class platform::ceph::params( $service_enabled = false, $cluster_uuid = undef, $cluster_name = 'ceph', $authentication_type = 'none', $mon_lv_name = 'ceph-mon-lv', $mon_lv_size = 0, $mon_mountpoint = '/var/lib/ceph/mon', $mon_0_host = undef, $mon_0_ip = undef, $mon_0_addr = undef, $mon_1_host = undef, $mon_1_ip = undef, $mon_1_addr = undef, $mon_2_host = undef, $mon_2_ip = undef, $mon_2_addr = undef, $rgw_enabled = false, $rgw_client_name = 'radosgw.gateway', $rgw_user_name = 'root', $rgw_frontend_type = 'civetweb', $rgw_port = 7480, $rgw_log_file = '/var/log/radosgw/radosgw.log', $rgw_admin_domain = undef, $rgw_admin_project = undef, $rgw_admin_user = 'swift', $rgw_admin_password = undef, $rgw_max_put_size = '53687091200', $rgw_gc_max_objs = '977', $rgw_gc_obj_min_wait = '600', $rgw_gc_processor_max_time = '300', $rgw_gc_processor_period = '300', ) { } class platform::ceph inherits ::platform::ceph::params { if $service_enabled { class { '::ceph': fsid => $cluster_uuid, authentication_type => $authentication_type, } -> ceph_config { "mon.${mon_0_host}/host": value => $mon_0_host; "mon.${mon_0_host}/mon_addr": value => $mon_0_addr; "mon.${mon_1_host}/host": value => $mon_1_host; "mon.${mon_1_host}/mon_addr": value => $mon_1_addr; "mon.${mon_2_host}/host": value => $mon_2_host; "mon.${mon_2_host}/mon_addr": value => $mon_2_addr; "mon/mon clock drift allowed": value => ".1"; } } } class platform::ceph::monitor inherits ::platform::ceph::params { if $service_enabled { file { '/var/lib/ceph': ensure => 'directory', owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0755', } -> platform::filesystem { $mon_lv_name: lv_name => $mon_lv_name, lv_size => $mon_lv_size, mountpoint => $mon_mountpoint, } -> Class['::ceph'] file { "/etc/pmon.d/ceph.conf": ensure => link, target => "/etc/ceph/ceph.conf.pmon", owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0640', } # ensure configuration is complete before creating monitors Class['::ceph'] -> Ceph::Mon <| |> # On active controller ensure service is started to # allow in-service configuration. # TODO(oponcea): Remove the pmon flag file created by systemctl start ceph if str2bool($::is_controller_active) { $service_ensure = "running" } else { $service_ensure = "stopped" } # default configuration for all ceph monitor resources Ceph::Mon { fsid => $cluster_uuid, authentication_type => $authentication_type, service_ensure => $service_ensure, } if $::hostname == $mon_0_host { ceph::mon { $mon_0_host: public_addr => $mon_0_ip, } } elsif $::hostname == $mon_1_host { ceph::mon { $mon_1_host: public_addr => $mon_1_ip, } } elsif $::hostname == $mon_2_host { ceph::mon { $mon_2_host: public_addr => $mon_2_ip, } } } } define platform_ceph_osd( $osd_id, $osd_uuid, $disk_path, $data_path, $journal_path, $tier_name, ) { # Only set the crush location for additional tiers if $tier_name != 'storage' { ceph_config { "osd.${$osd_id}/host": value => "${$::platform::params::hostname}-${$tier_name}"; "osd.${$osd_id}/crush_location": value => "root=${tier_name}-tier host=${$::platform::params::hostname}-${$tier_name}"; } } file { "/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-${osd_id}": ensure => 'directory', owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0755', } -> ceph::osd { $disk_path: uuid => $osd_uuid, } -> exec { "configure journal location ${name}": logoutput => true, command => template('platform/ceph.journal.location.erb') } } define platform_ceph_journal( $disk_path, $journal_sizes, ) { exec { "configure journal partitions ${name}": logoutput => true, command => template('platform/ceph.journal.partitions.erb') } } class platform::ceph::storage( $osd_config = {}, $journal_config = {}, ) inherits ::platform::ceph::params { # Ensure partitions update prior to ceph storage configuration Class['::platform::partitions'] -> Class[$name] file { '/var/lib/ceph/osd': path => '/var/lib/ceph/osd', ensure => 'directory', owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0755', } # Journal disks need to be prepared before the OSDs are configured Platform_ceph_journal <| |> -> Platform_ceph_osd <| |> # default configuration for all ceph object resources Ceph::Osd { cluster => $cluster_name, cluster_uuid => $cluster_uuid, } create_resources('platform_ceph_osd', $osd_config) create_resources('platform_ceph_journal', $journal_config) } class platform::ceph::firewall inherits ::platform::ceph::params { if $rgw_enabled { platform::firewall::rule { 'ceph-radosgw': service_name => 'ceph-radosgw', ports => $rgw_port, } } } class platform::ceph::haproxy inherits ::platform::ceph::params { if $rgw_enabled { platform::haproxy::proxy { 'ceph-radosgw-restapi': server_name => 's-ceph-radosgw', public_port => $rgw_port, private_port => $rgw_port, } } } class platform::ceph::rgw inherits ::platform::ceph::params { if $rgw_enabled { include ::platform::params include ::openstack::keystone::params $auth_host = $::openstack::keystone::params::host_url if ($::platform::params::init_keystone and !$::platform::params::region_config) { include ::platform::ceph::rgw::keystone::auth } ceph::rgw { $rgw_client_name: user => $rgw_user_name, frontend_type => $rgw_frontend_type, rgw_frontends => "${rgw_frontend_type} port=${auth_host}:${rgw_port}", # service is managed by SM rgw_enable => false, # The location of the log file shoule be the same as what's specified in # /etc/logrotate.d/radosgw in order for log rotation to work properly log_file => $rgw_log_file, } ceph::rgw::keystone { $rgw_client_name: # keystone admin token is disabled after initial keystone configuration # for security reason. Use keystone service tenant credentials instead. rgw_keystone_admin_token => '', rgw_keystone_url => $::openstack::keystone::params::auth_uri, rgw_keystone_version => $::openstack::keystone::params::api_version, rgw_keystone_accepted_roles => 'admin,_member_', use_pki => false, rgw_keystone_admin_domain => $rgw_admin_domain, rgw_keystone_admin_project => $rgw_admin_project, rgw_keystone_admin_user => $rgw_admin_user, rgw_keystone_admin_password => $rgw_admin_password, } ceph_config { # increase limit for single operation uploading to 50G (50*1024*1024*1024) "client.$rgw_client_name/rgw_max_put_size": value => $rgw_max_put_size; # increase frequency and scope of garbage collection "client.$rgw_client_name/rgw_gc_max_objs": value => $rgw_gc_max_objs; "client.$rgw_client_name/rgw_gc_obj_min_wait": value => $rgw_gc_obj_min_wait; "client.$rgw_client_name/rgw_gc_processor_max_time": value => $rgw_gc_processor_max_time; "client.$rgw_client_name/rgw_gc_processor_period": value => $rgw_gc_processor_period; } } include ::platform::ceph::firewall include ::platform::ceph::haproxy } class platform::ceph::rgw::keystone::auth( $password, $auth_name = 'swift', $tenant = 'services', $email = 'swift@localhost', $region = 'RegionOne', $service_name = 'swift', $service_description = 'Openstack Object-Store Service', $configure_endpoint= true, $configure_user = true, $configure_user_role = true, $public_url = '', $admin_url = '', $internal_url = '', ) { # create a swift compatible endpoint for the object-store service keystone::resource::service_identity { 'swift': configure_endpoint => $configure_endpoint, configure_user => $configure_user, configure_user_role => $configure_user_role, service_name => $service_name, service_type => 'object-store', service_description => $service_description, region => $region, auth_name => $auth_name, password => $password, email => $email, tenant => $tenant, public_url => $public_url, admin_url => $admin_url, internal_url => $internal_url, } } class platform::ceph::controller::runtime { include ::platform::ceph::monitor include ::platform::ceph } class platform::ceph::compute::runtime { include ::platform::ceph }