# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # All Rights Reserved. # """ System Inventory Kubernetes Application Operator.""" import copy import docker from eventlet.green import subprocess import glob import grp import functools import json import io import os import pkg_resources import pwd import random import re import ruamel.yaml as yaml import shutil import site import six from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse import sys import threading import time import zipfile from collections import namedtuple from distutils.util import strtobool from eventlet import greenpool from eventlet import queue from eventlet import Timeout from fm_api import constants as fm_constants from fm_api import fm_api from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_serialization import base64 from sysinv._i18n import _ from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import kube_app from sysinv.common import app_metadata from sysinv.common import constants from sysinv.common import exception from sysinv.common import kubernetes from sysinv.common.retrying import retry from sysinv.common import utils as cutils from sysinv.conductor import openstack from sysinv.helm import base as helm_base from sysinv.helm import common from sysinv.helm import utils as helm_utils from sysinv.helm.lifecycle_constants import LifecycleConstants from sysinv.helm.lifecycle_hook import LifecycleHookInfo CONF = cfg.CONF # Log and config LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Constants APPLY_SEARCH_PATTERN = 'Processing Chart,' CONTAINER_ABNORMAL_EXIT_CODE = 137 DELETE_SEARCH_PATTERN = 'Deleting release|no release to delete' ROLLBACK_SEARCH_PATTERN = 'Helm rollback of release' MAX_DOWNLOAD_THREAD = 5 MAX_DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS = 3 DOWNLOAD_WAIT_BEFORE_RETRY = 15 TARFILE_DOWNLOAD_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 60 TARFILE_TRANSFER_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 512 LOCK_NAME_APP_REAPPLY = 'app_reapply' LOCK_NAME_PROCESS_APP_METADATA = 'process_app_metadata' STX_APP_PLUGIN_PATH = '/var/stx_app/plugins' CHART_UPLOAD_COPY_ERROR_CODE = 1 CHART_UPLOAD_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR_CODE = 2 CHART_UPLOAD_VERSION_EXISTS_ERROR_CODE = 3 # Helper functions def generate_install_manifest_fqpn(app_name, app_version, manifest_filename): return os.path.join(constants.APP_INSTALL_PATH, app_name, app_version, manifest_filename) def generate_synced_helm_overrides_dir(app_name, app_version): return os.path.join(common.HELM_OVERRIDES_PATH, app_name, app_version) def generate_synced_app_plugins_dir(app_name, app_version): return os.path.join( generate_synced_helm_overrides_dir(app_name, app_version), 'plugins') def generate_synced_fluxcd_images_fqpn(app_name, app_version): return os.path.join( constants.APP_FLUXCD_DATA_PATH, app_name, app_version, app_name + '-images.yaml') def create_app_path(path): uid = pwd.getpwnam(constants.SYSINV_USERNAME).pw_uid gid = os.getgid() if not os.path.exists(constants.APP_INSTALL_PATH): os.makedirs(constants.APP_INSTALL_PATH) os.chown(constants.APP_INSTALL_PATH, uid, gid) os.makedirs(path) os.chown(path, uid, gid) def get_app_install_root_path_ownership(): uid = os.stat(constants.APP_INSTALL_ROOT_PATH).st_uid gid = os.stat(constants.APP_INSTALL_ROOT_PATH).st_gid return (uid, gid) FluxCDChart = namedtuple('FluxCDChart', 'metadata_name name namespace location ' 'release chart_os_path chart_label ' 'helm_repo_name filesystem_location ' 'chart_version') class AppOperator(object): """Class to encapsulate Kubernetes App operations for System Inventory""" DOCKER_REGISTRY_SECRET = 'default-registry-key' # List of in progress apps and their abort status abort_requested = {} def __init__(self, dbapi, helm_op, apps_metadata): self._dbapi = dbapi self._helm = helm_op self._apps_metadata = apps_metadata self._plugins = PluginHelper(self._dbapi, self._helm) self._fm_api = fm_api.FaultAPIs() self._docker = DockerHelper(self._dbapi) self._kube = kubernetes.KubeOperator() self._utils = kube_app.KubeAppHelper(self._dbapi) self._image = AppImageParser() self._lock = threading.Lock() self._fluxcd = FluxCDHelper(self._dbapi, self._kube) # Load apps metadata # Clearing stuck application behavior depends on the metadata for app in self._dbapi.kube_app_get_all(): self.load_application_metadata_from_database(app) if not os.path.isfile(constants.ANSIBLE_BOOTSTRAP_FLAG): self._clear_stuck_applications() # Audit discoverable app plugins to remove any stale plugins that may # have been removed since this host was last tasked to manage # applications self._plugins.audit_plugins() def activate_app_plugins(self, rpc_app): app = AppOperator.Application(rpc_app) self._plugins.activate_plugins(app) def deactivate_app_plugins(self, rpc_app): app = AppOperator.Application(rpc_app) self._plugins.deactivate_plugins(app) def app_has_system_plugins(self, rpc_app): app = AppOperator.Application(rpc_app) return app.system_app def _clear_stuck_applications(self): db_apps = self._dbapi.kube_app_get_all() for db_app in db_apps: if db_app.status in [constants.APP_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS, constants.APP_APPLY_IN_PROGRESS, constants.APP_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS, constants.APP_RECOVER_IN_PROGRESS, constants.APP_REMOVE_IN_PROGRESS]: app = AppOperator.Application(db_app) self._abort_operation(app, app.status, reset_status=True) else: continue def _raise_app_alarm(self, app_name, app_action, alarm_id, severity, reason_text, alarm_type, repair_action, service_affecting): entity_instance_id = "%s=%s" % (fm_constants.FM_ENTITY_TYPE_APPLICATION, app_name) app_alarms = self._fm_api.get_faults(entity_instance_id) if app_alarms: if ((app_action == constants.APP_APPLY_FAILURE and app_alarms[0].alarm_id == fm_constants.FM_ALARM_ID_APPLICATION_APPLY_FAILED) or (app_action == constants.APP_UPLOAD_FAILURE and app_alarms[0].alarm_id == fm_constants.FM_ALARM_ID_APPLICATION_UPLOAD_FAILED) or (app_action == constants.APP_REMOVE_FAILURE and app_alarms[0].alarm_id == fm_constants.FM_ALARM_ID_APPLICATION_REMOVE_FAILED) or (app_action == constants.APP_APPLY_IN_PROGRESS and app_alarms[0].alarm_id == fm_constants.FM_ALARM_ID_APPLICATION_APPLYING) or (app_action == constants.APP_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS and app_alarms[0].alarm_id == fm_constants.FM_ALARM_ID_APPLICATION_UPDATING)): # The same alarm was raised before, will re-raise to set the # latest timestamp. pass else: # Clear existing alarm for this app if it differs than the one to # be raised. self._fm_api.clear_fault(app_alarms[0].alarm_id, app_alarms[0].entity_instance_id) fault = fm_api.Fault( alarm_id=alarm_id, alarm_state=fm_constants.FM_ALARM_STATE_SET, entity_type_id=fm_constants.FM_ENTITY_TYPE_APPLICATION, entity_instance_id=entity_instance_id, severity=severity, reason_text=reason_text, alarm_type=alarm_type, probable_cause=fm_constants.ALARM_PROBABLE_CAUSE_UNKNOWN, proposed_repair_action=repair_action, service_affecting=service_affecting) self._fm_api.set_fault(fault) def _clear_app_alarm(self, app_name): entity_instance_id = "%s=%s" % (fm_constants.FM_ENTITY_TYPE_APPLICATION, app_name) app_alarms = self._fm_api.get_faults(entity_instance_id) if app_alarms: # There can only exist one alarm per app self._fm_api.clear_fault(app_alarms[0].alarm_id, app_alarms[0].entity_instance_id) def _register_app_abort(self, app_name): with self._lock: AppOperator.abort_requested[app_name] = False LOG.info("Register the initial abort status of app %s" % app_name) def _deregister_app_abort(self, app_name): with self._lock: try: del AppOperator.abort_requested[app_name] except KeyError: pass LOG.info("Deregister the abort status of app %s" % app_name) @staticmethod def is_app_aborted(app_name): try: return AppOperator.abort_requested[app_name] except KeyError: return False def _set_abort_flag(self, app_name): with self._lock: AppOperator.abort_requested[app_name] = True LOG.info("Abort set for app %s" % app_name) def _cleanup(self, app, app_dir=True): """" Remove application directories and override files """ self._plugins.uninstall_plugins(app) try: if os.path.exists(app.sync_overrides_dir): shutil.rmtree(app.sync_overrides_dir) if app_dir: shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname( app.sync_overrides_dir)) if os.path.exists(app.inst_path): shutil.rmtree(app.inst_path) if app_dir: shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname( app.inst_path)) if os.path.exists(app.sync_fluxcd_manifest_dir): shutil.rmtree(app.sync_fluxcd_manifest_dir) if app_dir: shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname( app.sync_fluxcd_manifest_dir)) except OSError as e: LOG.error(e) raise def _update_app_status(self, app, new_status=None, new_progress=None): """ Persist new app status """ if new_status is None: new_status = app.status with self._lock: app.update_status(new_status, new_progress) def _abort_operation(self, app, operation, progress=constants.APP_PROGRESS_ABORTED, user_initiated=False, reset_status=False, forced_operation=False): """Abort application operations This function is responsible for canceling operations like upload, apply, remove :param app: Instance of the AppOperation.Application :operation: String with application status """ # Adds the app object error message if it exists if (app.error_message): progress = "{}: {}".format(app.error_message, progress) app.clear_error_message() if user_initiated: progress = constants.APP_PROGRESS_ABORTED_BY_USER if app.status == constants.APP_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS: new_status = constants.APP_UPLOAD_FAILURE op = 'application-upload' self._raise_app_alarm( app.name, constants.APP_UPLOAD_FAILURE, fm_constants.FM_ALARM_ID_APPLICATION_UPLOAD_FAILED, fm_constants.FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_WARNING, _("Application Upload Failure"), fm_constants.FM_ALARM_TYPE_3, _("Check system inventory log for cause."), False) elif (app.status == constants.APP_APPLY_IN_PROGRESS or app.status == constants.APP_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS or app.status == constants.APP_RECOVER_IN_PROGRESS): new_status = constants.APP_APPLY_FAILURE if reset_status: if app.status == constants.APP_APPLY_IN_PROGRESS: op = 'application-apply' else: op = 'application-update' if app.name in self._apps_metadata[ constants.APP_METADATA_PLATFORM_MANAGED_APPS].keys(): # For platform core apps, set the new status # to 'uploaded'. The audit task will kick in with # all its pre-requisite checks before reapplying. new_status = constants.APP_UPLOAD_SUCCESS self._clear_app_alarm(app.name) if (not reset_status or app.name not in self._apps_metadata[ constants.APP_METADATA_PLATFORM_MANAGED_APPS].keys()): self._raise_app_alarm( app.name, constants.APP_APPLY_FAILURE, fm_constants.FM_ALARM_ID_APPLICATION_APPLY_FAILED, fm_constants.FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_MAJOR, _("Application Apply Failure"), fm_constants.FM_ALARM_TYPE_3, _("Retry applying the application. If the issue persists, " "please check system inventory log for cause."), True) elif app.status == constants.APP_REMOVE_IN_PROGRESS: op = 'application-remove' if not forced_operation: new_status = constants.APP_REMOVE_FAILURE self._raise_app_alarm( app.name, constants.APP_REMOVE_FAILURE, fm_constants.FM_ALARM_ID_APPLICATION_REMOVE_FAILED, fm_constants.FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_MAJOR, _("Application Remove Failure"), fm_constants.FM_ALARM_TYPE_3, _("Retry removing the application. If the issue persists, " "please check system inventory log for cause. " "Using --force will set the app status to 'uploaded' " "in case the error persists."), True) else: # In case there is an existing alarm for previous remove failure self._clear_app_alarm(app.name) new_status = constants.APP_UPLOAD_SUCCESS progress = constants.APP_PROGRESS_REMOVE_FAILED_WARNING.format(new_status) LOG.warning(progress) else: # Should not get here, perhaps a new status was introduced? LOG.error("No abort handling code for app status = '%s'!" % app.status) return if not reset_status: self._update_app_status(app, new_status, progress) if not user_initiated: LOG.error("Application %s aborted!." % operation) else: LOG.info("Application %s aborted by user!." % operation) else: LOG.info("Resetting status of app %s from '%s' to '%s' " % (app.name, app.status, new_status)) error_msg = "Unexpected process termination while " + op +\ " was in progress. The application status " +\ "has changed from \'" + app.status +\ "\' to \'" + new_status + "\'." values = {'progress': error_msg, 'status': new_status} self._dbapi.kube_app_update(app.id, values) def _download_tarfile(self, app): from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen from six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError from six.moves.urllib.error import URLError from socket import timeout as socket_timeout from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit def _handle_download_failure(reason): raise exception.KubeAppUploadFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason=reason) try: remote_file = urlopen( app.tarfile, timeout=TARFILE_DOWNLOAD_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) try: remote_filename = remote_file.info()['Content-Disposition'] except KeyError: remote_filename = os.path.basename( urlsplit(remote_file.url).path) filename_avail = True if (remote_filename is None or remote_filename == '') else False if filename_avail: if (not remote_filename.endswith('.tgz') and not remote_filename.endswith('.tar.gz')): reason = app.tarfile + ' has unrecognizable tar file ' + \ 'extension. Supported extensions are: .tgz and .tar.gz.' _handle_download_failure(reason) return None filename = '/tmp/' + remote_filename else: filename = '/tmp/' + app.name + '.tgz' with open(filename, 'w') as dest: shutil.copyfileobj(remote_file, dest, TARFILE_TRANSFER_CHUNK_SIZE) return filename except HTTPError as err: LOG.error(err) reason = 'failed to download tarfile ' + app.tarfile + \ ', error code = ' + str(err.code) _handle_download_failure(reason) except URLError as err: LOG.error(err) reason = app.tarfile + ' is unreachable.' _handle_download_failure(reason) except shutil.Error as err: LOG.error(err) err_file = os.path.basename(filename) if filename_avail else app.tarfile reason = 'failed to process tarfile ' + err_file _handle_download_failure(reason) except socket_timeout as e: LOG.error(e) reason = 'failed to download tarfile ' + app.tarfile + \ ', connection timed out.' _handle_download_failure(reason) def _extract_tarfile(self, app): def _handle_extract_failure( reason='failed to extract tarfile content.'): raise exception.KubeAppUploadFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason=reason) orig_uid, orig_gid = get_app_install_root_path_ownership() try: # One time set up of fluxcd manifest path for the system if not os.path.isdir(constants.APP_FLUXCD_DATA_PATH): os.makedirs(constants.APP_FLUXCD_DATA_PATH) if not os.path.isdir(app.sync_fluxcd_manifest_dir): os.makedirs(app.sync_fluxcd_manifest_dir) if not os.path.isdir(app.inst_path): create_app_path(app.inst_path) # Temporarily change /scratch group ownership to sys_protected os.chown(constants.APP_INSTALL_ROOT_PATH, orig_uid, grp.getgrnam(constants.SYSINV_SYSADMIN_GRPNAME).gr_gid) # Extract the tarfile as sysinv user if not cutils.extract_tarfile(app.inst_path, app.tarfile, demote_user=True): _handle_extract_failure() if app.downloaded_tarfile: name, version, patches = self._utils._verify_metadata_file( app.inst_path, app.name, app.version) if (name != app.name or version != app.version): # Save the official application info. They will be # persisted in the next status update app.regenerate_application_info(name, version, patches) if not cutils.verify_checksum(app.inst_path): _handle_extract_failure('checksum validation failed.') mname, manifest = self._utils._find_manifest(app.inst_path, app.name) # Save the official manifest file info. They will be persisted # in the next status update app.regenerate_manifest_filename(mname, os.path.basename(manifest)) else: name, version, patches = app_metadata.validate_metadata_file( app.inst_path, constants.APP_METADATA_FILE) app.patch_dependencies = patches self._utils._extract_helm_charts(app.inst_path) except exception.SysinvException as e: _handle_extract_failure(str(e)) except OSError as e: LOG.error(e) _handle_extract_failure() finally: os.chown(constants.APP_INSTALL_ROOT_PATH, orig_uid, orig_gid) def get_image_tags_by_charts(self, app): """ Mine the image tags for charts from the images file. Add the image tags to the manifest file if the image tags from the charts do not exist in the manifest file. Convert the image tags in in both override files and manifest file. Intended for both system and custom apps. The image tagging conversion(local docker registry address prepended): ${LOCAL_REGISTRY_SERVER}:${REGISTRY_PORT}/ (ie..registry.local:9001/docker.io/mariadb:10.2.13) """ return self._get_image_tags_by_charts_fluxcd(app.sync_imgfile, app.sync_fluxcd_manifest, app.sync_overrides_dir) @staticmethod def get_global_namespace(root_kustomization_yaml): """ Retrieve the namespace of a top level kustomization """ return root_kustomization_yaml.get("namespace", constants.FLUXCD_K8S_FALLBACK_NAMESPACE) def _get_charts_in_use_except(self, excluded_apps_id_list=None): """ Get all charts currently in use by applications :param excluded_apps_id_list: list of application ids that should not have their charts included """ charts_in_use = [] for db_app in self._dbapi.kube_app_get_all(): app = AppOperator.Application(db_app) if excluded_apps_id_list is None or \ (excluded_apps_id_list is not None and db_app.id not in excluded_apps_id_list): charts_in_use = charts_in_use + self._get_list_of_charts(app) return charts_in_use def _remove_app_charts_from_repo(self, app_id, app_charts): """ Remove application charts from Helm repository :param app_id: identifier of the application that is having its charts removed. :param app_charts: charts to be removed """ chart_files_in_use = [c.filesystem_location for c in self._get_charts_in_use_except([app_id])] repo_set = set() for chart in app_charts: try: if not chart.filesystem_location: LOG.error("Filesystem location not available for " "chart {}. Unable to delete from repository." .format(chart.name)) elif chart.filesystem_location not in chart_files_in_use: os.remove(chart.filesystem_location) repo_set.add(chart.helm_repo_name) except OSError: LOG.error("Error while removing chart {} from repository". format(chart.filesystem_location)) # Re-index repositories for repo_name in repo_set: helm_utils.index_repo(os.path.join(common.HELM_REPO_BASE_PATH, repo_name)) def _get_image_tags_by_charts_fluxcd(self, app_images_file, manifest, overrides_dir): app_imgs = [] images_file = None if os.path.exists(app_images_file): with io.open(app_images_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: images_file = yaml.safe_load(f) helmrepo_path = os.path.join(manifest, "base", "helmrepository.yaml") root_kustomization_path = os.path.join( manifest, constants.APP_ROOT_KUSTOMIZE_FILE) for f in (helmrepo_path, root_kustomization_path): if not os.path.isfile(f): raise exception.SysinvException(_( "Mandatory FluxCD yaml file doesn't exist " "%s" % helmrepo_path)) # get namespace with io.open(root_kustomization_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: root_kustomization_yaml = next(yaml.safe_load_all(f)) global_namespace = AppOperator.get_global_namespace(root_kustomization_yaml) charts_groups = root_kustomization_yaml["resources"] for chart_group in charts_groups: if chart_group != "base": chart_path = os.path.join(manifest, chart_group) helmrelease_path = os.path.join(chart_path, "helmrelease.yaml") chart_kustomization_path = os.path.join(chart_path, "kustomization.yaml") if not os.path.isfile(chart_kustomization_path) or \ not os.path.isfile(helmrelease_path): continue with io.open(chart_kustomization_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: chart_kustomization_yaml = next(yaml.safe_load_all(f)) chart_namespace = chart_kustomization_yaml.get("namespace", global_namespace) with io.open(helmrelease_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: helmrelease_yaml = next(yaml.safe_load_all(f)) chart_name = helmrelease_yaml["metadata"]["name"] # Get the image tags by chart from the images file helm_chart_imgs = {} if images_file and chart_name in images_file: helm_chart_imgs = images_file[chart_name] # Get the image tags from the chart overrides file overrides = chart_namespace + '-' + chart_name + '.yaml' app_overrides_file = os.path.join(overrides_dir, overrides) overrides_file = {} if os.path.exists(app_overrides_file): with io.open(app_overrides_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: overrides_file = yaml.safe_load(f) override_imgs = self._image.find_images_in_dict( overrides_file.get('data', {}).get('values', {})) override_imgs_copy = copy.deepcopy(override_imgs) # Get the image tags from the fluxcd static overrides file static_overrides_path = None if "valuesFrom" not in helmrelease_yaml["spec"]: raise exception.SysinvException(_( "FluxCD app chart doesn't have overrides files " "defined in helmrelease.yaml" "%s" % chart_name)) for override_file in helmrelease_yaml["spec"]["valuesFrom"]: if override_file["valuesKey"].endswith("static-overrides.yaml"): static_overrides_path = os.path.join(chart_path, override_file["valuesKey"]) if not static_overrides_path or \ not os.path.isfile(static_overrides_path): raise exception.SysinvException(_( "FluxCD app chart static overrides file doesn't exist " "%s" % chart_name)) with io.open(static_overrides_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: static_overrides_file = yaml.safe_load(f) or {} # get the image tags from the static overrides file static_overrides_imgs = self._image.find_images_in_dict(static_overrides_file) static_overrides_imgs_copy = copy.deepcopy(static_overrides_imgs) static_overrides_imgs = self._image.merge_dict(helm_chart_imgs, static_overrides_imgs) # Update image tags with local registry prefix override_imgs = self._image.update_images_with_local_registry(override_imgs) static_overrides_imgs = self._image.update_images_with_local_registry(static_overrides_imgs) # Generate a list of required images by chart download_imgs = copy.deepcopy(static_overrides_imgs) download_imgs = self._image.merge_dict(download_imgs, override_imgs) download_imgs_list = self._image.generate_download_images_list(download_imgs, []) app_imgs.extend(download_imgs_list) # Update chart override file if needed if override_imgs != override_imgs_copy: with open(app_overrides_file, 'w') as f: try: overrides_file['data']['values'] = self._image.merge_dict( overrides_file['data']['values'], override_imgs) yaml.safe_dump(overrides_file, f, default_flow_style=False) LOG.info("Overrides file %s updated with new image tags" % app_overrides_file) except (TypeError, KeyError): LOG.error("Overrides file %s fails to update" % app_overrides_file) # Update static overrides if needed if static_overrides_imgs != static_overrides_imgs_copy: static_overrides_to_dump = self._image.merge_dict(static_overrides_file, static_overrides_imgs) with io.open(static_overrides_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: yaml.safe_dump(static_overrides_to_dump, f, default_flow_style=False) return list(set(app_imgs)) def _register_embedded_images(self, app): """ TODO(tngo): When we're ready to support air-gap scenario and private images, the following need to be done: a. load the embedded images b. tag and push them to the docker registery on the controller c. find image tag IDs in each chart and replace their values with new tags. Alternatively, document the image tagging convention ${LOCAL_REGISTRY_SERVER}:${REGISTRY_PORT}/ (e.g. registry.local:9001/prom/mysqld-exporter) to be referenced in the application Helm charts. """ raise exception.KubeAppApplyFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason="embedded images are not yet supported.") def _save_images_list(self, app): # Extract the list of images from the charts and overrides where # applicable. Save the list to the same location as the fluxcd manifest # so it can be sync'ed. app.charts = self._get_list_of_charts(app) self._plugins.activate_plugins(app) LOG.info("Generating application overrides to discover required images.") self._helm.generate_helm_application_overrides( app.sync_overrides_dir, app.name, mode=None, cnamespace=None, chart_info=app.charts, combined=True) self._plugins.deactivate_plugins(app) self._save_images_list_by_charts(app) # Get the list of images from the updated images overrides images_to_download = self.get_image_tags_by_charts(app) if not images_to_download: # TODO(tngo): We may want to support the deployment of apps that # set up resources only in the future. In which case, generate # an info log and let it advance to the next step. raise exception.KubeAppUploadFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason="charts specify no docker images.") with open(app.sync_imgfile, 'a') as f: yaml.safe_dump({"download_images": images_to_download}, f, default_flow_style=False) def _save_images_list_by_charts(self, app): # Mine the images from values.yaml files in the charts directory. # The list of images for each chart are saved to the images file. images_by_charts = {} for chart in app.charts: chart_name = os.path.join(app.inst_charts_dir, chart.name) if not os.path.exists(chart_name): # If the helm chart name is not the same as the fluxcd # chart name in the manifest, try using the source # to find the chart directory. try: # helm charts should be of the standard format: # -X.X.X.tgz url_path = os.path.basename(urlparse(chart.location).path) # strip the .tgz chart_and_version = re.sub('\.tgz$', '', url_path) # strip the version chart_name_no_version = re.sub('-(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)', '', chart_and_version) chart_name = os.path.join(app.inst_charts_dir, chart_name_no_version) except Exception as e: LOG.info("Cannot parse chart path: %s" % e) pass chart_path = os.path.join(chart_name, 'values.yaml') if os.path.exists(chart_path): with io.open(chart_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: y = yaml.safe_load(f) chart_images = self._image.find_images_in_dict(y) if chart_images: images_by_charts.update({chart.name: chart_images}) if images_by_charts: with open(app.sync_imgfile, 'w') as f: yaml.safe_dump(images_by_charts, f, explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False) def _retrieve_images_list(self, app_images_file): with io.open(app_images_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: images_list = yaml.safe_load(f) return images_list def download_images(self, app): if os.path.isdir(app.inst_images_dir): return self._register_embedded_images(app) if app.system_app: # Some images could have been overwritten via user overrides # between upload and apply, or between applies. Refresh the # saved images list. saved_images_list = self._retrieve_images_list(app.sync_imgfile) saved_download_images_list = list(saved_images_list.get("download_images")) images_to_download = self.get_image_tags_by_charts(app) if set(saved_download_images_list) != set(images_to_download): saved_images_list.update({"download_images": images_to_download}) with open(app.sync_imgfile, 'w') as f: yaml.safe_dump(saved_images_list, f, explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False) else: images_to_download = self._retrieve_images_list( app.sync_imgfile).get("download_images") total_count = len(images_to_download) threads = min(MAX_DOWNLOAD_THREAD, total_count) self._docker.set_crictl_image_list([]) start = time.time() try: registries_info = self._docker.retrieve_specified_registries() except Exception as e: raise exception.KubeAppApplyFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason=str(e)) for idx in reversed(range(MAX_DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS)): pool = greenpool.GreenPool(size=threads) for tag, success in pool.imap( functools.partial(self._docker.download_an_image, app, registries_info), images_to_download): if success: continue if AppOperator.is_app_aborted(app.name): raise exception.KubeAppApplyFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason="operation aborted by user.") else: LOG.info("Failed to download image: %s", tag) break else: elapsed = time.time() - start LOG.info("All docker images for application %s were successfully " "downloaded in %d seconds", app.name, elapsed) break # don't sleep after last download attempt if idx: # Exponential backoff, the wait time = 15s *2**retry_times + random # between 0-15s, e.g.: # 1st retry: 15*2**1 + random, max wait time 45s, # 2nd retry: 15*2**2 + random, max wait time 75s, # The current max_wait_time: 15*2**3+15=135s # NOTE(yuxing): the wait time will increase if we add more retries wait_before_retry = \ DOWNLOAD_WAIT_BEFORE_RETRY * 2 ** (MAX_DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS - idx + 1) \ + random.uniform(0, DOWNLOAD_WAIT_BEFORE_RETRY) LOG.info("Retry docker images download for application %s " "after %d seconds", app.name, wait_before_retry) time.sleep(wait_before_retry) else: # Clears the error cache caused by failure to download one or more images # in 'def download_an_image'. At this point it wasn't just one image that # failed, but all of them. The 'raise' below already reports the error # correctly. app.clear_error_message() raise exception.KubeAppApplyFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason=constants.APP_PROGRESS_IMAGES_DOWNLOAD_FAILED) def _validate_helm_charts(self, app): failed_charts = [] for r, f in cutils.get_files_matching(app.inst_charts_dir, 'Chart.yaml'): # Eliminate redundant validation for system app if app.system_app and '/charts/helm-toolkit' in r: continue try: output = subprocess.check_output( # pylint: disable=not-callable ['helm', 'lint', r], universal_newlines=True) if "linted, 0 chart(s) failed" in output: LOG.info("Helm chart %s validated" % os.path.basename(r)) else: LOG.error("Validation failed for helm chart %s" % os.path.basename(r)) failed_charts.append(r) except Exception as e: raise exception.KubeAppUploadFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason=str(e)) if len(failed_charts) > 0: raise exception.KubeAppUploadFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason="one or more charts failed validation.") def _get_chart_data_from_metadata(self, app): """Get chart related data from application metadata This extracts the helm repo from the application metadata where the chart should be loaded. This also returns the list of charts that are disabled by default. :param app: application """ repo = common.HELM_REPO_FOR_APPS disabled_charts = [] lfile = os.path.join(app.inst_path, constants.APP_METADATA_FILE) if os.path.exists(lfile) and os.path.getsize(lfile) > 0: with io.open(lfile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: try: y = yaml.safe_load(f) repo = y.get('helm_repo', common.HELM_REPO_FOR_APPS) disabled_charts = y.get('disabled_charts', []) except KeyError: pass LOG.info("Application %s (%s) will load charts to chart repo %s" % ( app.name, app.version, repo)) LOG.info("Application %s (%s) will disable charts %s by default" % ( app.name, app.version, disabled_charts)) return (repo, disabled_charts) def _upload_helm_charts(self, app): # Set env path for helm-upload execution env = os.environ.copy() env['PATH'] = '/usr/local/sbin:' + env['PATH'] charts = [os.path.join(r, f) for r, f in cutils.get_files_matching(app.inst_charts_dir, '.tgz')] orig_uid, orig_gid = get_app_install_root_path_ownership() (helm_repo, disabled_charts) = self._get_chart_data_from_metadata(app) try: # Temporarily change /scratch group ownership to sys_protected os.chown(constants.APP_INSTALL_ROOT_PATH, orig_uid, grp.getgrnam(constants.SYSINV_SYSADMIN_GRPNAME).gr_gid) with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull: for chart in charts: subprocess.check_call(['helm-upload', helm_repo, chart], # pylint: disable=not-callable env=env, stdout=fnull, stderr=fnull) LOG.info("Helm chart %s uploaded" % os.path.basename(chart)) # Make sure any helm repo changes are reflected for the users helm_utils.refresh_helm_repo_information() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode == CHART_UPLOAD_COPY_ERROR_CODE: reason = "Error while copying chart file %s to %s repository" \ % (chart, helm_repo) elif e.returncode == CHART_UPLOAD_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR_CODE: # If the exact same chart already exists then just log a # warning and proceed with the upload process. LOG.warning("Chart %s already exists in the %s repository. " "Skipping upload." % (os.path.basename(chart), helm_repo)) elif e.returncode == CHART_UPLOAD_VERSION_EXISTS_ERROR_CODE: reason = "The incoming chart %s matches the same version of " \ "an existing chart in the %s repository that " \ "has a different implementation." \ % (os.path.basename(chart), helm_repo) else: reason = str(e) if e.returncode != CHART_UPLOAD_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR_CODE: raise exception.KubeAppUploadFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason=reason) except Exception as e: raise exception.KubeAppUploadFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason=str(e)) finally: os.chown(constants.APP_INSTALL_ROOT_PATH, orig_uid, orig_gid) # For system applications with plugin support, establish user override # entries and disable charts based on application metadata. self._plugins.activate_plugins(app) db_app = self._dbapi.kube_app_get(app.name) app_ns = self._helm.get_helm_application_namespaces(db_app.name) for chart, namespaces in six.iteritems(app_ns): for namespace in namespaces: try: db_chart = self._dbapi.helm_override_get( db_app.id, chart, namespace) except exception.HelmOverrideNotFound: # Create it try: db_chart = self._dbapi.helm_override_create( {'app_id': db_app.id, 'name': chart, 'namespace': namespace}) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) # Since we are uploading a fresh application. Ensure that # charts are disabled based on metadata system_overrides = db_chart.system_overrides system_overrides.update({common.HELM_CHART_ATTR_ENABLED: chart not in disabled_charts}) try: self._dbapi.helm_override_update( db_app.id, chart, namespace, {'system_overrides': system_overrides}) except exception.HelmOverrideNotFound: LOG.exception("Helm Override Not Found") self._plugins.deactivate_plugins(app) def _validate_labels(self, labels): expr = re.compile(r'[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])') for label in labels: if not expr.match(label): return False return True def _update_kubernetes_labels(self, hostname, label_dict): body = { 'metadata': { 'labels': {} } } body['metadata']['labels'].update(label_dict) if (common.LABEL_COMPUTE_LABEL in label_dict and label_dict[common.LABEL_COMPUTE_LABEL] is None): host = self.dbapi.ihost_get_by_hostname(hostname) app_isolated_cpus = helm_base._get_host_cpu_list(host, function=constants.ISOLATED_FUNCTION, threads=True) vswitch_cpus = helm_base._get_host_cpu_list(host, function=constants.VSWITCH_FUNCTION, threads=True) if len(app_isolated_cpus) > 0 and len(vswitch_cpus) > 0: raise exception.SysinvException(_( "Failed to update kubernetes labels:" " Only compute nodes may have application-isolated cores" " and vswitch cores at the same time.")) try: self._kube.kube_patch_node(hostname, body) except exception.KubeNodeNotFound: pass def _assign_host_labels(self, hosts, labels): for host in hosts: if host.administrative != constants.ADMIN_LOCKED: continue for label_str in labels: k, v = label_str.split('=') try: self._dbapi.label_create( host.id, {'host_id': host.id, 'label_key': k, 'label_value': v}) except exception.HostLabelAlreadyExists: pass label_dict = {k: v for k, v in (i.split('=') for i in labels)} try: self._update_kubernetes_labels(host.hostname, label_dict) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) def _find_label(self, host_uuid, label_str): host_labels = self._dbapi.label_get_by_host(host_uuid) for label_obj in host_labels: if label_str == label_obj.label_key + '=' + label_obj.label_value: return label_obj return None def _remove_host_labels(self, hosts, labels): for host in hosts: if host.administrative != constants.ADMIN_LOCKED: continue null_labels = {} for label_str in labels: lbl_obj = self._find_label(host.uuid, label_str) if lbl_obj: self._dbapi.label_destroy(lbl_obj.uuid) key = lbl_obj.label_key null_labels[key] = None if null_labels: try: self._update_kubernetes_labels(host.hostname, null_labels) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) def audit_local_registry_secrets(self, context, username=None): """ local registry uses admin's username&password for authentication. K8s stores the authentication info in secrets in order to access local registry, while admin's password is saved in keyring. Admin's password could be changed by openstack client cmd outside of sysinv and K8s. It will cause info mismatch between keyring and k8s's secrets, and leads to authentication failure. There are two ways to keep k8s's secrets updated with data in keyring: 1. Polling. Use a periodic task to sync info from keyring to secrets. 2. Notification. Keystone send out notification when there is password update, and notification receiver to do the data sync. To ensure k8s's secrets are timely and always synced with keyring, both methods are used here. And this function will be called in both cases to audit password info between keyring and registry-local-secret, and update keyring's password to all local registry secrets if need. """ # Use lock to synchronize call from timer and notification lock_name = "AUDIT_LOCAL_REGISTRY_SECRETS" @cutils.synchronized(lock_name, external=False) def _sync_audit_local_registry_secrets(self): try: secret = self._kube.kube_get_secret("registry-local-secret", kubernetes.NAMESPACE_KUBE_SYSTEM) if secret is None: return secret_auth_body = base64.decode_as_text(secret.data['.dockerconfigjson']) secret_auth_info = (secret_auth_body.split('auth":')[1]).split('"')[1] registry_auth = cutils.get_local_docker_registry_auth() registry_auth_info = '{0}:{1}'.format(registry_auth['username'], registry_auth['password']) if secret_auth_info == base64.encode_as_text(registry_auth_info): LOG.debug("Auth info is the same, no update is needed for k8s secret.") return except Exception as e: LOG.error(e) return try: # update secret with new auth info token = '{{\"auths\": {{\"{0}\": {{\"auth\": \"{1}\"}}}}}}'.format( constants.DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER, base64.encode_as_text(registry_auth_info)) secret.data['.dockerconfigjson'] = base64.encode_as_text(token) self._kube.kube_patch_secret("registry-local-secret", kubernetes.NAMESPACE_KUBE_SYSTEM, secret) LOG.info("Secret registry-local-secret under Namespace kube-system is updated") except Exception as e: LOG.error("Failed to update Secret %s under Namespace kube-system: %s" % ("registry-local-secret", e)) return # update "default-registry-key" secret info under all namespaces try: ns_list = self._kube.kube_get_namespace_name_list() for ns in ns_list: secret = self._kube.kube_get_secret(AppOperator.DOCKER_REGISTRY_SECRET, ns) if secret is None: continue try: secret_auth_body = base64.decode_as_text(secret.data['.dockerconfigjson']) if constants.DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER in secret_auth_body: secret.data['.dockerconfigjson'] = base64.encode_as_text(token) self._kube.kube_patch_secret(AppOperator.DOCKER_REGISTRY_SECRET, ns, secret) LOG.info("Secret %s under Namespace %s is updated" % (AppOperator.DOCKER_REGISTRY_SECRET, ns)) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Failed to update Secret %s under Namespace %s: %s" % (AppOperator.DOCKER_REGISTRY_SECRET, ns, e)) continue except Exception as e: LOG.error(e) return _sync_audit_local_registry_secrets(self) def _wait_for_pod_termination(self, namespace): loop_timeout = 0 loop_check_interval = 10 timeout = 300 try: LOG.info("Waiting for pod termination in namespace %s ..." % namespace) # Pod termination timeout 5mins while(loop_timeout <= timeout): if not self._kube.kube_namespaced_pods_exist(namespace): # Pods have terminated break loop_timeout += loop_check_interval time.sleep(loop_check_interval) if loop_timeout > timeout: raise exception.KubePodTerminateTimeout(name=namespace) LOG.info("Pod termination in Namespace %s completed." % namespace) except Exception as e: LOG.error(e) raise def _get_list_of_charts(self, app): return self._get_list_of_charts_fluxcd(app.sync_fluxcd_manifest) def _get_list_of_charts_fluxcd(self, manifest): """Get the charts information from the manifest directory The following chart data for each chart in the manifest file are extracted and stored into a namedtuple Chart object: - metadata_name - chart_name - namespace - location - release """ helmrepo_path = os.path.join(manifest, "base", "helmrepository.yaml") root_kustomization_path = os.path.join( manifest, constants.APP_ROOT_KUSTOMIZE_FILE) for f in (helmrepo_path, root_kustomization_path): if not os.path.isfile(f): raise exception.SysinvException(_( "Mandatory FluxCD yaml file doesn't exist " "%s" % helmrepo_path)) # get global namespace with io.open(root_kustomization_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: root_kustomization_yaml = next(yaml.safe_load_all(f)) global_namespace = AppOperator.get_global_namespace(root_kustomization_yaml) charts_groups = root_kustomization_yaml["resources"] # get the helm repo base url with io.open(helmrepo_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: helm_repo_yaml = next(yaml.safe_load_all(f)) helm_repo_url = helm_repo_yaml["spec"]["url"] helm_repo_name = helm_repo_yaml["metadata"]["name"] charts = [] for chart_group in charts_groups: if chart_group != "base": chart_path = os.path.join(manifest, chart_group) helmrelease_path = os.path.join(chart_path, "helmrelease.yaml") chart_kustomization_path = os.path.join(chart_path, "kustomization.yaml") if not os.path.isfile(chart_kustomization_path) or \ not os.path.isfile(helmrelease_path): continue with io.open(chart_kustomization_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: chart_kustomization_yaml = next(yaml.safe_load_all(f)) namespace = chart_kustomization_yaml.get("namespace", global_namespace) with io.open(helmrelease_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: helmrelease_yaml = next(yaml.safe_load_all(f)) metadata_name = helmrelease_yaml["metadata"]["name"] chart_spec = helmrelease_yaml["spec"]["chart"] chart_name = chart_spec["spec"]["chart"] chart_version = chart_spec["spec"]["version"] location = "%s/%s-%s%s" % (helm_repo_url.rstrip("/"), chart_name, chart_spec["spec"]["version"], ".tgz") filesystem_location = helm_utils.get_chart_tarball_path( os.path.join(common.HELM_REPO_BASE_PATH, helm_repo_name), chart_name, chart_version) release = helmrelease_yaml["spec"]["releaseName"] # Dunno if we need to return these in order respecting dependsOn? # dependencies = [dep["name"] for dep in helmrelease_yaml["spec"]. # get(["dependsOn"], [])] chart_obj = FluxCDChart( metadata_name=metadata_name, name=metadata_name, namespace=namespace, location=location, filesystem_location=filesystem_location, release=release, chart_os_path=chart_path, chart_label=chart_name, chart_version=chart_version, helm_repo_name=helm_repo_name ) charts.append(chart_obj) return charts def _get_overrides_files(self, app): return self._get_overrides_from_charts(app.sync_overrides_dir, app.charts) def _get_overrides_from_charts(self, overrides_dir, charts): missing_helm_overrides = [] available_helm_overrides = [] for chart in charts: overrides = helm_utils.build_overrides_filename(chart.name) overrides_file = os.path.join(overrides_dir, overrides) if not os.path.exists(overrides_file): missing_helm_overrides.append(overrides_file) else: available_helm_overrides.append(overrides_file) if missing_helm_overrides: LOG.error("Missing the following overrides: %s" % missing_helm_overrides) return None return available_helm_overrides def _write_fluxcd_overrides(self, charts, helm_files): for chart in charts: override_file = chart.name + '.yaml' for f in os.listdir(chart.chart_os_path): if f.endswith("system-overrides.yaml"): chart_system_overrides_path = os.path.join(chart.chart_os_path, f) break else: LOG.error("Missing system-overrides.yaml file for chart %s" % chart.name) continue # copy helm chart overrides file to chart's system-overrides.yaml file for helm_file in helm_files: if os.path.basename(helm_file) == override_file: shutil.copy(helm_file, chart_system_overrides_path) def _remove_chart_overrides(self, overrides_dir, app): charts = self._get_list_of_charts(app) for chart in charts: if chart.name in self._helm.chart_operators: self._helm.remove_helm_chart_overrides(overrides_dir, chart.name, chart.namespace) def _update_app_releases_version(self, app_name): """Update application helm releases records This method retrieves the deployed helm releases and updates the releases records in sysinv db if needed :param app_name: the name of the application """ try: deployed_releases = helm_utils.retrieve_helm_releases() LOG.debug('deployed_releases = %s', deployed_releases) app = self._dbapi.kube_app_get(app_name) app_releases = self._dbapi.kube_app_chart_release_get_all(app.id) for r in app_releases: LOG.debug('app.id=%r, release=%r, version=%r, namespace=%r', app.id, r.release, r.version, r.namespace) if (r.release in deployed_releases and r.namespace in deployed_releases[r.release] and r.version != deployed_releases[r.release][r.namespace]): self._dbapi.kube_app_chart_release_update( app.id, r.release, r.namespace, {'version': deployed_releases[r.release][r.namespace]}) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise exception.SysinvException(_( "Failed to update/record application %s releases' versions." % str(e))) def _create_app_releases_version(self, app_name, app_charts): """Create application helm releases records This method creates/initializes the helm releases objects for the application. :param app_name: the name of the application :param app_charts: the charts of the application """ kube_app = self._dbapi.kube_app_get(app_name) app_releases = self._dbapi.kube_app_chart_release_get_all(kube_app.id) if app_releases: return for chart in app_charts: values = { 'release': chart.release, 'version': 0, 'namespace': chart.namespace, 'app_id': kube_app.id } try: self._dbapi.kube_app_chart_release_create(values) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) def _get_metadata_value(self, app, key_or_keys, default=None, enforce_type=False): """ Get application metadata value from nested dictionary. If a default value is specified, this will enforce that the value returned is of the same type. :param app: application object :param key_or_keys: single key string, or list of keys :param default: default value (and type) :param enforce_type: enforce type check between return value and default :return: The value from nested dictionary D[key1][key2][...] = value assuming all keys are present, otherwise default. """ value = default if isinstance(key_or_keys, list): keys = key_or_keys else: keys = [key_or_keys] metadata_file = os.path.join(app.inst_path, constants.APP_METADATA_FILE) if os.path.exists(metadata_file) and os.path.getsize(metadata_file) > 0: with io.open(metadata_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: try: metadata = yaml.safe_load(f) or {} value = cutils.deep_get(metadata, keys, default=default) # TODO(jgauld): There is inconsistent treatment of YAML # boolean between the module ruamel.yaml and module yaml # in utils.py, health.py, and kube_app.py. Until these # usage variants are unified, leave the following check # as optional. if enforce_type and default is not None and value is not None: default_type = type(default) if type(value) != default_type: raise exception.SysinvException(_( "Invalid {}: {} {!r} expected value is {}." "".format(metadata_file, '.'.join(keys), value, default_type))) except KeyError: # metadata file does not have the key pass LOG.debug('_get_metadata_value: metadata_file=%s, keys=%s, default=%r, value=%r', metadata_file, keys, default, value) return value def _preserve_user_overrides(self, from_app, to_app): """Dump user overrides In the scenario of updating application to a new version, this method is used to copy the user overrides from the old version to the new version. :param from_app: application object that application updating from :param to_app: application object that application updating to """ to_db_app = self._dbapi.kube_app_get(to_app.name) from_db_app = self._dbapi.kube_app_get_inactive_by_name_version( from_app.name, version=from_app.version) from_app_db_charts = self._dbapi.helm_override_get_all(from_db_app.id) from_app_charts = {} for chart in from_app_db_charts: from_app_charts.setdefault(chart.name, {}).update( {chart.namespace: chart.user_overrides}) for chart in to_app.charts: if (chart.name in from_app_charts and chart.namespace in from_app_charts[chart.name] and from_app_charts[chart.name][chart.namespace]): user_overrides = {'user_overrides': from_app_charts[chart.name][chart.namespace]} try: self._dbapi.helm_override_update( app_id=to_db_app.id, name=chart.name, namespace=chart.namespace, values=user_overrides) except exception.HelmOverrideNotFound: # Unexpected values = { 'name': chart.name, 'namespace': chart.namespace, 'app_id': to_db_app.id } values.update(user_overrides) self._dbapi.helm_override_create(values=values) LOG.info("Application %s (%s) will apply the user overrides for" "Chart %s from version %s" % (to_app.name, to_app.version, chart.name, from_app.version)) def _preserve_attributes(self, from_app, to_app): """ In the scenario of updating application to a new version, this method is used to copy the attributes from the old version to the new version. :param from_app: application object that application updating from :param to_app: application object that application updating to """ to_db_app = self._dbapi.kube_app_get(to_app.name) from_db_app = self._dbapi.kube_app_get_inactive_by_name_version( from_app.name, version=from_app.version) from_app_db_charts = self._dbapi.helm_override_get_all(from_db_app.id) from_app_charts = {} for chart in from_app_db_charts: from_app_charts.setdefault(chart.name, {}).update( {chart.namespace: chart.system_overrides}) for chart in to_app.charts: if (chart.name in from_app_charts and chart.namespace in from_app_charts[chart.name] and from_app_charts[chart.name][chart.namespace]): system_overrides = {'system_overrides': from_app_charts[chart.name][chart.namespace]} try: self._dbapi.helm_override_update( app_id=to_db_app.id, name=chart.name, namespace=chart.namespace, values=system_overrides) except exception.HelmOverrideNotFound: # Unexpected values = { 'name': chart.name, 'namespace': chart.namespace, 'app_id': to_db_app.id } values.update(system_overrides) self._dbapi.helm_override_create(values=values) LOG.info("Application %s (%s) will apply the attributes for" "Chart %s from version %s" % (to_app.name, to_app.version, chart.name, from_app.version)) def _make_app_request(self, app, request): return self._make_fluxcd_operation_with_monitor(app, request) @retry(retry_on_exception=lambda x: isinstance(x, exception.ApplicationApplyFailure), stop_max_attempt_number=5, wait_fixed=30 * 1000) def _make_fluxcd_operation_with_monitor(self, app, request): def _recover_from_helm_operation_in_progress_on_app_apply(metadata_name, namespace, flux_error_message): """ Recovery logic for FluxCD on apply In case a helm operation is already in progress, FluxCD will raise an error. Recover by patching the helm release secret, forcing the status to be 'failed'. :param metadata_name: metadata name from helmrelease.yaml :param namespace: namespace from kustomization.yaml :param flux_error_message: Error message FluxCD encountered :return: tuple(attempt, error). attempt is True if recovery is triggered error is True if an error was encountered """ helm_release_name = metadata_name attempt = False for error_string in constants.FLUXCD_RECOVERY_HELM_RELEASE_STATUS_ERRORS: if flux_error_message.startswith(error_string): LOG.info("For helm release {} found a matching error string " "we can attempt to recover from: {}" "".format(helm_release_name, error_string)) attempt = True break if not attempt: return attempt, False try: secret_list = self._kube.kube_list_secret(namespace) except Exception as err: LOG.warning("Failed to get secrets in namespace {}: {}" "".format(namespace, err)) return attempt, True recover_list = [] for secret in secret_list: label = secret.metadata.labels if not label: continue if 'owner' not in label: continue if 'status' not in label: continue if label['owner'] == 'helm' and \ label['status'] in constants.FLUXCD_RECOVERABLE_HELM_RELEASE_STATUS: LOG.info("Found helm release {} in state {}" "".format(secret.metadata.name, label['status'])) recover_list.append(secret) # Force 'failed' status for helm releases for secret in recover_list: release_data = helm_utils.decompress_helm_release_data(secret.data['release']) for status in constants.FLUXCD_RECOVERABLE_HELM_RELEASE_STATUS: release_data = release_data.replace('"status":"{}"'.format(status), '"status":"failed"') release_data = helm_utils.compress_helm_release_data(release_data) secret.data['release'] = release_data try: self._kube.kube_patch_secret(secret.metadata.name, secret.metadata.namespace, secret) except Exception as err: LOG.warning("Failed to patch secret {} in namespace {}: {}" "".format(secret.metadata.name, secret.metadata.namespace, err)) return attempt, True return attempt, False def _check_upgrade_retries_exhausted(helm_rel, released_err_msg): """ Check if the number of upgrade retries were exhausted due to another operation in progress :param helm_rel: helm release object containing the conditions :param released_err_msg: error message from released condition type :return: True if retries are exhausted. False otherwise. """ if "another operation (install/upgrade/rollback) is in progress" in released_err_msg: latest_status, latest_msg = self._fluxcd.get_helm_release_status(helm_rel, "Ready") if latest_status == "False" and latest_msg == "upgrade retries exhausted": return True return False def _recover_via_removal(release_name, release_err_msg): """ Verify if a given helm release error can be recovered by removing the app and applying it again. This leverages the retry mechanism triggered when an ApplicationApplyFailure exception is raised. :param release_name: helm release name :param released_err_msg: helm error message """ for error_string in \ constants.FLUXCD_RECOVERY_HELM_RELEASE_STATUS_ERRORS_REMOVAL_REQUIRED: if release_err_msg.startswith(error_string): LOG.info("For helm release {} found a matching error string. " "Application removal is required to recover from: {}" "".format(release_name, release_err_msg)) lifecycle_hook_info_app_remove = LifecycleHookInfo() lifecycle_hook_info_app_remove.operation = constants.APP_REMOVE_OP self.perform_app_remove(app._kube_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_remove) progress_str = "Recovering from: {}.".format(error_string) self._update_app_status(app, constants.APP_RECOVER_IN_PROGRESS, progress_str ) lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply = LifecycleHookInfo() lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply.operation = constants.APP_APPLY_OP self.perform_app_apply(app._kube_app, mode=None, lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply=lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply, caller=constants.RECOVER_VIA_REMOVAL) raise exception.ApplicationApplyFailure(name=app.name) def _apply_delay_to_check_progress(kubectl_apply_time): """ Apply delay before checking the charts installation progress. The purpose of this is to ensure that reconciliation has been initiated before checking the helmrelease status of each chart. The variable fluxcd_hr_reconcile_check_delay has been set in sysinv.conf to the default amount of time. This value will be override if this variable is present in the application's metadata. :param kubectl_apply_time: date when "kubectl apply -k" was called """ fluxcd_hr_reconcile_check_delay = CONF.app_framework.fluxcd_hr_reconcile_check_delay # Override default time delay if app metadata have # fluxcd_hr_reconcile_check_delay variable if "fluxcd_hr_reconcile_check_delay" in app.app_metadata: fluxcd_hr_reconcile_check_delay = app.app_metadata[ "fluxcd_hr_reconcile_check_delay"] # If fluxcd_hr_reconcile_check_delay is 0, no delay will need to be added # and the _check_progress function must be called normally. if fluxcd_hr_reconcile_check_delay > 0: now = time.time() elapsed_time = now - kubectl_apply_time delay_time = fluxcd_hr_reconcile_check_delay - elapsed_time if fluxcd_hr_reconcile_check_delay > elapsed_time: LOG.info("Waiting {} seconds to make sure " "the reconciliation was called".format(int(delay_time))) time.sleep(delay_time) def _check_progress(): tadjust = 0 last_successful_chart = None adjust = self._get_metadata_value(app, constants.APP_METADATA_APPLY_PROGRESS_ADJUST, constants.APP_METADATA_APPLY_PROGRESS_ADJUST_DEFAULT_VALUE) # Build the list of expected chart releases. Re-read the # kustomization.yaml file as charts may have been enabled/disabled # via the plugins (helm or kustomize operator). charts = { c.metadata_name: { "namespace": c.namespace, "chart_label": c.chart_label, "helm_repo_name": c.helm_repo_name } for c in self._get_list_of_charts(app) } charts_count = len(charts) if app.system_app: tadjust = adjust if tadjust >= charts_count: LOG.error("Application metadata key '{}'" "has an invalid value {} (too few charts)". format(constants.APP_METADATA_APPLY_PROGRESS_ADJUST, adjust)) tadjust = 0 while charts: if AppOperator.is_app_aborted(app.name): return False num = charts_count - len(charts) percent = round((float(num) / # pylint: disable=W1619, W1633 (charts_count - tadjust)) * 100) # Check if we had a successful chart applied previously if last_successful_chart: progress_str = "Applying app {}. Chart {} applied. Overall completion: {}%". \ format(app.name, last_successful_chart, percent) else: progress_str = "Applying app {}. Overall completion: {}%". \ format(app.name, percent) if app.progress != progress_str: LOG.info("%s" % progress_str) self._update_app_status(app, new_progress=progress_str) for release_name, chart_obj in list(charts.items()): # Request the helm release info helm_rel = self._kube.get_custom_resource( constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_GROUP, constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_VERSION, chart_obj["namespace"], constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_PLURAL, release_name) if not helm_rel: LOG.info("FluxCD Helm release info for {} is not " "available".format(release_name)) continue release_status, msg = self._fluxcd.get_helm_release_status(helm_rel) if release_status == "False": # If the helm release failed the app must also be in a # failed state helm_err_msg = "{}".format(msg) if msg else "" # Handle corner cases in which retries are exhausted due to another operation in progress. # If retries are exhausted we fail. if _check_upgrade_retries_exhausted(helm_rel, helm_err_msg): return False attempt, _ = _recover_from_helm_operation_in_progress_on_app_apply( metadata_name=release_name, namespace=chart_obj['namespace'], flux_error_message=helm_err_msg) if not attempt: # Handle corner cases in which application removal # and apply are required to recover from failure _recover_via_removal(release_name, helm_err_msg) LOG.exception("Application {}: release {}: Failed during {} :{}" "".format(app.name, release_name, request, helm_err_msg)) # Store the error in the app object for use in def _abort_operation app.update_error_message("Failed to apply helm " "release \"{}\".".format(release_name)) return False elif release_status == "True": # Special validation check needed for AIO-SX only, can # go away once upstream issues are addressed. See method # for details. if self._fluxcd.verify_pods_status_for_release(chart_obj): charts.pop(release_name) last_successful_chart = chart_obj["chart_label"] else: # Noisy log, so make it debug only, but good for debugging apps dev. LOG.debug("Application {}: release {}: Helm release " "status is unknown. Checking again.".format( app.name, release_name)) # wait a bit to check again if the charts are ready time.sleep(1) return True # This check is for cases where an abort is issued while # this function waits between retries. In such cases, it # should just return False if AppOperator.is_app_aborted(app.name): return False lifecycle_hook_info = LifecycleHookInfo() lifecycle_hook_info.operation = request lifecycle_hook_info.relative_timing = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TIMING_PRE lifecycle_hook_info.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_FLUXCD_REQUEST self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, app._kube_app, lifecycle_hook_info) try: with Timeout(constants.APP_INSTALLATION_TIMEOUT, exception.KubeAppProgressMonitorTimeout()): rc, kubectl_apply_time = self._fluxcd.make_fluxcd_operation( request, app.sync_fluxcd_manifest) # check progress only for apply for now if rc and request == constants.APP_APPLY_OP: # Because reconciliation is not called immediately after running the # "kubectl apply -k" command, a delay is applied before _check_progress # function so that it does not return old values. _apply_delay_to_check_progress(kubectl_apply_time) rc = _check_progress() except (exception.ApplicationApplyFailure): raise except Exception as e: # timeout or subprocess error LOG.exception(e) rc = False # Here a manifest retry can be performed by throwing ApplicationApplyFailure lifecycle_hook_info.relative_timing = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TIMING_POST lifecycle_hook_info.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_FLUXCD_REQUEST lifecycle_hook_info[LifecycleConstants.EXTRA][LifecycleConstants.RETURN_CODE] = rc self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, app._kube_app, lifecycle_hook_info) return rc def _record_auto_update_failed_versions(self, from_app, to_app): """Record the new application version in the old application metadata when the new application fails to be updated""" new_metadata = copy.deepcopy(from_app.app_metadata) try: failed_versions = new_metadata[constants.APP_METADATA_UPGRADES][ constants.APP_METADATA_FAILED_VERSIONS] if to_app.version not in failed_versions: failed_versions.append(to_app.version) except KeyError: new_metadata.setdefault(constants.APP_METADATA_UPGRADES, {}).update( {constants.APP_METADATA_FAILED_VERSIONS: [to_app.version]}) with self._lock: from_app.update_app_metadata(new_metadata) def _perform_app_recover(self, rpc_app, old_app, new_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app, fluxcd_process_required=True): """Perform application recover This recover method is triggered when application update failed, it cleans up the files/data for the new application and recover helm charts for the old application. If the fluxcd process is required, fluxcd apply is invoked to recover the application releases for the old version. The app status will be populated to "apply-failed" if recover fails so that the user can re-apply app. :param rpc_app: application object in the RPC request :param old_app: the application object that application recovering to :param new_app: the application object that application recovering from :param lifecycle_hook_info_app: LifecycleHookInfo object :param fluxcd_process_required: boolean, whether fluxcd operation is needed """ def _activate_old_app_plugins(old_app): # Enable the old app plugins. self._plugins.activate_plugins(old_app) LOG.info("Starting recover Application %s from version: %s to version: %s" % (old_app.name, new_app.version, old_app.version)) # Ensure that the the failed app plugins are disabled prior to cleanup self._plugins.deactivate_plugins(new_app) self._update_app_status( old_app, constants.APP_RECOVER_IN_PROGRESS, constants.APP_PROGRESS_UPDATE_ABORTED.format(old_app.version, new_app.version) + constants.APP_PROGRESS_RECOVER_IN_PROGRESS.format(old_app.version)) # Set the status for the new app to inactive self._update_app_status(new_app, constants.APP_INACTIVE_STATE) try: self._utils._patch_report_app_dependencies( new_app.name + '-' + new_app.version) self._dbapi.kube_app_destroy(new_app.name, version=new_app.version, inactive=True) lifecycle_hook_info_app_recover = copy.deepcopy(lifecycle_hook_info_app) lifecycle_hook_info_app_recover.operation = constants.APP_RECOVER_OP lifecycle_hook_info_app_recover.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_RBD self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_recover) lifecycle_hook_info_app_recover.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_RESOURCE self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_recover) LOG.info("Recovering helm charts for Application %s (%s)..." % (old_app.name, old_app.version)) self._update_app_status(old_app, new_progress=constants.APP_PROGRESS_RECOVER_CHARTS) with self._lock: self._upload_helm_charts(old_app) rc = True if fluxcd_process_required: old_app.charts = self._get_list_of_charts(old_app) # Ensure that the old app plugins are enabled prior to fluxcd process. _activate_old_app_plugins(old_app) if self._make_app_request(old_app, constants.APP_APPLY_OP): old_app_charts = [c.release for c in old_app.charts] deployed_releases = helm_utils.retrieve_helm_releases() for new_chart in new_app.charts: # Cleanup the releases in the new application version # but are not in the old application version if (new_chart.release not in old_app_charts and new_chart.release in deployed_releases): # Deletes secrets that are not in the version N of the app self._fluxcd.run_kubectl_kustomize(constants.KUBECTL_KUSTOMIZE_DELETE, new_chart.chart_os_path) # Send delete request in FluxCD so it doesn't # recreate the helm release self._kube.delete_custom_resource( constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_GROUP, constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_VERSION, new_chart.namespace, constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_PLURAL, new_chart.metadata_name) # Use helm to immediately remove the release helm_utils.delete_helm_release(new_chart.release, new_chart.namespace) else: rc = False self._cleanup(new_app, app_dir=False) except exception.ApplicationApplyFailure: rc = False except Exception as e: # ie. patch report error, cleanup application files error # helm release delete failure self._update_app_status( old_app, constants.APP_APPLY_SUCCESS, constants.APP_PROGRESS_UPDATE_ABORTED.format(old_app.version, new_app.version) + constants.APP_PROGRESS_RECOVER_COMPLETED.format(old_app.version) + constants.APP_PROGRESS_CLEANUP_FAILED.format(new_app.version) + 'Please check logs for details.') LOG.error(e) return finally: # Ensure that the old app plugins are enabled after recovery _activate_old_app_plugins(old_app) self._record_auto_update_failed_versions(old_app, new_app) if rc: self._update_app_status( old_app, constants.APP_APPLY_SUCCESS, constants.APP_PROGRESS_UPDATE_ABORTED.format(old_app.version, new_app.version) + constants.APP_PROGRESS_RECOVER_COMPLETED.format(old_app.version) + 'Please check logs for details.') # Recovery from an app update failure succeeded, clear app alarm self._clear_app_alarm(old_app.name) LOG.info("Application %s recover to version %s completed." % (old_app.name, old_app.version)) else: self._update_app_status( old_app, constants.APP_APPLY_FAILURE, constants.APP_PROGRESS_UPDATE_ABORTED.format(old_app.version, new_app.version) + constants.APP_PROGRESS_RECOVER_ABORTED.format(old_app.version) + old_app.error_message + 'Please check logs for details.') LOG.error("Application %s recover to version %s aborted!" % (old_app.name, old_app.version)) def perform_app_upload(self, rpc_app, tarfile, lifecycle_hook_info_app_upload, images=False): """Process application upload request This method validates the application manifest. If Helm charts are included, they are validated and uploaded to local Helm repo. It also downloads the required docker images for custom apps during upload stage. :param rpc_app: application object in the RPC request :param tarfile: location of application tarfile :param lifecycle_hook_info_app_upload: LifecycleHookInfo object :param images: save application images in the registry as part of app upload """ app = AppOperator.Application(rpc_app) LOG.info("Application %s (%s) upload started." % (app.name, app.version)) try: # TODO (rchurch): Remove this version check once all applications # have been decoupled. Since compatible plugins will be delivered # with the versioned application tarball, no version check will be # required. For decoupled apps, plugins are loaded later in this # method and this base class version check is called. if not self._helm.version_check(app.name, app.version): LOG.info("Application %s (%s) upload rejected. Unsupported version." % (app.name, app.version)) raise exception.KubeAppUploadFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason="Unsupported application version.") app.tarfile = tarfile if cutils.is_url(app.tarfile): self._update_app_status( app, new_progress=constants.APP_PROGRESS_TARFILE_DOWNLOAD) downloaded_tarfile = self._download_tarfile(app) if downloaded_tarfile is None: raise exception.KubeAppUploadFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason="Failed to find the downloaded tarball.") else: app.tarfile = downloaded_tarfile app.downloaded_tarfile = True # Full extraction of application tarball at /scratch/apps. # Manifest file is placed under /opt/platform/fluxcd # which is managed by drbd-sync and visible to fluxcd. self._update_app_status( app, new_progress=constants.APP_PROGRESS_EXTRACT_TARFILE) with self._lock: self._extract_tarfile(app) self._plugins.install_plugins(app) manifest_sync_path = app.sync_fluxcd_manifest manifest_sync_dir_path = app.sync_fluxcd_manifest_dir validate_manifest = manifest_sync_path validate_function = self._fluxcd.make_fluxcd_operation # Copy the manifest and metadata file to the drbd if os.path.isdir(app.inst_mfile): shutil.copytree(app.inst_mfile, manifest_sync_path) else: shutil.copy(app.inst_mfile, manifest_sync_path) inst_metadata_file = os.path.join( app.inst_path, constants.APP_METADATA_FILE) if os.path.exists(inst_metadata_file): sync_metadata_file = os.path.join( manifest_sync_dir_path, constants.APP_METADATA_FILE) shutil.copy(inst_metadata_file, sync_metadata_file) validation_result, _ = validate_function(constants.APP_VALIDATE_OP, validate_manifest) if not validation_result: raise exception.KubeAppUploadFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason="Failed to validate application manifest.") self._update_app_status( app, new_progress=constants.APP_PROGRESS_VALIDATE_UPLOAD_CHARTS) if os.path.isdir(app.inst_charts_dir): self._validate_helm_charts(app) with self._lock: self._upload_helm_charts(app) # System overrides will be generated here. self._save_images_list(app) if images: # We need to download the images at upload_app so that subclouds # may use the distributed cloud registry self._update_app_status( app, new_progress=constants.APP_PROGRESS_DOWNLOAD_IMAGES) if AppOperator.is_app_aborted(app.name): raise exception.KubeAppAbort() self.download_images(app) if app.patch_dependencies: self._utils._patch_report_app_dependencies( app.name + '-' + app.version, app.patch_dependencies) self._create_app_releases_version(app.name, app.charts) self._update_app_status(app, constants.APP_UPLOAD_SUCCESS, constants.APP_PROGRESS_COMPLETED) LOG.info("Application %s (%s) upload completed." % (app.name, app.version)) return app except exception.KubeAppUploadFailure as e: LOG.exception(e) self._abort_operation(app, constants.APP_UPLOAD_OP, str(e)) raise except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) self._abort_operation(app, constants.APP_UPLOAD_OP) raise exception.KubeAppUploadFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason=e) def set_reapply(self, app_name): lock_name = "%s_%s" % (LOCK_NAME_APP_REAPPLY, app_name) @cutils.synchronized(lock_name, external=False) def _sync_set_reapply(app_name): return self._unsafe_set_reapply(app_name) return _sync_set_reapply(app_name) def _unsafe_set_reapply(self, app_name): # Create app reapply flag reapply_flag = cutils.app_reapply_flag_file(app_name) open(reapply_flag, "w").close() # Raise the pending automatic reapply alarm entity = cutils.app_reapply_pending_fault_entity(app_name) fault = fm_api.Fault( alarm_id=fm_constants.FM_ALARM_ID_APPLICATION_REAPPLY_PENDING, alarm_state=fm_constants.FM_ALARM_STATE_SET, entity_type_id=fm_constants.FM_ENTITY_TYPE_APPLICATION, entity_instance_id=entity, severity=fm_constants.FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_WARNING, reason_text=_( "A configuration change requires a reapply of " "the %s application.") % app_name, alarm_type=fm_constants.FM_ALARM_TYPE_0, probable_cause=fm_constants.ALARM_PROBABLE_CAUSE_UNKNOWN, proposed_repair_action=_( "The application will be automatically reapplied."), service_affecting=False) self._fm_api.set_fault(fault) def clear_reapply(self, app_name): lock_name = "%s_%s" % (LOCK_NAME_APP_REAPPLY, app_name) @cutils.synchronized(lock_name, external=False) def _sync_clear_reapply(app_name): return self._unsafe_clear_reapply(app_name) return _sync_clear_reapply(app_name) def _unsafe_clear_reapply(self, app_name): # Remove app reapply flag try: reapply_flag = cutils.app_reapply_flag_file(app_name) os.remove(reapply_flag) except OSError: pass # Clear the pending automatic reapply alarm target_entity = cutils.app_reapply_pending_fault_entity(app_name) for alarm in self._fm_api.get_faults_by_id( fm_constants.FM_ALARM_ID_APPLICATION_REAPPLY_PENDING) or []: if alarm.entity_instance_id == target_entity: self._fm_api.clear_fault(alarm.alarm_id, alarm.entity_instance_id) def needs_reapply(self, app_name): lock_name = "%s_%s" % (LOCK_NAME_APP_REAPPLY, app_name) @cutils.synchronized(lock_name, external=False) def _sync_needs_reapply(app_name): return self._unsafe_needs_reapply(app_name) return _sync_needs_reapply(app_name) def _unsafe_needs_reapply(self, app_name): reapply_flag = cutils.app_reapply_flag_file(app_name) flag_exists = os.path.isfile(reapply_flag) if not flag_exists: # Clear any stuck reapply alarm target_entity = cutils.app_reapply_pending_fault_entity(app_name) for alarm in self._fm_api.get_faults_by_id( fm_constants.FM_ALARM_ID_APPLICATION_REAPPLY_PENDING) or []: if alarm.entity_instance_id == target_entity: self._fm_api.clear_fault(alarm.alarm_id, alarm.entity_instance_id) return flag_exists def app_lifecycle_actions(self, context, conductor_obj, rpc_app, hook_info): """Perform application specific lifecycle actions This method will perform any lifecycle actions necessary for the application based on the operation and relative_timing of the operation. :param context: request context :param conductor_obj: conductor object :param rpc_app: application object in the RPC request :param hook_info: LifecycleHookInfo object """ app = AppOperator.Application(rpc_app) # TODO(dvoicule): activate plugins once on upload, deactivate once during delete # create another commit for this self.activate_app_plugins(rpc_app) LOG.info("lifecycle hook for application {} ({}) started {}." .format(app.name, app.version, hook_info)) lifecycle_op = self._helm.get_app_lifecycle_operator(app.name) lifecycle_op.app_lifecycle_actions(context, conductor_obj, self, app, hook_info) @staticmethod def recompute_app_evaluation_order(apps_metadata_dict): """ Get the order of app reapplies based on dependencies The following algorithm uses these concepts: Root apps are apps that have no dependency. Chain depth for an app is the number of apps that form the longest chain ending in the current app. Main logic: Compute reverse graph (after_apps). Determine root apps. Detect cycles and abort. Compute the longest dependency chain. Traverse again to populate ordered list. Assumptions: In theory there is one or few root apps that are dominant vertices. Other than the dominant vertices, there are very sparse vertices with a degree more than one, most of the vertices are either leaves or isolated. Chain depth is usually 0 or 1, few apps have a chain depth of 2, 3, 4 The structure is a sparse digraph, or multiple separate sparse digraphs with a total number of vertices equal to the number of apps. Complexity analysis: Spatial complexity O(V+E) Cycle detection: O(V+E) After cycle detection the graph is a DAG. For computing the chain depth and final traversal a subgraph may be revisited. Complexity would be O(V*E). Let k = number of apps with a vertex that have the in degree > 1 and that are not leaf apps. We can bind k to be 0<=k<=10000, shall we reach that app number. Each node and each vertex will be visited once O(V+E) (root apps + vertex to leaf). Only k nodes will trigger a revisit of a subset of vertices (k * O(E)). Complexity now becomes O(V+(k+1)*E) = O(V+E) Limitations: If an app(current) depends only on non-existing apps, then current app will not be properly ordered. It will not be present in the ordered list before other apps based on it. If an app(current) depends only on non platform managed apps, then current app will not be properly ordered. It will not be present in the ordered list before other apps based on it. :param: apps_metadata_dict dictionary containing parsed and processed metadata collection :return: Sorted list containing the app reapply order. """ # Apps directly after current after_apps = {} # Remember the maximum depth chain_depth = {} # Used to detect cycles cycle_depth = {} # Used for second traversal when populating ordered list traverse_depth = {} # Final result ordered_apps = [] apps_metadata_dict[constants.APP_METADATA_ORDERED_APPS] = ordered_apps # Initialize structures for app_name in apps_metadata_dict[constants.APP_METADATA_PLATFORM_MANAGED_APPS]: after_apps[app_name] = [] chain_depth[app_name] = 0 cycle_depth[app_name] = 0 traverse_depth[app_name] = 0 # For each app remember which apps are directly after for app_name in apps_metadata_dict[constants.APP_METADATA_PLATFORM_MANAGED_APPS]: app_metadata = apps_metadata_dict[constants.APP_METADATA_APPS][app_name] metadata_after = app_metadata.get(constants.APP_METADATA_BEHAVIOR, None) if metadata_after is not None: metadata_after = metadata_after.get(constants.APP_METADATA_EVALUATE_REAPPLY, None) if metadata_after is not None: metadata_after = metadata_after.get(constants.APP_METADATA_AFTER, None) if metadata_after is not None: for before_app in metadata_after: # This one may be a non-existing app, need to initialize if after_apps.get(before_app, None) is None: after_apps[before_app] = [] # Store information after_apps[before_app].append(app_name) # Remember that current app is before at least one chain_depth[app_name] = 1 traverse_depth[app_name] = 1 # Identify root apps root_apps = [] for app_name in apps_metadata_dict[constants.APP_METADATA_PLATFORM_MANAGED_APPS]: if chain_depth.get(app_name, None) == 0: root_apps.append(app_name) # Used for cycle detection stack_ = queue.LifoQueue() cycle_checked = {} max_depth = len(apps_metadata_dict[constants.APP_METADATA_PLATFORM_MANAGED_APPS]) # Detect cycles and abort for app_name in apps_metadata_dict[constants.APP_METADATA_PLATFORM_MANAGED_APPS]: # Skip already checked app if cycle_checked.get(app_name, False) is True: continue # Start from this stack_.put(app_name) # Reinitialize temporary visited visited = {} # Traverse DFS to detect cycles while not stack_.empty(): app_name = stack_.get_nowait() visited[app_name] = True # Skip already checked app if cycle_checked.get(app_name, False) is True: continue for after in after_apps[app_name]: cycle_depth[after] = max(cycle_depth[app_name] + 1, cycle_depth[after]) # Detected cycle if cycle_depth[after] > max_depth: return ordered_apps stack_.put(after) # Remember the temporary visited apps to skip them in the future for r in visited.keys(): cycle_checked[r] = True # Used for traversal queue_ = queue.Queue() # Compute the longest dependency chain starting from root apps for app_name in root_apps: queue_.put(app_name) # Traverse similar to BFS to compute the longest dependency chain while not queue_.empty(): app_name = queue_.get_nowait() for after in after_apps[app_name]: chain_depth[after] = max(chain_depth[app_name] + 1, chain_depth[after]) queue_.put(after) # Traverse graph again similar to BFS # Add to ordered list when the correct chain depth is reached found = {} for app_name in root_apps: queue_.put(app_name) found[app_name] = True ordered_apps.append(app_name) while not queue_.empty(): app_name = queue_.get_nowait() for after in after_apps[app_name]: traverse_depth[after] = max(traverse_depth[app_name] + 1, traverse_depth[after]) # This is the correct depth, add to ordered list if traverse_depth[after] == chain_depth[after]: # Skip if already added if found.get(after, False) is True: continue found[after] = True ordered_apps.append(after) queue_.put(after) # Add apps that have dependencies on non-existing apps for app_name in apps_metadata_dict[constants.APP_METADATA_PLATFORM_MANAGED_APPS]: if found.get(app_name, False) is True: continue ordered_apps.append(app_name) LOG.info("Applications reapply order: {}".format(ordered_apps)) apps_metadata_dict[constants.APP_METADATA_ORDERED_APPS] = ordered_apps @staticmethod @cutils.synchronized(LOCK_NAME_PROCESS_APP_METADATA, external=False) def update_and_process_app_metadata(apps_metadata_dict, app_name, metadata, overwrite=True): """ Update the cached metadata for an app :param apps_metadata_dict: The dictionary being the cache :param app_name: Name of the app :param metadata: Metadata that will replace the old one :param overwrite: If metadata is already present in the cache for this app, then overwrite needs to be enabled to do the replacement """ if not overwrite and \ app_name in apps_metadata_dict[constants.APP_METADATA_APPS]: LOG.info("Updating metadata for app {} skipped because metadata " "is present and overwrite is not enabled" "".format(app_name)) return apps_metadata_dict[constants.APP_METADATA_APPS][app_name] = metadata LOG.info("Loaded metadata for app {}: {}".format(app_name, metadata)) behavior = metadata.get(constants.APP_METADATA_BEHAVIOR, None) if behavior is not None: is_managed = behavior.get(constants.APP_METADATA_PLATFORM_MANAGED_APP, None) desired_state = behavior.get(constants.APP_METADATA_DESIRED_STATE, None) # Remember if the app wants to be managed by the platform if cutils.is_valid_boolstr(is_managed): apps_metadata_dict[ constants.APP_METADATA_PLATFORM_MANAGED_APPS][app_name] = None LOG.info("App {} requested to be platform managed" "".format(app_name)) # Recompute app reapply order AppOperator.recompute_app_evaluation_order(apps_metadata_dict) # Remember the desired state the app should achieve if desired_state is not None: apps_metadata_dict[ constants.APP_METADATA_DESIRED_STATES][app_name] = desired_state LOG.info("App {} requested to achieve {} state" "".format(app_name, desired_state)) def load_application_metadata_from_database(self, rpc_app): """ Load the application metadata from the database :param rpc_app: KubeApp model object """ LOG.info("Loading application metadata for {} from database" "".format(rpc_app.name)) app = AppOperator.Application(rpc_app) metadata = {} # Load metadata as a dictionary from a column in the database db_app = self._dbapi.kube_app_get(app.name) if db_app.app_metadata: metadata = db_app.app_metadata or {} AppOperator.update_and_process_app_metadata(self._apps_metadata, app.name, metadata) @staticmethod def retrieve_application_metadata_from_file(sync_metadata_file): """ Retrieve application metadata from the metadata file of the app :param sync_metadata_file: metadata file path :return dictionary: metadata fields and respective values """ metadata = {} if os.path.exists(sync_metadata_file): with io.open(sync_metadata_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: # The RoundTripLoader removes the superfluous quotes by default. # Set preserve_quotes=True to preserve all the quotes. # The assumption here: there is just one yaml section metadata = yaml.load( f, Loader=yaml.RoundTripLoader, preserve_quotes=True) or {} return metadata def load_application_metadata_from_file(self, rpc_app): """ Load the application metadata from the metadata file of the app :param rpc_app: data object provided in the rpc request """ LOG.info("Loading application metadata for {} from file" "".format(rpc_app.name)) app = AppOperator.Application(rpc_app) metadata = self.retrieve_application_metadata_from_file(app.sync_metadata_file) AppOperator.update_and_process_app_metadata(self._apps_metadata, app.name, metadata) # Save metadata as a dictionary in a column in the database rpc_app.app_metadata = metadata rpc_app.save() @staticmethod def get_desired_state_from_metadata(app_metadata): """ Retrieve desired state from application metadata :param app_metadata: full application metadata :return string: desired application state """ desired_state = None behavior = app_metadata.get(constants.APP_METADATA_BEHAVIOR, None) if behavior is not None: desired_state = behavior.get(constants.APP_METADATA_DESIRED_STATE, None) return desired_state def update_desired_state(self, app, required_desired_state, new_desired_state): """ Update application desired state This method updates the application 'desired_state' metadata field on the database. :param app: AppOperator application object :param required_desired_state: desired state the app is required to have in the database :param new_desired_state: new desired state that will be saved to the database """ current_desired_state = self.get_desired_state_from_metadata(app.app_metadata) if current_desired_state == required_desired_state: metadata = copy.deepcopy(app.app_metadata) if new_desired_state is None and \ constants.APP_METADATA_BEHAVIOR in metadata and \ constants.APP_METADATA_DESIRED_STATE in metadata[constants.APP_METADATA_BEHAVIOR]: del metadata[ constants.APP_METADATA_BEHAVIOR][ constants.APP_METADATA_DESIRED_STATE] else: metadata[ constants.APP_METADATA_BEHAVIOR][ constants.APP_METADATA_DESIRED_STATE] = new_desired_state app.update_app_metadata(metadata) AppOperator.update_and_process_app_metadata(self._apps_metadata, app.name, metadata) def _remove_from_metadata_dict(self, app_name): """Remove all the information about an app in apps_metadada dict This method will perform the removal of an app in all collections from self._apps_metadata. It is called after an application delete. :param app_name: Name of the app """ if app_name in self._apps_metadata[constants.APP_METADATA_APPS]: del self._apps_metadata[constants.APP_METADATA_APPS][app_name] if app_name in self._apps_metadata[constants.APP_METADATA_PLATFORM_MANAGED_APPS]: del self._apps_metadata[constants.APP_METADATA_PLATFORM_MANAGED_APPS][app_name] if app_name in self._apps_metadata[constants.APP_METADATA_DESIRED_STATES]: del self._apps_metadata[constants.APP_METADATA_DESIRED_STATES][app_name] if app_name in self._apps_metadata[constants.APP_METADATA_ORDERED_APPS]: self._apps_metadata[constants.APP_METADATA_ORDERED_APPS].remove(app_name) def perform_app_apply(self, rpc_app, mode, lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply, caller=None): """Process application install request This method processes node labels per configuration and invokes fluxcd to apply the application manifest. For OpenStack app (system app), the method generates combined overrides (a merge between system and user overrides if available) for the charts that comprise the app before downloading docker images and applying the manifest. Usage: the method can be invoked at initial install or after the user has either made some manual configuration changes or or applied (new) user overrides to some Helm chart(s) to correct/update a previous manifest apply. :param rpc_app: application object in the RPC request :param mode: mode to control how to apply application manifest :param lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply: LifecycleHookInfo object :param caller: internal caller, None if it is an RPC call, otherwise apply is invoked from update method :return boolean: whether application apply was successful """ def promote_desired_state(app): """ Promote application desired state from uploaded to applied This method makes sure that applied apps will keep the 'applied' state when reapplying them across sysinv-conductor restarts. :param app: AppOperator application object """ self.update_desired_state(app, constants.APP_UPLOAD_SUCCESS, constants.APP_APPLY_SUCCESS) app = AppOperator.Application(rpc_app) # If apply is called from update method, the app's abort status has # already been registered. if not caller: self._register_app_abort(app.name) self._raise_app_alarm(app.name, constants.APP_APPLY_IN_PROGRESS, fm_constants.FM_ALARM_ID_APPLICATION_APPLYING, fm_constants.FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_WARNING, _("Application Apply In Progress"), fm_constants.FM_ALARM_TYPE_0, _("No action required."), True) self.clear_reapply(app.name) LOG.info("Application %s (%s) apply started." % (app.name, app.version)) ready = True try: app.charts = self._get_list_of_charts(app) if AppOperator.is_app_aborted(app.name): raise exception.KubeAppAbort() # Promote desired state if needed promote_desired_state(app) # Perform app resources actions lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply.relative_timing = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TIMING_PRE lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_RESOURCE self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply) # Perform rbd actions lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply.relative_timing = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TIMING_PRE lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_RBD self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply) self._update_app_status( app, new_progress=constants.APP_PROGRESS_GENERATE_OVERRIDES) if AppOperator.is_app_aborted(app.name): raise exception.KubeAppAbort() LOG.info("Generating application overrides...") helm_files = self._helm.generate_helm_application_overrides( app.sync_overrides_dir, app.name, mode, cnamespace=None, chart_info=app.charts, combined=True) if helm_files: LOG.info("Application overrides generated.") # put the helm_overrides in the chart's system-overrides.yaml self._write_fluxcd_overrides(app.charts, helm_files) self._update_app_status( app, new_progress=constants.APP_PROGRESS_DOWNLOAD_IMAGES) if AppOperator.is_app_aborted(app.name): raise exception.KubeAppAbort() self.download_images(app) else: ready = False except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) if AppOperator.is_app_aborted(app.name): self._abort_operation(app, constants.APP_APPLY_OP, user_initiated=True) else: self._abort_operation(app, constants.APP_APPLY_OP, e) if not caller: # If apply is not called from update method, deregister the app's # abort status. Otherwise, it will be done in the update method. self._deregister_app_abort(app.name) if isinstance(e, exception.KubeAppApplyFailure): # ex:Image download failure raise else: # ex:K8s resource creation failure, user abort raise exception.KubeAppApplyFailure( name=app.name, version=app.version, reason=e) try: if ready: # Perform pre apply manifest actions lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply.relative_timing = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TIMING_PRE lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_MANIFEST self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply) self._update_app_status( app, new_progress=constants.APP_PROGRESS_APPLY_MANIFEST) if AppOperator.is_app_aborted(app.name): raise exception.KubeAppAbort() if caller == constants.RECOVER_VIA_REMOVAL: return True if self._make_app_request(app, constants.APP_APPLY_OP): self._update_app_releases_version(app.name) self._update_app_status(app, constants.APP_APPLY_SUCCESS, constants.APP_PROGRESS_COMPLETED) app.update_active(True) if not caller: self._clear_app_alarm(app.name) LOG.info("Application %s (%s) apply completed." % (app.name, app.version)) # Perform post apply manifest actions lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply.relative_timing = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TIMING_POST lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_MANIFEST lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply[LifecycleConstants.EXTRA][LifecycleConstants.MANIFEST_APPLIED] = True self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply) return True except Exception as e: # ex: update release version failure, user abort LOG.exception(e) # Perform post apply manifest actions lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply.relative_timing = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TIMING_POST lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_MANIFEST lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply[LifecycleConstants.EXTRA][LifecycleConstants.MANIFEST_APPLIED] = False self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply) # Perform rbd actions lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply.relative_timing = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TIMING_POST lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_RBD self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply) # Perform app resources actions lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply.relative_timing = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TIMING_POST lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_RESOURCE self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply) # If it gets here, something went wrong if AppOperator.is_app_aborted(app.name): self._abort_operation(app, constants.APP_APPLY_OP, user_initiated=True) else: self._abort_operation(app, constants.APP_APPLY_OP) if not caller: # If apply is not called from update method, deregister the app's abort status. # Otherwise, it will be done in the update method. self._deregister_app_abort(app.name) return False def perform_app_update(self, from_rpc_app, to_rpc_app, tarfile, operation, lifecycle_hook_info_app_update, reuse_user_overrides=None, reuse_attributes=None, k8s_version=None): """Process application update request This method leverages the existing application upload workflow to validate/upload the new application tarfile, then invokes fluxcd apply or rollback to update application from an applied version to the new version. If any failure happens during updating, the recover action will be triggered to recover the application to the old version. After apply/rollback to the new version is done, the files for the old application version will be cleaned up as well as the releases which are not in the new application version. The app status will be populated to "applied" once update is completed so that user can continue applying app with user overrides. Usage ex: the method can be used to update from v1 to v2 and also update back from v2 to v1 :param from_rpc_app: application object in the RPC request that application updating from :param to_rpc_app: application object in the RPC request that application updating to :param tarfile: location of application tarfile :param operation: apply or rollback :param lifecycle_hook_info_app_update: LifecycleHookInfo object :param reuse_user_overrides: (optional) True or False :param reuse_attributes: (optional) True or False :param k8s_version: (optional) Target Kubernetes version :return: True if the update to the new version was successful. False otherwise. """ from_app = AppOperator.Application(from_rpc_app) to_app = AppOperator.Application(to_rpc_app) self._register_app_abort(to_app.name) self._raise_app_alarm(to_app.name, constants.APP_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS, fm_constants.FM_ALARM_ID_APPLICATION_UPDATING, fm_constants.FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_WARNING, _("Application Update In Progress"), fm_constants.FM_ALARM_TYPE_0, _("No action required."), True) LOG.info("Start updating Application %s from version %s to version %s ..." % (to_app.name, from_app.version, to_app.version)) try: # Upload new app tarball. The upload will enable the new plugins to # generate overrides for images. Disable the plugins for the current # application as the new plugin module will have the same name. Only # one version of the module can be enabled at any given moment self._plugins.deactivate_plugins(from_app) # Note: this will not trigger the upload hooks present in conductor/manager:perform_app_upload # Note: here we lose the information that this is an upload triggered by an update # TODO(dvoicule): we may want to also trigger the upload hooks # TODO(dvoicule): we may want to track the fact that this is called during an update lifecycle_hook_info_app_update.operation = constants.APP_UPLOAD_OP to_app = self.perform_app_upload(to_rpc_app, tarfile, lifecycle_hook_info_app_upload=lifecycle_hook_info_app_update) lifecycle_hook_info_app_update.operation = constants.APP_UPDATE_OP # Semantic checking for N+1 app try: lifecycle_hook_info = copy.deepcopy(lifecycle_hook_info_app_update) lifecycle_hook_info.relative_timing = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TIMING_PRE lifecycle_hook_info.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_SEMANTIC_CHECK lifecycle_hook_info[LifecycleConstants.EXTRA][LifecycleConstants.TO_APP] = True self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, to_rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info) except exception.LifecycleSemanticCheckException as e: LOG.info("App {} rejected operation {} for reason: {}" "".format(to_app.name, constants.APP_UPDATE_OP, str(e))) self._perform_app_recover(to_rpc_app, from_app, to_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_update, fluxcd_process_required=False) return False except Exception as e: LOG.error("App {} operation {} semantic check error: {}" "".format(to_app.name, constants.APP_UPDATE_OP, str(e))) self._perform_app_recover(to_rpc_app, from_app, to_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_update, fluxcd_process_required=False) return False self.load_application_metadata_from_file(to_rpc_app) # Check whether the new application is compatible with the given k8s version. # If k8s_version is none the check is performed against the active version. self._utils._check_app_compatibility(to_app.name, to_app.version, k8s_version) self._update_app_status(to_app, constants.APP_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS) # Get the skip_recovery flag from app metadata keys = [constants.APP_METADATA_UPGRADES, constants.APP_METADATA_UPDATE_FAILURE_SKIP_RECOVERY] skip_recovery = bool(strtobool(str(self._get_metadata_value(to_app, keys, False)))) result = False if operation == constants.APP_APPLY_OP: reuse_overrides = \ self._get_metadata_value(to_app, constants.APP_METADATA_MAINTAIN_USER_OVERRIDES, False) if reuse_user_overrides is not None: reuse_overrides = reuse_user_overrides # Preserve user overrides for the new app if reuse_overrides: self._preserve_user_overrides(from_app, to_app) reuse_app_attributes = \ self._get_metadata_value(to_app, constants.APP_METADATA_MAINTAIN_ATTRIBUTES, False) if reuse_attributes is not None: reuse_app_attributes = reuse_attributes # Preserve attributes for the new app if reuse_app_attributes: self._preserve_attributes(from_app, to_app) # The app_apply will generate new versioned overrides for the # app upgrade and will enable the new plugins for that version. # Note: this will not trigger the apply hooks present in conductor/manager:perform_app_apply # Note: here we lose the information that this is an apply triggered by an update # TODO(dvoicule): we may want to also trigger the apply hooks # TODO(dvoicule): we may want to track the fact that this is called during an update lifecycle_hook_info_app_update.operation = constants.APP_APPLY_OP result = self.perform_app_apply(to_rpc_app, mode=None, lifecycle_hook_info_app_apply=lifecycle_hook_info_app_update, caller='update') lifecycle_hook_info_app_update.operation = constants.APP_UPDATE_OP operation_successful = result # If operation failed consider doing the app recovery do_recovery = not operation_successful # Here the app operation failed (do_recovery is True) # but skip_recovery requested. if skip_recovery and do_recovery: LOG.info("Application %s (%s) has configured skip_recovery %s" ", recovery skipped.", to_app.name, to_app.version, skip_recovery) do_recovery = False # If recovery is requested stop the flow of execution here if do_recovery: LOG.error("Application %s update from version %s to version " "%s aborted." % (to_app.name, from_app.version, to_app.version)) self._perform_app_recover(to_rpc_app, from_app, to_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_update) return False self._update_app_status(to_app, constants.APP_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS, "cleanup application version {}".format(from_app.version)) # App apply/rollback succeeded or it failed but skip_recovery was set # Starting cleanup old application from_app.charts = self._get_list_of_charts(from_app) to_app_charts = [c.release for c in to_app.charts] deployed_releases = helm_utils.retrieve_helm_releases() charts_to_delete = [] for from_chart in from_app.charts: # Cleanup the releases in the old application version # but are not in the new application version if (from_chart.release not in to_app_charts and from_chart.release in deployed_releases): # Deletes secrets that are not in the n+1 app self._fluxcd.run_kubectl_kustomize(constants.KUBECTL_KUSTOMIZE_DELETE, from_chart.chart_os_path) # Send delete request in FluxCD so it doesn't # recreate the helm release self._kube.delete_custom_resource( constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_GROUP, constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_VERSION, from_chart.namespace, constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_PLURAL, from_chart.metadata_name) # Use helm to immediately remove the release helm_utils.delete_helm_release(from_chart.release, from_chart.namespace) LOG.info("Helm release %s for Application %s (%s) deleted" % (from_chart.release, from_app.name, from_app.version)) for to_app_chart in to_app.charts: if from_chart.chart_label == to_app_chart.chart_label \ and from_chart.chart_version \ != to_app_chart.chart_version: charts_to_delete.append(from_chart) self._remove_app_charts_from_repo(from_app._kube_app.id, charts_to_delete) self._cleanup(from_app, app_dir=False) self._utils._patch_report_app_dependencies( from_app.name + '-' + from_app.version) # The initial operation for to_app is successful if operation_successful: self._update_app_status( to_app, constants.APP_APPLY_SUCCESS, constants.APP_PROGRESS_UPDATE_COMPLETED.format( from_app.version, to_app.version)) LOG.info("Application %s update from version %s to version " "%s completed." % (to_app.name, from_app.version, to_app.version)) # The initial operation for to_app failed # This is reached here only when skip_recovery is requested # Need to inform the user else: message = constants.APP_PROGRESS_UPDATE_FAILED_SKIP_RECOVERY.format( to_app.name, from_app.version, to_app.version) self._update_app_status(to_app, constants.APP_APPLY_FAILURE, message) LOG.info(message) except (exception.IncompatibleKubeVersion, exception.KubeAppUploadFailure, exception.KubeAppApplyFailure, exception.KubeAppAbort) as e: # Error occurs during app uploading or applying but before # apply process... # ie.images download/k8s resource creation failure # Start recovering without trigger fluxcd process LOG.exception(e) self._perform_app_recover(to_rpc_app, from_app, to_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_update, fluxcd_process_required=False) return False except Exception as e: # Application update successfully(fluxcd apply/rollback) # Error occurs during cleanup old app # ie. delete app files failure, patch controller failure, # helm release delete failure self._update_app_status( to_app, constants.APP_APPLY_SUCCESS, constants.APP_PROGRESS_UPDATE_COMPLETED.format(from_app.version, to_app.version) + constants.APP_PROGRESS_CLEANUP_FAILED.format(from_app.version) + 'please check logs for detail.') LOG.exception(e) finally: self._deregister_app_abort(to_app.name) self._clear_app_alarm(to_app.name) return True def perform_app_remove(self, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_remove, force=False): """Process application remove request This method invokes fluxcd to delete the application manifest. For system app, it also cleans up old test pods. :param rpc_app: application object in the RPC request :param lifecycle_hook_info_app_remove: LifecycleHookInfo object :param force: If set to True, will set the app state to 'uploaded' instead of 'remove-failed' in case of an error :return boolean: whether application remove was successful """ def demote_desired_state(app): """ Demote application desired state This method demotes applications that were promoted to the 'applied' desired state back to their original desired state. :param app: AppOperator application object """ metadata = self.retrieve_application_metadata_from_file(app.sync_metadata_file) original_desired_state = self.get_desired_state_from_metadata(metadata) self.update_desired_state(app, constants.APP_APPLY_SUCCESS, original_desired_state) app = AppOperator.Application(rpc_app) self._register_app_abort(app.name) self.clear_reapply(app.name) LOG.info("Application (%s) remove started." % app.name) rc = True app.charts = self._get_list_of_charts(app) app.update_active(False) self._update_app_status( app, new_progress=constants.APP_PROGRESS_DELETE_MANIFEST) # Delete helm releases which have a helm operation running. # eg.: pending-install, pending-upgrade, etc. flux_helm_releases = [(c.metadata_name, c.namespace) for c in self._get_list_of_charts(app)] for release, namespace in flux_helm_releases: helm_release_dict = self._kube.get_custom_resource( constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_GROUP, constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_VERSION, namespace, constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_PLURAL, release) if not helm_release_dict: LOG.warning("FluxCD Helm release info for {} is not available".format(release)) continue helm_release_status, _ = self._fluxcd.get_helm_release_status(helm_release_dict) if helm_release_status == self._fluxcd.HELM_RELEASE_STATUS_UNKNOWN: LOG.info("Removing helm release which has an operation in " "progress: {} - {}".format(namespace, release)) # Send delete request in FluxCD so it doesn't recreate the helm # release self._kube.delete_custom_resource( constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_GROUP, constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_VERSION, namespace, constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_PLURAL, release) # Remove resource in Helm helm_utils.delete_helm_release( helm_release_dict['spec']['releaseName'], namespace=namespace) if self._make_app_request(app, constants.APP_REMOVE_OP): # After fluxcd delete, the data for the releases are purged from # tiller/etcd, the releases info for the active app stored in sysinv # db should be set back to 0 and the inactive apps require to be # destroyed too. db_app = self._dbapi.kube_app_get(app.name) app_releases = self._dbapi.kube_app_chart_release_get_all(db_app.id) for r in app_releases: if r.version != 0: self._dbapi.kube_app_chart_release_update( db_app.id, r.release, r.namespace, {'version': 0}) if self._dbapi.kube_app_get_inactive(app.name): self._dbapi.kube_app_destroy(app.name, inactive=True) try: # Restore original desired state if needed demote_desired_state(app) # Perform rbd actions lifecycle_hook_info_app_remove.relative_timing = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TIMING_POST lifecycle_hook_info_app_remove.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_RBD self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_remove) # Perform app resources actions lifecycle_hook_info_app_remove.relative_timing = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TIMING_POST lifecycle_hook_info_app_remove.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_RESOURCE self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_remove) except Exception as e: self._abort_operation(app, constants.APP_REMOVE_OP, forced_operation=force) LOG.exception(e) self._deregister_app_abort(app.name) return False self._update_app_status(app, constants.APP_UPLOAD_SUCCESS, constants.APP_PROGRESS_COMPLETED) # In case there is an existing alarm for previous remove failure self._clear_app_alarm(app.name) LOG.info("Application (%s) remove completed." % app.name) else: if AppOperator.is_app_aborted(app.name): # App is always set to APP_REMOVE_FAILURE if abort is initiated by user. self._abort_operation(app, constants.APP_REMOVE_OP, user_initiated=True, forced_operation=False) else: self._abort_operation(app, constants.APP_REMOVE_OP, forced_operation=force) rc = False self._deregister_app_abort(app.name) return rc def activate(self, rpc_app): app = AppOperator.Application(rpc_app) with self._lock: return app.update_active(True) def deactivate(self, rpc_app): app = AppOperator.Application(rpc_app) with self._lock: return app.update_active(False) def get_appname(self, rpc_app): app = AppOperator.Application(rpc_app) return app.name def is_app_active(self, rpc_app): app = AppOperator.Application(rpc_app) return app.active def perform_app_abort(self, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_abort): """Process application abort request This method retrieves the latest application status from the database and sets the abort flag if the apply/update/remove operation is still in progress. The corresponding app processing thread will check the flag and abort the operation in the very next opportunity. :param rpc_app: application object in the RPC request :param lifecycle_hook_info_app_abort: LifecycleHookInfo object """ app = AppOperator.Application(rpc_app) # Retrieve the latest app status from the database db_app = self._dbapi.kube_app_get(app.name) if db_app.status in [constants.APP_APPLY_IN_PROGRESS, constants.APP_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS, constants.APP_REMOVE_IN_PROGRESS]: # Turn on the abort flag so the processing thread that is # in progress can bail out in the next opportunity. self._set_abort_flag(app.name) else: # Either the previous operation has completed or already failed LOG.info("Abort request ignored. The previous operation for app %s " "has either completed or failed." % app.name) def perform_app_delete(self, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_delete): """Process application remove request This method removes the application entry from the database and performs cleanup which entails removing node labels where applicable and purge all application files from the system. :param rpc_app: application object in the RPC request :param lifecycle_hook_info_app_delete: LifecycleHookInfo object """ app = AppOperator.Application(rpc_app) try: # Perform rbd actions lifecycle_hook_info_app_delete.relative_timing = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TIMING_PRE lifecycle_hook_info_app_delete.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_RBD self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_delete) # Perform app resources actions lifecycle_hook_info_app_delete.relative_timing = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TIMING_PRE lifecycle_hook_info_app_delete.lifecycle_type = constants.APP_LIFECYCLE_TYPE_RESOURCE self.app_lifecycle_actions(None, None, rpc_app, lifecycle_hook_info_app_delete) self._plugins.deactivate_plugins(app) self._dbapi.kube_app_destroy(app.name) app.charts = self._get_list_of_charts(app) self._cleanup(app) self._utils._patch_report_app_dependencies(app.name + '-' + app.version) # One last check of app alarm, should be no-op unless the # user deletes the application following an upload failure. self._clear_app_alarm(app.name) # Remove the deleted app from _apps_metadata, since it's # not in the system anymore. self._remove_from_metadata_dict(app.name) # Remove charts from Helm repository self._remove_app_charts_from_repo(app._kube_app.id, app.charts) LOG.info("Application (%s) has been purged from the system." % app.name) msg = None except Exception as e: # Possible exceptions are KubeAppDeleteFailure, # OSError and unexpectedly KubeAppNotFound LOG.exception(e) msg = str(e) return msg class Application(object): """ Data object to encapsulate all data required to support application related operations. """ def __init__(self, rpc_app): self._kube_app = rpc_app self.id = self._kube_app.get('id') self.tarfile = None self.downloaded_tarfile = False # Directories: Installation specific, local to a controller. Not # synced self.inst_path = os.path.join(constants.APP_INSTALL_PATH, self._kube_app.get('name'), self._kube_app.get('app_version')) self.inst_charts_dir = os.path.join(self.inst_path, 'charts') self.inst_images_dir = os.path.join(self.inst_path, 'images') self.inst_plugins_dir = os.path.join(self.inst_path, 'plugins') # Files: Installation specific, local to a controller. Not synced self.inst_mfile = generate_install_manifest_fqpn( self._kube_app.get('name'), self._kube_app.get('app_version'), self._kube_app.get('manifest_file')) # Directories: DRBD Synced between controllers self.sync_overrides_dir = generate_synced_helm_overrides_dir( self._kube_app.get('name'), self._kube_app.get('app_version')) self.sync_plugins_dir = generate_synced_app_plugins_dir( self._kube_app.get('name'), self._kube_app.get('app_version')) self.sync_fluxcd_manifest_dir = cutils.generate_synced_fluxcd_dir( self._kube_app.get('name'), self._kube_app.get('app_version')) # Files: DRBD synced between controllers self.sync_fluxcd_manifest = cutils.generate_synced_fluxcd_manifests_fqpn( self._kube_app.get('name'), self._kube_app.get('app_version')) self.sync_imgfile = generate_synced_fluxcd_images_fqpn( self._kube_app.get('name'), self._kube_app.get('app_version')) self.sync_metadata_file = cutils.generate_synced_fluxcd_metadata_fqpn( self._kube_app.get('name'), self._kube_app.get('app_version')) self.patch_dependencies = [] self.charts = [] self.releases = [] self.error_message = "" @property def system_app(self): if (os.path.exists(self.sync_plugins_dir) and os.listdir(self.sync_plugins_dir)): return True return False @property def name(self): return self._kube_app.get('name') @property def version(self): return self._kube_app.get('app_version') @property def status(self): return self._kube_app.get('status') @property def progress(self): return self._kube_app.get('progress') @property def active(self): return self._kube_app.get('active') @property def recovery_attempts(self): return self._kube_app.get('recovery_attempts') @property def mode(self): return self._kube_app.get('mode') @property def app_metadata(self): return self._kube_app.get('app_metadata') def update_app_metadata(self, new_metadata): if self.app_metadata != new_metadata: self._kube_app.app_metadata = new_metadata self._kube_app.save() def update_status(self, new_status, new_progress): self._kube_app.status = new_status if new_progress: self._kube_app.progress = new_progress self._kube_app.save() def update_active(self, active): was_active = self.active if active != self.active: self._kube_app.active = active self._kube_app.save() return was_active def update_error_message(self, new_error_message): self.error_message = new_error_message def clear_error_message(self): self.error_message = "" def regenerate_manifest_filename(self, new_mname, new_mfile): self._kube_app.manifest_name = new_mname self._kube_app.manifest_file = new_mfile self.inst_mfile = generate_install_manifest_fqpn( self.name, self.version, new_mfile) self.sync_fluxcd_manifest = cutils.generate_synced_fluxcd_manifests_fqpn( self.name, self.version) def regenerate_application_info(self, new_name, new_version, new_patch_dependencies): self._kube_app.name = new_name self._kube_app.app_version = new_version new_fluxcd_dir = cutils.generate_synced_fluxcd_dir(self.name, self.version) shutil.move(self.sync_fluxcd_manifest_dir, new_fluxcd_dir) shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(self.sync_fluxcd_manifest_dir)) self.sync_fluxcd_manifest_dir = new_fluxcd_dir new_sync_imgfile = generate_synced_fluxcd_images_fqpn(self.name, self.version) new_path = os.path.join( constants.APP_INSTALL_PATH, self.name, self.version) shutil.move(self.inst_path, new_path) shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(self.inst_path)) self.inst_path = new_path self.inst_charts_dir = os.path.join(self.inst_path, 'charts') self.inst_images_dir = os.path.join(self.inst_path, 'images') self.sync_imgfile = new_sync_imgfile self.sync_overrides_dir = generate_synced_helm_overrides_dir(self.name, self.version) self.patch_dependencies = new_patch_dependencies self.inst_plugins_dir = os.path.join(self.inst_path, 'plugins') self.sync_plugins_dir = generate_synced_app_plugins_dir(new_name, new_version) def check_fluxcd_pod_status(self): return self._fluxcd.check_fluxcd_pods_status() class DockerHelper(object): """ Utility class to encapsulate Docker related operations """ def __init__(self, dbapi): self._dbapi = dbapi self._crictl_image_list = [] def _get_crictl_image_list(self): cmd = ['crictl', 'images', '--output=json'] try: output = subprocess.check_output( # pylint: disable=not-callable cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) crictl_output = json.loads(output) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: LOG.error('Could not parse json output, error=%s', e) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: LOG.error('Could not list images, error=%s', e) else: self._crictl_image_list = [] for img in crictl_output['images']: self._crictl_image_list.extend(img['repoTags']) return self._crictl_image_list def set_crictl_image_list(self, image_list): self._crictl_image_list = image_list def _parse_barbican_secret(self, secret_ref): """Get the registry credentials from the barbican secret payload The format of the credentials stored in barbican secret: username:xxx password:xxx :param secret_ref: barbican secret ref/uuid :return: dict of registry credentials """ operator = openstack.OpenStackOperator(self._dbapi) payload = operator.get_barbican_secret_payload(secret_ref) if not payload: raise exception.SysinvException(_( "Unable to get the payload of Barbican secret " "%s" % secret_ref)) try: if not isinstance(payload, str): payload = payload.decode('utf-8') username, password = payload.split() username = username.split('username:')[1] password = password.split('password:')[1] return dict(username=username, password=password) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Unable to parse the secret payload, " "unknown format of the registry secret: %s" % e) raise exception.SysinvException(_( "Unable to parse the secret payload")) def retrieve_specified_registries(self): registries_info = \ copy.deepcopy(constants.DEFAULT_REGISTRIES_INFO) registries_url = {} registries_type = {} registries_auth = {} registries_overrides = {} registries = self._dbapi.service_parameter_get_all( service=constants.SERVICE_TYPE_DOCKER) for r in registries: if r.name == constants.SERVICE_PARAM_NAME_DOCKER_URL: registries_url.update({r.section: str(r.value)}) elif r.name == constants.SERVICE_PARAM_NAME_DOCKER_TYPE: registries_type.update({r.section: str(r.value)}) elif r.name == constants.SERVICE_PARAM_NAME_DOCKER_AUTH_SECRET: registries_auth.update({r.section: str(r.value)}) elif r.name == constants.SERVICE_PARAM_NAME_DOCKER_ADDITIONAL_OVERRIDES: registries_overrides.update({r.section: str(r.value)}) if not registries_url: # return directly if no user specified registries return registries_info for section, url in registries_url.items(): try: registries_info[section]['registry_replaced'] = str(url) if section in registries_overrides: registries_info[section]['registry_default'] = \ registries_overrides[section] if section in registries_auth: secret_ref = registries_auth[section] if secret_ref != 'None': # If user specified registry requires the # authentication, get the registry auth # from barbican secret auth = self._parse_barbican_secret(secret_ref) if (section in registries_type and registries_type[section] == constants.DOCKER_REGISTRY_TYPE_AWS_ECR): auth = cutils.get_aws_ecr_registry_credentials( self._dbapi, url, auth['username'], auth['password']) registries_info[section]['registry_auth'] = auth except exception.SysinvException: raise exception.SysinvException(_( "Unable to get the credentials to access " "registry %s" % url)) except KeyError: # Unexpected pass return registries_info def _get_img_tag_with_registry(self, pub_img_tag, registries_info): """Regenerate public image tag with user specified registries An example of passed public image reference: docker.io/starlingx/stx-keystone:latest """ if registries_info == constants.DEFAULT_REGISTRIES_INFO: # return if no user specified registries return pub_img_tag, None for registry_info in registries_info.values(): registry_auth = registry_info['registry_auth'] if pub_img_tag.startswith(registry_info['registry_default']): registry = registry_info['registry_replaced'] if registry: img_name = pub_img_tag.split( registry_info['registry_default'])[1] return registry + img_name, registry_auth return pub_img_tag, registry_auth elif pub_img_tag.startswith(registry_info['registry_replaced']): return pub_img_tag, registry_auth # In case the image is overridden via "system helm-override-update" # with a custom registry that is not from any of the known registries # (ie..k8s.gcr.io, gcr.io, quay.io, docker.io. docker.elastic.co) # , pull directly from the custom registry (Note: The custom registry # must be unauthenticated in this case.) return pub_img_tag, None def download_an_image(self, app, registries_info, img_tag): rc = True if not self._crictl_image_list: self._get_crictl_image_list() start = time.time() if img_tag.startswith(constants.DOCKER_REGISTRY_HOST): try: if AppOperator.is_app_aborted(app.name): LOG.info("User aborted. Skipping download of image %s " % img_tag) return img_tag, False if img_tag not in self._crictl_image_list: LOG.info("Image %s download started from local registry" % img_tag) local_registry_auth = cutils.get_local_docker_registry_auth() auth = '{0}:{1}'.format(local_registry_auth['username'], local_registry_auth['password']) subprocess.check_call( # pylint: disable=not-callable ["crictl", "pull", "--creds", auth, img_tag]) else: LOG.info("Image %s exists in the local registry" % img_tag) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: try: # Pull the image from the public/private registry LOG.info("Image %s is not available in local registry, " "download started from public/private registry" % img_tag) pub_img_tag = img_tag.replace( constants.DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER + "/", "") target_img_tag, registry_auth = \ self._get_img_tag_with_registry(pub_img_tag, registries_info) client = docker.APIClient( timeout=constants.APP_INSTALLATION_TIMEOUT) client.pull(target_img_tag, auth_config=registry_auth) except Exception as e: # Store the error in the app object for use in def _abort_operation app.update_error_message("Failed to download image: " + target_img_tag) rc = False LOG.error("Image %s download failed from public/private" "registry: %s" % (img_tag, e)) return img_tag, rc try: # Tag and push the image to the local registry client.tag(target_img_tag, img_tag) # admin password may be changed by openstack client cmd in parallel. # So we cannot cache auth info, need refresh it each time. local_registry_auth = cutils.get_local_docker_registry_auth() client.push(img_tag, auth_config=local_registry_auth) except Exception as e: rc = False LOG.error("Image %s push failed to local registry: %s" % (img_tag, e)) return img_tag, rc try: # remove docker container image after it is pushed to local registry. LOG.info("Remove image %s after push to local registry." % (target_img_tag)) client.remove_image(target_img_tag) client.remove_image(img_tag) except Exception as e: LOG.warning("Image %s remove failed: %s" % (target_img_tag, e)) except Exception as e: rc = False LOG.error("Image %s download failed from local registry: %s" % (img_tag, e)) else: try: LOG.info("Image %s download started from public/private registry" % img_tag) client = docker.APIClient(timeout=constants.APP_INSTALLATION_TIMEOUT) target_img_tag, registry_auth = \ self._get_img_tag_with_registry(img_tag, registries_info) client.pull(target_img_tag, auth_config=registry_auth) client.tag(target_img_tag, img_tag) except Exception as e: rc = False LOG.error("Image %s download failed from public/private registry: %s" % (img_tag, e)) elapsed_time = time.time() - start if rc: LOG.info("Image %s download succeeded in %d seconds" % (img_tag, elapsed_time)) return img_tag, rc class AppImageParser(object): """Utility class to help find images for an application""" TAG_LIST = ['tag', 'imageTag', 'imagetag'] def _find_images_in_dict(self, var_dict): """A generator to find image references in a nested dictionary. Supported image formats in app: 1. images: tags: 2. images: 3. image: 4. image: repository: tag: 5. image: imageTag(tag/imagetag): 6. image: registry: repository: :param var_dict: dict :return: a list of image references """ if isinstance(var_dict, dict): for k, v in six.iteritems(var_dict): dict_key = k if isinstance(dict_key, str): dict_key = dict_key.lower() if dict_key == 'images': try: yield {k: {'tags': v['tags']}} except (KeyError, TypeError): if v and isinstance(v, dict): yield {k: v} pass elif dict_key == 'image': try: image = {} keys = v.keys() if 'repository' in keys: image.update({'repository': v['repository']}) if 'registry' in keys: image.update({'repository': '{}/{}'.format( v['registry'], v['repository'])}) if 'tag' in keys: image.update({'tag': v['tag']}) if image: yield {k: image} except (KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError): if isinstance(v, str) or v is None: yield {k: v} elif dict_key in self.TAG_LIST: if isinstance(v, str) or v is None: yield {k: v} elif isinstance(v, dict): for result in self._find_images_in_dict(v): yield {k: result} def find_images_in_dict(self, var_dict): """Find image references in a nested dictionary. This function is used to find images from helm chart, chart overrides file and manifest file. :param var_dict: dict :return: a dict of image references """ images_dict = {} images = list(self._find_images_in_dict(var_dict)) for img in images: images_dict = self.merge_dict(images_dict, img) return images_dict def merge_dict(self, source_dict, overrides_dict): """Recursively merge two nested dictionaries. The 'overrides_dict' is merged into 'source_dict'. """ for k, v in six.iteritems(overrides_dict): if isinstance(v, dict): source_dict[k] = self.merge_dict( source_dict.get(k, {}), v) else: source_dict[k] = v return source_dict def update_images_with_local_registry(self, imgs_dict): """Update image references with local registry prefix. :param imgs_dict: a dict of images :return: a dict of images with local registry prefix """ if not isinstance(imgs_dict, dict): raise exception.SysinvException(_( "Unable to update images with local registry " "prefix: %s is not a dict." % imgs_dict)) for k, v in six.iteritems(imgs_dict): if v and isinstance(v, str): if (not re.search(r'^.+:.+/', v) and k not in self.TAG_LIST): if not cutils.is_valid_domain_name(v[:v.find('/')]): # Explicitly specify 'docker.io' in the image v = '{}/{}'.format( constants.DEFAULT_DOCKER_DOCKER_REGISTRY, v) v = '{}/{}'.format(constants.DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER, v) imgs_dict[k] = v elif isinstance(v, dict): self.update_images_with_local_registry(v) return imgs_dict def generate_download_images_list(self, download_imgs_dict, download_imgs_list): """Generate a list of images that is required to be downloaded. """ if not isinstance(download_imgs_dict, dict): raise exception.SysinvException(_( "Unable to generate download images list: %s " "is not a dict." % download_imgs_dict)) for k, v in six.iteritems(download_imgs_dict): dict_key = k if isinstance(dict_key, str): dict_key = dict_key.lower() if dict_key == 'images': try: imgs = [_f for _f in v['tags'].values() if _f] download_imgs_list.extend(imgs) except (KeyError, TypeError): if v and isinstance(v, dict): imgs = [_f for _f in v.values() if _f and not isinstance(_f, dict)] download_imgs_list.extend(imgs) pass elif dict_key == 'image': try: img = v['repository'] + ':' + v['tag'] except (KeyError, TypeError): img = '' if v and isinstance(v, str): img = v for t in self.TAG_LIST: if t in download_imgs_dict and download_imgs_dict[t]: img = img + ':' + download_imgs_dict[t] break if re.search(r'/.+:.+$', img): download_imgs_list.append(img) elif isinstance(v, dict): self.generate_download_images_list(v, download_imgs_list) return list(set(download_imgs_list)) class PluginHelper(object): """ Utility class to help manage application plugin lifecycle """ # An enabled plugin will have a python path configuration file name with the # following format: stx_app-platform-integ-apps-1.0-8.pth PTH_PREFIX = 'stx_app-' PTH_PATTERN = re.compile("{}/([\w-]+)/(\d+\.\d+-\d+.*)/plugins".format( common.HELM_OVERRIDES_PATH)) def __init__(self, dbapi, helm_op): self._dbapi = dbapi self._helm_op = helm_op self._system_path = STX_APP_PLUGIN_PATH def _get_pth_fqpn(self, app): return "{}/{}{}-{}.pth".format( self._system_path, self.PTH_PREFIX, app.name, app.version) def audit_plugins(self): """ Verify that only enabled application plugins are discoverable """ pattern = '{}/{}*.pth'.format(self._system_path, self.PTH_PREFIX) discoverable_pths = glob.glob(pattern) LOG.debug("PluginHelper: Discoverable app plugins: %s" % discoverable_pths) # Examine existing pth files to make sure they are still valid for pth in discoverable_pths: with open(pth, 'r') as f: contents = f.readlines() if len(contents) == 1: LOG.debug("PluginHelper: Plugin Path: %s" % contents[0]) match = self.PTH_PATTERN.match(contents[0]) if match: app = match.group(1) ver = match.group(2) try: app_obj = self._dbapi.kube_app_get(app) if app_obj.app_version == ver: LOG.info("PluginHelper: App %s, version %s: Found " "valid plugin" % (app, ver)) continue else: LOG.warning("PluginHelper: Stale plugin pth file " "found %s: Wrong plugin version " "enabled %s != %s." % ( pth, ver, app_obj.app_version)) except exception.KubeAppNotFound: LOG.warning("PluginHelper: Stale plugin pth file found" " %s: App is not active." % pth) else: LOG.warning("PluginHelper: Invalid pth file %s: Invalid " "name or version." % pth) else: LOG.warning("PluginHelper: Invalid pth file %s: Only one path" " is expected." % pth) LOG.info("PluginHelper: Removing invalid plugin pth: %s" % pth) os.remove(pth) self.activate_apps_plugins() def activate_apps_plugins(self): # Examine existing applications in an applying/restoring state and make # sure they are activated apps = self._dbapi.kube_app_get_all() for app in apps: # If the app is in some form of apply/restore the the plugins # should be enabled if app.status in [constants.APP_APPLY_IN_PROGRESS, constants.APP_APPLY_SUCCESS, constants.APP_APPLY_FAILURE, constants.APP_RESTORE_REQUESTED]: try: self.activate_plugins(AppOperator.Application(app)) except exception.SysinvException: LOG.exception("Error while loading plugins for {}".format(app.name)) def install_plugins(self, app): """ Install application plugins. """ # An app may be packaged with multiple wheels, discover and install them # in the synced app plugin directory pattern = '{}/*.whl'.format(app.inst_plugins_dir) discovered_whls = glob.glob(pattern) if not discovered_whls: LOG.info("PluginHelper: %s does not contains any platform plugins." % app.name) return if not os.path.isdir(app.sync_plugins_dir): LOG.info("PluginHelper: Creating %s plugin directory %s." % ( app.name, app.sync_plugins_dir)) os.makedirs(app.sync_plugins_dir) for whl in discovered_whls: LOG.info("PluginHelper: Installing %s plugin %s to %s." % ( app.name, whl, app.sync_plugins_dir)) with zipfile.ZipFile(whl) as zf: zf.extractall(app.sync_plugins_dir) def uninstall_plugins(self, app): """ Uninstall application plugins.""" if os.path.isdir(app.sync_plugins_dir): try: LOG.info("PluginHelper: Removing plugin directory %s" % app.sync_plugins_dir) shutil.rmtree(app.sync_plugins_dir) except OSError: LOG.exception("PluginHelper: Failed to remove plugin directory:" " %s" % app.sync_plugins_dir) else: LOG.info("PluginHelper: Plugin directory %s does not exist. No " "need to remove." % app.sync_plugins_dir) def activate_plugins(self, app): pth_fqpn = self._get_pth_fqpn(app) # Check if plugins are available for the given app and already loaded if app.system_app and app.sync_plugins_dir in site.removeduppaths(): return # If a plugin path does not exist but a .pth files does then raise an # exception because the path was supposed to be available at this point. # If a plugin path does exist then activate the plugins. # Otherwise, the app does not have any plugins and activation should # be skipped. # Note: If app.system_app equals true that implies that app.sync_plugins_dir # exists and is readable. if not app.system_app and os.path.isfile(pth_fqpn): raise exception.SysinvException(_( "Error while activating plugins for {}. " "File {} was found but the required plugin " "directory {} does not exist." .format(app.name, pth_fqpn, app.sync_plugins_dir))) elif app.system_app: # Add a .pth file to a site-packages directory so the plugin is picked # automatically on a conductor restart if not os.path.isfile(pth_fqpn): with open(pth_fqpn, 'w') as f: f.write(app.sync_plugins_dir + '\n') LOG.info("PluginHelper: Enabled plugin directory %s: created %s" % ( app.sync_plugins_dir, pth_fqpn)) # Make sure the sys.path reflects enabled plugins Add the plugin to # sys.path site.addsitedir(app.sync_plugins_dir) # Find the distribution and add it to the resources working set for d in pkg_resources.find_distributions(app.sync_plugins_dir, only=True): pkg_resources.working_set.add(d, entry=None, insert=True, replace=True) if self._helm_op: self._helm_op.discover_plugins() def deactivate_plugins(self, app): # If the application doesn't have any plugins, skip deactivation if not app.system_app: return if self._helm_op: LOG.info("PluginHelper: Purge cache for plugins located" " in directory %s " % app.sync_plugins_dir) # purge this plugin from the stevedore plugin cache so this version # of the plugin endpoints are not discoverable self._helm_op.purge_cache_by_location(app.sync_plugins_dir) pth_fqpn = self._get_pth_fqpn(app) if os.path.exists(pth_fqpn): # Remove the pth file, so on a conductor restart this installed # plugin is not discoverable try: os.remove(pth_fqpn) LOG.info("PluginHelper: Disabled plugin directory %s: removed " "%s" % (app.sync_plugins_dir, pth_fqpn)) except OSError: # Not present, should be, but continue on... pass # Make sure the sys.path reflects only enabled plugins try: sys.path.remove(app.sync_plugins_dir) except ValueError: # Not present, should be, but continue on... LOG.warning("sys.path (%s) is missing plugin (%s)" % ( sys.path, app.sync_plugins_dir)) # Determine distributions installed by this plugin plugins_realpath = os.path.realpath(app.sync_plugins_dir) if plugins_realpath in pkg_resources.working_set.entry_keys: plugin_distributions = pkg_resources.working_set.entry_keys[plugins_realpath] LOG.info("PluginHelper: Disabling distributions: %s" % plugin_distributions) # Clean up the distribution(s) module names module_name_cleanup = [] for module_name, value in six.iteritems(sys.modules): for distribution in plugin_distributions: distribution_module_name = distribution.replace('-', '_') if ((module_name == distribution_module_name) or (module_name.startswith(distribution_module_name + '.'))): LOG.debug("PluginHelper: Removing module name: %s: %s" % (module_name, value)) module_name_cleanup.append(module_name) for module_name in module_name_cleanup: del sys.modules[module_name] # Clean up the working set for distribution in plugin_distributions: try: del pkg_resources.working_set.by_key[distribution] except KeyError: LOG.warn("Plugin distribution %s not enabled for version %s" ", but expected to be. Continuing with plugin " "deactivation." % (distribution, app.version)) try: del pkg_resources.working_set.entry_keys[plugins_realpath] except Exception: pass try: pkg_resources.working_set.entries.remove(plugins_realpath) except Exception: pass if plugins_realpath != app.sync_plugins_dir: try: del pkg_resources.working_set.entry_keys[app.sync_plugins_dir] except Exception: pass try: pkg_resources.working_set.entries.remove(app.sync_plugins_dir) except Exception: pass class FluxCDHelper(object): """ FluxCD class to encapsulate FluxCD related operations """ HELM_RELEASE_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 'Unknown' def __init__(self, dbapi, kube): self._dbapi = dbapi self._kube = kube def make_fluxcd_operation(self, operation, manifest_dir=""): self.check_fluxcd_pods_status() LOG.info("Doing FluxCD operation %s with the following manifest: %s" % (operation, manifest_dir)) rc = True try: if operation == constants.APP_APPLY_OP: rc = self._apply(manifest_dir) if rc: rc = self._cleanup_disabled_helm_releases(manifest_dir) else: LOG.error("Applying %s failed. Skipping helm release " "cleanup..." % manifest_dir) elif operation in [constants.APP_DELETE_OP, constants.APP_REMOVE_OP]: rc = self._delete(manifest_dir) elif operation == constants.APP_ROLLBACK_OP: pass elif operation == constants.APP_VALIDATE_OP: self._validate(manifest_dir) else: LOG.error("Unsupported FluxCD app operation %s" % operation) rc = False except Exception as e: LOG.error("FluxCD operation %s failed for manifest %s : %s" % (operation, manifest_dir, e)) rc = False kubectl_apply_time = time.time() return rc, kubectl_apply_time def run_kubectl_kustomize(self, operation_type, manifest_dir): if operation_type == constants.KUBECTL_KUSTOMIZE_VALIDATE: cmd = ['kubectl', '--kubeconfig', kubernetes.KUBERNETES_ADMIN_CONF, constants.KUBECTL_KUSTOMIZE_APPLY, '-k', manifest_dir, '--dry-run=server'] elif operation_type == constants.KUBECTL_KUSTOMIZE_DELETE: cmd = ['kubectl', '--kubeconfig', kubernetes.KUBERNETES_ADMIN_CONF, operation_type, '-k', manifest_dir, '--ignore-not-found=true'] else: cmd = ['kubectl', '--kubeconfig', kubernetes.KUBERNETES_ADMIN_CONF, operation_type, '-k', manifest_dir] process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) _, stderr = process.communicate() if process.returncode == 0 and stderr: LOG.warning("Command: %s; %s" % (' '.join(cmd), stderr)) if process.returncode != 0: LOG.error("Command: %s; Error: %s" % (' '.join(cmd), stderr)) return False return True def _apply(self, manifest_dir): return self.run_kubectl_kustomize(constants.KUBECTL_KUSTOMIZE_APPLY, manifest_dir) def _delete(self, manifest_dir): return self.run_kubectl_kustomize(constants.KUBECTL_KUSTOMIZE_DELETE, manifest_dir) def _validate(self, manifest_dir): return self.run_kubectl_kustomize(constants.KUBECTL_KUSTOMIZE_VALIDATE, manifest_dir) def _rollback(self, manifest_dir): pass def check_pod_running_and_ready_probe(self, pod): """Pod is of the form returned by self._kube.kube_get_pods_by_selector. Returns: true if last probe shows the container is in 'Ready' state. """ conditions = list([x for x in pod.status.conditions if x.type == 'Ready']) if not conditions: return False return conditions[0].status == 'True' def check_pod_completed(self, pod): """Pod is of the form returned by self._kube.kube_get_pods_by_selector. Returns: true if last probe shows the container 'Ready' status is False and the reason is PodCompleted """ conditions = list([x for x in pod.status.conditions if x.type == 'Ready']) if not conditions: return False return (conditions[0].status == 'False' and conditions[0].reason == 'PodCompleted') def verify_pods_status_for_release(self, chart_obj): """ chart_obj has the information required to query for pods associated with the chart release Returns: if the release is ready (True/False) """ # On AIO-SX an issue may be seen # (https://github.com/fluxcd/helm-controller/issues/81) during chart # install. Basically, the status of helmrelease ends up with ready but # the pods are not actually ready/running. # # This is due to helm upstream issues: # - https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/3173, # - https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/5814, # - https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/8660. # # To solve this we need to check if the pods of the helm chart are # ready/running using the kubernetes python client # Nothing to worry about in a non AIO-SX install if not cutils.is_aio_simplex_system(self._dbapi): return True # Get all pods with the appropriate label label_selector = "app.kubernetes.io/name={}".format(chart_obj["chart_label"]) pods = self._kube.kube_get_pods_by_selector(chart_obj["namespace"], label_selector, "") if not pods: return True for pod in pods: completed = self.check_pod_completed(pod) running_and_ready = self.check_pod_running_and_ready_probe(pod) LOG.info("Pod {} has been found with label {}: Completed?: {}, " "Running/Ready?: {}".format(pod.metadata.name, label_selector, completed, running_and_ready)) if not completed and not running_and_ready: return False return True # TODO (lfagunde): # Some methods in this class receive helm_chart_dict as a parameter. # Can move the call to _kube.get_custom_resource() into these functions # or create a helper function inside the class for it. def get_helm_release_status(self, helm_release_dict, condition_type="Released"): """helm_release_dict is of the form returned by _kube.get_custom_resource(). Returns: 'status' of the release (Unlnown,True,False) and 'message' associated with the status """ if "status" in helm_release_dict and "conditions" in helm_release_dict["status"]: conditions = list([x for x in helm_release_dict['status']['conditions'] if x['type'] == condition_type]) if not conditions: return self.HELM_RELEASE_STATUS_UNKNOWN, None return conditions[0]['status'], conditions[0].get('message') else: return self.HELM_RELEASE_STATUS_UNKNOWN, None def _cleanup_disabled_helm_releases(self, manifest_dir): helmrelease_cleanup_fqpn = os.path.join( manifest_dir, constants.APP_RELEASE_CLEANUP_FILE) # See if we have any helm releases that we must make sure are cleaned up if not os.path.exists(helmrelease_cleanup_fqpn): return True with io.open(helmrelease_cleanup_fqpn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: helmrelease_doc = list(yaml.load_all(f, Loader=yaml.RoundTripLoader, preserve_quotes=True)) for release in helmrelease_doc[0]['releases']: try: if self._kube.get_custom_resource( constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_GROUP, constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_VERSION, release["namespace"], constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_PLURAL, release['name']): self._kube.delete_custom_resource( constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_GROUP, constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_VERSION, release["namespace"], constants.FLUXCD_CRD_HELM_REL_PLURAL, release['name']) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Attemting to cleanup HelmRelease {}/{} " "failed".format(release["namespace"], release['name'])) LOG.exception(e) return False return True def _check_fluxcd_pod_status(self, pod_label): """ Check if a FluxCD pod is ready given its app label. Log an error if it is not ready. """ try: pods = self._kube.kube_get_pods_by_selector(constants.FLUXCD_NAMESPACE, "app={}".format(pod_label), "") except Exception: LOG.error("Could not check if FluxCD pod with with label {} is running on {} namespace" .format(pod_label, constants.FLUXCD_NAMESPACE)) return False if not pods: LOG.warning("No FluxCD pods found on {} namespace with label {}" .format(constants.FLUXCD_NAMESPACE, pod_label)) return False for pod in pods: if not self.check_pod_running_and_ready_probe(pod): LOG.warning("FluxCD pod {} is not ready. Phase: {}. Message: {}" .format(pod.metadata.name, pod.status.phase, pod.status.message)) return False return True def check_fluxcd_pods_status(self): """ Check if helm-controller and source-controller pods are ready. Return False if they are not. """ if self._check_fluxcd_pod_status(constants.FLUXCD_HELM_CONTROLLER_LABEL) and \ self._check_fluxcd_pod_status(constants.FLUXCD_SOURCE_CONTROLLER_LABEL): return True else: return False