80)) f.write(textwrap.fill( "Following images are found in Glance without backend " "data associated with. These images were deleted after " "the system backup was done. You can delete them by " "\"glance image-delete \" command or follow the B&R " "document to restore the image.", 80)) f.write("\n\n") f.write('{0[0]:<40}{0[1]:<50}\n'.format(['ID', 'NAME'])) image_l = g_client_v2.images.list() for image in image_l: if (in_glance_only.size != 0 and image['id'].encode('utf-8') in in_glance_only): f.write('{0[0]:<40}{0[1]:<50}\n'.format( [image['id'].encode('utf-8'), image['name']])) f.write("\n") f.write('\n%s\n' % ('-' * 80)) f.write(textwrap.fill( "Following volumes are found in Ceph cinder-volumes " "pool but not in Cinder. These volumes were created " "after the system backup was done. If you do not want " "to keep them you can delete them by " "\"cinder delete \" command.", 80)) f.write("\n\n") f.write('{0[0]:<40}{0[1]:<50}\n'.format(['ID', 'NAME'])) volume_l = c_client.volumes.list(search_opts=search_opts) for volume in volume_l: if volume.name.find("found-") != -1: f.write('{0[0]:<40}{0[1]:<50}\n'.format( [volume.id.encode('utf-8'), volume.name])) f.write("\n") f.write('\n%s\n' % ('-' * 80)) f.write(textwrap.fill( "Following volumes are found in Cinder without backend " "data associated with. These volumes were deleted " "after the system backup was done. You can delete them " "by \"cinder delete \" command or follow the B&R " "document to restore the cinder volume.", 80)) f.write("\n\n") f.write('{0[0]:<40}{0[1]:<50}\n'.format(['ID', 'NAME'])) volume_l = c_client.volumes.list(search_opts=search_opts) for volume in volume_l: if (in_cinder_only.size != 0 and volume.id in in_cinder_only): f.write('{0[0]:<40}{0[1]:<50}\n'.format( [volume.id.encode('utf-8'), volume.name])) f.write("\n") f.write('\n%s\n' % ('-' * 80)) f.write(textwrap.fill( "Following volume snapshots are found in Ceph but not in " "Cinder. These volume snapshots were created after the " "system backup was done. If you do not want to keep them " "you can delete them by \"cinder snapshot-delete \" " "command.", 80)) f.write("\n\n") f.write('{0[0]:<40}{0[1]:<50}\n'.format(['ID', 'NAME'])) snap_l = c_client.volume_snapshots.list( search_opts=search_opts) for snap in snap_l: if snap.name.find("found-") != -1: f.write('{0[0]:<40}{0[1]:<50}\n'.format( [snap.id.encode('utf-8'), snap.name])) f.write("\n") f.write('\n%s\n' % ('-' * 80)) f.write(textwrap.fill( "Following volume snapshots are found in Cinder without " "backend volumes. If you want to delete them, you can do " "so by \"cinder snapshot-delete \" after backend " "volumes are restored.", 80)) f.write("\n\n") f.write('{0[0]:<40}{0[1]:<50}\n'.format(['ID', 'NAME'])) for snap in snaps_no_backend_vol: f.write('{0[0]:<40}{0[1]:<50}\n'.format( [snap.id.encode('utf-8'), snap.name])) f.write("\n\n") except IOError: raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to open file: %s" % result_file) def main(): if (len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1] in ['--help', '-h', '-?']): show_help() exit(1) log.configure() result_file = sys.argv[1] try: open(result_file, 'w') except IOError: raise TidyStorageFail("Failed to open file: %s" % result_file) exit(1) tidy_storage(result_file)