#!/bin/bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation # Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # # This script is to rotate kubernetes cluster certificates automatically # # Renew certificates 15 days before expiration declare -r CUTOFF_DAYS=15 declare -r CUTOFF_DAYS_S=$((${CUTOFF_DAYS}*24*3600)) # Temporary working directory TEMP_WORK_DIR="/tmp/kube_cert_rotation" # Expiration date of k8s certs # Tries ga command version, failing over to alpha command kubeadm certs &> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then CERT_CMD='certs' else CERT_CMD='alpha certs' fi CERT_EXP_DATES=$(kubeadm $CERT_CMD check-expiration) # Time left in seconds for a cert time_left_s() { local time_left_s="" local exp_date="" exp_date=$(echo "${CERT_EXP_DATES}" | grep "$1" | grep -oE '[a-zA-Z]{3} [0-3][0-9], [0-9]{4} ([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9] UTC') if [ "x${exp_date}" != "x" ]; then exp_date_s=$(date -d "${exp_date}" +%s) current_date_s=$(date +%s) time_left_s=$((${exp_date_s}-${current_date_s})) fi echo ${time_left_s} } # Retrieve a certiticate's valid time by openssl time_left_s_by_openssl() { local time_left_s="" local exp_date="" exp_date=$(openssl x509 -in "$1" -enddate -noout| awk -F"=" '{print $2}') if [ "x${exp_date}" != "x" ]; then exp_date_s=$(date -d "${exp_date}" +%s) current_date_s=$(date +%s) time_left_s=$((${exp_date_s}-${current_date_s})) fi echo ${time_left_s} } # Renew kubernetes certificates # return value: # 0: renewed successfully # 255: no need to renew # 1: renewal failed renew_cert() { local ret=0 local time_left_s="" time_left_s=$(time_left_s "$1") if [ "x${time_left_s}" != "x" ]; then if [ ${time_left_s} -lt ${CUTOFF_DAYS_S} ]; then kubeadm $CERT_CMD renew $1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ret=1 fi else ret=255 fi else ret=1 fi return ${ret} } # Renew certificate using openssl # return value: # 0: renewed successfully # 255: no need to renew # 1: renewal failed renew_cert_by_openssl() { local ret=0 local time_left_s="" if [ ! -f "$1/$2.crt" ]; then return 255 fi time_left_s=$(time_left_s_by_openssl "$1/$2.crt") if [ "x${time_left_s}" != "x" ]; then if [ ${time_left_s} -lt ${CUTOFF_DAYS_S} ]; then # Create csr config file echo "$3" > "${TEMP_WORK_DIR}/$2_csr.conf" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ret=1 fi # generate private key if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then openssl genpkey -out "${TEMP_WORK_DIR}/$2.key" -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ret=1 fi fi # generate CSR if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then openssl req -new -key "${TEMP_WORK_DIR}/$2.key" -out "${TEMP_WORK_DIR}/$2.csr" -config "${TEMP_WORK_DIR}/$2_csr.conf" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ret=1 fi fi # generate certificate if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then openssl x509 -req -in "${TEMP_WORK_DIR}/$2.csr" -CA /etc/etcd/ca.crt -CAkey /etc/etcd/ca.key -CAcreateserial \ -out "${TEMP_WORK_DIR}/$2.crt" -days 365 -extensions v3_req -extfile "${TEMP_WORK_DIR}/$2_csr.conf" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ret=1 fi fi # replace the existing cert file if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then mv "${TEMP_WORK_DIR}/$2.crt" "$1/$2.crt" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ret=1 fi fi # replace the existing key file if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then mv "${TEMP_WORK_DIR}/$2.key" "$1/$2.key" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ret=1 fi fi else ret=255 fi else ret=1 fi return ${ret} } # Get cluster host floating IP address get_cluster_host_floating_ip() { local floating_ip="" floating_ip=$(cat /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf | grep "server:" | awk -F"//" '{print $2}' | tr -d "[]" | sed -e s/:6443//) echo ${floating_ip} } ERR=0 RESTART_APISERVER=0 RESTART_CONTROLLER_MANAGER=0 RESTART_SCHEDULER=0 RESTART_SYSINV=0 RESTART_CERT_MON=0 RESTART_ETCD=0 # step 1, renew kubernetes certificates # Renew apiserver certificate if [ ${ERR} -eq 0 ]; then # The extra space in 'apiserver ' is to distinguish other names with apiserver in them. renew_cert 'apiserver ' result=$? if [ ${result} -eq 0 ]; then RESTART_APISERVER=1 elif [ ${result} -eq 1 ]; then ERR=1 fi fi # Renew apiserver kubelet client certificate if [ ${ERR} -eq 0 ]; then renew_cert 'apiserver-kubelet-client' result=$? if [ ${result} -eq 0 ]; then RESTART_APISERVER=1 elif [ ${result} -eq 1 ]; then ERR=1 fi fi # Renew front proxy client certificate if [ ${ERR} -eq 0 ]; then renew_cert 'front-proxy-client' if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then ERR=1 fi fi # Renew certs in admin.conf if [ ${ERR} -eq 0 ]; then renew_cert 'admin.conf' result=$? if [ ${result} -eq 0 ]; then RESTART_SYSINV=1 RESTART_CERT_MON=1 elif [ ${result} -eq 1 ]; then ERR=1 fi fi # Renew certs in controller-manager.conf if [ ${ERR} -eq 0 ]; then renew_cert 'controller-manager.conf' result=$? if [ ${result} -eq 0 ]; then RESTART_CONTROLLER_MANAGER=1 elif [ ${result} -eq 1 ]; then ERR=1 fi fi # Renew certs in scheduler.conf if [ ${ERR} -eq 0 ]; then renew_cert 'scheduler.conf' result=$? if [ ${result} -eq 0 ]; then RESTART_SCHEDULER=1 elif [ ${result} -eq 1 ]; then ERR=1 fi fi # Create temporary working directory if [ ${ERR} -eq 0 ]; then mkdir -p ${TEMP_WORK_DIR} chmod 0600 ${TEMP_WORK_DIR} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ERR=1 fi fi # Get cluster host floating IP address if [ ${ERR} -eq 0 ]; then floating_ip=$(get_cluster_host_floating_ip) if [ "x${floating_ip}" == "x" ]; then ERR=1 fi fi # Renew apiserver-etcd-client certificate if [ ${ERR} -eq 0 ]; then config=" [req] prompt = no x509_extensions = v3_req distinguished_name = dn [dn] CN = apiserver-etcd-client [v3_req] keyUsage = critical, Digital Signature, Key Encipherment extendedKeyUsage = TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication subjectAltName = @alt_names [alt_names] IP.1 = ${floating_ip} IP.2 = " renew_cert_by_openssl "/etc/kubernetes/pki" "apiserver-etcd-client" "${config}" result=$? if [ ${result} -eq 0 ]; then RESTART_APISERVER=1 elif [ ${result} -eq 1 ]; then ERR=1 fi fi # Renew etcd-server certificate if [ ${ERR} -eq 0 ]; then config=" [req] prompt = no x509_extensions = v3_req distinguished_name = dn [dn] CN = etcd-server [v3_req] keyUsage = critical, Digital Signature, Key Encipherment extendedKeyUsage = TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication subjectAltName = @alt_names [alt_names] IP.1 = ${floating_ip} IP.2 = " renew_cert_by_openssl "/etc/etcd" "etcd-server" "${config}" result=$? if [ ${result} -eq 0 ]; then RESTART_ETCD=1 elif [ ${result} -eq 1 ]; then ERR=1 fi fi # Renew etcd-client certificate if [ ${ERR} -eq 0 ]; then config=" [req] prompt = no x509_extensions = v3_req distinguished_name = dn [dn] CN = root [v3_req] keyUsage = critical, Digital Signature, Key Encipherment extendedKeyUsage = TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication subjectAltName = @alt_names [alt_names] DNS.1 = root " renew_cert_by_openssl "/etc/etcd" "etcd-client" "${config}" result=$? if [ ${result} -eq 1 ]; then ERR=1 fi fi # Remove temporary working directory rm -rf ${TEMP_WORK_DIR} # step 2, restart affected kubernetes components and system services # Restart apiserver if [ ${RESTART_APISERVER} -eq 1 ]; then crictl ps | awk '/kube-apiserver/{print$1}' | xargs crictl stop > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ERR=2 fi fi # Restart controller-manager if [ ${RESTART_CONTROLLER_MANAGER} -eq 1 ]; then crictl ps | awk '/kube-controller-manager/{print$1}' | xargs crictl stop > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ERR=2 fi fi # Restart scheduler if [ ${RESTART_SCHEDULER} -eq 1 ]; then crictl ps | awk '/kube-scheduler/{print$1}' | xargs crictl stop > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ERR=2 fi fi # Restart sysinv services, both conductor and api, since both are using # credentials from admin.conf. Command sm-restart-safe only restarts # sysinv-conductor. Command sm-restart will restart sysinv-conductor # and its dependencies, meaning all sysinv services. if [ ${RESTART_SYSINV} -eq 1 ]; then sm-restart service sysinv-conductor if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ERR=2 fi fi # Restart cert-mon since it's using credentials from admin.conf if [ ${RESTART_CERT_MON} -eq 1 ]; then sm-restart-safe service cert-mon if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ERR=2 fi fi # Restart etcd server if [ ${RESTART_ETCD} -eq 1 ]; then sm-restart-safe service etcd if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ERR=2 fi fi if [ ${ERR} -eq 2 ]; then # Notify admin to lock and unlock this master node if restart k8s components failed /usr/local/bin/fmClientCli -c "### ###250.003###set###host###host=${HOSTNAME}### ###major###Kubernetes certificates have been renewed but not all services have been updated.###operational-violation### ###Lock and unlock the host to update services with new certificates (Manually renew kubernetes certificates first if renewal failed).### ### ###" elif [ ${ERR} -eq 1 ]; then # Notify admin to renew kube cert manually and restart services by lock/unlock if cert renew or config failed /usr/local/bin/fmClientCli -c "### ###250.003###set###host###host=${HOSTNAME}### ###major###Kubernetes certificates renewal failed.###operational-violation### ###Lock and unlock the host to update services with new certificates (Manually renew kubernetes certificates first if renewal failed).### ### ###" else # Clear the alarm if cert rotation completed # Check if alarm exist first before deleting. fmClientCli -A returns 0 when found and 255 when not found /usr/local/bin/fmClientCli -A "250.003" &> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /usr/local/bin/fmClientCli -d "###250.003###host=${HOSTNAME}###" fi fi