# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Copyright (c) 2020 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # The right to copy, distribute, modify, or otherwise make use # of this software may be licensed only pursuant to the terms # of an applicable Wind River license agreement. # import time import eventlet import greenlet from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from oslo_serialization import base64 from oslo_service import periodic_task from sysinv.cert_mon import subcloud_audit_queue from sysinv.cert_mon import utils from sysinv.cert_mon import watcher from sysinv.common import constants from sysinv.common import utils as cutils LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) TASK_NAME_PAUSE_AUDIT = 'pause' cert_mon_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('audit_interval', default=86400, # 24 hours help='Interval to run certificate audit'), cfg.IntOpt('retry_interval', default=10 * 60, # retry every 10 minutes help='Interval to reattempt accessing external system ' 'if failure occurred'), cfg.IntOpt('max_retry', default=14, # retry 14 times to give at least 2 hours to recover help='Max number of reattempts accessing external system ' 'if failure occurred'), cfg.BoolOpt('startup_audit_all', default=False, help='Audit all subclouds on startup'), cfg.IntOpt('network_retry_interval', default=180, # every 3 minutes help='Max times to reattempt accessing external system ' 'if network failure occurred'), cfg.IntOpt('network_max_retry', default=5, help='Interval to reattempt accessing external system ' 'if network failure occurred'), cfg.IntOpt('audit_batch_size', default=10, help='Batch size of subcloud audits per audit_interval'), cfg.IntOpt('audit_greenpool_size', default=4, help='Size of subcloud audit greenpool.' 'Set to 0 to disable use of greenpool ' '(force serial audit).'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(cert_mon_opts, 'certmon') class CertificateMonManager(periodic_task.PeriodicTasks): def __init__(self): super(CertificateMonManager, self).__init__(CONF) self.mon_threads = [] self.audit_thread = None self.dc_monitor = None self.restapicert_monitor = None self.registrycert_monitor = None self.reattempt_monitor_tasks = [] self.sc_audit_queue = subcloud_audit_queue.SubcloudAuditPriorityQueue() if CONF.certmon.audit_greenpool_size > 0: self.sc_audit_pool = eventlet.greenpool.GreenPool( size=CONF.certmon.audit_greenpool_size) else: self.sc_audit_pool = None def periodic_tasks(self, context, raise_on_error=False): """Tasks to be run at a periodic interval.""" return self.run_periodic_tasks(context, raise_on_error=raise_on_error) @periodic_task.periodic_task(spacing=CONF.certmon.audit_interval) def audit_sc_cert_start(self, context): """Kicks an audit of all subclouds. By default this task runs once every 24 hours. """ # auditing subcloud certificate dc_role = utils.get_dc_role() if dc_role != constants.DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_ROLE_SYSTEMCONTROLLER: # Do nothing if it is not systemcontroller return all_subclouds = utils.get_subclouds()[:] LOG.info("Periodic: begin subcloud certificate audit: %d subclouds" % len(all_subclouds)) for subcloud_name in all_subclouds: self.sc_audit_queue.enqueue( subcloud_audit_queue.SubcloudAuditData(subcloud_name)) def on_start_audit(self): """ On service start audit Audit all subclouds that are out-of-sync """ dc_role = utils.get_dc_role() if dc_role != constants.DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_ROLE_SYSTEMCONTROLLER: # Do nothing if it is not systemcontroller return if CONF.certmon.startup_audit_all: LOG.info("Service start: audit all subclouds") self.audit_sc_cert_start(None) return LOG.info("Service start: begin subcloud certificate audit [batch: %s]" % CONF.certmon.audit_batch_size) token = utils.get_token() all_subclouds = utils.get_subclouds_from_dcmanager(token) for subcloud in all_subclouds: if subcloud[utils.ENDPOINT_TYPE_DC_CERT] != utils.SYNC_STATUS_IN_SYNC: subcloud_name = subcloud['name'] if self.sc_audit_queue.contains(subcloud_name): LOG.info("%s is not in-sync but already under audit" % subcloud_name) else: LOG.info("%s is not in-sync, adding it to audit" % subcloud_name) self.sc_audit_queue.enqueue( subcloud_audit_queue.SubcloudAuditData(subcloud_name)) if self.sc_audit_queue.qsize() > 0: LOG.info("Startup audit: %d subcloud(s) to be audited" % self.sc_audit_queue.qsize()) else: LOG.info("Startup audit: all subclouds are in-sync") @periodic_task.periodic_task(spacing=5) def audit_sc_cert_task(self, context): """This task runs every N seconds, and is responsible for running a single subcloud through its next step in the subcloud audit process. Pull up to number of ready-to-audit subcloud audit data items from the sc_audit_queue, and spawn each item to be executed via the GreenPool (or directly invoke the audit if the GreenPool is disabled). """ for batch_count in range(CONF.certmon.audit_batch_size): if self.sc_audit_queue.qsize() < 1: # Nothing to do return # Only continue if the next in queue is ready to be audited # Peek into the timestamp of the next item in our priority queue next_audit_timestamp = self.sc_audit_queue.queue[0][0] if next_audit_timestamp > int(time.time()): LOG.debug("audit_sc_cert_task: no audits ready for " "processing, qsize=%s" % self.sc_audit_queue.qsize()) return _, sc_audit_item = self.sc_audit_queue.get() LOG.debug( "audit_sc_cert_task: enqueue subcloud audit %s, " "qsize:%s, batch:%s" % (sc_audit_item, self.sc_audit_queue.qsize(), batch_count)) # This item is ready for audit if self.sc_audit_pool is not None: self.sc_audit_pool.spawn_n(self.do_subcloud_audit, sc_audit_item) else: self.do_subcloud_audit(sc_audit_item) eventlet.sleep() def do_subcloud_audit(self, sc_audit_item): """A wrapper function to ensure the subcloud audit task is marked done within sc_audit_queue""" try: self._subcloud_audit(sc_audit_item) finally: self.sc_audit_queue.task_done() def _subcloud_audit(self, sc_audit_item): """Invoke a subcloud audit""" subcloud_name = sc_audit_item.name LOG.info("Auditing subcloud %s, attempt #%s [qsize: %s]" % (subcloud_name, sc_audit_item.audit_count, self.sc_audit_queue.qsize())) dc_token = utils.get_dc_token(subcloud_name) try: subcloud_sysinv_url = utils.dc_get_subcloud_sysinv_url( subcloud_name) sc_ssl_cert = utils.get_endpoint_certificate(subcloud_sysinv_url) except Exception: if not utils.is_subcloud_online(subcloud_name, dc_token): LOG.warn("Subcloud is not online, aborting audit: %s" % subcloud_name) return # Handle network-level issues # Re-enqueue the subcloud for reauditing max_attempts = CONF.certmon.network_max_retry if sc_audit_item.audit_count < max_attempts: LOG.exception("Cannot retrieve ssl certificate for %s " "via: %s (requeuing audit)" % (subcloud_name, subcloud_sysinv_url)) self.requeue_audit_subcloud(sc_audit_item, CONF.certmon.network_retry_interval) else: LOG.exception("Cannot retrieve ssl certificate for %s via: %s; " "maximum retry limit exceeded [%d], giving up" % (subcloud_name, subcloud_sysinv_url, max_attempts)) utils.update_subcloud_status(dc_token, subcloud_name, utils.SYNC_STATUS_OUT_OF_SYNC) return try: secret = utils.get_sc_intermediate_ca_secret(subcloud_name) check_list = ['ca.crt', 'tls.crt', 'tls.key'] for item in check_list: if item not in secret.data: raise Exception('%s certificate data missing: %s' % (subcloud_name, item)) txt_ssl_cert = base64.decode_as_text(secret.data['tls.crt']) txt_ssl_key = base64.decode_as_text(secret.data['tls.key']) txt_ca_cert = base64.decode_as_text(secret.data['ca.crt']) except Exception: # Handle certificate-level issues if not utils.is_subcloud_online(subcloud_name, dc_token): LOG.exception("Error getting subcloud intermediate cert. " "Subcloud is not online, aborting audit: %s" % subcloud_name) return LOG.exception("Cannot audit ssl certificate on %s. " "Certificate is not ready." % subcloud_name) # certificate is not ready, no reaudit. Will be picked up # by certificate MODIFIED event if it comes back return cert_chain = txt_ssl_cert + txt_ca_cert if not cutils.verify_intermediate_ca_cert(cert_chain, sc_ssl_cert): # The subcloud needs renewal. LOG.info("Updating %s intermediate CA as it is out-of-sync" % subcloud_name) # reaudit this subcloud after delay self.requeue_audit_subcloud(sc_audit_item) try: utils.update_subcloud_ca_cert(dc_token, subcloud_name, subcloud_sysinv_url, txt_ca_cert, txt_ssl_cert, txt_ssl_key) except Exception: LOG.exception("Failed to update intermediate CA on %s" % subcloud_name) utils.update_subcloud_status(dc_token, subcloud_name, utils.SYNC_STATUS_OUT_OF_SYNC) else: LOG.info("%s intermediate CA cert is in-sync" % subcloud_name) utils.update_subcloud_status(dc_token, subcloud_name, utils.SYNC_STATUS_IN_SYNC) @periodic_task.periodic_task(spacing=CONF.certmon.retry_interval) def retry_monitor_task(self, context): # Failed tasks that need to be reattempted will be taken care here max_attempts = CONF.certmon.max_retry tasks = self.reattempt_monitor_tasks[:] num_tasks = len(tasks) if num_tasks > 0: LOG.info("Start retry_monitor_task: #tasks in queue: %s" % num_tasks) # NOTE: this loop can potentially retry ALL subclouds, which # may be a resource concern. for task in tasks: task_id = task.get_id() LOG.info("retry_monitor_task: %s, attempt: %s" % (task_id, task.number_of_reattempt)) if task.run(): self.reattempt_monitor_tasks.remove(task) LOG.info("retry_monitor_task: %s, reattempt has succeeded" % task_id) elif task.number_of_reattempt >= max_attempts: LOG.error(("retry_monitor_task: %s, maximum attempts (%s) " "has been reached. Give up") % (task_id, max_attempts)) if task in self.reattempt_monitor_tasks: self.reattempt_monitor_tasks.remove(task) # task has failed task.failed() # Pause and allow other eventlets to run eventlet.sleep(0.1) LOG.debug("End retry_monitor_task") def start_audit(self): LOG.info("Auditing interval %s" % CONF.certmon.audit_interval) utils.init_keystone_auth_opts() self.audit_thread = eventlet.greenthread.spawn(self.audit_cert_loop) self.on_start_audit() def init_dc_monitor(self): self.dc_monitor = watcher.DC_CertWatcher() self.dc_monitor.initialize( audit_subcloud=lambda subcloud_name: self.audit_subcloud(subcloud_name, allow_requeue=True)) def init_restapicert_monitor(self): self.restapicert_monitor = watcher.RestApiCert_CertWatcher() self.restapicert_monitor.initialize() def init_registrycert_monitor(self): self.registrycert_monitor = watcher.RegistryCert_CertWatcher() self.registrycert_monitor.initialize() def start_monitor(self): utils.init_keystone_auth_opts() dc_role = utils.get_dc_role() while True: try: # init platform cert monitors self.init_restapicert_monitor() self.init_registrycert_monitor() # init dc monitor only if running in DC role if dc_role in (constants.DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_ROLE_SYSTEMCONTROLLER, constants.DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_ROLE_SUBCLOUD): self.init_dc_monitor() except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) time.sleep(5) else: break # spawn threads (DC thread spawned only if running in DC role) self.mon_threads.append( eventlet.greenthread.spawn(self.monitor_cert, self.restapicert_monitor)) self.mon_threads.append( eventlet.greenthread.spawn(self.monitor_cert, self.registrycert_monitor)) if dc_role in (constants.DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_ROLE_SYSTEMCONTROLLER, constants.DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_ROLE_SUBCLOUD): self.mon_threads.append( eventlet.greenthread.spawn(self.monitor_cert, self.dc_monitor)) def stop_monitor(self): for mon_thread in self.mon_threads: mon_thread.kill() mon_thread.wait() self.mon_threads = [] def stop_audit(self): if self.audit_thread: self.audit_thread.kill() self.audit_thread.wait() self.audit_thread = None def audit_cert_loop(self): while True: try: self.run_periodic_tasks(context=None) time.sleep(1) except greenlet.GreenletExit: break except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) def requeue_audit_subcloud(self, sc_audit_item, delay_secs=60): if not self.sc_audit_queue.contains(sc_audit_item.name): self.sc_audit_queue.enqueue(sc_audit_item, delay_secs) def audit_subcloud(self, subcloud_name, allow_requeue=False): """Enqueue a subcloud audit allow_requeue: This can come from a watch after a DC certificate renew. i.e., outside of the periodic subcloud audit tasks. We allow a re-enqueue here with a new delay. """ if self.sc_audit_queue.contains(subcloud_name): if (allow_requeue and self.sc_audit_queue.enqueued_subcloud_names.count( subcloud_name) < 2): LOG.info("audit_subcloud: requeing %s" % subcloud_name) else: LOG.debug("audit_subcloud: ignoring %s, already in queue" % subcloud_name) return self.sc_audit_queue.enqueue( subcloud_audit_queue.SubcloudAuditData(subcloud_name), allow_requeue=allow_requeue) def monitor_cert(self, monitor): while True: # never exit until exit signal received try: monitor.start_watch( on_success=lambda task_id: self._purge_reattempt_monitor_task(task_id, 'on success'), on_error=lambda task: self._add_reattempt_monitor_task(task)) except greenlet.GreenletExit: break except Exception: # A bug somewhere? # It shouldn't fall to here, but log and restart if it did LOG.exception("Unexpected exception from start_watch") time.sleep(1) def _add_reattempt_monitor_task(self, task): id = task.get_id() self._purge_reattempt_monitor_task(id, 'for new reattempt') self.reattempt_monitor_tasks.append(task) def _purge_reattempt_monitor_task(self, id, reason_msg): for t in self.reattempt_monitor_tasks: if t.get_id() == id: self.reattempt_monitor_tasks.remove(t) LOG.info("Purging reattempt monitor task %s: %s" % (reason_msg, id)) break